Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B
- Deformations of Compact Complex Manifolds with Ample Canonical Bundles?
- Exact Boundary Synchronization by Groups for a Kind of System of Wave Equations Coupled with Velocities?
- Digital Cofibration and Digital Lusternik-Schnirelmann Category in the Sense of Subdivision?
- Multiple Nontrivial Solutions for Superlinear Double Phase Problems Via Morse Theory?
- Left-Invariant Minimal Unit Vector Fields on the Solvable Lie Group?
- Asymptotics of the Solution to a Stationary Piecewise-Smooth Reaction-Diffusion-Advection Equation?
- Finite Abelian Groups of K3 Surfaces with Smooth Quotient
- Erratum to: Turnpike Properties for Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control Problems?