Journal of Integrative Agriculture
Crop Science
- Artificial selection of the Green Revolution gene Semidwarf 1 is implicated in upland rice breeding
- Dynamics and genetic regulation of macronutrient concentrations during grain development in maize
- The NAC transcription factor LuNAC61 negatively regulates fiber development in flax (Linum usitatissimum L.)
- The underlying mechanism of variety–water–nitrogen–stubble damage interactions on yield formation in ratoon rice with low stubble height under mechanized harvesting
- Rice canopy temperature is affected by nitrogen fertilizer
- The first factor affecting dryland winter wheat grain yield under various mulching measures: Spike number
- A mutation in the promoter of the yellow stripe-like transporter gene in cucumber results in a yellow cotyledon phenotype
- Alternative splicing of the PECTINESTERASE gene encoding a cell wall-degrading enzyme affects postharvest softening in grape
- ldentification of key genes regulating the synthesis of quercetin derivatives in Rosa roxburghii through integrated transcriptomics and metabolomics
Plant Protection
- ldentification,pathogenicity,and fungicide sensitivity of Eutiarosporella dactylidis associated with leaf blight on maize in China
- Improved multi-scale inverse bottleneck residual network based on triplet parallel attention for apple leaf disease identification
- A chorismate mutase from Radopholus similis plays an essential role in pathogenicity
- Silencing transformer and transformer-2 in Zeugodacus cucurbitae causes defective sex determination with inviability of most pseudomales
- Acaricidal effect of the antimicrobial metabolite xenocoumacin 1 on spider mite control
Animal Science ? Veterinary Medicine
- circRNA3669 promotes goat endometrial epithelial cells proliferation via miR-26a/RCN2 to activate Pl3K/AKT-mTOR and MAPK pathways
- Assessing the conservation impact of Chinese indigenous chicken populations between ex-situ and in-situ using genome-wide SNPs
- Porcine enteric alphacoronavirus infection increases lipid droplet accumulation to facilitate the virus replication
Agro-Ecosystem &Environment
- Combining field data and modeling to better understand maize growth response to phosphorus (P) fertilizer application and soil P dynamics in calcareous soils
- Irrigation and nitrogen fertiliser optimisation in protected vegetable fields of northern China: Achieving environmental and agronomic sustainability
- Calcium carbonate promotes the formation and stability of soil macroaggregates in mining areas of China
- Lateral root elongation in maize is related to auxin synthesis and transportation mediated by N metabolism under a mixed NO3– and NH4+ supply