水動力學(xué)研究與進(jìn)展 B輯
- Numerical investigation of flow with floating vegetation island*
- Numerical study of high-lift hydrofoil near free surface at moderate Froude number*
- A dynamic solution for predicting resonant frequency of piston mode fluid oscillation in moonpools/narrow gaps*
- Wave action by arrays of vertical cylinders with arbitrary smooth cross-section*
- Experimental investigation of vortex generator influences on propeller cavitation and hull pressure fluctuations*
- Drag reduction and flow structures of wing tip sails in ground effect*
- Slip in Couette flow with pressure gradient: Theoretical and experimental investigation of hydrodynamic characteristics considering slip effect*
- Development of two-dimensional numerical wave tank based on lattice Boltzmann method*
- Study of parametric roll in oblique waves using a three-dimensional hybrid panel method*
- Reconstruction of 3-D surface waves generated by moving submerged sphere based on stereo imaging principle*
- Adaptive mesh refinement immersed boundary method for simulations of laminar flows past a moving thin elastic structure*
- A design of T-foil and trim tab for fast catamaran based on NSGA-II*
- Spatial and spectral investigation of turbulent kinetic energy in cavitating flow generated by Clark-Y hydrofoil*
- Flow regime and energy dissipation of SFS-type flip buckets*
- Numerical simulation of condensation shock in partial cavitating flow on a hydrofoil*
- Journal of Hydrodynamics,Vol.31 Annual Classified Catalog (2019)