Kai-Qin LI, Yun-Zhen WANG, Da-Zhi DONG, Li-Kun ZHANG
Kunming Natural History Museum of Zoology, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming Yunnan 650223, China
Catalog of insect type specimens preserved at the Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Science with corrections of some specimens
Kai-Qin LI, Yun-Zhen WANG, Da-Zhi DONG, Li-Kun ZHANG*
Kunming Natural History Museum of Zoology, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming Yunnan 650223, China
This article presents a list of insect types preserved in Kunming Natural History Museum of Zoology (KNHMZ). As of March, 2015, 3 412 type specimens belonging to 266 species/subspecies of 37 families in 9 orders (Odonata, Isoptera, Mantodea, Orthoptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera) are included. Information corrections of some specimens are provided in this article.
Catalog; Insects; Type specimens; Information correction; KIZ
Initially established in the 1970s, the insect specimen library of Kunming Institute of Zoology (KIZ), Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) now resides within the Kunming Natural History Museum of Zoology (KNHMZ) at KIZ and includes more 400 000 specimens. Type specimens preserved in KIZ were primarily obtained via scholars at KIZ as well as some donars from other institutions. This article presents a detailed list of insect type specimens deposited in the KNHMZ with correction information for some specimens.
As of March 2015, 3 412 type specimens belonging to 266 species/subspecies of 37 families in 9 orders (Odonata, Isoptera, Mantodea, Orthoptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera) are included in the curated collections. In detail, there are 83 Diptera type and 810 specimens; followed 45 Coleoptera species/subspecies and 179 specimens; 39 Lepidoptera species/subspecies and 165 specimens; 37 Isoptera species and 1 461 specimens. Geographically, these specimens were mainly collected from Yunnan, Hubei, Hunan, Guizhou, and Sichuan provinces in the People’s Republic of China.
All the original documents of types deposited in the KNHMZ have been collected, and then the information of type specimens was checked against the original description. Available authors were invited to check the status of these specimens and/or check the label information of specimens that were found to be inconsistent with their original descriptions. The labels of type specimens generally consist of specimen label, identification label, and type label. The type labels have different colours from other labels, with type labels of holotype, paratype, and allotype being respectively done in red, yellow and blue. By convention, a serial number label of specimens is under each specimen. When the label information was not consistent with description, both information are presented as follows: information on label (information in original description). 1
(i) Euphaeidae
(1)Bayadera nephelopennisDaviesetYang, 1996
Bayadera nephelopennis Davies et Yang, 1996 (Davies & Yang, 1996).
Holotype: number 0058997. Paratypes: 4 specimens, number 0058998–0059001 (number 0058998 was allotype in original description).
The collecting date of number 0059001 is 1993.06.10 on label (1993.06.08 in original description).
Type locality: Omei Mountain, Sichuan Province, China.
(2)Bayadera serrataDaviesetYang, 1996
Bayadera serrata Davies et Yang, 1996 (Davies & Yang, 1996).
Holotype: number 0058979.
Type locality: Dali, Yunnan Province, China.
(3)Bayadera strigataDaviesetYang, 1996
Bayadera strigata Davies et Yang, 1996 (Davies & Yang, 1996).
Holotype: number 0058980. Paratypes: 16 specimens, number 0058981–0058996 (number 0058981 was allotype in original description).
The collector of number 0058980 is YB on label (DALD in original description).
Type locality: Dali, Yunnan Province, China.
(4) Schmidtiphaea yunnanensis Davies et Yang, 1996
Schmidtiphaea yunnanensis Davies et Yang, 1996 (Davies & Yang, 1996).
Holotype: number 0059002. Paratypes: 3 specimens, number 0059003–0059005 (number 0059003 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Jiangcheng County, Yunnan Province, China.
(ii) Gomphidae
(5) Anisogomphus nitidus Yang et Davies, 1993
Anisogomphus nitidus Yang et Davies, 1993 (Yang & Davies, 1993).
Holotype: number 0059006.
The collector of number 0059006 is Allen and Davies on label (DALD in original description).
Type locality: Dali, Yunnan Province, China.
(6) Anisogomphus resortus Yang et Davies, 1996
Anisogomphus resortus Yang et Davies, 1996 (Yang & Davies, 1996).
Holotype: number 0059040. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0059041.
The collecting dates of number 0059040 and 0059041 are 1993.06.10 and 1992.06.08 on label respectively (1993.06.08 and 1992.07.10 in original description).
Type locality: Emeishan Mountain, Sichuan Province, China.
(7) Davidius davidi yunnanensis Yang et Davies, 1996
Davidius davidi yunnanensis Yang et Davies, 1996 (Yang & Davies, 1996).
Holotype: number 0059043. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0059044.
Type locality: Lijiang, Yunnan Province, China.
(8) Lamelligomphus laetus Yang et Davies, 1993
Lamelligomphus laetus Yang et Davies, 1993 (Yang & Davies, 1993).
Holotype: number 0059034. Paratypes: 5 specimens, number 0059035–0059039 (number 0059035 was allotype in original description).
The collector of number 0059035 is YB on label (Allen & Davies in original description). The collecting dates of number 0059036 and 0059037 are 1991.07.09 and 1991.07.06 on label respectively (both are 1991.07.07/12 in original description).
Type locality: Dali, Yunnan Province, China.
(9) Merogomphus chaoi Yang et Davies, 1993
Merogomphus chaoi Yang et Davies, 1993 (Yang & Davies, 1993).
Holotype: number 0059007. Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0059008–0059009 (number 0059008 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Jiangcheng County, Yunnan Province, China.
(10) Stylogomphus lawrenceae Yang et Davies, 1996
Stylogomphus lawrenceae Yang et Davies, 1996 (Yang & Davies, 1996).
Holotype: number 0059046. Paratypes: 15 specimens, number 0059047–0059061, and 4 exuviae 0059062–0059064, 0059066 (number 0059047 was allotype in original description).
The collecting date of number 0059048–0059051 is 1992. 05.31, number 0059052–0059064 and 0059066 is 1992.05.24 on label (all of them are 1993.05.24/31 in original description).
Type locality: Jiangcheng County, Yunnan Province, China.
(i) Rhinotermitidae
(11) Heterotermes coelceps Zhu, Huang et Wang, 1992
Heterotermes coelceps Zhu, Huang et Wang, 1992 (Zhu et al, 1992).
Syntypes: 23 specimens, number 0060275–0060297.
Authors didn’t indicate the holotype.
Type locality: Qianjiang County, Chongqing City (Sichuan Province), China.
(12) Heterotermes dayongensis Zhu, Huang et Wang, 1992
Heterotermes dayongensis Zhu, Huang et Wang, 1992 (Zhu et al, 1992).
Syntypes: 55 specimens, number 0060062–0060116.
Authors didn’t indicate the holotype.
Type locality: Zhangjiajie National Park, Dayong City, Hunan Province, China.
(13) Heterotermes leigongshanensis Zhu, Huang, Wang et Han, 1992
Heterotermes leigongshanensis Zhu, Huang, Wang et Han, 1992 (Zhu et al, 1992).
Syntypes: 17 specimens, number 0060117–0060133.
Authors didn’t indicate the holotype.
Type locality: Menglian County, Yunnan Province, China.
(14) Heterotermes majiangensis Zhu, Huang et Wang, 1992
Heterotermes majiangensis Zhu, Huang et Wang, 1992 (Zhu et al, 1992).
Syntypes: 64 specimens, number 0060148–0060211.
Authors didn’t indicate the holotype.
Type locality: Majiang County, Guizhou Province, China.
(15) Heterotermes maopingensis Zhu, Huang et Wang, 1992
Heterotermes maopingensis Zhu, Huang et Wang, 1992 (Zhu et al, 1992).
Syntypes: 14 specimens, number 0060134–0060147.
Authors didn’t indicate the holotype.
Type locality: Maoping, Leigongshan Mountain, Guizhou Province, China.
(16) Heterotermes planimentus Zhu, Huang et Wang, 1992
Heterotermes planimentus Zhu, Huang et Wang, 1992 (Zhu et al, 1992).
Syntypes: 63 specimens, number 0060212–0060274.
Authors didn’t indicate the holotype.
Type locality: Xiaonanhai, Qijiang County, Chongqing City (Sichuan Province), China.
(17) Heterotermes yinae Zhu, Huang et Li, 1987
Heterotermes yinae Zhu, Huang et Li, 1987 (Zhu et al, 1987b).
Syntypes: 114 specimens, number 0059151–0059264.
Authors didn’t indicate the holotype.
Type locality: Simao County, Yunnan Province, China.
(18) Reticulitermes tianpingshanensis Zhu et Huang, 1992
Reticulitermes tianpingshanensis Zhu et Huang, 1992 (Zhu etal, 1992).
Holotype: number 0060298. Paratype: 41 specimens, number 0060299–0060339.
Type locality: Tianpingshan Mountain, Sangzhi County, Hunnan Province, China.
(19) Reticulitermes (Frontotermes) jiangchengensis Yang, Zhu et Huang, 1992
Reticulitermes (Frontotermes) jiangchengensis Yang, Zhu et Huang, 1992 (Yang et al, 1992).
Syntypes: 65 specimens, number 0060340–0060404.
Authors didn’t indicate the holotype.
The collecting numner of these type specimens is 90IV23038 on label (90IV24038 in original description). The collecting date of number 0060340–0060353 is 1990.04.23 on label (1990.04.24 in original description).
Type locality: Jiangcheng County, Yunnan Province, China.
(20) Reticulitermes (Planifrontotermes) curticeps Yang, Zhu et Huang, 1992
Reticulitermes (Planifrontotermes) curticeps Yang, Zhu et Huang, 1992 (Yang et al, 1992).
Holotype: number 0060405. Paratypes: 3 specimens, number 0060406–0060408.
Type locality: Luchun County, Yunnan Province, China.
(ii) Termitidae
(21) Ancistrotermes crassiceps Zhu et Wang, 1991
Ancistrotermes crassiceps Zhu et Wang, 1991 (Zhu et al, 1991b).
Syntypes: 64 specimens, number 0059633–0059696.
Authors didn’t indicate the holotype.
Type locality: Manfeilong, Jinghong County, Yunnan Province, China.
(22) Ancistrotermes ganlanbaensis Zhu et Huang, 1991
Ancistrotermes ganlanbaensis Zhu et Huang, 1991 (Zhu et al, 1991b).
Syntypes: 20 specimens, number 0059598–0059617.
Authors didn’t indicate the holotype.
Type locality: Ganlanba, Jinghong County, Yunnan Province, China.
(23) Ancistrotermes hekouensis Zhu et Wang, 1991
Ancistrotermes hekouensis Zhu et Wang, 1991 (Zhu et al, 1991a).
Syntypes: 67 specimens, number 0059901–0059967.
The altitude of number 0059901–0059967 is 160 m (not mentioned in original description). Authors didn’t indicate the holotype.
Type locality: Hekou County, Yunnan Province, China.
(24) Ancistrotermes menglianensis Zhu et Huang, 1991
Ancistrotermes menglianensis Zhu et Huang, 1991 (Zhu et al, 1991a).
Syntypes: 94 specimens, number 0059968–0060061.
The altitude of number 0059968–0060061 is 1 020 m (not mentioned in original description). Authors didn’t indicate the holotype.
Type locality: Menglian County, Yunnan Province, China.
(25) Ancistrotermes xiai Zhu et Huang, 1991
Ancistrotermes xiai Zhu et Huang, 1991 (Zhu et al, 1991b).
Syntypes: 15 specimens, number 0059618–0059632.
Authors didn’t indicate the holotype.
Type locality: Menglun, Mengla County, Yunnan Province, China.
(26) Euhamitermes mengdingensis Zhu et Li, 1987
Euhamitermes mengdingensis Zhu et Li, 1987 (Zhu et al, 1987a).
Syntype: 2 specimen, number 0060547–0060548.
Authors didn’t indicate the holotype.
Type locality: Mengding, Gengma County, Yunnan Province, China.
(27) Euhamitermes yuntaishanensis Zhu et Huang, 1987
Euhamitermes yuntaishanensis Zhu et Huang, 1987 (Zhu et al, 1987a).
Syntypes: 22 specimens, number 0060523–0060544.
Authors didn’t indicate the holotype.
Type locality: Yuntaishan Mountain, Yongping County, Yunnan Province, China.
