WU Hui-feng
(College of Science,Hangzhou Normal University,Hangzhou 310036,China)
Extensions of Reduced Rings
WU Hui-feng
(College of Science,Hangzhou Normal University,Hangzhou 310036,China)
A ringRis a reduced ring,provided thata2=0implies thata=0.The paper discussed the relations between reduced rings and 3-Armendariz rings and proved that power series rings and some special upper triangular matrix rings of reduced rings are 3-Armendariz rings.
reduced ring;power series ring;3-Armendariz ring.
Condition(P) For alla,b,c∈R,if(abc)2=0,thenabc=0.(see[1])
Proposition 1IfRis a reduced ring,thenRsatisfies the Condition(P),but the converse is not true.
ProofIt is easy to prove thatRis a reduced ring implies thatRsatisfies the Condition(P),there exists a ring that satisfies the Condition(P)but is not a reduced ring.Let
From[1],we know thatRis 3-Armendariz ring if and only ifR[x]is 3-Armendariz ring.Clearly,all subrings of 3-Armendariz rings are 3-Armendariz rings.IfR[[x]]is a 3-Armendariz ring,thenR[x]is a 3-Armendariz ring,but the converse is not true.
Theorem 1LetRbe a reduced ring,thenR[[x]]is a 3-Armendariz ring.
Corollary 1IfRis a reduced ring,thenR[x]is a 3-Armendariz ring.
Theorem 2LetRbe a reduced ring,then is a 3-Armendariz ring.
ProofIt is well know that for a ringRand any positive integern≥2,R[x]/(xn)≌S.where(xn)is the ideal ofR[x]generated byxn.It is evident thatR[x]/(xn)≌R′,R′is subring ofR[[x]],soR′≌S.SinceRis reduced ring,by Theorem 1,we knowR[[x]]is 3-Armendariz ring,moveover,subrings of 3-Armendariz rings are 3-Armendariz rings,soR′is a 3-Armendariz ring.ThereforeSis a 3- Armendariz ring and the proof is complete.
Theorem 3LetRbe a reduced ring,then
is a 3-Armendariz ring.
ProofSinceRis a reduced ring,thenRsatisfies the Condition(P),that is
We can denote their addition and multiplication by:
So every polynomial ofR[y]can be expressed by(f0(0),f0(y),f1(y)),wheref0(y),f1(y)∈R[x][y].For allf(y),g(y),h(y)∈R〈x〉[y],and
Iff(y)g(y)h(y)=0,we have the following system of equations:
If we multiply(3)on the right side byf0(y),then
Also if we multiply(3′)on the right side byg0(y),then
Thusf0(0)g0(0)h1(y)f0(0)g0(0)=0.So(f0(0)g0(0)h1(y))2=f0(0)g0(0)h1(y)f0(0)g0(0)h1(y)=0.SinceRa reduced ring,thenR[x]is a reduced ring,and thenR[x][y]is a reduced ring.Thereforef0(0)g0(0)h1(y)=0.Hencef0(0)g1(y)h0(y)f0(y)=0,sof0(0)g1(y)h0(y)f0(0)=0,it means that(f0(0)g1(y)h0(y))2=0,thenf0(0)g1(y)h0(y)=0.
And sof0(0)g0(0)h1(y)=f0(0)g1(y)h0(y)=f1(y)g0(y)h0(y)=0.
and set
For all 0≤i≤r,0≤j≤s,0≤k≤t,we have
we knowR[x][y]is a reduced ring,soR[x][y]is a 3-Armendariz ring.Sincef0(0)g0(0)h0(0)=0,thenf1i(0)f2j(0)f3k(0)=0.Sincef0(y)g0(y)h0(y)=0,thenf1i(x)f2j(x)f3k(x)=0.Sincef0(0)g0(0)h1(y)=0,thenf1i(0)f2j(0)g3k(x)=0.Sincef0(0)g1(y)h0(y)=0,thenf1i(0)g2j(x)f3k(x)=0.Sincef1(y)g0(y)h0(y)=0,theng1i(x)f2j(x)f3k(x)=0.
HenceR〈x〉is a 3-Armendariz ring.
Example 1Z2〈x〉is a 3-Armendariz ring,henceZ2〈x〉is a Armendariz ring whereZ2is the field with two elements.
ProofIn view of Theorem 3,Z2〈x〉is a 3-Armendariz ring.ButZ2〈x〉has an identity,and so it is a Armendariz ring.
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(杭州師范大學理學院,浙江杭州 310036)
O153.3 MSC2010:16E99;14F99 Article character:A
Biography:Wu Hui-feng(1982—),famale,born in Anqing,Anhui province,master,engageed in Algebraic.E-mail:yaya57278570@163.com