數(shù)據(jù)來(lái)源:Web of Science文獻(xiàn)出版時(shí)間:2013.1—2015.2檢索時(shí)間:2015.3.6
Computer Science Cybernetics 計(jì)算機(jī)科學(xué),控制論
被引頻次: 72
來(lái)源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2013,43(6): 1796-1806聯(lián)系郵箱: Wu,ZG; nashwzhg@gmail.com
被引頻次: 59
Distributed Synchronization in Networks of Agent Systems With Nonlinearities and Random Switchings
Tang,Y; Gao,HJ; Zou,W; et al.
Abstract: In this paper,the distributed synchronization problem of networks of agent systems with controllers and nonlinearities subject to Bernoulli switchings is investigated. Controllers and adaptive updating laws injected in each vertex of networks depend on the state information of its neighborhood. Three sets of Bernoulli stochastic variables are introduced to describe the occurrence probabilities of distributed adaptive controllers,updating laws and nonlinearities,respectively. By the Lyapunov functions method,we show that the distributed synchronization of networks composed of agent systems with multiple randomly occurring nonlinearities,multiple randomly occurring controllers,and multiple randomly occurring updating laws can be achieved in mean square under certain criteria. The conditions derived in this paper can be solved by semi-definite programming. Moreover,by mathematical analysis,we find that the coupling strength,the probabilities of the Bernoulli stochastic variables,and the form of nonlinearities have great impacts on the convergence speed and the terminal control strength. The synchronization criteria and the observed phenomena are demonstrated by several numerical simulation examples. In addition,the advantage of distributed adaptive controllers over conventional adaptive controllers is illustrated.
Keywords: complex dynamical networks; multiagent systems; neural-networks; exponential synchronization; adaptive synchronization;missing measurements; consensus seeking; stability; discrete; delay
來(lái)源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2013,43(1): 358-370聯(lián)系郵箱: Tang,Y; tangtany@gmail.com
被引頻次: 42
Induced l2 Filtering of Fuzzy Stochastic Systems With Time-Varying Delays
Su,XJ; Shi,P; Wu,LG; et al.
Abstract: This paper is concerned with the problem of induced l2 filter design for a class of discrete-time Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy It stochastic systems with time-varying delays. Attention is focused on the design of the desired filter to guarantee an induced l2 performance for the filtering error system. A new comparison model is proposed by employing a new approximation for the time-varying delay state,and then,sufficient conditions for the obtained filtering error system are derived by this comparison model. A desired filter is constructed by solving a convex optimization problem,which can be efficiently solved by standard numerical algorithms. Finally,simulation examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.
Keywords: networked nonlinear-systems; infinity model-reduction; feedback-control; packet dropouts; mixed delays; lmi approach;stability; design; quantization
來(lái)源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2013,43(4): 1251-1264聯(lián)系郵箱: Su,XJ; suxiaojie1985@gmail.com
被引頻次: 38
Enhanced Computer Vision with Microsoft Kinect Sensor: A Review
Han,JG; Shao,L; Xu,D; et al.
Abstract: With the invention of the low-cost Microsoft Kinect sensor,high-resolution depth and visual(RGB)sensing has becomeavailable for widespread use. The complementary nature of the depth and visual information provided by the Kinect sensor opens up new opportunities to solve fundamental problems in computer vision. This paper presents a comprehensive review of recent Kinect-based computer vision algorithms and applications. The reviewed approaches are classified according to the type of vision problems that can be addressed or enhanced by means of the Kinect sensor. The covered topics include preprocessing,object tracking and recognition,human activity analysis,hand gesture analysis,and indoor 3-D mapping. For each category of methods,we outline their main algorithmic contributions and summarize their advantages/differences compared to their RGB counterparts. Finally,we give an overview of the challenges in this field and future research trends. This paper is expected to serve as a tutorial and source of references for Kinect-based computer vision researchers.
Keywords: object recognition; kernel descriptors; depth cameras; scale; calibration; features
來(lái)源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2013,43(5): 1318-1334聯(lián)系郵箱: Shao,L; jungonghan77@gmail.com
被引頻次: 31
Finite-Approximation-Error-Based Optimal Control Approach for Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems
Liu,DR; Wei,QL
Abstract: In this paper,a new iterative adaptive dynamic programming(ADP)algorithm is developed to solve optimal control problems for infinite-horizon discrete-time nonlinear systems with finite approximation errors. The idea is to use an iterative ADP algorithm to obtain the iterative control law that makes the iterative performance index function reach the optimum. When the iterative control law and the iterative performance index function in each iteration cannot be accurately obtained,the convergence conditions of the iterative ADP algorithm are obtained. When convergence conditions are satisfied,it is shown that the iterative performance index functions can converge to a finite neighborhood of the greatest lower bound of all performance index functions under some mild assumptions. Neural networks are used to approximate the performance index function and compute the optimal control policy,respectively,for facilitating the implementation of the iterative ADP algorithm. Finally,two simulation examples are given to illustrate the performance of the present method.