(28) Globitermes mengpengensis Zhu et Huang, 1990
Globitermes mengpengensis Zhu et Huang, 1990 (Zhu & Huang, 1990).
Syntypes: 121 specimens, number 0059697–0059817.
Authors didn’t indicate the holotype.
Type locality: Mengpeng, Mengla County, Yunnan Province, China.
(29) Globitermes menglaensis Huang et Zhu, 1990
Globitermes menglaensis Huang et Zhu, 1990 (Zhu & Huang, 1990).
Syntypes: 30 specimens, number 0059818–0059847.
Authors didn’t indicate the holotype.
Type locality: Mengla County, Yunnan Province, China.
(30) Hypotermes bawanensis Zhu et Wang, 1990
Hypotermes bawanensis Zhu et Wang, 1990 (Zhu et al, 1990a).
Holotype: number 0059354. Paratypes: 8 specimens, number 0059355–0059362.
Type locality: Bawan, Baoshan City, Yunnan Province, China.
(31) Hypotermes meiziensis Huang et Zhu, 1990
Hypotermes meiziensis Huang et Zhu, 1990 (Zhu et al, 1990a).
Holotype: number 0059338. Paratypes: 15 specimens, number 0059339–0059353.
Type locality: Meizhi Village, Baoshan City, Yunnan Province, China.
(32) Hypotermes mengdingensis Zhu et Huang, 1990
Hypotermes mengdingensis Zhu et Huang, 1990 (Zhu et al, 1990a).
Syntypes: 56 specimens, number 0059265–0059320.
Authors didn’t indicate the holotype.
The altitude of number 0059265–0059320 is 530 m (630 m in original description).
Type locality: Mengding Town, Gengma County, Yunnan Province, China.
(33) Hypotermes wandingensis Zhu et Huang, 1990
Hypotermes wandingensis Zhu et Huang, 1990 (Zhu et al, 1990a).
Holotype: number 0059321. Paratypes: 16 specimens, number 0059322–0059337.
Type locality: Wanding, Yunnan Province, China.
(34) Hypotermes wayaoensis Zhu et Wang, 1990
Hypotermes wayaoensis Zhu et Wang, 1990 (Zhu et al, 1990a).
Holotype: number 0059363. Paratypes: 19 specimens, number 0059364–0059382.
Type locality: Wayao, Baoshan City, Yunnan Province, China.
(35) Indotermes menggarensis Tsai et Zhu, 1984
Indotermes menggarensis Tsai et Zhu, 1984 (Tsai et al, 1984).
Holotype: number 0059068. Paratypes: 65 specimens, number 0059069–0059133.
Type locality: Luxi County, Yunnan Province, China.
(36) Malaysiocapritermes zhangfengensis Zhu, Yang et Huang, 1995
Malaysiocapritermes zhangfengensis Zhu, Yang et Huang, 1995 (Yang et al, 1995).
Holotype: number 0059848. Paratypes: 13 specimens, number 0059849–0059861.
Type locality: Zhangfeng Town, Longchuan County, Yunnan Province, China.
(37) Mirocapritermes jiangchengensis Yang, Zhu et Huang, 1995
Mirocapritermes jiangchengensis Yang, Zhu et Huang, 1995 (Yang et al, 1995).
Holotype: number 0059862. Paratypes: 26 specimens, number 0059863–0059888.
The altitude of number 0059862–0059888 is 930 m on label (920m in original description).
Type locality: Kangping, Jiangcheng County, Yunnan Province, China.
(38) Microtermes mangzhuangensis Huang et Zhu, 1991
Microtermes mangzhuangensis Huang et Zhu, 1991 (Zhu et al, 1991a).
Holotype: number 0059889. Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0059890–0059891.
The altitude of number 0059889–0059891 is 700 m (not mentioned in original description).
Type locality: Manzhuang, Mengla County, Yunnan Province, China.
(39) Microtermes menglunensis Zhu et Huang, 1991
Microtermes menglunensis Zhu et Huang, 1991 (Zhu et al, 1991b).
Holotype: number 0059551. Paratypes: 46 specimens, number 0059552–0059597.
Type locality: Menglun, Mengla County, Yunnan Province, China.
(40) Microtermes mengpengensis Zhu et Huang, 1991
Microtermes mengpengensis Zhu et Huang, 1991 (Zhu et al, 1991a).
Holotype: number 0059892. Paratypes: 8 specimens, number 0059893–0059900.
Type locality: Mengpeng, Mengla County, Yunnan Province, China.
(41) Parahypotermes manyunensis Zhu et Huang, 1990
Parahypotermes manyunensis Zhu et Huang, 1990 (Zhu et al, 1990b).
Holotype: number 0059383. Paratypes: 79 specimens, number 0059384–0059462.
This species is type species of genus Parahypotermes.
Type locality: Manyun, Yingjiang County, Yunnan Province, China.
(42) Parahypotermes ruiliensis Zhu et Wang, 1990
Parahypotermes ruiliensis Zhu et Wang, 1990 (Zhu et al, 1990b).
Syntypes: 56 specimens, number 0059463–0059500, 0059503–0059520.
Authors didn’t indicate the holotype.
Type locality: Wanding, Ruili County, Yunnan Province, China.
(43) Parahypotermes yingjiangensis Huang et Zhu, 1990
Parahypotermes yingjiangensis Huang et Zhu, 1990 (Zhu et al, 1990b).
Holotype: number 0059521. Paratypes: 26 specimens, number 0059522–0059544, 0059548–0059550.
Type locality: Manyun, Yingjiang County, Yunnan Province, China.
(44) Pseudocapritermes jiangchengensis Yang, Zhu et Huang, 1992
Pseudocapritermes jiangchengensis Yang, Zhu et Huang, 1992 (Yang et al, 1992).
Holotype: number 0060423. Paratypes: 25 specimens, number 0060424–0060448.
Type locality: Jiangcheng County, Yunnan Province, China.
(45) Pseudocapritermes planimentus Yang, Zhu et Huang, 1992
Pseudocapritermes planimentus Yang, Zhu et Huang, 1992 (Yang et al, 1992).
Holotype: number 0060409. Paratypes: 13 specimens, number 0060410–0060422.
Type locality: Jianshui County, Yunnan Province, China.
(46) Sinotermes luxiensis Huang et Zhu, 1984
Sinotermes luxiensis Huang et Zhu, 1984 (Tsai et al, 1984).
Holotype: number 0059134. Paratypes: 16 specimens, number 0059135–0059150.
The altitude of number 0059135–0059150 is 1 340 m (1 380 m in original description).
Type locality: Luxi County, Yunnan Province, China.
(iii) Kalotermitidae
(47) Glyptotermes tsaii Huang et Zhu, 1986
Glyptotermes tsaii Huang et Zhu, 1986 (Huang et al, 1986).
Syntypes: 61 specimens, number 0060449–0060503, 0060517–0060522.
Authors didn’t indicate the holotype.
Type locality: Gongshan County, Yunnan Province, China.
(i) Mantidae
(48) Eomantis yunnanensis Wang et Dong, 1993
Eomantis yunnanensis Wang et Dong, 1993 (Wang & Dong, 1993).
Holotype: number 0058411.
Type locality: Lancang County, Yunnan Province, China.
(49) Hierodula brachynota Wang et Dong, 1993
Hierodula brachynota Wang et Dong, 1993 (Wang & Dong, 1993). Holotype: number 0058414.
Type locality: Lincang City, Yunnan Province, China.
(50) Hierodula zhangi Wang et Dong, 1993
Hierodula zhangi Wang et Dong, 1993 (Wang & Dong, 1993).
Holotype: number 0058407. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0058408 (number 0058408 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Tengchong County, Yunnan Province, China.
(i) Chrotogonidae
(51) Micropterus yongshengensis Dong et Wang, 2012
Micropterus yongshengensis Dong et Wang, 2012 (Dong et al, 2012).
Holotype: number 0073877. Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0073878–0073879.
This species is type species of genus Micropterus.
Type locality: Yongsheng County, Yunnan Province, China.
(ii) Acrididae
(52) Heteropterus xiushanensis Wang, 1992
Heteropterus xiushanensis Wang, 1992 (Wang, 1992).
Holotype: number 0057616.
This species is type species of genus Heteropterus.
Type locality: Xiushan County, Chongqing City (Sichuan Province), China.
(iii) Metrodoridae
(53) Calyptraeus menglaensis Wang, 2001
Calyptraeus menglaensis Wang, 2001 (Wang, 2001).
Holotype: number 0057617.
This species is type species of genus Calyptraeus.
Type locality: Mengla County, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China.
(iv) Tetrigidae
(54) Flatocerus guizhouensis Wang, 1992
Flatocerus guizhouensis Wang, 1992 (Wang, 1992).
Holotype: number 0057618.
Type locality: Fanjingshan Mountain, Guizhou Province, China.
(55) Xistrella hunanensis Wang, 1999
Xistrella hunanensis Wang, 1999 (Wang, 1999).
Holotype: number 0057619.
Type locality: Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, China.
(v) Eneopteridae
(56) Zvenella nigrotibialis Liu, Yin et Wang, 1992–1993
Zvenella nigrotibialis Liu, Yin et Wang, 1992–1993 (Liu et al, 1992–1993).
Holotype: number 0062604.
Type locality: Mengla County, Yunnan Province, China.
(57) Sonotrella major Liu, Yin et Wang, 1992–1993
Sonotrella major Liu, Yin et Wang, 1992–1993 (Liu et al, 1992–1993).
Holotype: number 0059067. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0062605.
Type locality: Jinghong, Yunnan Province, China.
(i) Pentatomidae
(58) Acesines tridentatus Xiong et Liu, 1995
Acesines tridentatus Xiong et Liu, 1995 (Xiong & Liu, 1995).
Holotype: number 0058444. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0058445.
Type locality: Tengchong County, Yunnan Province, China.
(59) Acesines trifasciatus Xiong et Liu, 1995
Acesines trifasciatus Xiong et Liu, 1995 (Xiong & Liu, 1995).
Holotype: number 0058443.
Type locality: Mengzhe Town, Yunnan Province, China.
(60) Menida speciosa Zheng et Xiong, 2001
Menida speciosa Zheng et Xiong, 2001 (Zheng & Xiong, 2001).
Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0073881.
Type locality: Luoluoxinzai Hill, Caiyanghe Natural Reserve, Simao County, Yunnan Province, China.
(61) Paterculus bidentatus Xiong et Liu, 1996
Paterculus bidentatus Xiong et Liu, 1996 (Xiong & Liu, 1996).
Holotype: number 0058435. Paratypes: 6 specimens, number 0058436–0058441.
Type locality: Jinghong County, Yunnan Province, China.
(62) Pentatoma kunmingensis Xiong, 1981
Pentatoma kunmingensis Xiong, 1981 (Xiong, 1981).
Holotype: number 0058415. Paratypes: 4 specimens, number 0058416–0058419 (number 0058416 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Huahongdong, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(63) Plautia sordida Xiong et Liu, 1996
Plautia sordida Xiong et Liu, 1996 (Xiong & Liu, 1996).
Holotype: number 0058429. Paratypes: 4 specimens, number 0058430–0058433.
Type locality: Menglun Town, Yunnan Province, China.
(ii) Coreidae
(64) Aurelianus yunnananus Xiong, 1987
Aurelianus yunnananus Xiong, 1987 (Xiong, 1987).
Holotype: number 0058421. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0058422 (number 0058422 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Shangyong Town, Mengla County, Yunnan Province, China.
(65) Homoeocerus varicolor Xiong, 1987
Homoeocerus varicolor Xiong, 1987 (Xiong, 1987).
Holotype: number 0058423. Paratypes: 3 specimens, number 0058424–0058426 (number 0058424 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Dahaoping, Tengchong County, Yunnan Province, China.
(66) Pseudomictis obtusispinus Xiong, 1987
Pseudomictis obtusispinus Xiong, 1987 (Xiong, 1987).
Holotype: number 0058427. Paratype: 1 specimen,number 0058428 (number 0058428 was allotype in original description).
The information of number 0058427 is “Hainan province, Jianfengling, 800m, 1980.04.10, Xiong Jiang coll.” on label (“Hainan province, Diaoluo shan, 900 m, 1980.04.01, Xiong Jiang coll.” in original description).
