Original Article
- Ophthalmic pro file and systemic features of pediatric facial nerve palsy
- Age-determined referral criteria of myopia for large-scale vision screening
- The safety and efficacy of modified minimally invasive trabeculectomy for the treatment of primary chronic angle-closure glaucoma
- Analysis of different vision charts used for visual acuity assessment after retinal surgery
- Meta-analysis of the effect of perioperative injection of Lucentis on intraoperative bleeding in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy
- Relationship between full-thickness macular hole and retinal break/lattice degeneration
Review Article
- An updated review of long-term outcomes from randomized controlled trials in approved pharmaceuticals for diabetic macular edema
- Construction of databases: advances and significance in clinical research
- Application of visual electrophysiology for the diagnosis and treatment of cataracts
- Approved pharmacotherapy for myopic choroidal neovascularization: a review of randomized controlled trials in ranibizumab and a flibercept