Biomedical and Environmental Sciences
- Effects of Outdoor Temperature on Blood Pressure in a Prospective Cohort of Northwest China*
- The Association of Socioeconomic Status with the Burden of Cataract-related Blindness and the Effect of Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure: An Ecological Study*
- Effects of Toluene on the Development of the lnner Ear and Lateral Line Sensory System of Zebrafish*
- Stimulated Ag Nanoparticles by Pulsed Laser Ablation for Breast Cancer Treatment*
- Astragaloside lV lmproves Angiogenesis and Promotes Wound Healing in Diabetic Rats via the Activation of the SUMOylation Pathway*
- Untreated Prior Pulmonary Tuberculosis Adversely Affects Pregnancy Outcomes in lnfertile Women Undergoing in vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer: A Large RetrospectiveCohort Study*
- Ezrin Promotes the Proliferation, Migration, and lnvasion of Ovarian Cancer Cells*
- Assessment of Prognostic Factors of Racial Disparities in Testicular Germ Cell Tumor Survival in the United States(1992-2015)*
- Correlation of An Ultrasonic Scoring System and lntraoperative Blood Loss in Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorders: A Retrospective Cohort Study*
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is not Associated with Offspring Birth Weight: A Mendelian Randomization Study*