The completion and launching ceremony for Ausmelt furnace of Daye Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd, which was previously scheduled at the end of November, was recently held in its nonferrous smelting plant. According to info disclosed by a related official of Daye Nonferrous Metals, the Ausmelt furnace being launched this time has an annual output of 200,000 tons of crude copper, counting into its previous crude smelting production capacity;the crude copper production capacity of Daye Nonferrous Metals will reach up to 400,000 tons. This official also indicates that the refined smelting capacity of Daye Nonferrous Metals is currently around 250,000 t/a; in order to match it with its crude smelting capacity, in the future it still has plans to expand its refined smelting capacity, it is expected the first phase expansion project will expand 150,000 t/a of refined smelting capacity, which will be launched in 2012, so that the total refined smelting capacity of Daye Nonferrous Metals will reach 400,000 t/a.