王雷 夏天 廖專 鄒多武 金震東 杜奕奇 湛先保 胡先貴 金鋼 邵成浩 鄭建明 王莉 李兆申
王雷 夏天 廖專 鄒多武 金震東 杜奕奇 湛先保 胡先貴 金鋼 邵成浩 鄭建明 王莉 李兆申
胰腺; 乳頭狀黏液性腫瘤; 診斷; 治療
胰腺導(dǎo)管內(nèi)乳頭狀黏液性腫瘤(intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm,IPMN)是一類胰腺外分泌部黏液性腫瘤,主要發(fā)生在主胰管和大的分支胰管,病變上皮呈乳頭狀突起,少數(shù)為扁平狀,病灶直徑常>1 cm。一般認為IPMN經(jīng)歷腺瘤-交界性-原位癌-浸潤性癌的過程。我國IPMN的報道相對較少,且多為小樣本量[1-5]。為此,本研究總結(jié)長海醫(yī)院近20年來收治的IPMN的資料,以加深對我國IPMN臨床特征的認識,提高臨床診治水平。
所有病例至少包括上腹部平掃加增強CT或胰腺MR/MRCP中的一項影像學(xué)檢查,其中CT檢查249例次(68.9%),MR或MRCP 208例次(57.6%),ERCP 162例次(44.8%),EUS 105例次(29.1%),并確定胰管病變類型、病變部位、病灶大小、壁結(jié)節(jié)的大??;實驗室檢查包括血常規(guī)、血清總蛋白、白蛋白、總膽紅素、丙氨酸轉(zhuǎn)移酶、天冬氨酸轉(zhuǎn)移酶、堿性磷酸酶、γ-谷氨酰轉(zhuǎn)移酶、淀粉酶、癌胚抗原(CEA)、糖類抗原CA19-9 (CA19-9)。術(shù)后病理經(jīng)兩位胰腺病理專家審閱原始切片確認,并按照WHO分級標(biāo)準分型。
圖1 IPMN的年齡分布圖
白細胞計數(shù)<4.0×109/L者占19.5%,血紅蛋白<12 g/L者占28.3%,血小板計數(shù)<100.0×109/L者占3.9%,白蛋白低于30 g/L者占5.3%;血淀粉酶升高1~3倍37例(10.2%),3倍以上6例(1.6%);CEA>5 U/L 45例(12.6%);CA19-9 >37 ng/ml 99例(27.4%),>111 ng/ml 60例(15.5%)。
ERCP、MRCP、CT、EUS診斷IPMN的敏感性分別為80.2%、76.9%、63.9%、50.5%(表1,圖2)。十二指腸鏡下見乳頭開口呈魚口樣增大并有黏液流出(圖3)。ERCP細胞刷檢40例,找到黏液性腫瘤細胞2例,可疑細胞10例,癌細胞4例,未見惡性細胞 24例。胰管內(nèi)活檢5例,明確診斷2例,支持診斷2例,1例未見細胞。內(nèi)鏡超聲引導(dǎo)下細針穿刺活檢(EUS-FNA)43例,27例見到黏液,19例見到異型細胞。胰管鏡檢查7例,均見到主胰管內(nèi)乳頭樣結(jié)構(gòu)(圖4),其中直視下活檢3例,均明確診斷。胰管腔內(nèi)超聲(IDUS)檢查38例,26例見胰管內(nèi)乳頭狀等回聲或高回聲突起。17例見分支胰管擴張,其中14例與主胰管相通。
表1 不同影像學(xué)檢查的診斷敏感性比較(例)
圖3 十二指腸鏡下乳頭圖像 圖4 胰管鏡下圖像
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ObjectiveTo analyse the clinical characterization of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of pancreas (IPMNs) and to improve the understanding of IPMNs.MethodsThree hundred and sixty-one patients with IPMN at Shanghai Changhai Hospital between 1993 and 2012 were retrospectively analyzed.ResultsAmong 361 cases of IPMNs, 241 were men and 120 were female, with a female to male ratio of 2.6∶1. Mean age of the patients was 62 years old (16~87 years old). The duct type included the main duct in 102 patients (28.3%), a branch duct in 109 (30.2%), and mixed ducts in 150 (41.6%). The most common symptom at presentation is pancreatitis, which occur in 167 patients (46.3%). The sensitivity for the detection of IPMN was 80.2% by ERCP, 76.9% by MRCP, 63.9% by CT, and 50.5% by EUS. One hundred and twenty-nine patients (35.7%) were operated and diagnosed with 87 (67.2%) IPMA, 21 (16.4%) IPMB, 10(8.2%) IPMC(CIS) and 10 (8.2%) had invasive carcinomas.The 5-year survival rates of IPMA, IPMB, IPMC, and invasive carcinomas were 100%, 100%, 66.5%, and 44.7%, respectively.ConclusionsIPMNs were fregrently occured is 60 years old, half of patients had acute pancreatitis history and the frequtly attack, mixed type is most anatomy type, and the outcome after surgery is good.
Pancreas; Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm; Diagnosis; Therapy
200433 上海,第二軍醫(yī)大學(xué)長海醫(yī)院、上海市醫(yī)學(xué)重點學(xué)科——“重中之中”:消化內(nèi)科(王雷、夏天、廖專、鄒多武、金震東、杜奕奇、湛先保、李兆申),胰腺外科(胡先貴、金鋼、邵成浩),病理科(鄭建明),影像科(王莉)