Biomedical and Environmental Sciences
- Malnutrition in Relation with Dietary,Geographical,and Socioeconomic Factors among Older Chinese*
- lncreases in Height among Chinese Children and Adolescents by Gender:An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis*
- Effect of N,N-Dimethylglycine on Homocysteine Metabolism in Rats Fed Folate-Sufficient and Folate-Deficient Diets*
- Polymorphism of P66 in Borrelia Burgdorferi Strains in China*
- Developing a Subjective Evaluation Scale for Assessing the Built Environments of China’s Hygienic City lnitiative*
- Climate Change and Temperature-related Mortality:lmplications for Health-related Climate Policy*
- Does Percutaneous Coronary lntervention on Off Days have an Effect on Long-term Prognosis in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease in China?*
- Burden of Outpatient Visits Attributable to Ambient Temperature in Qingdao,China*
- Drug Resistance to HlV-1 lntegrase lnhibitors among Treatment-naive Patients in Jiangsu,China*
- Recent Trends in Physical Activity among Chinese Children Based on Their Demographic and Social Characteristics*
- Tick-borne Pathogens in Shanxi Province,China*
- Association between Parity,Carotid Plaques,and lntima Media Thickness in Northern Chinese Women*
- Dual Fluorescent Protein(y EGFP/Ds Red-Express-2)Bioassay System for Rapid Screening for Chemical Mutagens Based on RNR3 Regulation in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae