Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (CJME) is an academic journal supervised by China Association for Science and Technology(CAST) and sponsored by Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society(CMES). CJME is published bimonthly in both print and electronic forms. It is indexed and abstracted by Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch?), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS, INSPEC, Zentralblatt Math, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Google Scholar, CSA, Chinese Science Citation Database, Earthquake Engineering Abstracts, EI-Compendex, OCLC, SCImago, Summon by ProQuest.br The mission of CJME is to serve researchers through prompt publication of significant advances in the branch of mechanical engineering, to encourage communication of high quality, innovative research results at mechanical engineering and related disciplines, and it is aimed to become an international academic journal of mechanical engineering.br The journal is awarded the title of Excellent Academic Journal with Great International Influence. It is supported by Special Grant for Key Academic Journals of National Natural Science Foundation of China. It is also supported by the grant from CAST for Journal International Promotion Program as well.br 6 regional associate editors come from Italy, UK, USA, Japan, Canada, Australia. 159 international famous scholars make up the editorial board of CJME. More than 1400 reviewers come from all around the world. The editorial team, peer-review and the sources of contributions are internationalized to some extent. Its international influence in the field of mechanical engineering has further expanded.br Now, once the contribution is accepted by CJME, it will be immediately published online first at the website of Editorial Office ( ), CNKI(National Knowledge Infrastructure, China) and SpringerLink platform. There are a few months ahead of print publication, which is warmly welcomed by authors. Meanwhile, authors have the choice of publishing with or without open access.br Thanks to the authors’ trust and reviewers’ support, there is a great development of CJME in recent years. According to the 2014 Journal Citation Reports Science Edition(Thomson Reuters, 2015), its Impact Factor is 0.598, which has been the highest value for the journal since it was included by SCI in 2008. Most importantly, CJME leaps into the rank of Q3 among the international SCI-covered mechanical engineering journals. Now, more and more international experts and scholars pay attention to the development of CJME. The incoming contributions of CJME are now increasing year by year. Most of the papers published on CJME are affiliated to projects aided by the funds at national levels. The authors and readers of CJME spread all over the world.
Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering
Future Digital Design and Manufacturing
- Engineering the Smart Factory
- Simulation Based Energy-resource Efficient Manufacturing Integrated with In-process Virtual Management
- Digital Evaluation of Sitting Posture Comfort in Human-vehicle System under Industry 4.0 Framework
- Effect of Train Carbody’s Parameters on Vertical Bending Stiffness Performance
- Exploring Barriers and Opportunities in Adopting Crowdsourcing Based New Product Development in Manufacturing SMEs
- Development of the Supply Chain Oriented Quality Assurance System for Aerospace Manufacturing SMEs and Its Implementation Perspectives
- Collaborative Simulation Method with Spatiotemporal Synchronization Process Control
- Integrated Simulation Method for Interaction between Manufacturing Process and Machine Tool
- Exploring Local Regularities for 3D Object Recognition
- Fabrication and Thermal Conductivity Improvement of Novel Composite Adsorbents adding with Nanoparticles
- Digital Relief Generation from 3D Models
- Form Gene Clustering Method about Pan-Ethnic-Group Products Based on Emotional Semantic
- Wireless Device Connection Problems and Design Solutions
- Dynamic Soft Tissue Deformation Estimation Based on Energy Analysis
- Global Dynamic Modeling of Electro-Hydraulic 3-UPS/S Parallel Stabilized Platform by Bond Graph
- Analysis of Machinable Structures and Their Wettability of Rotary Ultrasonic Texturing Method
- Scale Effects and a Method for Similarity Evaluation in Micro Electrical Discharge Machining
- Surface Topography and Roughness of High-speed Milled AlMn1Cu
- Influence of Blade Thickness on Transient Flow Characteristics of Centrifugal Slurry Pump with Semi-open Impeller
- Method for Evaluating the Reliability of Compressor Impeller of Turbocharger for Vehicle Application in Plateau Area
- Effect of Magnetic Field on Forced Convection between Two Nanofluid Laminar Flows in a Channel
- Thermo-physical Characteristics of Nickel-coated Aluminum Powder as a Function of Particle Size and Oxidant