Keywords: feedback-control; neural-networks; control scheme; reinforcement; algorithm; equations
來(lái)源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2013,43(2): 779-789聯(lián)系郵箱: Liu,DR; derong.liu@ia.ac.cn
Computer Science Hardware Architecture 計(jì)算機(jī)科學(xué),硬件和架構(gòu)
被引頻次: 58
Distributed Synchronization of Coupled Neural Networks via Randomly Occurring Control
Tang,Y; Wong,WK
Abstract: In this paper,we study the distributed synchronization and pinning distributed synchronization of stochastic coupled neural networks via randomly occurring control. Two Bernoulli stochastic variables are used to describe the occurrences of distributed adaptive control and updating law according to certain probabilities. Both distributed adaptive control and updating law for each vertex in a network depend on state information on each vertex's neighborhood. By constructing appropriate Lyapunov functions and employing stochastic analysis techniques,we prove that the distributed synchronization and the distributed pinning synchronization of stochastic complex networks can be achieved in mean square. Additionally,randomly occurring distributed control is compared with periodically intermittent control. It is revealed that,although randomly occurring control is an intermediate method among the three types of control in terms of control costs and convergence rates,it has fewer restrictions to implement and can be more easily applied in practice than periodically intermittent control.
Keywords: complex dynamical network; adaptive synchronization; pinning control; systems; stability; controllability; criteria; chaos; array;delay
來(lái)源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,2013,24(3): 435-447
聯(lián)系郵箱: Tang,Y; tangtany@gmail.com
被引頻次: 51
Real-Time Human Pose Recognition in Parts from Single Depth Images
Shotton,J; Sharp,T; Kipman,A; et al.
Abstract: We propose a new method to quickly and accurately - predict human pose-the 3D positions of body joints-from a single depth image,without depending on information from preceding frames. Our approach is strongly rooted in current object recognition strategies. By designing an intermediate - representation in terms of body parts,the difficult pose estimation problem is transformed into a simpler per-pixel classification problem,for which efficient machine learning techniques exist. By using computer graphics to synthesize a very large dataset of training image pairs,one can train a classifier that estimates body part labels from test images invariant to pose,body shape,clothing,and other irrelevances. Finally,we generate confidence-scored 3D proposals of several body joints by reprojecting the classification result and finding local modes.
The system runs in under 5ms on the Xbox 360. Our evaluation shows high accuracy on both synthetic and real test sets,and investigates the effect of several training parameters. We achieve state-of-the-art accuracy in our comparison with related work and demonstrate improved generalization over exact whole-skeleton nearest neighbor matching.
來(lái)源出版物: Communications of The Acm,2013,56(1): 116-124聯(lián)系郵箱: Shotton,J; jamiesho@microsoft.com
被引頻次: 29
Observer-Based Adaptive Neural Network Control for Nonlinear Stochastic Systems With Time Delay
Zhou,Q; Shi,P; Xu,SY; et al.
Abstract: This paper considers the problem of observer-based adaptive neural network(NN)control for a class of single-input single-output strict-feedback nonlinear stochastic systems with unknown time delays. Dynamic surface control is used to avoid the so-called explosion of complexity in the backstepping design process. Radial basis function NNs are directly utilized to approximate the unknown and desired control input signals instead of the unknown nonlinear functions. The proposed adaptive NN output feedback controller can guarantee all the signals in the closed-loop system to be mean square semi-globally uniformly ultimately bounded. Simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.
Keywords: output-feedback stabilization; dynamic surface control; small-gain approach; tracking control; unknown covariance; inverse dynamics; varying delay; fuzzy control; stability; design
來(lái)源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,2013,24(1): 71-80
聯(lián)系郵箱: Zhou,Q; zhouqi2009@gmail.com
被引頻次: 28
Self-organization paradigms and optimization approaches for cognitive radio technologies: a survey
Zhang,ZS; Long,KP; Wang,JP
Abstract: Cognitive radio is regarded as a promising technology to provide high bandwidth to mobile users via heterogeneous wireless network architectures and dynamic spectrum access techniques. However,cognitive radio networks may also impose some challenges due to various factors such as the ever increasing complexity of network architecture,the high cost of configuring and managing large-scale networks,the fluctuating nature of the available spectrum,diverse QoS requirements of various applications,and the intensifying difficulties of centralized control. A plethora of work has been carried out to address the challenges aforementioned by employing cognitive radio functionalities with self-organization features. In this article,variant aspects of self-organization paradigms in cognitive radio networks,including critical functionalities of MAC-and network-layer operations,are surveyed. The main contributions of this survey include introducing the fundamentals of existing cognitive radio and self-organization techniques as well as their current progress,surveying critical cognitive radio issues(including common control channel management,cooperative spectrum sensing,bio-inspired spectrum sharing,network scalability and adaptive routing)as well as their self-organization features,and identifying new directions and open problems in cognitive radio networks.
來(lái)源出版物: IEEE Wireless Communications,2013,20(2): 36-42聯(lián)系郵箱: Zhang,ZS; zhangzs@ustb.edu.cn
被引頻次: 26
Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Secure Cloud Storage
Wang,C; Chow,SSM; Wang,Q; et al.
