Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
- A Quasi-Linear Relationship between Planetary Outgoing Longwave Radiation and Surface Temperature in a Radiative-Convective-Transportive Climate Model of a Gray Atmosphere
- Consistency of Tropospheric Water Vapor between Reanalyses and Himawari-8/AHI Measurements over East Asia
- Added Benefit of the Early-Morning-Orbit Satellite Fengyun-3E on the Global Microwave Sounding of the Three-Orbit Constellation
- Synergistic Interdecadal Evolution of Precipitation over Eastern China and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation during 1951–2015
- Diagnosis of the Kinetic Energy of the “21·7”Extreme Torrential Rainfall Event in Henan Province,China
- Simulation of the Ecosystem Productivity Responses to Aerosol Diffuse Radiation Fertilization Effects over the Pan-Arctic during 2001–19
- Case Studies of the Microphysical and Kinematic Structure of Summer Mesoscale Precipitation Clouds over the Eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Uncertainties of ENSO-related Regional Hadley Circulation Anomalies within Eight Reanalysis Datasets
- Superiority of a Convolutional Neural Network Model over Dynamical Models in Predicting Central Pacific ENSO
- Mechanism of Diabatic Heating on Precipitation and the Track of a Tibetan Plateau Vortex over the Eastern Slope of the Tibetan Plateau
- The Probability Density Function Related to Shallow Cumulus Entrainment Rate and Its Influencing Factors in a Large-Eddy Simulation