Biomedical and Environmental Sciences
- Alcohol Cessation in Late Life is Associated with Lower Risk of Cognitive lmpairment among the Older Adults in China*
- Exosomes Derived from Hydroquinone-transformed Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells lnhibited Recipient Cell Apoptosis by transferring miR-221*
- lmmunogenicity of Whole Mycobacterium intracellulare Proteins and Fingding on the Cross-Reactive Proteins between M.intracellulare and M.tuberculosis*
- Meso-scale Discovery Assay Detects the Changes of Plasma Cytokine Levels in Mice after Low or High LET lonizing lrradiation*
- Folate and Vitamin B12 Status and Related Dietary Factors among the Elderly Northern and Southern Rural Chinese Population
- Association between Hypertension with Hyperhomocysteinemia and Cognitive lmpairment in the Kailuan Community of China:A Cross-sectional Study*
- Ambient Particulate Matter Pollution and Hospital Visits for Cardiac Arrhythmia in Beijing,China*
- Peripheral Blood Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number and Hypertension Combined with Albuminuria in Chinese Coal Miners*
- The rs2227481 C>T Polymorphism in the lL22 Gene Promoter Significantly Reduces the Risk of Liver,Lung,and GastricCancer in a Han Chinese Population*
- Association of miRNA-492 rs2289030 G>C and miRNA-938 rs2505901 T>C Gene Polymorphisms with Biliary Atresia Susceptibility*
- Molecular Detection of Tick-borne Pathogens in Ticks Collected from Hainan lsland,China*
- Subacute Toxicity of High-Dose Resveratrol and its Effect on Gut Microbiota in Healthy Male and Female Sprague-Dawley Rats