Type locality: Jianfengling, Hainan Province, China.
(iii) Anthocoridae
(67) Anthocoris zoui Bu et Zheng, 2001
Anthocoris zoui Bu et Zheng, 2001 (Bu & Zheng, 2001).
Paratypes: 3 specimens, number 0058446–0058448.
Type locality: Huahongdong, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(iv) Cicadellidae
(68) Limassolla unica Zhang et Xiao, 2000
Limassolla unica Zhang et Xiao, 2000 (Zhang & Xiao, 2000).
Paratypes: 21 specimens, number 0062583–0062603.
Type locality: Yuxi City, Yunnan Province, China.
(i) Carabidae
(69) Carabus (Apotomopterus) davidis yunnanensis Dong, 2011
Carabus (Apotomopterus) davidis yunnanensis Dong, 2011 (Dong et al, 2011).
Holotype: number 0056901.
Type locality: Dashanbao, Zhaotong County, Yunnan Province, China.
(70) Leistus lihengae Kavanaugh et Long, 1999
Leistus lihengae Kavanaugh et Long, 1999 (Kavanaugh & Long, 1999).
Holotype: number 0058378. Paratypes: 4 specimens, number 0058379–0058382.
Type locality: Gaoligong Mountains, Baoshan Prefecture, Baoshan County, Yunnan Province, China.
(71) Leistus gaoligongensis Kavanaugh et Long, 1999
Leistus gaoligongensis Kavanaugh et Long, 1999 (Kavanaugh & Long, 1999).
Holotype: number 0058384. Paratypes: 18 specimens, number 0058385–0058402.
Type locality: Gaoligong Mountains, Baoshan Prefecture, Baoshan County, Yunnan Province, China.
(ii) Chrysomelidae
(72) Platycoryus niger yunnanensis Tan, 1982
Platycoryus niger yunnanensis Tan, 1982 (Tan, 1982).
Holotype: number 0062994. Paratypes: 5 specimens, number 0062995–0062999.
Type locality: Huahongdong, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(iii) Coccinellidae
(73) Cryptogonus lobulus Xiao, 1992
Cryptogonus lobulus Xiao, 1992 (Xiao & Li, 1992).
Holotype: number 0058717. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0058718.
Type locality: Xiushan County, Chongqing City (Sichuan Province), China.
(74) Cryptogonus qianjiangensis Xiao, 1992
Cryptogonus qianjiangensis Xiao, 1992 (Xiao & Li, 1992).
Holotype: number 0058714.
Type locality: Xiaonanhai, Qianjiang County, Chongqing City (Sichuan Province), China.
(75) Cryptogonus xiushanensis Xiao, 1992
Cryptogonus xiushanensis Xiao, 1992 (Xiao & Li, 1992).
Holotype: number 0058715. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0058716.
The information of number 0058715 is “Sichuan province, Xiushan, 520 m, 1989.07.07, Xiao Ningnian coll.” on label; the number 0058716 is “Sichuan province, Xiushan, 520 m, 1989.07.04, Xiao Ningnian coll.” on label. (“Hubei province, Hefeng, 850 m, 1989.VII.26, Xiao Ningnian” in original description). Author (XIAO Ningnian) has confirmed the information of number 0058715 and 0058716 on label.
Type locality: Xiushan County, Chongqing City (Sichuan Province), China.
(76) Epilachna lichuaniensis Xiao, 1992
Epilachna lichuaniensis Xiao, 1992 (Xiao & Li, 1992).
Holotype: number 0058728.
Type locality: Xingdoushan Mountain, Lichuan City, Hubei Province, China.
(77) Epilachna globiera Xiao, 1992
Epilachna globiera Xiao, 1992 (Xiao & Li, 1992).
Holotype: number 0058729. Paratypes: 3 specimens, number 0058730–0058732.
The collecting date of number 0058731 and 0058732 is 1983.07.13 on label (1983.07.14 in original description). Author (Xiao Ningnian) has confirmed the collecting date on label.
Type locality: Youyang County, Chongqing City (Sichuan Province), China.
(78) Nesolotis centralis Wang et Ren, 2010
Nesolotis centralis Wang et Ren, 2010 (Wang et al, 2010).
Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0058735–0058736.
Type locality: Pinglong, Shiwandashan Mountain, Guangxi Province, China.
(79) Nesolotis magnipunctata Wang et Ren, 2010
Nesolotis magnipunctata Wang et Ren, 2010 (Wang et al, 2010).
Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0058733–0058734.
Type locality: Longmen, Mengla, Yunnan Province, China.
(80) Plotina daweishanensis Wang et Ren, 2011
Plotina daweishanensis Wang et Ren, 2011 (Wang et al, 2011).
Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0058737–0058738.
Type locality: Dajianshan Mountain, Pingbian County, Yunnan Province, China.
(81) Rodolia xianfengensis Xiao, 1992
Rodolia xianfengensis Xiao, 1992 (Xiao & Li, 1992).
Holotype: number 0058719. Paratypes: 5 specimens, number 0058720–0058724.
The information of number 0058724 is “Sichuan province,Qianjiang, Shihui, Wuling Mountain, 700 m, 1989.06.19, Xiao Ningnian coll.” on label (the information of all paratypes is“Hubei Province, Xianfeng, 730 m, 1989.VIII.7, Xiao Ningnian coll.” in original description). Author (Xiao Ningnian) has confirmed that number 0058724 is a paratype.
Type locality: Xianfeng County, Hubei Province, China.
(82) Serangium baculum Xiao, 1992
Serangium baculum Xiao, 1992 (Xiao & Li, 1992).
Holotype: number 0058698. Paratypes: 10 specimens, number 0058699–0058708 (number 0058699 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Qianjiang County, Chongqing City (Sichuan Province), China.
(83) Serangium drepnicum Xiao, 1992
Serangium drepnicum Xiao, 1992 (Xiao & Li, 1992).
Holotype: number 0058692. Paratypes: 3 specimens, number 0058693–0058695 (number 0058693 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Hefeng County, Hubei Province, China.
(84) Singhikalia duodecimguttata Xiao, 1992
Singhikalia duodecimguttata Xiao, 1992 (Xiao & Li, 1992).
Holotype: number 0058725. Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0058726–0058727.
The information of number 0058725 is “Hubei Province, Laifeng, Xinxia, 540 m, 1989.07.19, Xiao Ningnian coll.” on label (“Sichuan province, Xiushan, Huixinshao, 820m, 1989.VII.17, Xiao Ningnian coll.” in original description); the information of number 0058726 is “Sichuan Province, Xiushan, 520 m, 1989.07.07, coll.” on label ( “Hubei province, Laifeng, Xinxia, 540m, 1989.VII.19, Xiao Ningnian coll.” in original description). Author (Xiao Ningnian) has confirmed the types and the type information on label.
Type locality: Xinxia, Laifeng County, Hubei Province, China.
(85) Stethorus (Parastethorus) dichiapiculus Xiao, 1992
Stethorus (Parastethorus) dichiapiculus Xiao, 1992 (Xiao & Li, 1992).
Holotype: number 0058712.
Type locality: Youyang County, Chongqing City (Sichuan Province), China.
(86) Stethorus (Parastethorus) malaicus Xiao, 1992
Stethorus (Parastethorus) malaicus Xiao, 1992 (Xiao & Li, 1992).
Holotype: number 0058713.
Type locality: Qianjiang County, Chongqing City (Sichuan Province), China.
(87) Stethorus (Stethorus) wulingicus Xiao, 1992
Stethorus (Stethorus) wulingicus Xiao, 1992 (Xiao & Li, 1992). Holotype: number 0058709. Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0058710–0058711.
Type locality: Xiushan County, Chongqing City (Sichuan Province), China.
(iv) Rhagophthalmidae
(88) Rhagophthalmus fugongensis Li et Liang, 2008
Rhagophthalmus fugongensis Li et Liang, 2008 (Li et al, 2008).
Holotype: number 0058739. Paratypes: 6 specimens, number 0058740–0058745.
Type locality: Wawa Village, Pihe, Fugong County, Yunnan Province, China.
(89) Rhagophthalmus lufengensis Li et Ohba, 2008
Rhagophthalmus lufengensis Li et Ohba, 2008 (Li et al, 2008).
Holotype: number 0058746. Paratypes: 3 specimens, number 0058747–0058749 (number 0058747 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Dajiuzhuang, Lufeng County, Yunnan Province, China.
(v) Lampyridae
(90) Diaphanes pectinealis Li et Liang, 2007
Diaphanes pectinealis Li et Liang, 2007 (Li & Liang, 2007).
Holotype: number 0058750. Paratypes: 6 specimens, number 0058751–0058756 (number 0058751 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Nankang, Baoshan City, Yunnan Province, China.
(vi) Attelabidae
(91) Euops (Macrodentipes) hefengensis Liang, 2005
Euops (Macrodentipes) hefengensis Liang, 2005 (Liang & Li, 2005).
Holotype: number 0058804. Paratypes: 10 specimens, number 0058805–0058814.
The collector of number 0058804 is Xiao Ningnian on label (Liang Xingcai in original description). The collecting date of number 00588107–0058811 is 1989.07.27 on label (1989.07.28 in original description); the altitude of all specimens is 900m or 870m on label (not mentioned in original description).
This species is type species of subgenus Macrodentipes.
Type locality: Hefeng County, Hubei Province, China.
(92) Euops (Synaptops) guizhouensis Liang, 2005
Euops (Synaptops) guizhouensis Liang, 2005 (Liang & Li, 2005).
Holotype: number 0058795.
The altitude of number 0058795 is 1 650–1 700 m on label (not mentioned in original description).
Type locality: Leigongshan Mountain, Guizhou Province, China.
(93) Euops (Synaptops) jingguensis Liang et Sakurai, 2005
Euops (Synaptops) jingguensis Liang et Sakurai, 2005 (Liang & Li, 2005).
Holotype: number 0058796. Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0058797–0058798.
The collecting date of all specimens is 1990.08 and the collector is Liang Xingcai on label (1990.08.25 and Liang & Sakurai in original description).
Type locality: Jinggu County, Yunnan Province, China.
(94) Euops (Synaptops) jiuzhaiensis Liang, 2005
Euops (Synaptops) jiuzhaiensis Liang, 2005 (Liang & Li, 2005).
Holotype: number 0058792. Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0058793–0058794.
Type locality: Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan Province, China.
(95) Euops (Synaptops) yingjiangensis Liang, 2005
Euops (Synaptops) yingjiangensis Liang, 2005 (Liang & Li, 2005).
Holotype: number 0058801. Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0058802–0058803.
Type locality: Yingjiang County, Yunnan Province, China.
(96) Euops (Synaptops) yunnanensis Liang, 2005
Euops (Synaptops) yunnanensis Liang, 2005 (Liang & Li, 2005).
Holotype: number 0058799. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0058800.
Type locality: Daweishan Mountain, Pingbian County, Yunnan Province, China.
(97) Euscelophilus gaoligongensis Xie et Liang, 2008
Euscelophilus gaoligongensis Xie et Liang, 2008 (Xie & Liang, 2008).
Holotype: number 0058757. Paratypes: 3 specimens, number 0058758–0058760.
Type locality: Labadi, Gongshan County, Yunnan Province, China.
(98) Euscelophilus hidakai Liang, 1994
Euscelophilus hidakai Liang, 1994 (Liang, 1994).
Holotype: number 0058761. Paratypes: 6 specimens, number 0058762–0058767.
Type locality: Yongshan County, Yunnan Province, China.
(99) Euscelophilus jingpingensis Liang, 1994
Euscelophilus jingpingensis Liang, 1994 (Liang, 1994).
Holotype: number 0058776. Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0058777–0058778.
Type locality: Jinping County, Yunnan Province, China.
(100) Euscelophilus kunmingensis Liang, 1994
Euscelophilus kunmingensis Liang, 1994 (Liang, 1994).
Holotype: number 0058779. Paratypes: 4 specimens, number 0058780–0058783.
The altitude of number 0058779–0058780 is 2 100 m on label (not mentioned in original description).
Type locality: Bamboo Temple, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(101) Euscelophilus niger Liang, 1994
Euscelophilus niger Liang, 1994 (Liang, 1994).
Holotype: number 0058784. Paratypes: 3 specimens, number 0058785–0058787.
