Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction
- Antidiabetic and enzymatic antioxidant properties from methanol extract of Ficus talboti bark on diabetic rats induced by streptozotocin
- Potential of liquid extracts of Sargassum wightii on growth, biochemical and yield parameters of cluster bean plant
- Ovarian and oviductal pathologies in the buffalo: Occurrence, diagnostic and therapeutic approaches
- Combination of vitamin C and E modulated monosodium glutamateinduced endometrial toxicily in female Wistar rats
- Pharmacological profiling of Argemone mexicana for its aphrodisiac potentials in male Wistar rats
- Sperm fractions obtained following density gradient centrifugation in human ejaculates show differences in sperm DNA longevity
- Antidiabetic and antidiarrheal effects of the methanolic extract of Phyllanthus reticulatus leaves in mice
- A study of some hormones concentrations in horses: Influences of reproductive status and breed differences
- Effect of age and abstinence on semen quality: A retrospective study in a teaching hospital
- Correlation between embryo morphology and development and chromosomal complement
- Serum concentrations of the biomarkers CA125, CA15-3, CA72-4, tPSA and PAPP-A in natural and stimulated ovarian cycles
- Urogenital infection symptoms and occupational stress among women working in export production factories in Tianjin, China