Abstract: Using cloud storage,users can remotely store their data and enjoy the on-demand high-quality applications and services from a shared pool of configurable computing resources,without the burden of local data storage and maintenance. However,the fact that users no longer have physical possession of the outsourced data makes the data integrity protection in cloud computing a formidable task,especially for users with constrained computing resources. Moreover,users should be able to just use the cloud storage as if it is local,without worrying about the need to verify its integrity. Thus,enabling public auditability for cloud storage is of critical importance so that users can resort to a third-party auditor(TPA)to check the integrity of outsourced data and be worry free. To securely introduce an effective TPA,the auditing process should bring in no new vulnerabilities toward user data privacy,and introduce no additional online burden to user. In this paper,we propose a secure cloud storage system supporting privacy-preserving public auditing. We further extend our result to enable the TPA to perform audits for multiple users simultaneously and efficiently. Extensive security and performance analysis show the proposed schemes are provably secure and highly efficient. Our preliminary experiment conducted on Amazon EC2 instance further demonstrates the fast performance of the design.
Keywords: data possession; proofs; retrievability
來(lái)源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Computers,2013,62(2): 362-375聯(lián)系郵箱: Wang,C; congwang@cityu.edu.hk
Computer Science Information Systems 計(jì)算機(jī)科學(xué),信息系統(tǒng)
被引頻次: 49
A Survey of Energy-Efficient Wireless Communications
Feng,DQ; Jiang,CZ; Lim,G; et al.
Abstract: Reducing energy consumption in wireless communications has attracted increasing attention recently. Advanced physical layer techniques such as multiple-input multiple-output(MIMO)and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing(OFDM),cognitive radio,network coding,cooperative communication,etc.; new network architectures such as heterogeneous networks,distributed antennas,multi-hop cellulars,etc.; as well as radio and network resource management schemes such as various cross-layer optimization algorithms,dynamic power saving,multiple radio access technologies coordination,etc. have been proposed to address this issue. In this article,we overview these technologies and present the state-of-the-art on each aspect. Some challenges that need to be solved in the area are also described.
Keywords: cross-layer optimization; cooperative communication; sensor networks; power-control; resource-allocation; spectral efficiency;cellular networks; channel capacity; link adaptation; mimo
來(lái)源出版物: IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials,2013,15(1): 167-178聯(lián)系郵箱: Feng,DQ; fdquan@gmail.com
被引頻次: 46
Ontology Matching: State of the Art and Future Challenges
Shvaiko,P; Euzenat,J
Abstract: After years of research on ontology matching,it is reasonable to consider several questions: is the field of ontology matching still making progress? Is this progress significant enough to pursue further research? If so,what are the particularly promising directions?To answer these questions,we review the state of the art of ontology matching and analyze the results of recent ontology matching evaluations. These results show a measurable improvement in the field,the speed of which is albeit slowing down. We conjecture that significant improvements can be obtained only by addressing important challenges for ontology matching. We present such challenges with insights on how to approach them,thereby aiming to direct research into the most promising tracks and to facilitate the progress of the field.
Keywords: semantic web; mapping creation; alignment; community; database; integration; framework; schemas; interoperability;heterogeneity
來(lái)源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,2013,25(1): 158-176
聯(lián)系郵箱: Shvaiko,P; pavel.shvaiko@infotn.it
被引頻次: 44
Hesitant fuzzy power aggregation operators and their application to multiple attribute group decision making
Abstract: The hesitant fuzzy set is a useful generalization of the fuzzy set that is designed for situations in which it is difficult to determine the membership of an element to a set owing to ambiguity between a few different values. In this paper,we develop a wide range of hesitant fuzzy power aggregation operators for hesitant fuzzy information. We first introduce several power aggregation operators and then extend these operators to hesitant fuzzy environments,i.e.,we introduce operators to aggregate input arguments that take the form of hesitant fuzzy sets. We demonstrate several useful properties of the operators and discuss the relationships between them. The new aggregation operators are utilized to develop techniques for multiple attribute group decision making with hesitant fuzzy information. Finally,some practical examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed techniques.
Keywords: linguistic preference relations; similarity measure; representation model; term sets; information; environment; multisets;entropy
來(lái)源出版物: Information Sciences,2013,234: 150-181聯(lián)系郵箱: Zhang,ZM; zhimingzhang@ymail.com
被引頻次: 41
Data filtering based recursive least squares algorithm for Hammerstein systems using the key-term separation principle
Wang,DQ; Ding,F(xiàn); Chu,YY
Abstract: This paper concerns parameter identification of Hammerstein output error moving average systems with a two-segment piecewise nonlinearity. By combining the key-term separation principle and the data filtering technique,we transfer the Hammerstein model into two regression identification models,and present a data filtering based recursive least squares method to estimate the parameters of these two identification models. The proposed algorithm achieves a higher computational efficiency than the standard approach by using covariance matrices of smaller dimensions from the two identification models instead of one identification model in the standard approach.
Keywords: identification methods; model identification; parameter-estimation; nonlinear-systems; armax systems
來(lái)源出版物: Information Sciences,2013,222: 203-212聯(lián)系郵箱: Wang,DQ; dqwang64@163.com
被引頻次: 36
Minimum cost attribute reduction in decision-theoretic rough set models
Jia,XY; Liao,WH; Tang,ZM; et al.