The altitude of number 0058784–0058785 is 870 m on label (not mentioned in original description); the collecting date and altitude of number 0058786 are 1989.07.24 and 870 m on label (not mentioned in original description); the collecting date and altitude of number 0058786 are 1989.07.24 and 870 m on label (1989.07.28, altitude was not mentioned in original description); the collecting date, collector and altitude of number 0058787 are 1989.07.26, Xiao Ningnian and 850 m on label (1989.07.28, Liang Xingcai in original description, altitude was not mentioned in original description).
Type locality: Hefeng County, Hubei Province, China.
(102) Euscelophilus qinni Liang, 1994
Euscelophilus qinni Liang, 1994 (Liang, 1994).
Holotype: number 0058791.
Type locality: Yunlong County, Yunnan Province, China.
(103) Euscelophilus tianchiensis Liang, 1994
Euscelophilus tianchiensis Liang, 1994 (Liang, 1994).
Holotype: number 0058789. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0058790.
Type locality: Yunlong County, Yunnan Province, China.
(104) Euscelophilus yongshanensis Liang, 1994
Euscelophilus yongshanensis Liang, 1994 (Liang, 1994).
Holotype: number 0058771. Paratypes: 4 specimens, number 0058772–0058775.
Type locality: Yongshan County, Yunnan Province, China.
(vii) Staphylinidae
(105) Lathrobium daliense Y. Watanabe et Xiao, 1994
Lathrobium daliense Y. Watanabe et Xiao, 1994 (Watanabe & Xiao, 1994b).
Paratypes: 4 specimens, number 0058825–0058828.
The collecting date of number 0058825–0058828 is 1993.09.03 on label (not mentioned in original description); the altitude of number 0058825–0058827 is 2 500 m (2 620 m in original description).
Type locality: Zhonghefeng, Diancangshan Mountains, Dali City, Yunnan Province, China.
(106) Lathrobium (Lathrobium) naxii Y. Watanabe et Xiao, 1996
Lathrobium (Lathrobium) naxii Y. Watanabe et Xiao, 1996 (Watanabe & Xiao 1996a).
Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0058833 (number 0058833 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Yulongxueshan Mountain, Lijiang County, Yunnan Province, China.
(107) Lathrobium yunnanum Y. Watanabe et Xiao, 1994
Lathrobium yunnanum Y. Watanabe et Xiao, 1994 (Watanabe & Xiao, 1994b).
Paratypes: 4 specimens, number 0058829–0058832.
Type locality: Laohushan Mountain, Dali City, Yunnan Province, China.
(108) Micropeplus yunnanus Y. Watanabe et Xiao, 1996
Micropeplus yunnanus Y. Watanabe et Xiao, 1996 (Watanabe & Xiao, 1996b).
Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0058834–0058835.
The altitude of number 0058834 is 2 550 m on label (not mentioned in original description), and the number 0058835 is 2 650 m (not mentioned in original description).
Type locality: Jizushan Mountain, Binchuan County, Yunnan Province, China.
(109) Nazeris alpinus Y. Watanabe et Xiao, 1997
Nazeris alpinus Y. Watanabe et Xiao, 1997 (Watanabe & Xiao, 1997).
Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0058844–0058845.
The altitude of number 0058844–0058845 is 2 800 m on label (not mentioned in original description).
Type locality: Yulongxueshan Mountain, Lijiang County, Yunnan Province, China.
(110) Nazeris daliensis Y. Watanabe et Xiao, 1997
Nazeris daliensis Y. Watanabe et Xiao, 1997 (Watanabe & Xiao, 1997).
Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0058842–0058843.
The altitude of number 0058842–0058843 is 2 140 m on label (not mentioned in original description).
Type locality: Xiaojinshan Mountain, Diancangshan Mountains, Dali City, Yunnan Province, China.
(111) Nazeris giganteus Y. Watanabe et Xiao, 1997
Nazeris giganteus Y. Watanabe et Xiao, 1997 (Watanabe & Xiao, 1997).
Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0058846.
The altitude of number 0058846 is 2 290 m on label (not mentioned in original description).
Type locality: Quingbi Xi, Diancangshan Mountains, Dali City, Yunnan Province, China.
(112) Nazeris zhangi Y. Watanabe et Xiao, 1993
Nazeris zhangi Y. Watanabe et Xiao, 1993 (Watanabe & Xiao, 1993).
Paratypes: 6 specimens, number 0058836–0058841.
Type locality: Yu’anshan Mountain, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(113) Ochthephilum yunnanense Y. Watanabe et Xiao, 1994
Ochthephilum yunnanense Y. Watanabe et Xiao, 1994 (Watanabe & Xiao, 1994a).
Paratypes: 9 specimens, number 0058815–0058823.
Type locality: Tropical Botanical Garden, Menglun, Mengla County, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China.
(i) Drosophilidae
(114) Amiota (Phortica) acongruens Zhang et Shi, 1997
Amiota (Phortica) acongruens Zhang et Shi, 1997 (Zhang & Shi, 1997).
Holotype: number 0076046. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0076047.
Type locality: Pengdang, Gongshan County, Yunnan Province, China.
(115) Amiota (Phortica) flexuosa Zhang et Gan, 1986
Amiota (Phortica) flexuosa Zhang et Gan, 1986 (Zhang & Gan, 1986).
Holotype: number 0058507. Paratypes: 53 specimens, number 0058508–0058560 (number 0058508 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(116) Amiota (Phortica) hani Zhang et Shi, 1997
Amiota (Phortica) hani Zhang et Shi, 1997 (Zhang & Shi, 1997).
Holotype: number 0076044.
The collecting date of holotype was 1993.IV.28 in English abstract and on label (1993.VI.28 in Chinese original description).
Type locality: Changyanhe, Pianma, Lushui County, Yunnan Province, China.
(117) Amiota (Phortica) protrusa Zhang et Shi, 1997
Amiota (Phortica) protrusa Zhang et Shi, 1997 (Zhang & Shi, 1997).
Holotype: number 0076048. Paratypes: 16 specimens, number 0076049–0076064.
Type locality: Pengdang, Gongshan County, Yunnan Province, China.
(118) Amiota (Phortica) pseudogigas Zhang et Gan, 1986
Amiota (Phortica) pseudogigas Zhang et Gan, 1986 (Zhang & Gan, 1986).
Holotype: number 0058561. Paratypes: 19 specimens, number 0058562–0058580 (number 0058562 was allotype in original description).
The collecting date of number 0058565 is 1984.05.19 on label (1983.VIII.XI in original description); the collector of number 0058566 and 0058573 is Liang Xingcai on label (Zhang Wenxia in original description).
Type locality: Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(119) Amiota (Phortica) psi Zhang et Gan, 1986
Amiota (Phortica) psi Zhang et Gan, 1986 (Zhang & Gan, 1986).
Holotype: number 0058582.
Type locality: Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(120) Amiota (Phortica) saeta Zhang et Gan, 1986
Amiota (Phortica) saeta Zhang et Gan, 1986 (Zhang & Gan, 1986).
Holotype: number 0058581.
Type locality: Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(121) Chymomyza novobscura Watabe et Liang, 1990
Chymomyza novobscura Watabe et Liang, 1990 (Watabe & Liang, 1990).
Holotype: number 0058449. Paratypes: 3 specimens, number 0058450–0058452.
Type locality: Dabochin, Dali City, Yunnan Province, China.
(122) Chymomyza demae Watabe et Liang, 1990
Chymomyza demae Watabe et Liang, 1990 (Watabe & Liang, 1990).
Holotype: number 0058453.
Type locality: Dabochin, Dali City, Yunnan Province, China.
(123) Colocasiomyia hailini Li et Gao, 2014
Colocasiomyia hailini Li et Gao, 2014 (Li et al, 2014).
Holotype: number 0075494. Paratypes: 48 specimens, number 0075495–0075542.
Type locality: Baihualing, Longyang, Baoshan City, Yunnan Province, China.
(124) Colocasiomyia longifilamentata Li et Gao, 2014
Colocasiomyia longifilamentata Li et Gao, 2014 (Li et al, 2014).
Holotype: number 0075454. Paratypes: 28 specimens, number 0075455–0075482.
Type locality: Baihualing, Longyang, Baoshan City, Yunnan Province, China.
(125) Colocasiomyia longivalva Li et Gao, 2014
Colocasiomyia longivalva Li et Gao, 2014 (Li et al, 2014).
Holotype: number 0075484. Paratypes: 9 specimens, number 0075485–0075493.
Type locality: Baihualing, Longyang, Baoshan, Yunnan Province, China.
(126) Colocasiomyia rhaphidophorae Gao et Toda, 2013
Colocasiomyia rhaphidophorae Gao et Toda, 2013 (Fartyal et al, 2013).
Holotype: number 0075438. Paratypes: 15 specimens, number 0075439–0075453.
Type locality: Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Yunnan Province, China.
(127) Colocasiomyia yini Li et Gao, 2014
Colocasiomyia yini Li et Gao, 2014 (Li et al, 2014).
Holotype: number 0075543. Paratypes: 9 specimens, number 0075544–0075552.
Type locality: Baihualing, Longyang, Baoshan City, Yunnan Province, China.
(128) Drosophila (Drosophila) aplophallata Zhang et Toda, 1995
Drosophila (Drosophila) aplophallata Zhang et Toda, 1995 (Zhang et al, 1995).
Paratypes: 5 specimens, number 0062859–0062863. Type locality: Maquiling Mountain, Luzon, Philippines.
(129) Drosophila (Drosophila) bai Watabe et Liang, 1990
Drosophila (Drosophila) bai Watabe et Liang, 1990 (Watabe et al, 1990a).
Holotype: number 0058464. Paratypes: 5 specimens, number 0058465–0058469.
The collecting date of number 0058464 is 1988.09.21 on label (1988.09.19 in original description).
Type locality: Dabochin, Dali City, Yunnan Province, China.
(130) Drosophila (Drosophila) barutani Watabe et Liang, 1990
Drosophila (Drosophila) barutani Watabe et Liang, 1990 (Watabe et al, 1990b).
Holotype: number 0058476. Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0058477–0058478.
Type locality: Dabochin, Dali City, Yunnan Province, China.(131) Drosophila (Drosophila) brevipapilla Zhang, 2000
Drosophila (Drosophila) brevipapilla Zhang, 2000 (Zhang, 2000).
Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0076045.
Type locality: Ludian, Lijiang County, Yunnan Province, China.
(132) Drosophila (Drosophila) brevitabula Zhang et Toda, 1992
Drosophila (Drosophila) brevitabula Zhang et Toda, 1992 (Zhang & Toda, 1992).
Holotype: number 0062844. Paratypes: 7 specimens, number 0062845–0062851 (one specimen was allotype in original description).
Two specimens were in a tube with “Allotype and Paratype”label. Authors didn’t indicate the allotype or paratype (holotype, allotype and paratype in original description).
Type locality: Kunming, Yunnan Province, China.
(133) Drosophila (Drosophila) eminentiula Zhang et Shi, 1995
Drosophila (Drosophila) eminentiula Zhang et Shi, 1995 (Zhang et al, 1995).
Holotype: number 0062866.
Type locality: Tengchong County, Yunnan Province, China.
(134) Drosophila (Drosophila) eprocessata Zhang et Toda, 1995
Drosophila (Drosophila) eprocessata Zhang et Toda, 1995 (Zhang et al, 1995).
Holotype: number 0062857.
Type locality: Air Sirah, Padang, Sumatra, Indonesia.
(135) Drosophila (Drosophila) flavimedifemur Zhang et Toda, 1988
Drosophila (Drosophila) flavimedifemur Zhang et Toda, 1988 (Zhang & Toda, 1988).
Holotype: number 0062869.
Type locality: Kunming, Yunnan Province, China.
(136) Drosophila (Drosophila) furcapenis Zhang et Liang, 1995
Drosophila (Drosophila) furcapenis Zhang et Liang, 1995 (Zhang & Liang, 1995).
Holotype: number 0062827.
Type locality: Deqin County, Yunnan Province, China.
(137) Drosophila (Drosophila) furcapenisoides Zhang et Liang, 1995
Drosophila (Drosophila) furcapenisoides Zhang et Liang, 1995 (Zhang & Liang, 1995).
Holotype: number 0062828. Paratypes: 3 specimens, number 0062829–0062831 (one specimen was allotype in original description).
