1. deep love 深深的愛
He fell in deep love with that girl and no one can prevent. 他與那女孩深深相愛,無人能阻攔他。
2. chaste love 貞潔的愛
Wholly pure sentiments (情感) are to be found only in women who are wholly chaste. 只有真正貞潔的女人才會有真正純潔的情感。
3. devoted love 專一的愛
Wish you a happy birthday with all my devoted love to you. 以我忠貞的愛情,祝福你生日快樂!
4. loyal love 忠誠的愛
He remained loyal throughout. 他始終忠貞不渝。
5. tender love 溫柔的愛
You have fulfilled my dreams and made my life complete, because we love each other tenderly and sweetly. 你實現了我的夢,完整了我的人生,因為你我溫柔甜蜜地相愛。
6. sincere love 真摯的愛
Love must be completely sincere. 愛情應該完全真誠。
7. burning love 熾熱的愛
If I express myself with words of friendship, you will think that I am too indifferent. If I express all my heart with burning love, you will say that I am too rash. 如果我僅僅表達出友誼的話語,你會認為我很冷漠;如果我說我整顆心燃燒著愛火,你會說我太過輕率。
8. love at first sight 一見鐘情
They fell in love at first sight. 他們一見鐘情。
9. triangle love 三角戀愛
The tragic triangle love of Jia Baoyu, Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai is the centre of the play. 該戲的中心是賈寶玉、林黛玉和薛寶釵三個人的悲劇愛情故事。
10. love is blind 情人眼里出西施
He thinks she is the most beautiful girl in the world. Because love is blind. 他認為她是世界上最漂亮的女孩,因為情人眼里出西施。