文/本刊記者 李靜 楊吉
文/本刊記者 李靜 楊吉
“水復(fù)生態(tài)產(chǎn)業(yè)區(qū)是個有山有水的絕妙地區(qū),擁有良好的生態(tài)環(huán)境和區(qū)位優(yōu)勢,有空氣污染或者水污染的企業(yè)堅決不要。”水土組團(tuán)管委會主任鄧吉表示,水復(fù)板塊距離江北機場只有5分鐘車程,緊鄰悅來國際會展中心,背靠靜觀的20萬畝花園,還擁有溫泉資源,森林覆蓋率超過40%, 將是兩江新區(qū)乃至重慶主城區(qū)環(huán)境最好的地區(qū)。
研討會當(dāng)晚,中國西南英國商會還舉辦了一場2010“推動重慶可持續(xù)發(fā)展”晚宴接待會,來自英國、美國、加拿大、中國香港和其他城市的外國公司或在華外資企業(yè)等紛紛參與這次盛會。英國前副首相John Presco tt也不遠(yuǎn)千里,來到山城重慶出席了當(dāng)天的活動。
John Presco tt表示,在后金融危機時代下,全球經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展出現(xiàn)了兩大商機——中國經(jīng)濟(jì)持續(xù)增長和低碳經(jīng)濟(jì)。重慶作為中國西部經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展的重要地區(qū)之一,英國企業(yè)正是瞄準(zhǔn)了重慶蘊含的巨大商機,尋求與重慶開展合作。
June 25, UK Trade & Investm en t and Chongq ing In ves tm en t Prom o tion Asso c ia tion he ld “De live ring Susta inab le Fu tu res” Con fe rence in Chongq ing. Investm en t m ission w ith m o re than 20 British en te rp rises reached 15 coope ra tion ag reem en ts w ith Chongq ing in low-ca rbon econom y, ene rgy industry and construc tion ene rgy and o the r a reas. British com pany Nob le House w ill invest $1 b illion in bu ild ing an eco-pa rk in Chongq ing's Beibei d istric t.
“We a re go ing to build a low ca rbon industria l pa rk which cove rs an a rea o f th ree squa re kilom e te rs. Low ca rbon Ind ustry Pa rk w ill fo rm a com p rehensive use o f the sup po rting deve lopm en t system w ith low ca rbon industry in the m anu fac tu re, new ene rgy sou rce, ba tte ries th rough 200 in te rna tiona l low coa l techno logy m anu fac tu ring com pany fo r the se rvices o f the deve lopm en t o f low ca rbon econom ic.”sa id Ka rl Wa tkins, the Presid en t o f Nob le House Com pany.
Ac co rd ing to the idea o f Nob le House, “l(fā)ow ca rbon industria l pa rk” w ill in troduce ove r 200 in te rna tiona l low ca rbon techno logy m anu fac tu ring com panies, the re a re 20 com p anies which a re from Eng land, Ge rm any, Ho lland and o the r coun tries tha t signed an en te r in ten tion ag reem en ts fo r now, inc lud ing so la r ene rgy, geo the rm a l resou rce, tida l powe r and lithium ba tte ry, the fue l ce ll and ene rgy-saving residen tia l som e low ca rbon p ro jec ts.
Show ing Fo reign En terp rises a Beau tifu l Prospect o f Chongq ing
In the evening o f this con fe rence, The British Cham be r o f Comm e rc e Sou th Wes t Ch ina hosted the De live ring Sustainab le Fu tu res Dinne r Recep tion a t Ha rbou r Plaza w ith a ttend ees flying in from the UK, US, Canada, Hong Kong and o the r pa rts o f China. The Rt Hon John Presco tt, fo rm e r Depu ty Prim e M iniste r and First Sec re ta ry o f Sta te o f the UK we re a lso in the m ee ting.
Fo llow in g d ire c tly from th e “D e live rin g Susta inab le Fu tu res Con fe rence” the recep tion d inne r ce leb ra ted the launch ing by Nob le House o f the Two Rive rs Techno logy (TRT) p ro jec t which w ill see the deve lopm en t o f an eco-pa rk in Chongq ing's Be ibei d istric t. Yong Zhao (Chairwom an o f the British Cham be r o f Comm e rce Sou th West Ch ina), Ka rl Wa tkin gave sp eeches and h igh ligh ted their comm itm en t to doing business in the Sou th West o f China.
John Presco tt said, in the pe riod o f financ ia l c risis, the re a re two b ig business op po rtunities in the g loba l econom ic deve lopm en t — — China's econom ic g row th and low ca rbon econom y. As one o f the im po rtan t pa rts in Wes t Ch ina's e conom ic d eve lopm en t, British com p anies a re aim ing a t the huge op po rtunities in Chongq ing and looking fo r coope ra tion.
The Vice Consu l Gene ra l in Chongq ing, Stephen Sm ith though t the re a re th ree aspec ts tha t Chongq ing and UK can coope ra te: g reen build ing s, environm en ta l p ro tec tion and low ca rbon econom ic.
As the gene ra l rep resen ta tive o f the British en te rp rises in Chongq ing, the British Cham be r o f Comm e rce Sou th West China p rovides connec tivity fo r British Business o r UK-re la ted business in China. The Gene ra l Manage r o f British Cham be r o f Comm e rce Sou th West Ch ina (Chongq ing), Tom Sim p son to ld us tha t the BCCSWC is a subsid ia ry o f the BCCC; they wo rk c lose ly a long side the Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Guangdong Cham be rs to p rovide the ir m em be rs w ith a w ide range o f se rvices as possib le. Their m ain ro le is to sup po rt m em be r com panies th rough p rovid ing a p la tfo rm from which they can ne two rk, p rom o te them se lves and deve lop businesses. They can a lso p rovide a b ridge be tween m em be rs and the loca l o f fo reign gove rnm en t o ffices in the reg ion. Now they have a new o ffice in Chongq ing whe re they a re cu rren tly expand ing the ir op e ra tions.
He a lso sa id: “O rgan izing an even t like th is p rovides ou r m em be rsh ip w ith the idea l environm en t to m ee t and build re la tionship s w ith com panies from a ll ove r the wo rld. As we ll as fac ilita ting th is ne two rking op p o rtunity ou r a im is a lso to in trod uce Chongq ing's cu rren t econom ic c lim a te and p resen t a c lea r p ic tu re o f th is c ity as a po ten tia l loca tion fo r visiting com panies to conside r investm en t o r estab lish ing a p e rm anen t p resence he re.”
The New Two River Area with Magnetic Ef fects——Wor ld's Famous Enterprise Came to Chongqing for Business Oppor tunities
Trans lated by Aggie and Gary Hynson