China Communications
- Cooperative Vehicular Content Distribution in Edge Computing Assisted 5G-VANET
- Deterministic and Stochastic Simulators for Non-Isotropic V2V-MIMO Wideband Channels
- A Geometry-Based Non-Stationary MIMO Channel Model for Vehicular Communications
- Joint Channel Estimation and Decoding Design for 5G-Enabled V2V Channel
- Interference-Free Pilot Design and Channel Estimation Using ZCZ Sequences for MIMO-OFDM-Based C-V2X Communications
- A Multi-Hop Moving Zone (MMZ) Clustering Scheme Based on Cellular-V2X
- Vehicular Beacon Broadcast Scheduling Based on Age of Information (AoI)
- A Greedy Traきc Light and Queue Aware Routing Protocol for Urban VANETs
- Proactive Content Delivery for Vehicles over Cellular Networks: the Fundamental Bene fits of Computing and Caching
- The Research on Social Networks Public Opinion Propagation In fluence Models and Its Controllability
- Recommending Authors and Papers Based on ACTTM Community and Bilayer Citation Network
- A Controller-Based Architecture for Information Centric Network Construction and Topology management
- Calculate Joint Probability Distribution of Steady Directed Cyclic Graph with Local Data and Domain Casual Knowledge
- Robust Background Subtraction Method via Low-Rank and Structured Sparse Decomposition
- Design and Implementation of an Adaptive Feedback Queue Algorithm over OpenFlow Networks
- Exploiting Geo-Social Correlations to Improve Pairwise Ranking for Point-of-Interest Recommendation
- Secret Key Generation Based on Two-Way Randomness for TDD-SISO System