Three specimens were in a tube with “Allotype and 2 Paratype” label. Authors didn’t indicate which is allotype and which is paratype.
Type locality: Deqin County, Yunnan Province, China.
(138) Drosophila (Drosophila) fustiformis Zhang et Liang, 1993
Drosophila (Drosophila) fustiformis Zhang et Liang, 1993 (Zhang & Liang, 1993).
Holotype: number 0062606. Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0062607–0062608.
Type locality: Tianpingshan Mountain, Shangzhi County, Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province, China.
(139) Drosophila (Drosophila) gani Liang et Zhang, 1990
Drosophila (Drosophila) gani Liang et Zhang, 1990 (Watabe et al, 1990a).
Holotype: number 0058454. Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0058455–0058456.
Type locality: Xianguan, Dali City, Yunnan Province, China.
(140) Drosophila (Drosophila) ichinosei Zhang et Toda, 1995
Drosophila (Drosophila) ichinosei Zhang et Toda, 1995 (Zhang et al, 1995).
Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0062858.
Type locality: Maquiling Mountain, Luzon, Philippines.
(141) Drosophila (Drosophila) karakasa Watabe et Liang, 1990
Drosophila (Drosophila) karakasa Watabe et Liang, 1990 (Watabe et al, 1990b).
Holotype: number 0058473. Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0058474–0058475.
Type locality: Xianguan, Dali City, Yunnan Province, China.
(142) Drosophila (Drosophila) lichuanensis Zhang et Liang, 1994
Drosophila (Drosophila) lichuanensis Zhang et Liang, 1994 (Zhang & Liang, 1994).
Holotype: number 0062610.
Type locality: Xingdoushan Mountain, Lichuan City, Hubei Province, China.
(143) Drosophila (Drosophila) longifurcapenis Zhang et Liang, 1995
Drosophila (Drosophila) longifurcapenis Zhang et Liang, 1995 (Zhang & Liang, 1995).
Holotype: number 0062832.
Type locality: Deqin County, Yunnan Province, China.
(144) Drosophila (Drosophila) longisetae Zhang, Lin et Gan, 1989
Drosophila (Drosophila) longisetae Zhang, Lin et Gan, 1989 (Zhang et al, 1989).
Holotype: number 0058483. Paratypes: 23 specimens, number 0058484–0058506.
Type locality: Huahongdong, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(145) Drosophila (Drosophila) medioconstricta Watabe, Zhang et Gan, 1990
Drosophila (Drosophila) medioconstricta Watabe, Zhang et Gan, 1990 (Watabe et al, 1990a).
Holotype: number 0058470. Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0058471–0058472.
Type locality: Dabochin, Dali City, Yunnan Province, China.
(146) Drosophila (Drosophila) multidentata Watabe et Zhang, 1990
Drosophila (Drosophila) multidentata Watabe et Zhang, 1990 (Watabe et al, 1990b).
Holotype: number 0058480. Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0058481–0058482.
Type locality: Xianguan, Dali City, Yunnan Province, China.
(147) Drosophila (Drosophila) nakanoi Zhang et Toda, 1995
Drosophila (Drosophila) nakanoi Zhang et Toda, 1995 (Zhang et al, 1995).
Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0062864–0062865. Type locality: Air Sirah, Padang, Sumatra, Indonesia.
(148) Drosophila (Drosophila) nullilineata Zhang et Toda, 1988
Drosophila (Drosophila) nullilineata Zhang et Toda, 1988 (Zhang & Toda, 1988).
Holotype: number 0062867. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0062868 (number 0062868 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Shangyong, Mengla County, Yunnan Province, China.
(149) Drosophila (Drosophila) padangensis Zhang et Toda, 1995
Drosophila (Drosophila) padangensis Zhang et Toda, 1995 (Zhang et al, 1995).
Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0062856.
Type locality: Air Sirah, Padang, Sumatra, Indonesia.
(150) Drosophila (Drosophila) papilla Zhang et Shi, 1992
Drosophila (Drosophila) papilla Zhang et Shi, 1992 (Zhang & Toda, 1992).
Holotype: number 0062852. Paratypes: 3 specimens, number 0062853–0062855 (number 0062853 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Tengchong County, Yunnan Province, China.
(151) Drosophila (Drosophila) perlucida Zhang et Liang, 1994
Drosophila (Drosophila) perlucida Zhang et Liang, 1994 (Zhang & Liang, 1994).
Syntypes: 16 specimens, number 0062611–0062626.
Four specimens were in a tube with “Holotype and Paratype”label, and 12 specimens were in another tube with a “1♀Allotype 11♀ Paratype ” label. Authors didn’t indicate which is holotype, allotype or paratype.
Type locality: Xiaping, Hefeng County, Hubei Province, China.
(152) Drosophila (Drosophila) ruberrimoides Zhang et Gan, 1986
Drosophila (Drosophila) ruberrimoides Zhang et Gan, 1986 (Zhang & Gan, 1986).
Holotype: number 0058593. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0058594.
Type locality: Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(153) Drosophila (Drosophila) yunnanensis Watabe et Liang, 1990
Drosophila (Drosophila) yunnanensis Watabe et Liang, 1990 (Watabe et al, 1990a).
Holotype: number 0058457. Paratypes: 6 specimens, number 0058458–0058463.
Type locality: Dabochin, Dali City, Yunnan Province, China.
(154) Drosophila (Drosophila) spuricurviceps Zhang et Gan, 1986
Drosophila (Drosophila) spuricurviceps Zhang et Gan, 1986 (Zhang & Gan, 1986).
Holotype: number 0058597. Paratypes: 12 specimens, number 0058598–0058609 (number 0058598 was allotype in original description).
The collecting date of number 0058599–0058600 is 1983.10.26 on label (1983.V/VIII/XI in original description); the collecting dates of number 0058604 and 0058605 are 1983.07.08 and 1983.07.18 on label (1983.V/VIII/XI in original description); the collector of number 0058510–0058611 is Liang Xingcai on label (Zhang Wenxia in original description).
Type locality: Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(155) Drosophila (Lordiphosa) acongruens Zhang et Liang, 1992
Drosophila (Lordiphosa) acongruens Zhang et Liang, 1992 (Zhang & Liang, 1992).
Syntypes: 29 specimens, number 0062654–0062682 (number 0062666 was allotype in original description).
Twelve specimens were in a tube with a “Holotype and Paratype” label. Authors didn’t indicate the holotype or paratype (holotype, allotype and paratype in original description).
Type locality: Qiongzhu Temple, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(156) Drosophila (Lordiphosa) archoroides Zhang, 1993
Drosophila (Lordiphosa) archoroides Zhang, 1993b (Zhang, 1993b).
Holotype: number 0062833. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0062834.
Type locality: Daboqing, Dali City, Yunnan Province, China.
(157) Drosophila (Lordiphosa) biconvexa Zhang et Liang, 1992
Drosophila (Lordiphosa) biconvexa Zhang et Liang, 1992 (Zhang & Liang, 1992).
Syntypes: 37 specimens, number 0062718–0062754.
Two specimens were in a tube with “sp. nov” label and other two specimens were in another tube with a “1♀Allotype”label. Authors didn’t indicate which is holotype, allotype or paratype.
Type locality: Dapoqing, Dali City, Yunnan Province, China.
(158) Drosophila (Lordiphosa) flava Zhang et Liang, 1992
Drosophila (Lordiphosa) flava Zhang et Liang, 1992 (Zhang & Liang, 1992).
Syntypes: 3 specimens, number 0062824–0062826.
Three specimens were in a tube with “sp. nov.” label. Authors didn’t indicate the holotype, allotype or paratype (holotype, allotype and paratype in original description).
Type locality: Dapoqing, Dali, Yunnan Province, China.
(159) Drosophila (Lordiphosa) forcipata Zhang, 1993
Drosophila (Lordiphosa) forcipata Zhang, 1993b (Zhang, 1993b).
Syntypes: 3 specimens, number 0062841–0062843 (number 0062843 was allotype in original description).
Two specimens were in a tube with “sp. nov.” label. Author didn’t indicate which is holotype and which is paratype.
Type locality: Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(160) Drosophila (Lordiphosa) penicilla Zhang, 1993
Drosophila (Lordiphosa) penicilla Zhang, 1993b (Zhang, 1993b). Syntypes: 6 specimens, number 0062835–0062840.
Three specimens were in a tube with a “sp. nov.” label, two specimens were in another tube. Author didn’t indicate which is holotype or paratype.
Type locality: Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(161) Drosophila (Lordiphosa) picea Zhang et Liang, 1992
Drosophila (Lordiphosa) picea Zhang et Liang, 1992 (Zhang & Liang, 1992).
Holotype: number 0062755. Paratypes: 68 specimens, number 0062756–0062823 (number 0062756 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Daboqing, Dali City, Yunnan Province, China.
(162) Drosophila (Lordiphosa) protrusa Zhang et Liang, 1992
Drosophila (Lordiphosa) protrusa Zhang et Liang, 1992 (Zhang & Liang, 1992).
Syntypes: 16 specimens, number 0062683–0062698 (number 0062688 was allotype in original description).
Five specimens were in a tube with a “Holotype and Paratype” label. Authors didn’t indicate which is holotype and which is paratype.
Type locality: Qiongzhu Temple, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(163) Drosophila (Lordiphosa) ramipara Zhang et Liang, 1992
Drosophila (Lordiphosa) ramipara Zhang et Liang, 1992 (Zhang & Liang, 1992).
Syntypes: 27 specimens, number 0062627–0062653.
Ten specimens were in a tube with “n. sp.” label, six specimens were in a tube with “sp. nov.” label, seven specimens were in a tube with “sp. nov.” label, and two specimens were in a tube with “sp. nov.” label. Authors didn’t indicate the holotype or paratype (holotype, allotype and paratype in original description).
Type locality: Western Hill, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(164) Drosophila (Lordiphosa) ramosissima Zhang et Liang, 1992
Drosophila (Lordiphosa) ramosissima Zhang et Liang, 1992 (Zhang & Liang, 1992).
Syntypes: 19 specimens, number 0062699–0062717.
Seventeen specimens were in a tube with a “sp. nov.” label. Authors didn’t indicate which is holotype, allotype or paratype.
Type locality: Western Hill, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(165) Drosophila (Sophophora) apicespinata Zhang et Gan, 1986
Drosophila (Sophophora) apicespinata Zhang et Gan, 1986 (Zhang & Gan, 1986).
Holotype: number 0058595. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0058596.
Type locality: Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(166) Drosophila (Sophophora) bifidiprocera Zhang et Gan, 1986
Drosophila (Sophophora) bifidiprocera Zhang et Gan, 1986 (Zhang & Gan, 1986).
Holotype: number 0058583. Paratypes: 9 specimens, number 0058584–0058592 (number 0058584 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(167) Drosophila (Sophophora) dianensis Gao et Watabe, 2003
Drosophila (Sophophora) dianensis Gao et Watabe, 2003 (Gao et al, 2003).
Holotype: number 0075414. Paratypes: 3 specimens, number 0075415–0075417.
Type locality: Jiaoye Park, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(168) Drosophila (Sophophora) hideakii Gao et Toda, 2009
Drosophila (Sophophora) hideakii Gao et Toda, 2009 (Gao et al, 2009).
Paratypes: 10 specimens, number 0062570–0062579.
Type locality: RTM, Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
(169) Drosophila (Sophophora) hypercephala Gao et Toda, 2009
Drosophila (Sophophora) hypercephala Gao et Toda, 2009 (Gao et al, 2009).
Paratypes: 9 specimens, number 0062561–0062569.
Type locality: Kinabalu Park, Sabah Parks, Sabah, Malaysia.
(170) Drosophila (Sophophora) limingi Gao et Watabe, 2003
Drosophila (Sophophora) limingi Gao et Watabe, 2003 (Gao et al, 2003).
Holotype: number 0075418. Paratypes: 6 specimens, number 0075419–0075424.
Type locality: Jiaoye Park, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(171) Drosophila (Sophophora) luguensis Gao et Toda, 2003
Drosophila (Sophophora) luguensis Gao et Toda, 2003 (Gao et al, 2003).
Holotype: number 0075358. Paratypes: 55 specimens, number 0075359–0075413.
Type locality: Lugu Lake Nature Reserve, Lijiang City, Yunnan Province, China.
(172) Drosophila (Sophophora) quadrangula Gao et Toda, 2009
Drosophila (Sophophora) quadrangular Gao et Toda, 2009 (Gao et al, 2009).
