Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters
- How Are El Ni?o and La Ni?a Events Improved in an Eddy-Resolving Ocean General Circulation Model?
- Evaluation of the Historical Sampling Error for Global Models
- Enhancement of Winter Arctic Warming by the Siberian High over the Past Decade
- Simulation of the Madden-Julian Oscillation in Wintertime Stratospheric Ozone over the Tibetan Plateau and East Asia: Results from the Specified Dynamics Version of the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model
- Interannual Relationship between the Winter Aleutian Low and Rainfall in the Following Summer in South China
- Direct Nitrous Oxide Emissions Related to Fertilizer-Nitrogen, Precipitation, and Soil Clay Fraction: Empirical Models
- Influence of Graupel/Hail Parameters on the Simulation of a Convective System over Coastal South China in Summer
- A New Scheme for Predicting Leaf Onset in Summer-Green Vegetation in the Northern Hemisphere
- All-Sky Direct Radiative Effects of Urban Aerosols in Beijing and Shanghai, China
- Impacts of Two Ice Parameterization Schemes on the Cloud Microphysical Processes and Precipitation of a Severe Storm in Northern China
- Source Sector Contributions to Aerosol Levels in Pakistan
- Interannual and Decadal Variations of Surface Solar Radiation over East China in the First Half of the 20th Century
- An Economical Approach to Flow-Adaptive Moderation of Spurious Ensemble Correlations and Its Application in the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition-Based Ensemble Four Dimensional Variational Assimilation Method