《防務技術》(ISSN 1673-002X) 是由中國兵工學會主辦的科技類綜合性學術期刊,創(chuàng)刊于2005年,原名《兵工學報》英文刊,2013年起正式更名為《防務技術》,現(xiàn)為季刊。本刊發(fā)表基礎理論、應用科學和工程技術領域高水平原創(chuàng)性學術論文,包括理論研究、數(shù)值模擬和實驗研究類文章。其宗旨是通過這個平臺,報道和反映中國和國際防務技術領域的最新學術研究成果,主辦單位力爭在廣大科技工作者的支持下,用較短的時間,將其打造成為國際知名刊物。本刊專業(yè)范圍包括:裝甲、彈道、信息、計算機、材料、航空航天、力學等與防務技術相關的各個領域。
Defence Technology
- Performance analysis and design of loitering munitions:A comprehensive technical survey of recent developments
- Recent advances on the nitrogen-rich 1,2,4-oxadiazole-azoles-based energetic materials
- Air combat decision-making of multiple UCAVs based on constraint strategy games
- Radar emitter multi-label recognition based on residual network
- Interception time and uncertainty optimization for tangent-impulse orbit interception problem
- Equivalent protection factor of bi-layer ceramic metal structures
- An experimental study on ballistic impact response of jute reinforced polyethylene glycol and nano silica based shear thickening fluid composite
- In fluence of metal/composite interface on the damage behavior and energy absorption mechanisms of FMLs against projectile impact
- The effect of strain rate on compressive behavior and failure mechanism of CMDB propellant
- Investigation on the penetration of jacketed rods with striking velocities of 0.9-3.3 km/s into semi-in finite targets
- Dynamics and rebound behavior analysis of flexible tethered satellite system in deployment and station-keeping phases
- High explosive unexploded ordnance neutralization-Tallboy air bomb case study
- Adaptive target and jamming recognition for the pulse doppler radar fuze based on a time-frequency joint feature and an online-updated naive bayesian classi fier with minimal risk
- Finite element analysis of functionally graded sandwich plates with porosity via a new hyperbolic shear deformation theory