Family Medicine and Community Health
- Family medicine training in China:crisis and opportunity
- Cost or revenue: is diabetes prevention doomed due to misalignment of incentives?
- Effectiveness of an audit programme for dyslipidaemia management in a primary care setting in Macau: a quality improvement study
- Variable selection strategies and its importance in clinical prediction modelling
- Global health training in Canadian family medicine residency programmes
- Physical exam: where’s the evidence? A medical student's experience
- Perceptions of Malaysian medical students from different academic years on primary care: a qualitative research
- Provision of primary care by specialist physicians: a systematic review
- Perceptions of the osteopathic profession in New York City’s Chinese Communities
- Identifying diabetes management opportunity areas in the USA
- Evaluation and prospect of scientific research capacity ranking for community healthcare centres in China
- Physical multimorbidity patterns and depressive symptoms: a nationwide cross- sectional study in Japan
- Moving forward
- Challenges and responsibilities of family doctors in the new global coronavirus outbreak