Acta Geochimica
- Is seawater geochem ical composition recorded in marine carbonate?Evidence from iron and manganese contents in Late Devonian carbonate rocks
- Geochem ical distribution,fractionation,and sources of heavy metals in dammed-river sediments:the Longjiang River,Southern China
- An experimental study on metal precipitation driven by f luid m ixing:im p lications for genesisof carbonate-hosted lead-zinc ore deposits
- Distribution and partitioning of heavymetals in large anthropogenically im pacted river,the Pearl River,China
- Dielmethane f lux from a subtropicaleutrophic pond in November based on continuousmonitoring
- Geochronology and geochem istry of the f ivemagmatic rocks in the Ningzhen region,China
- Variability in distribution ofmajor and trace elements in Lower Eocene siliceous sections of the Transuralian Region,Russia
- Chem ical and boron isotopic compositions of tourmaline in the Longtoushan hydrothermal gold deposit,Guangxi,China:im plications for gold m ineralization
- The use of hydrogeochem ical analyses and multivariate statistics for the characterization of thermal springs in the Constantine area,Northeastern A lgeria
- Geochem istry,m ineralogy,and radioactivity of the Abu Furad Area,Central Eastern Desert,Egypt