Once I was in middle school I realized what a huge difference it was from elementary school. I couldn’t be as free as before. To start with, school started earlier. In elementary school, school started at 8:30 A.M. But in middle school it was 7:50 A.M. And we needed to go to the gym where we met with our team before heading to our classroom.
The way we had classes changed greatly. In elementary school we studied all subjects in one classroom and the headteacher of the class taught three major subjects all by herself. In middle school every subject had its own classroom and each was decorated differently. I had seven subjects—Writing, Reading, Social Studies, Science, Math, etc. And seven different teachers. We had to move from class to class.
One of the biggest differences between a Chinese school and an American middle school was that American middle school did not have any recess time. We studied three subjects in the morning with each subject lasting for a one-hour period. We only had one minute to race to the next classroom! If we needed to use the restroom, we had to ask our teacher to sign a pass. We only had a twenty-minute break for lunch. There was barely time to wash our hands! We had to line up to get our lunch. No one liked to be at the end of line because it gave you less time to eat! After lunch we had three more subjects with the last being an encore (which lasted one and a half hours). Encore classes were fun as I studied sewing, cooking, financing, baby-sitting, etc.
Middle school also seemed to have endless rules! We could not wear hats, could not wear low-cut coats and could not jump or run in the hallways. There were two colors of tiles on the floor. We had to march on the borders between the two tiles, so our whole line was straight, the walls wouldn’t be made dirty and the lockers wouldn’t be tinkled. A camera viewed us consistently. From the ceiling yellow posters were hung saying “Speak in a low voice.” “Don’t touch the walls” and so on!
Each student had their own locker in which we stored our personal belongings. You had to put your backpack in the locker and could only fetch class materials during the one minute “class racing-time”. But there was one thing you must carry—an agenda, which recorded our everyday performance in school. We carried an agenda which had to be signed if we wanted to open our locker during classes, go to the library, or use the restroom. Every student must carry their agenda all the time in case the teacher would have a check. Failing to do this you would be unlucky-be published to take the “safe seat” or even worse to go to the “buddy room”.