Acta Geochimica
- Interception, degradation and contributions of terrestrial organic carbon obtained from lignin analysis in Wujiang River, southwest China
- Mineralogy and geochemistry of fine-grained Dahab stream sediments,Southeastern Sinai,Egypt:emphasis on the intergrowths of Fe–Ti oxides
- Hydrogeochemical characteristics and its role in controlling arsenic mobilization in a shallow aquifer
- Fluoride ions in groundwater of the Turkana County, Kenya, East Africa
- Distribution of functional microorganisms and its significance for iron, sulphur, and nitrogen cycles in reservoir sediments
- The occurrence of vanadium in nature: its biogeochemical cycling and relationship with organic matter—a case study of the Early Cambrian black rocks of the Niutitang Formation, western Hunan, China
- Chemical and physical characteristics of quartz from gold deposits in the North China platform: relationship to gold mineralization
- The Colider and Roosevelt olcanic rocks (sw amazonian craton):geochemistry and sm-nd isotope characteristics of a silicic large igneous province
- Preliminary analysis on roles of metal–organic compounds in the formation of invisible gold
- Response of silicate chemical composition variation on thermal metamorphism of ordinary chondrites and classification of petrologic types: the case of L chondrites from Grove Mountains, Antarctica