Abstract: In classical rough set models,attribute reduction generally keeps the positive or non-negative regions unchanged,as these regions do not decrease with the addition of attributes. However,the monotonicity property in decision-theoretic rough set models does not hold. This is partly due to the fact that all regions are determined according to the Bayesian decision procedure. Consequently,it is difficult to evaluate and interpret region-preservation attribute reduction in decision-theoretic rough set models. This paper provides a new definition of attribute reduct for decision-theoretic rough set models. The new attribute reduction is formulated as an optimization problem. The objective is to minimize the cost of decisions. Theoretical analysis shows the meaning of the optimization problem. Both the problem definition and the objective function have good interpretation. A heuristic approach,a genetic approach and a simulated annealing approach to the new problem are proposed. Experimental results on several data sets indicate the efficiency of these approaches.
Keywords: optimization; systems
來(lái)源出版物: Information Sciences,2013,219: 151-167聯(lián)系郵箱: Jia,XY; jiaxy@mail.njust.edu.cn
Computer Science Interdisciplinary Applications 計(jì)算機(jī)科學(xué),跨學(xué)科應(yīng)用
被引頻次: 376
GROMACS 4.5: a high-throughput and highly parallel open source molecular simulation toolkit
Pronk,S; Pall,S; Schulz,R; et al.
Abstract: Motivation: Molecular simulation has historically been a low-throughput technique,but faster computers and increasing amounts of genomic and structural data are changing this by enabling large-scale automated simulation of,for instance,many conformers or mutants of biomolecules with or without a range of ligands. At the same time,advances in performance and scaling now make it possible to model complex biomolecular interaction and function in a manner directly testable by experiment. These applications share a need for fast and efficient software that can be deployed on massive scale in clusters,web servers,distributed computing or cloud resources.
Results: Here,we present a range of new simulation algorithms and features developed during the past 4 years,leading up to the GROMACS 4.5 software package. The software now automatically handles wide classes of biomolecules,such as proteins,nucleic acids and lipids,and comes with all commonly used force fields for these molecules built-in. GROMACS supports several implicit solvent models,as well as new free-energy algorithms,and the software now uses multithreading for efficient parallelization even on low-end systems,including windows-based workstations. Together with hand-tuned assembly kernels and state-of-the-art parallelization,this provides extremely high performance and cost efficiency for high-throughput as well as massively parallel simulations.
Keywords: force-field; free-energy; biomolecular simulation; dynamics; model; refinement; transition; efficient; constant; proteins
來(lái)源出版物: Bioinformatics,2013,29(7): 845-854聯(lián)系郵箱: Lindahl,E; erik.lindahl@scilifelab.se
被引頻次: 160
Characterising performance of environmental models
Bennett,ND; Croke,BFW; Guariso,G; et al.
Abstract: In order to use environmental models effectively for management and decision-making,it is vital to establish an appropriate level of confidence in their performance. This paper reviews techniques available across various fields for characterising the performance of environmental models with focus on numerical,graphical and qualitative methods. General classes of direct value comparison,coupling real and modelled values,preserving data patterns,indirect metrics based on parameter values,and data transformations are discussed. In practice environmental modelling requires the use and implementation of workflows that combine several methods,tailored to the model purpose and dependent upon the data and information available. A five-step procedure for performance evaluation of models is suggested,with the key elements including:(i)(re)assessment of the model's aim,scale and scope;(ii)characterisation of the data for calibration and testing;(iii)visual and other analysis to detect under- or non-modelled behaviour and to gain an overview of overall performance;(iv)selection of basic performance criteria; and(v)consideration of more advanced methods to handle problems such as systematic divergence between modelled and observed values.
Keywords: rainfall-runoff models; sensitivity-analysis; hydrological models; parameter-estimation; ecological models; standardized assessment; simulation-models; quality-assurance; dispersion model; wavelet analysis
來(lái)源出版物: Environmental Modelling & Software,2013,40: 1-20聯(lián)系郵箱: Jakeman,AJ; tony.jakeman@anu.edu.au
被引頻次: 127
STAR: ultrafast universal RNA-seq aligner
Dobin,A; Davis,CA; Schlesinger,F(xiàn); et al.
Abstract: Motivation: Accurate alignment of high-throughput RNA-seq data is a challenging and yet unsolved problem because of the non-contiguous transcript structure,relatively short read lengths and constantly increasing throughput of the sequencing technologies. Currently available RNA-seq aligners suffer from high mapping error rates,low mapping speed,read length limitation and mapping biases. Results: To align our large(> 80 billon reads)ENCODE Transcriptome RNA-seq dataset,we developed the Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference(STAR)software based on a previously undescribed RNA-seq alignment algorithm that uses sequential maximum mappable seed search in uncompressed suffix arrays followed by seed clustering and stitching procedure. STAR outperforms other aligners by a factor of > 50 in mapping speed,aligning to the human genome 550 million 2 × 76 bp paired-end reads per hour on a modest 12-core server,while at the same time improving alignment sensitivity and precision. In addition to unbiased de novo detection of canonical junctions,STAR can discover non-canonical splices and chimeric(fusion)transcripts,and is also capable of mapping full-length RNA sequences. Using Roche 454 sequencing of reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction amplicons,we experimentally validated 1960 novel intergenic splice junctions with an 80-90% success rate,corroborating the high precision of the STAR mapping strategy.
