Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
- An Incursion of O ff-EquatorialSubsurface Cold Water and Its Role in Triggering the“Double Dip”La Ni?na Event of 2011
- Analysis and Evaluation of the GlobalAerosolOpticalProperties Simulated by an Online Aerosol-coup led Non-hydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric M odel
- The Im pact of Surface Properties on Downward Surface Shortwave Radiation over the Tibetan Plateau
- Structures and Characteristics of the W indy Atmospheric Boundary Layer in the South China Sea Region during Cold Surges
- Influence of Positive and Negative Indian Ocean Dipoles on ENSO via the Indonesian Throughflow:Results from Sensitivity Experiments
- Asian Summer M onsoon Onset in Simulations and CM IP5 Projections Using Four Chinese Climate M odels
- A Diagnostic Analysis on the Effectof the Residual Layer in Convective Boundary Layer Development near M ongolia Using 20th Century Reanalysis Data
- Deep Convective Clouds over the Northern Pacific and Their Relationship w ith Oceanic Cyclones
- Projections of the Advance in the Startof the Grow ing Season during the 21st Century Based on CM IP5 Simulations
- Precipitation Changes in Wetand Dry Seasons over the 20th Century Simulated by Two Versions of the FGOALS M odel
- Numerical Simulations of Heavy Rainfallover Central Korea on 21 Sep tember 2010 Using the WRF M odel
- Dryland Expansion in Northern China from 1948 to 2008
- Characterization of Organic Aerosols in Beijing Using an Aerodyne High-Resolution Aerosol M ass Spectrometer