Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
- The Reliability of Global and Hemispheric Surface Temperature Records
- Projected Shifts in K¨oppen Climate Zones over China and Their Temporal Evolution in CMIP5 Multi-Model Simulations
- Simulation of the Interface between the Indian Summer Monsoon and the East Asian Summer Monsoon:Intercomparison between MPI-ESM and ECHAM5/MPI-OM
- Impact of Planetary Wave Reflection on Tropospheric Blocking over the Urals-Siberia Region in January 2008
- Detecting the Origins of Moisture over Southeast China: Seasonal Variation and Heavy Rainfall
- Phase Transition of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and Decadal Variation of the East Asian Summer Monsoon in the 20th Century
- Assessment of Interannual Sea Surface Salinity Variability and Its Effects on the Barrier Layer in the Equatorial Pacific Using BNU-ESM
- Weak ENSO Asymmetry Due to Weak Nonlinear Air-Sea Interaction in CMIP5 Climate Models
- Climatology of Lightning Activity in South China and Its Relationships to Precipitation and Convective Available Potential Energy
- A Global Spectral Element Model for Poisson Equations and Advective Flow over a Sphere
- Land Response to Atmosphere at Different Resolutions in the Common Land Model over East Asia