- A1Σ+State Lifetim e and Predissociation of CuH
- Phosphorescent Cationic Iridium(III)Com p lexes w ith 1,3,4-Oxadiazole Cyclom etalating Ligands:Solvent-Dependent Excited-State Dynam ics
- Infl uence of Pyrolytic Biochar on Settleability and Denitrifi cation of Activated Sludge Process
- Chinese Abst racts(中文摘要)
- Num erical Investigation on 1,3-Butadiene/Propyne Co-pyrolysis and Insight into Synergistic Eff ect on Arom atic Hydrocarbon Form ation
- A New kHz Velocity M ap Ion/Electron Im aging Spectrom eter for Fem tosecond Tim e-Resolved M olecular Reaction Dynam ics Studies
- Synthesis of Cum ene from Lignin by Catalytic Transform ation
- DFT+U Analysis on Stability of Low-Index Facets in Hexagonal LaCoO3Perovskite:Eff ect of Co3+Spin States
- Diff usion of Form aldehyde on Rutile TiO2(110)Assisted by Surface Hydroxyl Groups
- Theoretical Investigation on Photoionization and D issociative Photoionization of Toluene
- Low-Storage Runge-Kutta M ethod for Sim ulating Tim e-Dependent Quantum Dynam ics
- FeOxCoating on Pd/C Catalyst by Atom ic Layer Deposition Enhances the Catalytic Activity in Dehydrogenation of Form ic Acid
- Eff ects of Oxygen Vacancy on the Adsorption of Form aldehyde on Rutile TiO2(110)Surface
- Two Step Chem ical Vapor Deposition of In2Se3/M oSe2van der W aals Heterostructures
- Preparation of O rganic Nanoacid Catalyst for Urethane Form ation
- Synthesis of Higher Alcohols from Syngas over A lkali Prom oted K-Co-M o Catalysts Supported on M ulti-walled Carbon Nanotubes
- Eff ects of Shape of Crow ders on Dynam ics of a Polym er Chain Closure
- M odeling Photovoltaic Perform ances of BTBPD-PC61BM System via Density Functional Theory Calculations