Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B
- A Nontrivial Homotopy Element of Order p2Detected by the Classical Adams Spectral Sequence?
- A Boundary Schwarz Lemma for Holomorphic Mappings on the Polydisc?
- The Iteration Formulae of the Maslov-Type Index Theory in Weak Symplectic Hilbert Space?
- On a Vector Version of a Fundamental Lemma of J.L.Lions?
- Homological Epimorphisms,Compactly Generated t-Structures and Gorenstein-Projective Modules
- Finite p-Groups with Few Non-major k-Maximal Subgroups?
- Exponential Convergence to Time-Periodic Viscosity Solutions in Time-Periodic Hamilton-Jacobi Equations?
- Equivalent Conditions of Complete Convergence and Complete Moment Convergence for END Random Variables?
- New Homogeneous Einstein Metrics on SO(7)/T?
- Nongeneric Bifurcations Near a Nontransversal Heterodimensional Cycle?
- Quenching Phenomenon for a Parabolic MEMS Equation
- Approximate Solution of the Kuramoto-Shivashinsky Equation on an Unbounded Domain?