ZTECorporation(ZTE),a lead ing g lobalp roviderof telecommunications equipmentand network solutions,on Feb ruary 12,2009,released a unique Unified Open Environment(UOE)p latform thatw illmake iteasier for telecom operators to develop and offernew mobile services and stay com petitive in their respectivemarkets.The ZTE UOE service p latform is aimed atadd ressing future g lobal demand fornetwork expansion and app lication development.
The new ZTEUOE network solution comp rises an open module service capability and service development environment,two of its key features thatallow modular dep loymentofd ifferentservice networks.With an open module service capability,itp rovides telecom operators a unified managementp latform for integrated service managementoperation and monitoring,and unified content management.UOE defines a common APIfor several internationalorganizations,inc luding Parlay/OSA and JCP,two technicalindustry consortium s thatspecify APIs for the telephone network.UOE's service developmentenvironment offers an integrated developmentenvironmentand an open service interface,p roviding external IT developers and telecom operators a w ide range ofdevelopment tools tomeet theirspecific business and ind ividualrequirements.
With the extraordinary features ofUOE p latform,telecom operators can effectively imp lement in-house developed network services in a converged infrastructure,aswellas partnerw ith equipmentvendors to develop unique value added services,such asmobile newspaper,mobile stock exchange,instantmobile news,video conferencing,voice mailand BlackBerry app lications.