1. walking encyclopedia活百科全書,萬事通
Definition: person who knows a lot of information
A: You can ask Jenny questions about anything in history and she can give you the correct answer.
B: She must be a walking encyclopedia. I studied history in school but I dont remember everything we read in the textbooks.
若一個人的學(xué)識很廣,可以把他比作“行走著的大百科全書”,類似的表達還有walking dictionary, 活字典。walking 用作定語的例子還有:walking corpse行尸走肉;walking microscope洞察力很強的人。
2. What a man (woman)!好樣的!(好厲害!)
Definition: exclamation describing a person of considerable skill or beauty
A: Did you see the model in the advertisement?
B: What a woman! It would be easy for me to fall in love with
someone so beautiful.
A: I agree she looks attractive but I think she is too young. A pretty girl, not a woman.
3. You asked for it. 你自找的,自討苦吃。
Definition: Do something that results in a punishment or other negative result.
A: I told you not to play with Moms dishes.
B: I was very careful until I dropped her favorite plate. Now its in a
dozen pieces; what do I do?
A: You asked for it when you took the dishes to your room. Unless
you can fix it before she gets home or you will be in a lot of
多指做了違法的事或明知會導(dǎo)致不良后果的事。在ask for it 中,代詞it指事情的不良后果,相當(dāng)于ask for trouble。
4. thousand and one ways 一千零一個辦法
Definition: in every imaginable way or manner
A: You are unable to find an answer to that homework problem that
youve been working on. Have you tried everything that you can
think of?
B: Ive tried a thousand and one ways to solve it. I cant think of
anything else to try.
5. step on ones toes 使某人丟面子
Definition: to insult someone or to cause another person to lose face
A: Morgan thinks he is more important than he really is. He often
makes people mad because he tries to do things that arent his
B: Some people might think he was being helpful.
A: When you work with a group of people and try to tell them how
to work because you think you are the boss, I call it steppingon peoples toes.
6. sour grapes 酸葡萄
Definition: unfounded criticism or animosity
A: Neville complains a lot, especially about not being promoted.
B: He is upset because Lucy was promoted and he wasnt even though he works harder than she does.
A: I suppose Nevilles complaints are just sour grapes.
7. in an awful mess 手忙腳亂,不知所措
Definition: going through an unpleasant experience
A: Jack, what happened to you?
B: My mother told me to stay at home because the weather is bad
but I went outside to buy a newspaper and now Im locked out of
my house.
A: Im sorry you are locked out but how did you hurt your arm?
B: I tried to push open the window when I accidentally broke it and
cut my arm. Now Im in an awful mess because I cant get inside;
there is broken glass on the floor and my arm is hurt.
8. live it up盡情享受一番
Definition: enjoy life
A: I have never stayed in a five star hotel. Everything is so beautiful, but also so expensive.
B: Dont worry about the cost. You have the chance to live it up. Enjoy the nice hotel room, the swimming pool and the gourmet restaurants. Its your vacation.
相當(dāng)于漢語中“過把癮”,指人們可以在優(yōu)裕、舒適的生活條件下痛痛快快的享享福。舊時的說法是:live like a lord 像君主一樣生活。