If I could issue a 1)decree, I would make it the law that if you saw a person on the street holding a map and maybe having a confused look in their face, I would make it legally required that youd walk up to this person, ask them where they want to go, and whether you can help them. That may be 2)weird coming from a map designer, but I think maps, by the very 3)fabric of how theyre produced, have a couple of 4)shortcomings. They have far too much 5)irrelevant information, and local people may be able to recommend you places based on your 6)persona. Local people may be aware of 7)temporary detours, even if the destination that youre heading for isnt even worth going to. The map 8)essentially does not know who is looking at it. Does that make maps 9)obsolete? I dont think so. The locals may still make little marks and routes into your map. You can take your map along, and, of course, the most important thing, it gets people to talk to one another. Strangers and visitors would feel more welcome, and I think that would make the world a much better place.