Biomedical and Environmental Sciences
- Genetic Diversity, Antimicrobial Resistance, and Virulence Genes of Aeromonas lsolates from Clinical Patients, Tap Water Systems, and Food*
- Distribution of High-sensitivity C-reactive Protein Status in an Urban Population in China*
- Verification on the Developmental Toxicity of Short-term Exposure to Phenol in Rats*
- Evaluation of Erythrocyte lron lncorporation in Beijing Prepubertal Children Using a Single Stable lsotope Tracer Method*
- Epidemiological Characteristics of Notifiable lnfectious Diseases among Foreign Cases in China,2004-2017*
- Risk or Beneficial Factors Associated with Unplanned Revascularization Risk Following Percutaneous Coronary lntervention: A Large Single-Center Data*
- Detection of Pseudorabies Virus Antibodies in Human Encephalitis Cases*
- Prevalence of Hyperuricemia and Associated Factors in the Yi Farmers and Migrants of Southwestern China: A Cross-sectional Study
- Grape Seed Procyanidin Extract Attenuate Sodium Fluoride-induced Oxidative Damage and Apoptosis in Rat Kidneys*
- Capacities and Functionalities Assessment of Veterinary Laboratories in South-west Nigeria Using the FAO Laboratory Mapping Tool
- Gender Differences in the Relationships between Pubertal Stages and the Perpetration of Self-inflicted and lnterpersonal Violence among Middle SchoolStudents in China*