Paratypes: 3 specimens, number 0062580–0062582.
Type locality: Mesilau, Kinabalu Mountain, Sabah, Malaysia.
(173) Hirtodrosophila yapingi Gao, 2011
Hirtodrosophila yapingi Gao, 2011 (Gao, 2011).
Holotype: number 0075425. Paratypes: 12 specimens, number 0075426–0075437.
Type locality: Bamboo Temple, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(174) Lordiphosa cultrata Zhang, 1993Lordiphosa cultrata Zhang, 1993 (Zhang, 1993a). Holotype: number 0062986.
Type locality: Bamboo Temple, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(175) Lordiphosa deqenensis Zhang, 1993
Lordiphosa deqenensis Zhang, 1993 (Zhang, 1993a).
Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0062987 (number 0062987 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Adongshan Mountain, Deqin County, Yunnan Province, China.
(176) Lordiphosa falsiramula Zhang, 1993
Lordiphosa falsiramula Zhang, 1993 (Zhang, 1993a).
Holotype: number 0062992. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0062993 (number 0062993 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Daboqing, Dali City, Yunnan Province, China.
(177) Lordiphosa ramula Zhang, 1993
Lordiphosa ramula Zhang, 1993 (Zhang, 1993a).
Syntypes: 4 specimens, number 0062988–0062991 (number 0062990 was allotype in original description).
Two specimens were in a tube with a “Holotype” label. Author didn’t indicate which is holotype or paratype.
Type locality: Bamboo Temple, Kunming City, Province, China.
(178) Lordiphosa vittata Zhang et Liang, 1994
Lordiphosa vittata Zhang et Liang, 1994 (Zhang & Liang, 1994).
Holotype: number 0062609.
Type locality: Bamboo Temple, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(179) Microdrosophila (Microdrosophila) bipartita Zhang, 1989
Microdrosophila (Microdrosophila) bipartita Zhang, 1989 (Zhang, 1989).
Syntypes: 6 specimens, number 0062942–0062947.
Five specimens were in a tube without type label, and one specimen was in anothor tube without type label. Author didn’t indicate which is holotype, allotype or paratype.
Type locality: Mulong, Honghe County, Yunnan Province, China.
(180) Microdrosophila (Microdrosophila) cucullata Zhang, 1989
Microdrosophila (Microdrosophila) cucullata Zhang, 1989 (Zhang, 1989).
Syntypes: 3 specimens, number 0062983–0062985.
Two specimens were in a tube without type label. Author didn’t indicate which is holotype or paratype.
Type locality: Shangyong, Mengla County, Yunnan Province, China.
(181) Microdrosophila (Microdrosophila) curvula Zhang, 1989
Microdrosophila (Microdrosophila) curvula Zhang, 1989 (Zhang, 1989).
Holotype: number 0062932. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0062933.
Type locality: Shangyong Town, Mengla County, Yunnan Province, China.
(182) Microdrosophila (Microdrosophila) conda Zhang, 1989
Microdrosophila (Microdrosophila) conda Zhang, 1989 (Zhang, 1989).
Paratypes: 53 specimens, number 0062879–0062931.
Type locality: Menglong, Mengla County, Yunnan Province, China.
(183) Microdrosophila (Microdrosophila) dentata Zhang, 1989
Microdrosophila (Microdrosophila) dentata Zhang, 1989 (Zhang, 1989).
Holotype: number 0062940.
Type locality: Shangyong Town, Mengla, County, Yunnan Province, China.
(184) Microdrosophila (Microdrosophila) luchunensis Zhang,1989
Microdrosophila (Microdrosophila) luchunensis Zhang, 1989 (Zhang, 1989).
Holotype: number 0062941.
Type locality: Luchun County, Yunnan Province, China.
(185) Microdrosophila (Microdrosophila) setulosa Zhang, 1989
Microdrosophila (Microdrosophila) setulosa Zhang, 1989 (Zhang, 1989).
Syntypes: 6 specimens, 0062934–0062939.
Five specimens were in a tube without type label. Author didn’t indicate which is holotype or paratype.
Type locality: Shangyong Town, Mengla County, Yunnan Province, China.
(186) Microdrosophila (Microdrosophila) spiciferipennis Zhang, 1989
Microdrosophila (Microdrosophila) spiciferipennis Zhang, 1989 (Zhang, 1989).
Syntypes: 35 specimens, number 0062948–0062982.
Twenty seven specimens were in a tube without type label, eight specimens were in another tube without type label. Author didn’t indicate which is holotype or paratype.
Type locality: Shangyong Town, Mengla County, Yunnan Province, China.
(187) Microdrosophila (Oxystyloptera) magniflava Zhang, 1989
Microdrosophila (Oxystyloptera) magniflava Zhang, 1989 (Zhang, 1989).
Syntypes: 9 specimens, number 0062870–0062878.
Seven specimens were in a tube with a “Hollotype, Allotype and Paratype” label. Author didn’t indicate which is holotype, allotype or paratype.
Type locality: Shangyong Town, Mengla County, Yunnan Province, China.
(ii) Tachinidae
(188) Cavillatrix luteipes Shima et Chao, 1992
Cavillatrix luteipes Shima et Chao, 1992 (Shima & Chao, 1992).
Holotype: number 0058612.
Type locality: Menghai, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China.
(189) Dexiomimops fuscata Shima et Chao, 1992
Dexiomimops fuscata Shima et Chao, 1992 (Shima & Chao, 1992).
Holotype: number 0058635. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0058636.
The collector of number 0058636 is H. Shima on label (H. Shima & X. Liu in original description).
Type locality: Ailaoshan Shengtaizhan, Yunnan Province, China.
(190) Winthemia aurea Shima, Chao et Zhiang, 1992
Winthemia aurea Shima, Chao et Zhiang, 1992 (Shima et al, 1992).
Holotype: number 0058622. Paratypes: 5 specimens, number 0058623–0058627.
Type locality: Menghai, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China.
(191) Winthemia brevicornis Shima, Chao et Zhiang, 1992
Winthemia brevicornis Shima, Chao et Zhiang, 1992 (Shima et al, 1992).
Holotype: number 0058634.
Type locality: Mengman, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China.
(192) Winthemia marginalis Shima, Chao et Zhiang, 1992
Winthemia marginalis Shima, Chao et Zhiang, 1992 (Shima et al, 1992).
Holotype: number 0058615. Paratypes: 6 specimens, number 0058616–0058621.
The collecting date of number 0058615 is 1989.10.09 on label (1985.10.09 in original description); the collecting date and altitude of number 0058621 are 1989.10.13 and 1 000 m on label (1983.10.13 and 800 m in original description).
Type locality: Menggao, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China.
(193) Winthemia proclinata Shima, Chao et Zhiang, 1992
Winthemia proclinata Shima, Chao et Zhiang, 1992 (Shima et al, 1992).
Holotype: number 0058630. Paratypes: 3 specimens, number 0058631–0058633.
Type locality: Mengya, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China.
(194) Winthemia verticillata Shima, Chao et Zhiang, 1992
Winthemia verticillata Shima, Chao et Zhiang, 1992 (Shima et al, 1992).
Holotype: number 0058628. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0058629.
Type locality: Simao, Yunnan Province, China.
(195) Phyllomya palpalis Shima et Chao, 1992
Phyllomya palpalis Shima et Chao, 1992 (Shima & Chao, 1992).
Holotype: number 0058613.
Type locality: Weixi County, Deqin County, Yunnan Province, China.
(196) Phyllomya rufiventris Shima et Chao, 1992
Phyllomya rufiventris Shima et Chao, 1992 (Shima & Chao, 1992).
Holotype: number 0058614.
Type locality: Mengya, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China.
(i) Papilionidae
(197) Lamproptera paracurius Hu, Zhang et Cotton, 2014
Lamproptera paracurius Hu, Zhang et Cotton, 2014 (Hu et al, 2014).
Holotype: number 0070950. Paratypes: 4 specimens, number 0070951–0070954.
Type locality: Dongchuan, Yunnan Province, China.
(198) Pathysa agetes chinensis Chou et Li, 1994Pathysa agetes chinensis Chou et Li, 1994 (Chou, 1994). Holotype: number 0058672.
Type locality: Daweishan Mountain, Pingbian County, Yunnan Province, China.
(199) Papilio nephelus hefongenis Li et Li, 1992
Papilio nephelus hefongenis Li et Li, 1992 (Li & Li, 1992).
Holotype: number 0058677. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0058678.
Type locality: Hefeng County, Hubei Province, China.
(200) Bhutanitis lidderdalii ailaonensis Li, 1994
Bhutanitis lidderdalii ailaonensis Li, 1994 (Li, 1994c).
Holotype: number 0058679.
The information of number 0058679 is “Yunnan, Xujiaba, 1990.08.20, 2 600 m, Liang coll., male” on label (not mentioned in original description). Author (Li Changlian) has confirmed the type information on label.
Type locality: Xujiaba, Yunnan Province, China.
(201) Bhutanitis lidderdalii yingjiangi Li, 1987
Bhutanitis lidderdalii yingjiangi Li, 1987 (Li, 1987).
Holotype: number 0058683.
Type locality: Xima Town, Yingjiang County, Yunnan Province, China.
(202) Bhutanitis thaidina chongjiangnensis Li, 1994
Bhutanitis thaidina chongjiangnensis Li, 1994 (Li, 1994c).
Holotype: number 0058680. Paratype: 1 specimen, number0058682.
Type locality: Chongjiang River, Zhongdian County, Yunnna Province, China.
(ii) Parnassiidae
(203) Parnassius baileyi renzinensis Li, 1994
Parnassius baileyi renzinensis Li, 1994 (Li, 1994c).
Holotype: number 0058684. Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0058685–0058686.
Type locality: Renzhixueshan Mountain, Yunnan Province, China.
(204) Parnassius biamanensis Li, 1994Parnassius biamanensis Li, 1994 (Li, 1994c). Holotype: number 0058689.
Type locality: Baimaxueshan Mountain, Yunnan Province, China.
(205) Parnassius simo biamanensis Li, 1994
Parnassius simo biamanensis Li, 1994 (Li, 1994c).
Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0058690–0058691.
Type locality: Baimaxueshan Mountain, Deqin County, Yunnan Province, China.
(iii) Satyridae
(206) Aphantopus deqenensis Li, 1995
Aphantopus deqenensis Li, 1995 (Li, 1995).
Holotype: number 0058660. Paratypes: 4 specimens, number 0058661–0058662, 0058664–0058665.
The collecting date of 0058664–0058665 is 1985.07.18 on label (1985.07.17 in original description).
Type locality: Deqin, Yunnan Province, China.
(207) Chonala episcopalis yunnana Li, 1994
Chonala episcopalis yunnana Li, 1994 (Chou, 1994).
Holotype: number 0058637.
The collector of number 0058637 is Wang Jixian on label (Li Changlian coll. in original description).
Type locality: Xiaozhongdian, Zhongdian, Yunnan Province, China.
(208) Paralasa ruricola zhongdianensis Li, 1994Paralasa ruricola zhongdianensis Li, 1994 (Li, 1994b). Holotype: number 0058641.
The collecting date of number 0058641 is 1987.06.18 on label (1987.N.18 in original description). Author (Li Changlian) has confirmed collecting date 1987.N.18 was a misprinting in original descripition.
Type locality: Zhongdian, Yunnan Province, China.
(209) Paralasa rurigena zhongdianensis Li, 1994
Paralasa rurigena zhongdianensis Li, 1994 (Li, 1994b).
Holotype: number 0058642. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0058643.
The collecting dates of number 0058642 and 0058643 are 1987.06.28 and 1987.06.18 on label respectively (1987.N.18 in original description). Author (Li Changlian) has confirmed that collecting date of number 0058642 and 0058643 in original description was a misprinting.
Type locality: Zhongdian, Yunnan Province, China.
(210) Paralasa zhongdianensis Li, 1994
Paralasa zhongdianensis Li, 1994 (Li, 1994b).
Holotype: number 0058644. Paratypes: 2 specimen, number 0058645–0058646.
The collecting date of all types is 1987.06.18 on label (1987.N.18 in original description). Author (Li Changlian) thought the information on label was right and it was a misprint in original descripition.
Type locality: Zhongdian, Yunnan Province, China.