Keywords: splice junctions; alignment; reads; algorithms; sequence; genomes; encode
來(lái)源出版物: Bioinformatics,2013,29(1): 15-21聯(lián)系郵箱: Dobin,A; dobin@cshl.edu
被引頻次: 95
RAxML version 8: a tool for phylogenetic analysis and post-analysis of large phylogenies
Abstract: Motivation: Phylogenies are increasingly used in all fields of medical and biological research. Moreover,because of the next-generation sequencing revolution,datasets used for conducting phylogenetic analyses grow at an unprecedented pace. RAxML(Randomized Axelerated Maximum Likelihood)is a popular program for phylogenetic analyses of large datasets under maximum likelihood. Since the last RAxML paper in 2006,it has been continuously maintained and extended to accommodate the increasingly growing input datasets and to serve the needs of the user community.
Results: I present some of the most notable new features and extensions of RAxML,such as a substantial extension of substitution models and supported data types,the introduction of SSE3,AVX and AVX2 vector intrinsics,techniques for reducing the memory requirements of the code and a plethora of operations for conducting postanalyses on sets of trees. In addition,an up-to-date 50-page user manual covering all new RAxML options is available.
Keywords: maximum-likelihood; bootstrap; performance; algorithms; inference
來(lái)源出版物: Bioinformatics,2014,30(9): 1312-1313聯(lián)系郵箱: Stamatakis,A; alexandros.stamatakis@h-its.org
被引頻次: 89
CalcHEP 3.4 for collider physics within and beyond the Standard Model
Belyaev,A; Christensen,ND; Pukhov,A
Abstract: We present version 3.4 of the CalcHEP software package which is designed for effective evaluation and simulation of high energy physics collider processes at parton level.
The main features of CalcHEP are the computation of Feynman diagrams,integration over multi-particle phase space and event simulation at parton level. The principle attractive key-points along these lines are that it has:(a)an easy startup and usage even for those who are not familiar with CalcHEP and programming;(b)a friendly and convenient graphical user interface(GUI);(c)the option for the user to easily modify a model or introduce a new model by either using the graphical interface or by using an external package with the possibility of cross checking the results in different gauges;(d)a batch interface which allows to perform very complicated and tedious calculations connecting production and decay modes for processes with many particles in the final state.
With this features set,CalcHEP can efficiently perform calculations with a high level of automation from a theory in the form of a Lagrangian down to phenomenology in the form of cross sections,parton level event simulation and various kinematical distributions.
In this paper we report on the new features of CalcHEP 3.4 which improves the power of our package to be an effective tool for the study of modern collider phenomenology.
Keywords: calculating supersymmetric spectra; electroweak symmetry-breaking; high-energy-physics; multidimensional integration;automatic-generation; helicity amplitudes; event generation; feynman-rules; relic density; higgs bosons
來(lái)源出版物: Computer Physics Communications,2013,184(7): 1729-1769聯(lián)系郵箱: Belyaev,A; a.belyaev@soton.ac.uk
Computer Science Software Engineering 計(jì)算機(jī)科學(xué),軟件工程
被引頻次: 51
Real-Time Human Pose Recognition in Parts from Single Depth Images
Shotton,J; Sharp,T; Kipman,A; et al.
Abstract: We propose a new method to quickly and accurately - predict human pose-the 3D positions of body joints-from a single depth image,without depending on information from preceding frames. Our approach is strongly rooted in current object recognition strategies. By designing an intermediate - representation in terms of body parts,the difficult pose estimation problem is transformed into a simpler per-pixel classification problem,for which efficient machine learning techniques exist. By using computer graphics to synthesize a very large dataset of training image pairs,one can train a classifier that estimates body part labels from test images invariant to pose,body shape,clothing,and other irrelevances. Finally,we generate confidence-scored 3D proposals of several body joints by reprojecting the classification result and finding local modes.
The system runs in under 5ms on the Xbox 360. Our evaluation shows high accuracy on both synthetic and real test sets,and investigates the effect of several training parameters. We achieve state-of-the-art accuracy in our comparison with related work and demonstrate improved generalization over exact whole-skeleton nearest neighbor matching.
來(lái)源出版物: Communications of the Acm,2013,56(1): 116-124聯(lián)系郵箱: Shotton,J; jamiesho@microsoft.com
被引頻次: 35
Feature location in source code: a taxonomy and survey
Dit,B; Revelle,M; Gethers,M; et al.
Abstract: Feature location is the activity of identifying an initial location in the source code that implements functionality in a software system. Many feature location techniques have been introduced that automate some or all of this process,and a comprehensive overview of this large body of work would be beneficial to researchers and practitioners. This paper presents a systematic literature survey of feature location techniques. Eighty-nine articles from 25 venues have been reviewed and classified within the taxonomy in order to organize and structure existing work in the field of feature location. The paper also discusses open issues and defines future directions in the field of feature location.
