Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
- Current Climate Data Rescue Activities in Australia
- The InternationalRadiation Sym posium 2016
- Simulation by CM IP5M odelsof the Atlantic M ultidecadal Oscillation and ItsClimate Im pacts
- The Upstream“Strong Signals”of theWater Vapor Transport over the Tibetan Plateau during a Heavy Rainfall Event in the Yangtze River Basin
- Characterizing the Urban Tem perature Trend Using SeasonalUnit Root Analysis:Hong Kong from 1970 to 2015
- Role of the Oceanic Channel in the Relationshipsbetween the Basin/DipoleM ode of SST Anomalies in the Tropical Indian Ocean and ENSO Transition
- AnomalousWestern Pacif c SubtropicalHigh during Late Summer in Weak La Ni?na Years:Contrastbetween 1981 and 2013
- M odulation of TropicalCyclogenesis in theWestern North Pacif c by the Quasi-Biweekly Oscillation
- Characteristicsof the Asian-Pacif c Oscillation in Boreal Summer Simulated by BCC CSM w ith Di ff erent HorizontalResolutions