(211) Penthema darlisa pallida Li, 1994
Penthema darlisa pallida Li, 1994 (Chou, 1994).
Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0058639–0058640. Type locality: Fugong County, Yunnan Province, China.
(212) Loxerebia lianhuanesis Li, 1994
Loxerebia lianhuanensis Li, 1994 (Li, 1994a).
Holotype: number 0058653.
The collecting date of number 0058653 is 1983.08.22 on label (1983.NII.22 in original description). Author (Li Changlian) has confirmed the collecting date 1983.NII.22 was a misprinting in original descripition.
Type locality: Xiaozhongdian, Zhongdian, Yunnan Province, China.
(213) Loxerebia sylvicola degenensis Li, 1994
Loxerebia sylvicola degenensis Li, 1994 (Li, 1994a).
Holotype: number 0058647. Paratypes: 5 specimens, number 0058648–0058652.
The collecting date of number 0058647 is 1985.07.18 on label (1985.NI.18 in original description); number 0058649–0058651 is 1989.07 on label (1989.NI in original description); number 0058652 is 1983.08 on label (1883.NII in original description). Author (Li Changlian) has confirmed the collecting dates of number 0058647, number 0058649–0058651 and number 0058652 in original description were a misprinting.
Type locality: Deqin, Yunnan Province, China.
(214) Loxerebia zhongdianensis Li, 1994
Loxerebia zhongdianensis Li, 1994 (Li, 1994a).
Holotype: number 0058654.
Type locality: Xiaozhongdian, Zhongdian, Yunnan Province, China.
(215) Neope simulans binchuanensis Li, 1995
Neope simulans binchuanensis Li, 1995 (Li, 1995). Holotype: number 0058657.
Type locality: Jizushan Mountain, Yunnan Province, China.
(216) Neope christi dali Li, 1994
Neope christi dali Li, 1994 (Chou, 1994).
Holotype: number 0058655. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0058656.
The collecting date of number 0058655 is 1987.06.16 on label (1981.06.16 in original description); the sex of number 0058656 is male (female in original description). Author (Li Changlian) has confirmed collecting date in original description was a misprinting.
Type locality: Hudiequan, Dali, Yunnan Province, China.
(217) Neope pulaha emeinsis Li, 1995
Neope pulaha emeinsis Li, 1995 (Li, 1995).
Holotype: number 0058658.
Type locality: Emei Mountian, Sichuan Province, China.
(218) Neope muirheadi menglaensis Li, 1995
Neope muirheadi menglaensis Li, 1995 (Li, 1995).
Holotype: number 0058659.
The collecting date of number 0058659 is 1982.04.22 on label (1982.06.23 in original description).
Type locality: Xiaomenglun, Mengla County, Yunnan Province, China.
(219) Neope oberthueri yangbiensis Li, 1995
Neope oberthueri yangbiensis Li, 1995 (Li, 1995).
Holotype: number 0058667. Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0058669–0058670.
The altitude of number 0058667 is 2 470 m on label (2 000 –2 450 m in original description).
Type locality: Shimenguan, Yangbi, Yunnan Province, China.
(220) Orinoma alba Chou et Li, 1994
Orinoma alba Chou et Li, 1994 (Chou, 1994).
Holotype: number 0058638.
The altitude of number 0058638 is 2 600 m on label (not mentioned in original description).
Type locality: Ailaoshan Mountain, Jingdong County, Yunnan Province, China.
(iv) Nymphalidae
(221) Symbrenthia leoparda Chou et Li, 1994
Symbrenthia leoparda Chou et Li, 1994 (Chou, 1994).
Holotype: number 0058673.
The collecting date and altitude of number 0058673 are 1992.06.15 and 2 200 m on label (1992.06.15 and 2 000 m in original description).
Type locality: Daweishan Mountain, Yunnan Province, China.(v) Sphingidae
(222) Langia kunmingensis Zhao, 1984Langia kunmingensis Zhao, 1984 (Zhao, 1984). Syntype: 1 specimen, number 0058847.
The specimens of number 0058847–0058857 were in the same box. All types’ informations in original description were“Yunan, Kunming, Huahongdong, 1975.IV.5, Zhao Wanyuan coll.”. Only number 0058847 had the same information as the original description. The collecting date of number 0058848–0058851 is 1975.03.21 on label. The collecting date of number 0058852 is 1975.03.19 on label. The collecting date and collector of number 0058853 are 1976.03.22 and Liu Qirong on label. The collecting date and collector of number 0058854 are 1976.03.30 and Yang Jianping on label. The collecting date and collector of number 0058856 are 1976.03.30 and Gan Yunxing on label. The collecting date and collector of number 0058857 are 1976.03.1 and Dai Meili on label.
Type locality: Huahongdong, Kunming, Yunnan Province, China.
(vi) Hepialidae
(223) Hepialus albipictus Yang, 1993
Hepialus albipictus Yang, 1993 (Yang, 1993).
Syntypes: 3 specimens, number 0058957–0058959.
The specimens of number 0058957–0058959 were pinned on a long red label which printed “Holotype”. Author didn’t indicate which is holotype and which is paratype. Author (Yang Darong) has confirmed that holotype’s right wings and the abdomen had been cutted. The specimen of number 0058957 without right wings and the abdomen cutted, may be the holotype. The collecting date of number 0058958 is 1989.07.19 on label (1989.VII.12–18 in original description).
Type locality: Renzhixueshan Mountain, Deqin County, Yunnan Province, China.
(224) Hepialus anomopterus Yang, 1994
Hepialus anomopterus Yang, 1994 (Yang, 1994).
Syntypes: 4 specimens, number 0058934–0058937.
The specimens of number 0058934–0058937 were pinned on a long red label which printed “Holotype”. Author (Yang Darong) didn’t indicate which is holotype and which is paratype.The collecting date of number 0058934 and 0058937 is 1992.06.24 on label (1992.VI.25–26 in original description). The collecting date of number 0058935 is 1992.06.23 on label (1992.VI.25–26 in original description).
Type locality: Laojunshan Mountain, Jianchuan County, Yunnan Province, China.
(225) Hepialus bibelteus Shen et Zhou, 1997
Hepialus bibelteus Shen et Zhou, 1997 (Shen & Zhou, 1997).
Holotype: number 0058858. Paratypes: 2 specimen, number 0058859–0058860 (number 0058859 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Meiduotong, Yunnan Province, China.
(226) Hepialus ferrugineus Li, Yang et Shen, 1993
Hepialus ferrugineus Li, Yang et Shen, 1993 (Li et al, 1993). Syntypes: 2 specimens, number 0058963–0058964.
The specimens of number 0058963–0058964 were needled on a long red label which printed “Holotype”. Authors didn’t indicate which is holotype and which is paratype. The collecting date of number 0058963 and 0058964 is 1987.06.01 and 1987.07.08 on label respectively (1989.07.12 in original description).
Type locality: Baimaxueshan Mountain, Deqin County, Yunnan Province, China.
(227) Hepialus latitegumenus Shen et Zhou, 1997
Hepialus latitegumenus Shen et Zhou, 1997 (Shen & Zhou, 1997).
Holotype: number 0058861. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0058862.
Type locality: Baimaxueshan Mountain, Yunnan Province, China.
(228) Hepialus markamensis Yang, Li et Shen, 1992
Hepialus markamensis Yang, Li et Shen, 1992 (Yang et al, 1992).
Syntypes: 4 specimens, number 0058965–0058968.
The specimens of number 0058965–0058968 were pinned on a long red label on which “Holotype” was printed. Authors (Yang, Li and Shen) didn’t indicate which is holotype and paratype. One author (Yang Darong) has confirmed that holotype’s right wings and the abdomen had been cutted. The specimen of number 0058965 without right wings and the abdomen cutted, may be the holotype. The locality of number 0058965–0058968 is Xizang, Chali on label (Xizang, Mangkang county, Nimasha Snow Mountain in original description); the collecting date and collector of number 0058966 are 1990.07.31 and Yang Darong on label (1990.07.12 and YangZonglong in original description).
Type locality: Nimashaxueshan Mountain, Mangkang County, Xizang Province, China.
(229) Hepialus jianchuanensis Yang, 1994
Hepialus jianchuanensis Yang, 1994 (Yang, 1994).
Syntypes: 65 specimens, number 0058863–0058918, 0058920–0058925, 0058927–0058929.
Three specimens was pinned on a long red label on which“Holotype” was printed, and followed by other 62 specimens which have the same information on labels as three types in original description. Maybe all of them are types, but author (Yang Darong) didn’t indicate which is holotype and which is paratype.
Type locality: Laojunshan Mountain, Jianchuan County, Yunnan Province, China.
(230) Hepialus jialangensis Yang, 1994
Hepialus jialangensis Yang, 1994 (Yang, 1994).
Syntypes: 2 specimens, number 0058950–0058951.
The specimens of number 0058950–0058951 were pinned on a long red label on which “Holotype” was printed. Author (Yang Darong) didn’t indicate which is holotype and which is paratype. The information of number 0058951 is “Deqin, Mt. Meili, 1987.07.04, Shen Farong, Wang Ying, Xiu Ying” on label (Xizang, Zuogong county, Jialiang, west of Mt. Meili, altitude 4000–4600m, 1985.VII.26–29, Yang Darong, Chun Sheng coll. in original description).
Type locality: Meilixueshan Mountain, Jialang, Mangkang County, Xizang Province, China.
(231) Hepialus jinshaensis Yang, 1993
Hepialus jinshaensis Yang, 1993 (Yang, 1993).
Syntypes: 3 specimens, number 0058960–0058962.
The specimens of number 0058960–0058962 were pinned on a long red label on which “Holotype” was printed. Author (Yang Darong) didn’t indicate which is holotype and which is paratype. Author (Yang Darong) has confirmed that holotype’s right wings and abdomen had been cutted. The specimen of number 0058960 without right wings and the abdomen cutted, may be holotype. The collecting date and collector of number 0058960–0058962 are 1989.07.16 and Lu Zi on label (1989.07.15 and Yang Darong and Lu Zi in original description).
Type locality: Baimaxueshan Mountain, Deqin County, Yunnan Province, China.
(232) Hepialus pratensis Yang, Li et Shen, 1992
Hepialus pratensis Yang, Li et Shen, 1992 (Yang et al, 1992). Syntypes: 7 specimens, number 0058969–0058975.
The specimens of number 0058969–0058972 were pinned on a long red label on which “Holotype” was printed. The collecting date of number 0058969 and 0058973 is 1990.07.29 on label (1990.VII.27 in original description). The collecting date of number 0058970 is 1990.07.25 on label (1990.VII.27 in original description). Number 0058973–0058975 were pinned on a long name label which had no type label, but their informations on labels were the same as original description, so we speculate they may be types. Author (Yang Darong) has confirmed that holotype’s right wings and abdomen had been cutted. The specimen of number 0058969 without left wings and the abdomen cutted, may be the holotype.
Type locality: Baimaxueshan Mountain, Deqin County, Yunnan Province, China.
(233) Hepialus renzhiensis Yang, 1991
Hepialus renzhiensis Yang, 1991 (Yang et al, 1991). Syntypes: 4 specimens, number 0058952–0058955.
The specimens of number 0058952–0058955 were pinned on a long red label on which “Holotype” was printed. The collecting date and collector of number 0058952 are 1990.07.18 and Yang Darong on label; the collecting date and collector of number 0058953 are 1990.06.30 and Yang Darong, Yang Aisheng on label; the collecting date and collector of number 0058954 are 1990.06.30 and Yang Darong, Yang Zonglong on label; the collecting date and collector of number 0058955 are 1987.07.02 and Yang Darong on label. But the collecting date and collector of all speciemens are 1985–1987. VI. 16–28 and Yang Darong, Chun Sheng, Lu Zi in original description.
Type locality: Renzhixueshan Mountain, Deqin County, Yunnan Province, China.
(234) Hepialus yunnanensis Yang, Li et Shen, 1992
Hepialus yunnanensis Yang, Li et Shen, 1992 (Yang et al, 1992).
Syntypes: 3 specimens, number 0058976–0058978.
