He is the undisputed world champion of card stacking,but Bryan Berg can't figure out why he still holds the world record for the tallest house of cards,at 7.7 meters,″It's not that damn hard,″ he says . In fact,he regularly teaches second-graders how to do it,and says that four out of five can learn to build a five-story structure after one lesson .
It's all in the technique,he says,and he clearly wants to share it with the whole world through his book,Stacking the Deck . His secret is a four-card cell,where one end of each card supports the middle of another card,and the other end points outward,touching nothing,like a pinwheel . A stack of such of cells has surprising strength . Even a small stack can support a concrete block .He once had 13 people stand on a platform supported by a two-story stack .
Bryan discovered the strength of this structure as a teenager,when a two-meter tower survived for a week in the family living room . So his next step was to try for the world height record, which he successfully set in 1992 by building a tower 4.4 meters tall in his high school gymnasium .
After that,you could say he went professional .″He was contracted to build a huge model stadium using 30,000 baseball cards,in the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown,New York .He has built several other elaborate models including the Io-wa State Capitol building . He also set a new record for the world's largest house of cards.
Bryan trained as an architect after high school,and got a job teaching architecture at Iowa State University . But he says it's his experience,not his architectural training,that allows him to design bigger and stronger card houses . He does claim,however,that his card stacking helps him judge the strength of real buildings .
A visit to his website will let you see photos of his many architectural triumphs . None of them remain standing for long,and Bryan always takes part in their demolition in order to observe their strengths and weaknesses . Sometimes the structures are quite difficult to knock down . He likes to use a leaf-blower for the task . Huffing and puffing just doesn't work .