Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B
- Homogenization of Periodically Heterogeneous Thin Beams
- On the Stability of Racing Sailing Boats with Foils
- Asymptotic Derivation of a Linear Plate M odel for Soft Ferromagnetic M aterials
- Bellman Systems with M ean Field Dep endent Dynamics?
- Isogeometric Analysis of a Phase Field M odel for Darcy Flows with Discontinuous Data?
- Nonlinear Korn Inequalities on a Hyp ersurface?
- A DLM/FD/IB M ethod for Simulating Comp ound Cell Interacting with Red Blood Cells in a M icrochannel?
- Global Asymptotics of Orthogonal Polynomials Associated with a Generalized Freud Weight?
- On Some Elliptic Problems in Unbounded Domains?