無(wú)向廣義De Bruijn圖的-限制邊連通性
(五邑大學(xué) 數(shù)學(xué)與計(jì)算科學(xué)學(xué)院,廣東 江門(mén) 529020)
廣義De Bruijn圖;邊割;限制邊連通度
圖1 無(wú)向廣義De Bruijn圖
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The-restricted Edge Connectivity of Undirected Generalized De Bruijn Graphs
LIJi-qing, OUJian-ping
(School of Mathematics and Computation Science, Wuyi University, Jiangmen 529020, China)
generalized De Bruijn graphs; edge cut; restricted edge connectivity