Journal of Meteorological Research
- Fundamental Characteristics of Tropical Rain Cell Structures as Measured by TRMM PR
- I mpact of ENSO on MJO Pattern Evolution over the Maritime Continent
- Regional Characteristics of Cloud Radiative Effects before and after the South China Sea Summer Monsoon Onset
- Recent Weakening in Interannual Variability of Mean Tropical Cyclogenesis Latitude over the Western North Pacific during Boreal Summer
- Future Changes in the Impact of North Pacific Midlatitude Oceanic Frontal Intensity on the Wintertime Storm Track in CMIP5 Models
- Possible Links between Arctic Sea Ice Loss Events and Cold Eurasian Anomalies in Winter
- Forced Decadal Changes in Summer Precipitation Characteristics over China: The Roles of Greenhouse Gases and Anthropogenic Aerosols
- Quantifying the Cloud Water Resource: Basic Concepts and Characteristics
- Quantifying the Cloud Water Resource: Methods Based on Observational Diagnosis and Cloud Model Simulation
- Hailstorm Formation Enhanced by Meso-γ Vortices along a Low-Level Convergence Line
- Maintenance and Sudden Change of a Strong Elevated Ducting Event Associated with High Pressure and Marine Low-Level Jet
- Comparison of Heavy Rainfall Events Originated from Different Directions of Beijing City
- Spatial Distribution and Temporal Trend Characteristics of Agro-Climatic Resources and Extreme Climate Events during the Soybean Growing Season in Northeast China from 1981 to 2017
- Bias Analysis and Correction of Ground Surface Temperature Observations across China
- Fusion of In-Situ Soil Moisture and Land Surface Model Estimates Using Localized Ensemble Optimum Interpolation over China