Three specimens of number 0058976–0058978 were pinned on a long red label on which “Holotype” was printed. Authors (Yang, Li and Shen) didn’t indicate which is holotype and which is paratype. Author (Yang Darong) has confirmed that holotype’s right wings and abdomen had been cutted. The specimen of number 0058976 without left wings and the abdomen cutted, may be holotype. The collecting date of number 0058977 is 1990.05.26 on label (1990.V.20–24 in original description); the collecting date of number 0058976 and 0058978 is 1990.05.28 on label (1990.V.20–24 in original description).
Type locality: Laojunshan Mountain, Jianchuan County, Yunnan Province, China.
(235) Hepialus zaliensis Yang, 1994
Hepialus zaliensis Yang, 1994 (Yang, 1994).
Syntypes: 12 specimens, number 0058938–0058949.
Eight specimens were pinned on a long red label on which“Holotype” was printed, followed by other four specimens. The collecting date of number 0058938–0058939, 0058944–0058945 and 0058947–0058948 is 1990.07.12 on label (1990.VII.14 in original description); the collecting date of number 0058941 is 1990.07.15 on label (1990.VII.14 in original description); the collecting date of number 0058940, 0058942 and 0058946 is 1990.07.31 on label (1990.VII.14 in original description).
Type locality: Calixueshan Mountain, Mangkang County, Xizang Province, China.
(i) Aphidiidae
(236) Aphidius cupressi Wang et Dong, 1996
Aphidius cupressi Wang et Dong, 1996 (Dong & Wang, 1996). Holotype: number 0057623. Paratypes: 5 specimens,number 0057624–0057628.
Type locality: Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(237) Aphidius dianensis Dong et Wang, 1996
Aphidius dianensis Dong et Wang, 1996 (Dong & Wang, 1996).
Holotype: number 0057629. Paratypes: 7 specimens, number 0057630–0057636 (number 0057630 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(238) Aphidius lincangensis Dong, 1988
Aphidius lincangensis Dong, 1988 (Dong, 1988).
Holotype: number 0057754. Paratypes: 7 specimens, number 0057755–0057761 (number 0057755 was allotype in original description).
The collector of number 0057754–0057756, 0057757–0057760 is Dong Dazhi, the collector of number 0057757 and 0057761 is Wang Yunzhen on label (not mentioned in original description).
Type locality: Lincang City, Yunnan Province, China.
(239) Ephedrus nelumbus Dong et Wang, 1996
Ephedrus nelumbus Dong et Wang, 1996 (Dong & Wang, 1996).
Holotype: number 0057620. Paratypes: 2 specimen, number 0057621–0057622 (number 0057621 was allotype in original description).
The collecting date of number 0057621 and 0057622 is 1978.V.28 on label (1977.V.12 in original description).
Type locality: Yuxi, Yunnan Province, China.
(240) Lysaphidus kunmingensis Wang et Dong, 1997
Lysaphidus kunmingensis Wang et Dong, 1997 (Wang & Dong, 1997).
Holotype: number 0057812. Paratypes: 16 specimens, number 0057813–0057828 (number 0057813 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Huahongdong, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(241) Lysiphlebia chrysanthemum Dong et Wang, 1992
Lysiphlebia chrysanthemum Dong et Wang, 1992 (Dong & Wang, 1992).
Holotype: number 0057686. Paratypes: 67 specimens, number 0057687–0057753 (number 0057687 was allotype in original description).
The altitude of number 0057686 is 740 m on label (not mentioned in original description).
Type locality: Xianfeng County, Hubei Province, China.
(242) Lysiphlebia jiangchuanensis Wang et Dong, 1996
Lysiphlebia jiangchuanensis Wang et Dong, 1996 (Dong & Wang, 1996).
Holotype: number 0057638. Paratypes: 5 specimens, number 0057639–0057643 (number 0057639 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Jiangchuan, Yunnan Province, China.
(243) Lysiphlebia youyangensis Wang et Dong, 1992
Lysiphlebia youyangensis Wang et Dong, 1992 (Dong & Wang, 1992).
Holotype: number 0057644. Paratypes: 31 specimens, number 0057645–0057675 (number 0057645 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Youyang County, Chongqing City (Yunnan Province), China.
(244) Pauesia kunmingensis Dong, 1988
Pauesia kunmingensis Dong, 1988 (Dong, 1988).
Holotype: number 0057762. Paratypes: 14 specimens, 0057763–0057764, 0057770–0057773, 0057775–0057782 (number 0057763 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(245) Pauesia malongensis Dong et Wang, 1997
Pauesia malongensis Dong et Wang, 1997 (Wang & Dong, 1997).
Holotype: number 0057783. Paratypes: 25 specimens, number 0057784–0057808 (number 0057784 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Malong County, Yunnan Province, China.
(246) Trioxys (Binodoxys) hirsutus Wang et Dong, 1992
Trioxys (Binodoxys) hirsutus Wang et Dong, 1992 (Dong & Wang, 1992).
Holotype: number 0057676. Paratypes: 3 specimens, number 0057677–0057679 (number 0057677 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Kaili City, Guizhou Province, China.
(247) Trioxys (Trioxys) robiniae Dong et Wang, 1992
Trioxys (Trioxys) robiniae Dong et Wang, 1992 (Dong & Wang, 1992).
Holotype: number 0057680. Paratypes: 5 specimens, number 0057681–0057685 (number 0057681 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Majiang County, Guizhou Province, China.
(248) Trioxys (Binodoxys) spiraea Dong et Wang, 1992
Trioxys (Binodoxys) spiraea Dong et Wang, 1992 (Dong & Wang, 1992).
Holotype: number 0057838. Paratypes: 42 specimens, number 0057839–0057880 (number 0057839 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Yien County, Hubei Province, China.
(ii) Ichneumonidae
(249) Hepialichneumon baimaensis Dong, 1992
Hepialichneumon baimaensis Dong, 1992 (Dong et al, 1992).
Holotype: number 0057887. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0057888 (number 0057888 was allotype in original description). Type locality: Deqin County, Yunnan Province, China.
(250) Hepialichneumon deqinensis Dong, 1992
Hepialichneumon deqinensis Dong, 1992 (Dong et al, 1992).
Holotype: number 0057889. Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0057890–0057891 (number 0057890 was allotype in original description).
The altitude of number 0057889–0057891 is 4 400 m on label (4 500 m in original description).
Type locality: Deqin County, Yunnan Province, China.
(251) Hepialichneumon meiliensis Dong, 1992
Hepialichneumon meiliensis Dong, 1992 (Dong et al, 1992). Holotype: number 0057892.
Type locality: Baimaxueshan Mountain, Yunnan Province, China.
(252)Hepialichneumon yulongensisDong, 1992
Hepialichneumon yulongensis Dong, 1992 (Dong et al, 1992)
Holotype: number 0057881. Paratypes: 3 specimens, number 0057882–0057884 (number 0057882 was allotype in original description).
The collector of types is Dong Dazhi on label (not mentioned in original description).
This species is type species of genus Hepialichneumon.
Type locality: Yulongxueshan Mountain, Lijiang City, Yunnan Province, China.
(253) Lentocerus dentatus Dong, 1999Lentocerus dentatus Dong, 1999 (Dong & Chikahiko, 1999). Holotype: number 0057895.
This species is type species of genus Lentocerus. Type locality: Lijiang, Yunnan Province, China.
(254)Lentocerus lijiangensis Dong, 1999
Lentocerus lijiangensis Dong, 1999 (Dong & Chikahiko, 1999).
Holotype: number 0057893. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0057894 (number 0057894 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Lijiang, Yunnan Province, China.
(iii) Stenogastridae
(255) Cochlischnogaster dadugangensis Dong et Otsuka, 1997
Cochlischnogaster dadugangensis Dong et Otsuka, 1997 (Dong & Otsuka, 1997).
Holotype: number 0057896. Paratypes: 11 specimens, number 0057897–0057907 (number 0057897 was allotype in original description).
The collecting date of number 0057907 is 1990.08.12 on label (1989.10.04 in original description), the altitude of number 0057896–0057905 are 850 m on label (not mentioned in original description).
This species is type species of genus Cochlischnogaster.
Type locality: Dadugang, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China.
(256) Cochlischnogaster menglunensis Dong, 1997
Cochlischnogaster menglunensis Dong, 1997 (Dong & Otsuka, 1997).
Holotype: number 0057908.
Type locality: Rezhisuo, Menglun Town, Yunnan Province, China.
(iv) Vespidae
(257)Vespa hekouensisDongetWang, 2003
Vespa hekouensis Dong et Wang, 2003 (Dong & Wang, 2003).
Holotype: number 0058369.
Type locality: Hekou County, Yunnan Province, China.
(258)Vespa maguanensisDong, 2001
Vespa maguanensis Dong, 2001 (Dong, 2001).
Holotype: number 0058365. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0058366 (number 0058366 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Maguan County, Yunnan Province, China.
(259) Vespula gongshanensis Dong, 2005
Vespula gongshanensis Dong, 2005 (Dong et al, 2005).
Holotype: number 0057909. Paratypes: 387 specimens, number 0057910–0058296 (number 0057910 was allotype in original description).
Type locality: Gongshan County, Yunnan Province, China.
(260) Vespula nujiangensis Dong et Wang, 2004
Vespula nujiangensis Dong et Wang, 2004 (Dong et al, 2004).
Holotype: number 0058361.
The altitude and collecting date of 0058361 are 2 200 m and 1999.09.05 on label (1 100 m and 1996.IV.05 in original description).
Type locality: Liuku, Nujiang, Yunnan Province, China.
(261) Vespula yulongensis Dong et Wang, 2002
Vespula yulongensis Dong et Wang, 2002 (Dong et al, 2002).
Holotype: number 0058360.
Type locality: Yulongxueshan Mountain, Lijiang City, Yunnan Province, China.
(262)Vespula yunlongensis Dong et Wang, 2003
Vespula yunlongensis Dong et Wang, 2003 (Dong et al, 2003).
Holotype: number 0058362. Paratype: 1 specimen, number 0058363.
The collecting date of 0058362 is 1983.06.03 on label (1992.05.25 in original description).
Type locality: Yunlong County, Yunnan Province, China.
(v) Halictidae
(263)Rhopalomelissa(Trichorhopalomelissa)yunnanensisWu et He, 1985
Rhopalomelissa (Trichorhopalomelissa) yunnanensis Wu et He, 1985 (He & Wu, 1985).
Paratypes: 4 specimens, number 0058370–0058373.
Type locality: Huahongdong, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(vi) Anthophoridae
(264)Elaphropoda yunnanensisHeetWu, 1990
Elaphropoda yunnanensis He et Wu, 1990 (He et Wu, 1990).
Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0058374–0058375.
Type locality: Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
(vii) Formicidae
(265)Discothyrea bannaXu, BurwelletNakamura, 2014
Discothyrea banna Xu, Burwell et Nakamura, 2014 (Xu et al, 2014).
Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0076065–0076066.
Type locality: Manzhuang Village, Shangyong Town, Mengla County, Yunnan Province, China.
(266)Discothyrea dianaXu, BurwelletNakamura, 2014
Discothyrea diana Xu, Burwell et Nakamura, 2014 (Xu et al, 2014).
Paratypes: 2 specimens, number 0076067–0076068.
Type locality: Bubang Village, Mengla Town, Mengla County, Yunnan Province, China.
In this article, we found several over-arching types of problemsin the curation of the deposited types at the KNHMZ. First, some information was misprinted in original descriptions, e.g., Roman numerals specifying collection were generally misprinted or illegible. Second, some mistakes occurred in which information on a label was not and/or incorrectly transferred to the original description (for publication). Additionally, after publishing records of new species, researchers did not add the type labels.
As curators, we suggest that before the type specimen are deposited in the museum, they should be checked for consistency between label and original description, and marked as having or not having a type label. We further suggest that once any problem was found for type specimen, the initial publishing author should be contacted to eliminate discrepencies or missing information as soon as possible.
We thank Profs. Xiong Jiang, Xiao Ningnian, Li Changlian, Shen Farong for checking the type specimens; and thank Prof. Zhu Shimo, Drs. Gao Jianjun, Li Xueyan, Xie Meng, Liang Xingcai, Zhang Wenxia and Prof. Yang Darong for revising the information of type specimens.
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Received: 30 April 2015; Accepted: 23 June 2015
Foundation items: This study was supported by the key project of Science-technology basic condition platform from The Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China (2005DKA21402)
*Corresponding author, E-mail: lkzhang@mail.kiz.ac.cn