Keywords: independent component analysis; static noninteractive approach; latent dirichlet allocation; information-retrieval; program comprehension; software evolution; feature identification; probabilistic ranking; maintenance tasks; dynamic-analysis
來(lái)源出版物: Journal of Software-evolution and Process,2013,25(1): 53-95聯(lián)系郵箱: Poshyvanyk,D; denys@cs.wm.edu
被引頻次: 30
An opposition-based differential evolution algorithm for permutation flow shop scheduling based on diversity measure
Li,XT; Yin,MH
Abstract: The permutation flow shop problem(PFSSP)is an NP-hard problem of wide engineering and theoretical background. In this paper,a differential evolution(DE)based memetic algorithm,named ODDE,is proposed for PFSSP. First,to make DE suitable for PFSSP,a new LRV rule based on random key is introduced to convert the continuous position in DE to the discrete job permutation. Second,the NEH heuristic was combined the random initialization to the population with certain quality and diversity. Third,to improve the global optimization property of DE,a DE approach based on measure of population's diversity is proposed to tuning the crossover rate. Fourth,to improve the convergence rate of DE,the opposition-based DE employs opposition-based learning for the initialization and for generation jumping to enhance the global optimal solution. Fifth,the fast local search is used for enhancing the individuals with a certain probability. Sixth,the pairwise based local search is used to enhance the global optimal solution and help the algorithm to escape from local minimum. Additionally,simulations and comparisons based on PFSSP benchmarks are carried out,which show that our algorithm is both effective and efficient. We have also evaluated our algorithm with the well known DMU problems. For the problems with the objective of minimizing makespan,the algorithm ODDE obtains 24 new upper bounds of the 40 instances,and for the problems with the objective of maximum lateness,ODDE obtains 137 new upper bounds of the 160 instances. These new upper bounds can be used for future algorithms to compare their results with ours.
Keywords: particle swarm optimization; local search algorithm; sequencing problem; genetic algorithm; heuristic algorithm; makespan criterion; minimization
來(lái)源出版物: Advances in Engineering Software,2013,55: 10-31聯(lián)系郵箱: Yin,MH; Minghao.Yin1@gmail.com
被引頻次: 28
The evolution,challenges,and future of knowledge representation in product design systems
Chandrasegaran,SK; Ramani,K; Sriram,RD; et al.
Abstract: Product design is a highly involved,often ill-defined,complex and iterative process,and the needs and specifications of the required artifact get more refined only as the design process moves toward its goal. An effective computer support tool that helps the designer make better-informed decisions requires efficient knowledge representation schemes. In today's world,there is a virtual explosion in the amount of raw data available to the designer,and knowledge representation is critical in order to sift through this data and make sense of it. In addition,the need to stay competitive has shrunk product development time through the use of simultaneous and collaborative design processes,which depend on effective transfer of knowledge between teams. Finally,the awareness that decisions made early in the design process have a higher impact in terms of energy,cost,and sustainability,has resulted in the need to project knowledge typically required in the later stages of design to the earlier stages. Research in design rationale systems,product families,systems engineering,and ontology engineering has sought to capture knowledge from earlier product design decisions,from the breakdown of product functions and associated physical features,and from customer requirements and feedback reports. VR(Virtual reality)systems and multidisciplinary modeling have enabled the simulation of scenarios in the manufacture,assembly,and use of the product. This has helped capture vital knowledge from these stages of the product life and use it in design validation and testing. While there have been considerable and significant developments in knowledge capture and representation in product design,it is useful to sometimes review our position in the area,study the evolution of research in product design,and from past and current trends,try and foresee future developments. The goal of this paper is thus to review both our understanding of the field and the support tools that exist for the purpose,and identify the trends and possible directions research can evolve in the future.
Keywords: computer-aided-design; of-the-art; biologically inspired design; working situation model; engineering design; conceptual design; virtual-reality; special-issue; collaborative design; family design
來(lái)源出版物: Computer-aided Design,2013,45(2): 204-228聯(lián)系郵箱: Ramani,K; ramani@purdue.edu
被引頻次: 26
An Effective CU Size Decision Method for HEVC Encoders
Shen,LQ; Liu,Z; Zhang,XP; et al.
Abstract: The emerging high efficiency video coding standard(HEVC)adopts the quadtree-structured coding unit(CU). Each CU allows recursive splitting into four equal sub-CUs. At each depth level(CU size),the test model of HEVC(HM)performs motion estimation(ME)with different sizes including 2N x 2N,2N x N,N x 2N,and N x N. ME process in HM is performed using all the possible depth levels and prediction modes to find the one with the least rate distortion(RD)cost using Lagrange multiplier. This achieves the highest coding efficiency but requires a very high computational complexity. In this paper,we propose a fast CU size decision algorithm for HM. Since the optimal depth level is highly content-dependent,it is not efficient to use all levels. We can determine CU depth range(including the minimum depth level and the maximum depth level)and skip some specific depth levels rarely used in the previous frame and neighboring CUs. Besides,the proposed algorithm also introduces early termination methods based on motion homogeneity checking,RD cost checking and SKIP mode checking to skip ME on unnecessary CU sizes. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can significantly reduce computational complexity while maintaining almost the same RD performance as the original HEVC encoder.
