Chinese Physics B
SPECIAL TOPIC — Non-Hermitian physics
TOPICAL REVIEW — Laser and plasma assisted synthesis of advanced nanomaterials in liquids
SPECIAL TOPIC — Laser and plasma assisted synthesis of advanced nanomaterials in liquids
- Experimental study on gas production and solution composition during the interaction of femtosecond laser pulse and liquid
- Quantitative evaluation of LAL productivity of colloidal nanomaterials: Which laser pulse width is more productive,ergonomic,and economic?
- Laser fragmentation in liquid synthesis of novel palladium-sulfur compound nanoparticles as efficient electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction
- Novel closed-cycle reaction mode for totally green production of Cu1.8Se nanoparticles based on laser-generated Se colloidal solution
- Up/down-conversion luminescence of monoclinic Gd2O3:Er3+nanoparticles prepared by laser ablation in liquid
- Solutions of novel soliton molecules and their interactions of(2+1)-dimensional potential Boiti–Leon–Manna–Pempinelli equation
- Propagation and modulational instability of Rossby waves in stratified fluids
- Effect of observation time on source identification of diffusion in complex networks
- Topological phase transition in cavity optomechanical system with periodical modulation
- Robustness of two-qubit and three-qubit states in correlated quantum channels
- Practical security analysis of continuous-variable quantum key distribution with an unbalanced heterodyne detector
- Photon blockade in a cavity–atom optomechanical system
- Anderson localization of a spin–orbit coupled Bose–Einstein condensate in disorder potential
- Gap solitons of spin–orbit-coupled Bose–Einstein condensates in PT periodic potential
- Quantum speed limit of the double quantum dot in pure dephasing environment under measurement
- Kinetic theory of Jeans’gravitational instability in millicharged dark matter system
- Data-driven modeling of a four-dimensional stochastic projectile system
- Universal order-parameter and quantum phase transition for two-dimensional q-state quantum Potts model
- Research and application of stochastic resonance in quad-stable potential system
- Quantum search of many vertices on the joined complete graph
- Design and FPGA implementation of a memristor-based multi-scroll hyperchaotic system
- Negative self-feedback induced enhancement and transition of spiking activity for class-3 excitability
- Bifurcation analysis of visual angle model with anticipated time and stabilizing driving behavior
- Residual field suppression for magnetocardiography measurement inside a thin magnetically shielded room using bi-planar coil
- Transient electromagnetically induced transparency spectroscopy of 87Rb atoms in buffer gas
- Electron emission induced by keV protons from tungsten surface at different temperatures
- Li(2p ←2s)+Na(3s)pressure broadening in the far-wing and line-core profiles
- Development of an electronic stopping power model based on deep learning and its application in ion range prediction
- Enhanced cold mercury atom production with two-dimensional magneto-optical trap
- Superfluid to Mott-insulator transition in a one-dimensional optical lattice
- Goos–H¨anchen and Imbert–Fedorov shifts in tilted Weyl semimetals
- Design of three-dimensional imaging lidar optical system for large field of view scanning
- Reflection and transmission of an Airy beam in a dielectric slab
- Manipulation of nonreciprocal unconventional photon blockade in a cavity-driven system composed of an asymmetrical cavity and two atoms with weak dipole–dipole interaction
- Multi-target ranging using an optical reservoir computing approach in the laterally coupled semiconductor lasers with self-feedback
- Enhancing performance of GaN-based LDs by using GaN/InGaN asymmetric lower waveguide layers
- Precise determination of characteristic laser frequencies by an Er-doped fiber optical frequency comb
- Spatio-spectral dynamics of soliton pulsation with breathing behavior in the anomalous dispersion fiber laser
- THz wave generation by repeated and continuous frequency conversions from pump wave to high-order Stokes waves
- Large aperture phase-coded diffractive lens for achromatic and 16°field-of-view imaging with high efficiency
- A radiation–temperature coupling model of the optical fiber attenuation spectrum in the Ge/P co-doped fiber
- Design of an all-dielectric long-wave infrared wide-angle metalens
- Nonlinear inversion of ultrasonic guided waves for in vivo evaluation of cortical bone properties
- Effects of single synthetic jet on turbulent boundary layer
- Modeling of beam ions loss and slowing down with Coulomb collisions in EAST
- Interaction between plasma and electromagnetic field in ion source of 10 cm ECR ion thruster
- Plasma–wave interaction in helicon plasmas near the lower hybrid frequency
- Numerical simulation of fueling pellet ablation and transport in the EAST H-mode discharge
- Structural evolution and bandgap modulation of layered β-GeSe2 single crystal under high pressure
- Structural evolution and molecular dissociation of H2S under high pressures
- Heterogeneous integration of GaSb layer on(100)Si substrate by ion-slicing technique
- Introducing voids around the interlayer of AlN by high temperature annealing
- Influence of particle size on the breaking of aluminum particle shells
- Tunable anharmonicity versus high-performance thermoelectrics and permeation in multilayer(GaN)1-x(ZnO)x
- Theoretical and experimental study of phase optimization of tapping mode atomic force microscope
- Porous AlN films grown on C-face SiC by hydride vapor phase epitaxy
- Impact of composition ratio on the structure and optical properties of(1-x)MnFe2O4/(x)ZnMn2O4 nanocomposite
- Influence of Rashba spin–orbit coupling on Josephson effect in triplet superconductor/two-dimensional semiconductor/triplet superconductor junctions
- Current spin polarization of a platform molecule with compression effect
- Anisotropic refraction and valley-spin-dependent anomalous Klein tunneling in a 1T′-MoS2-based p–n junction
- Valley-dependent transport in strain engineering graphene heterojunctions
- Effect of crystallographic orientations on transport properties of methylthiol-terminated permethyloligosilane molecular junction
- Half-metallicity induced by out-of-plane electric field on phosphorene nanoribbons
- SERS activity of carbon nanotubes modified by silver nanoparticles with different particle sizes
- Large inverse and normal magnetocaloric effects in HoBi compound with nonhysteretic first-order phase transition
- Voltage control magnetism and ferromagnetic resonance in an Fe19Ni81/PMN-PT heterostructure by strain
- Synchronization of nanowire-based spin Hall nano-oscillators
- Current-driven dynamics of skyrmion bubbles in achiral uniaxial magnets
- Improved performance of MoS2 FET by in situ NH3 doping in ALD Al2O3 dielectric
- Design of a low-frequency miniaturized piezoelectric antenna based on acoustically actuated principle
- Effect of surface plasmon coupling with radiating dipole on the polarization characteristics of AlGaN-based light-emitting diodes
- Design optimization of broadband extreme ultraviolet polarizer in high-dimensional objective space
- Probing the improved stability for high nickel cathode via dual-element modification in lithium-ion
- Probing component contributions and internal polarization in silicon-graphite composite anode for lithium-ion batteries with an electrochemical-mechanical model
- Switchable and tunable triple-channel bandpass filter
- Machine learning potential aided structure search for low-lying candidates of Au clusters
- Switchable down-,up-and dual-chirped microwave waveform generation with improved time–bandwidth product based on polarization modulation and phase encoding
- A 4H-SiC trench MOSFET structure with wrap N-type pillar for low oxide field and enhanced switching performance
- Fabrication and investigation of ferroelectric memristors with various synaptic plasticities
- Microstructural,magnetic and dielectric performance of rare earth ion(Sm3+)-doped MgCd ferrites
- Pulse coding off-chip learning algorithm for memristive artificial neural network
- Passenger management strategy and evacuation in subway station under Covid-19