China Welding
- A Fe-Ni-Cr system filler metal for brazing of stainless steel*
- Effects of C/B4C ratio on Microstructure and property of Fe-based alloy coatings reinforced w ith in situ synthesized TiB2-TiC*
- Stress-strain characteristics of linear friction welding of TC11 and TC17 alloys*
- Numerical analysis of thermal process in continuous drive radial friction welding*
- Effect of refilling time on Microstructure and Mechanical properties of friction spot welded LY12 alum inum alloy*
- Simulation of phased array S-scan acoustic field in FSW joint of alum inum alloy extrudate w ith com p lex shape*
- Mechanical and corrosion properties of 445J2 ultra pure ferritic stainless steel joint*
- Simulation on the deformation controlling of T-joint LBW w ith auxiliary heat source for high strength alum inum alloy*
- Analysis of grain grow th in hybrid weld HAZ based on the coupled thermo-fluid model
- Automatic defect detection in ultrasonic TOFD D-scan data using image processing m ethods*
- Effect of pulse frequency on hardness characteristics of Al-Cu alloy HPVP-GTAW joints*
- Numerical analysis of keyhole establishment time in keyhole p lasma arc welding*
- Effects of Bi and rare earth metal on theMicrostructure and properties of Zn-based high-tem perature solder*