來(lái)源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,2013,15(2): 465-470聯(lián)系郵箱: Shen,LQ; jsslq@163.com
Computer Science Theory Methods 計(jì)算機(jī)科學(xué),理論與方法
被引頻次: 134
Data-driven monitoring for stochastic systems and its application on batch process
Yin,S; Ding,SX; Sari,AHA; et al.
Abstract: Batch processes are characterised by a prescribed processing of raw materials into final products for a finite duration and play an important role in many industrial sectors due to the low-volume and high-value products. Process dynamics and stochastic disturbances are inherent characteristics of batch processes,which cause monitoring of batch processes a challenging problem in practice. To solve this problem,a subspace-aided data-driven approach is presented in this article for batch process monitoring. The advantages of the proposed approach lie in its simple form and its abilities to deal with stochastic disturbances and process dynamics existing in the process. The kernel density estimation,which serves as a non-parametric way of estimating the probability density function,is utilised for threshold calculation. An industrial benchmark of fed-batch penicillin production is finally utilised to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Keywords: principal component analysis; subspace identification; fault-detection; missing measurements; model; diagnosis; pca
來(lái)源出版物: International Journal of Systems Science,2013,44(7): 1366-1376聯(lián)系郵箱: Yin,S; shen.yin@uni-due.de
被引頻次: 66
Mobile cloud computing: A survey
Fernando,N; Loke,SW; Rahayu,W
Abstract: Despite increasing usage of mobile computing,exploiting its full potential is difficult due to its inherent problems such as resource scarcity,frequent disconnections,and mobility. Mobile cloud computing can address these problems by executing mobile applications on resource providers external to the mobile device. In this paper,we provide an extensive survey of mobile cloud computing research,while highlighting the specific concerns in mobile cloud computing. We present a taxonomy based on the key issues in this area,and discuss the different approaches taken to tackle these issues. We conclude the paper with a critical analysis of challenges that have not yet been fully met,and highlight directions for future work.
Keywords: systems; energy; infrastructure; management; bluetooth; devices
來(lái)源出版物: Future Generation Computer Systems-the International Journal of Grid Computing and Escience,2013,29(1): 84-106
聯(lián)系郵箱: Fernando,N; niro_ucsc@yahoo.com
被引頻次: 58
Distributed Synchronization of Coupled Neural Networks via Randomly Occurring Control
Tang,Y; Wong,WK
Abstract: In this paper,we study the distributed synchronization and pinning distributed synchronization of stochastic coupled neural networks via randomly occurring control. Two Bernoulli stochastic variables are used to describe the occurrences of distributed adaptive control and updating law according to certain probabilities. Both distributed adaptive control and updating law for each vertex in a network depend on state information on each vertex's neighborhood. By constructing appropriate Lyapunov functions and employing stochastic analysis techniques,we prove that the distributed synchronization and the distributed pinning synchronization of stochastic complex networks can be achieved in mean square. Additionally,randomly occurring distributed control is compared with periodically intermittent control. It is revealed that,although randomly occurring control is an intermediate method among the three types of control in terms of control costs and convergence rates,it has fewer restrictions to implement and can be more easily applied in practice than periodically intermittent control.
Keywords: complex dynamical network; adaptive synchronization; pinning control; systems; stability; controllability; criteria; chaos; array;delay
來(lái)源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,2013,24(3): 435-447
聯(lián)系郵箱: Tang,Y; tangtany@gmail.com
被引頻次: 51
Real-Time Human Pose Recognition in Parts from Single Depth Images
Shotton,J; Sharp,T; Kipman,A; et al.
Abstract: We propose a new method to quickly and accurately - predict human pose-the 3D positions of body joints-from a single depth image,without depending on information from preceding frames. Our approach is strongly rooted in current object recognition strategies. By designing an intermediate - representation in terms of body parts,the difficult pose estimation problem is transformed into a simpler per-pixel classification problem,for which efficient machine learning techniques exist. By using computer graphics to synthesize a very large dataset of training image pairs,one can train a classifier that estimates body part labels from test images invariant to pose,body shape,clothing,and other irrelevances. Finally,we generate confidence-scored 3D proposals of several body joints by reprojecting the classification result and finding local modes.
The system runs in under 5ms on the Xbox 360. Our evaluation shows high accuracy on both synthetic and real test sets,and investigates the effect of several training parameters. We achieve state-of-the-art accuracy in our comparison with related work and demonstrate improved generalization over exact whole-skeleton nearest neighbor matching.
來(lái)源出版物: Communications of the Acm,2013,56(1): 116-124聯(lián)系郵箱: Shotton,J; jamiesho@microsoft.com
被引頻次: 50
Multisensor data fusion: A review of the state-of-the-art
Khaleghi,B; Khamis,A; Karray,F(xiàn)O; et al.
