《防務技術》(ISSN 1673-002X) 是由中國兵工學會主辦的科技類綜合性學術期刊,創(chuàng)刊于2005年,原名《兵工學報》英文刊,2013年起正式更名為《防務技術》,現(xiàn)為季刊。本刊發(fā)表基礎理論、應用科學和工程技術領域高水平原創(chuàng)性學術論文,包括理論研究、數(shù)值模擬和實驗研究類文章。其宗旨是通過這個平臺,報道和反映中國和國際防務技術領域的最新學術研究成果,主辦單位力爭在廣大科技工作者的支持下,用較短的時間,將其打造成為國際知名刊物。本刊專業(yè)范圍包括:裝甲、彈道、信息、計算機、材料、航空航天、力學等與防務技術相關的各個領域。
Defence Technology
- Ballistic response of armour plates using Generative Adversarial Networks
- Vulnerability assessment to projectiles:Approach definition and application to helicopter platforms
- Shock initiation performance of NTO-based polymer bonded explosive
- Thermal hazard assessment of TKX-50-based melt-cast explosive
- Analysis on damage characteristics and detonation performance of solid rocket engine charge subjected to jet
- A bayesian optimisation methodology for the inverse derivation of viscoplasticity model constants in high strain-rate simulations
- Reaction characteristic of PTFE/Al/Cu/Pb composites and application in shaped charge liner
- Microcrack-and microvoid-related impact damage and ignition responses for HMX-based polymer-bonded explosives at high temperature
- Resistance of grid steel-tube-confined concrete targets against projectile impact:Experimental investigation and analytical engineering model
- Three-dimensional coordinates test method with uncertain projectile proximity explosion position based on dynamic seven photoelectric detection screen
- Natural convection effects on TNT solidification inside a shaped charge mold
- The surface activation of boron to improve ignition and combustion characteristic
- The properties of Sn—Zn—Al—La fusible alloy for mitigation devices of solid propellant rocket motors
- Autonomous maneuver decision-making for a UCAV in short-range aerial combat based on an MS-DDQN algorithm
- Damage analysis of POZD coated square reinforced concrete slab under contact blast
- A pixel-level local contrast measure for infrared small target detection
- Numerical investigation on free air blast loads generated from centerinitiated cylindrical charges with varied aspect ratio in arbitrary orientation
- 3D laser scanning strategy based on cascaded deep neural network