Journal of Partial Differential Equations
- Ground State Solu tions for a Semilinear Ellip tic Equation Involving Concave-Convex Non linearities
- On Cond itions of the Nonexistence of Solu tions of Non linear Equationsw ith Data from Classes Close to L1
- Dynam ics for Con trolled 2D Generalized M HD System sw ith D istribu ted Con trols
- Global Existence and Un iqueness of Solu tions to Evolu tion p-Lap lacian System sw ith Non linear Sou rces
- Existenceof Non trivialWeak Solu tions to Quasi-Linear Ellip tic Equationsw ith Exponen tial G row th
- Existence of a Renorm alised Solu tions for a Class of Non linearDegenerated Parabolic Prob lem sw ith L1Data