Acta Geochimica
- Geodynamic signif icance and genesis of chromitites from the Islahiye ophiolite (Gaziantep, SE Anatolia) as constrained by platinum group element (PGE) compositions and mineral chemistry characteristics
- Identification of terrigenous and autochthonous organic carbon in sediment cores from cascade reservoirs in the upper stream of Pearl River and Wujiang River,southwest China:lignin phenol as a tracer
- Geochemistry and petrogenetic evolution of metasedimentary rocks in Bunu Area,part of Kabba-Lokoja-Igarra schist belt,SW Nigeria
- Iron isotope fractionation during fenitization: a case study of carbonatite dykes from Bayan Obo, Inner Mongolia, China
- A combined IR and XRD study of natural well crystalline goethites (α-FeOOH)
- Genesis and soil environmental implications of intact in-situ rhizoliths in dunes of the Badain Jaran Desert, northwestern China
- Evaluation of groundwater quality in the Dibdibba aquifer using hydrogeochemical and isotope techniques(Basrah Province,Iraq)
- Element migration and enrichment characteristics of bedrock–regolith–soil–plant continuum system in the chestnut planting area,Chengde, China
- Geochemical evaluation of mineralization potential of the Somie-Ntem area within the Tikar plain, Cameroon: implication on petrogenesis
- Diagenetic evolution of clastic reservoirs and its records in fine subsection: significance and application
- Hydrogeochemical processes and multivariate analysis for groundwater quality in the arid Maadher region of Hodna,northern Algeria
- Boron isotope geochemistry of Bangor Co Salt Lake (central Tibet):implications for boron origin and uneven mixing of lake water