(Two people are in an office, waiting for an interview.)
Kevin: Are you here for the interview?
Jocelyn: Yes, and you?
Kevin: Me, too. Im Kevin.
Jocelyn: Jocelyn. Nice to meet you.
Kevin: You, too. Do you have lots of experience working with magazines?
Jocelyn: Not really, Im just trying to break in. Ive already been turned down twice.
Kevin: ①Well, third times the charm, right?
Jocelyn: Haha, I hope so. What about you?
Kevin: ②Im an old hand at this. Ive been in the business about 10 years now.
Jocelyn: Wow. ③Any tips for someone whos wet behind the ears?
Kevin: Id say first and 1)foremost you need to ask yourself a couple of questions.
Jocelyn: Like?
Kevin: 2)For starters, is this something you really want to do?
Jocelyn: I think so. ④I guess right now Im just sort of weighing my options. Why?
Kevin: This kind of job isnt just an occupation, its a career.
Jocelyn: Whats the difference?
Kevin: ⑤Number one, theres a serious pecking order. If you want to move up, you need to work hard and show them what youre made of.
Jocelyn: I can do that when I want to.
Kevin: And youve hit the nail on the head: when you want to. If this isnt going to be your career, you wont care enough about the job to put in the sweat needed to move up. Youll end up in the same position for five plus years.
Jocelyn: ⑥Just another dead-end job.
Kevin: Exactly. ⑦Youll have put your true wants on ice to do something that you really couldnt care less about.
Jocelyn: But what if this is the career for me?
Kevin: Then youll feel it. ⑧Youll be on the up and up and loving it.
Jocelyn: I guess Ive never really thought about this stuff. I always kinda figured it would just come to me one day, you know?
Kevin: Thats the mistake most people make, and theyre just waiting for a raindrop in a drought. Figuring out what you want takes research, time, and hard work.
Jocelyn: This has been a real wake up call. Thanks, Kevin!
Kevin: No problem. Always glad to help. Good luck in there!
Smart Sentences
① Well, third times the charm, right? 好啦,倒霉不過三,對不對?
third time is the charm: if the first two attempts have not been a success, the third try is good luck(倒霉不過三)。例如:
Although I failed my first two driver tests and people say that third time is the charm, I didnt pass the third test either.
② Im an old hand at this. 我是個老手了。
an old hand: sb. who is very skilled at sth. because he has been doing it for a long time(老手)。例如:
Its a shame for an old hand like John to make a simple mistake like this.
③ Any tips for someone whos wet behind the ears? 有沒有什么訣竅給我這個初出茅廬的人?
wet behind the ears: inexperienced, green(沒見過世面,新手)。例如:
Youve been here for six months and its time you drop the excuse of being wet behind the ears.
④ I guess right now Im just sort of weighing my options. 我想目前我正在慎重考慮我的所有選擇。
weigh up ones options: carefully consider ones options(慎重考慮各種選擇)。例如:
Choosing the right university is very important. You need to weigh up all your options.
⑤ Number one, theres a serious pecking order. 首先,那有嚴格的論資排輩的等級制度。
pecking order: a hierarchy among a group, as of people, classes(權勢等級,長幼尊卑制度)。例如:
Todays young men dont want to work in a corporation with a pecking order.
⑥ Just another dead-end job. 又是一份毫無前途的工作。
dead-end job: a job with little or no hope of promotion or pay raise(沒有前途的工作)。例如:
The only way to exit a dead-end job is through education or training.
⑦ Youll have put your true wants on ice to do something that you really couldnt care less about. 你會把自己的真正夢想暫時擱置而先去做你不那么想做的事情。
put sth. on the ice: postpone acting(擱置,暫緩,延遲)。例如:
Lets put this project on ice till we find out how well its financed.
⑧ Youll be on the up and up and loving it.(你)會不斷精益求精并喜歡它。
on the up and up: making very good progress and doing well(進展良好的,不斷改善的。)。例如:
It was a good year for me, I passed the bar exam, got three offers and published my first novel—things were on the up and up.