Abstract: There has been an ever-increasing interest in multi-disciplinary research on multisensor data fusion technology,driven by its versatility and diverse areas of application. Therefore,there seems to be a real need for an analytical review of recent developments in the data fusion domain. This paper proposes a comprehensive review of the data fusion state of the art,exploring its conceptualizations,benefits,and challenging aspects,as well as existing methodologies. In addition,several future directions of research in the data fusion community are highlighted and described.
Keywords: hypothesis density filter; dempster-shafer theory; fuzzy rough sets; information fusion; sensor data; decentralized estimation;performance evaluation; sequence measurements; combination rules; belief functions
來(lái)源出版物: Information Fusion,2013,14(1): 28-44聯(lián)系郵箱: Khaleghi,B; bkhalegh@ece.uwaterloo.ca
Construction Building Technology 建筑與建筑技術(shù)
被引頻次: 40
Does e-cigarette consumption cause passive vaping?
Schripp,T; Markewitz,D; Uhde,E; et al.
Abstract: Electronic cigarette consumption(vaping)is marketed as an alternative to conventional tobacco smoking. Technically,a mixture of chemicals containing carrier liquids,flavors,and optionally nicotine is vaporized and inhaled. The present study aims at the determination of the release of volatile organic compounds(VOC)and(ultra)fine particles(FP/UFP)from an e-cigarette under near-to-real-use conditions in an 8 m3emission test chamber. Furthermore,the inhaled mixture is analyzed in small chambers. An increase in FP/UFP and VOC could be determined after the use of the e-cigarette. Prominent components in the gas-phase are 1,2-propanediol,1,2,3-propanetriol,diacetin,flavorings,and traces of nicotine. As a consequence,passive vaping must be expected from the consumption of e-cigarettes. Furthermore,the inhaled aerosol undergoes changes in the human lung that is assumed to be attributed to deposition and evaporation. Practical Implications The consumption of e-cigarettes marks a new source for chemical and aerosol exposure in the indoor environment. To evaluate the impact of e-cigarettes on indoor air quality and to estimate the possible effect of passive vaping,information about the chemical characteristics of the released vapor is needed.
Keywords: volatile organic-compounds; propylene-glycol; tobacco-smoke; formaldehyde; restaurants; cartridges; nicotine; bars; ban
來(lái)源出版物: Indoor Air,2013,23(1): 25-31聯(lián)系郵箱: Schripp,T; tobias.schripp@wki.fraunhofer.de
被引頻次: 31
Review of passive PCM latent heat thermal energy storage systems towards buildings' energy efficiency
Soares,N; Costa,JJ; Gaspar,AR; et al.
Abstract: This paper aims to explore how and where phase change materials(PCMs)are used in passive latent heat thermal energy storage(LHTES)systems,and to present an overview of how these construction solutions are related to building's energy performance. A survey on research trends are firstly presented followed by the discussion of some physical and theoretical considerations about the building and the potential of integrating PCMs in construction elements. The different types of PCMs and main criteria that govern their selection are reviewed,as well as the main methods to measure PCMs' thermal properties,and the techniques to incorporate PCMs into building elements. The numerical modeling of heat transfer with phase-change and heat transfer enhanced techniques are discussed,followed by a review of several passive LHTES systems with PCMs. Studies on dynamic simulation of energy in buildings(DSEB)incorporating PCMs are reviewed,mainly those supported by EnergyPlus,ESP-r and TRNSYS software tools. Lifecycle assessments,both environmental and economic are discussed. This review shows that passive construction solutions with PCMs provide the potential for reducing energy consumption for heating and cooling due to the load reduction/shifting,and for increasing indoor thermal comfort due to the reduced indoor temperature fluctuations.
Keywords: phase-change materials; life-cycle assessment; shape-stabilized pcm; t-history method; change material wallboard; carbon-fiber brushes; numerical-simulation; residential buildings; multiobjective optimization; conductivity enhancement
來(lái)源出版物: Energy and Buildings,2013,59: 82-103聯(lián)系郵箱: Soares,N; nelson.soares@dem.uc.pt
被引頻次: 28
Recent research and applications of GPS-based monitoring technology for high-rise structures
Yi,TH; Li,HN; Gu,M
Abstract: Monitoring the response of structures,especially tall buildings,under severe loading conditions is an important requirement for the validation of their design and construction,as well as being a maintenance concern. This paper presents a review of current research and development activities(since 1995)in the field of high-rise structure health monitoring using the Global Positioning System(GPS). The GPS monitoring technology and its accurate assessment method are firstly briefly described. Then,the progresses on monitoring the displacement of the high-rise structure caused by the ambient effects including wind,thermal variation,and earthquake-induced responses are discussed in details. Following that,the states of the art of augmenting the GPS monitoring technology are reviewed. Finally,existing problems and promising research efforts in the GPS-based health monitoring are given.
Keywords: wind-induced response; tall buildings; dynamic-response; system; displacement; accuracy
來(lái)源出版物: Structural Control & Health Monitoring,2013,20(5): 649-670聯(lián)系郵箱: Yi,TH; yth@dlut.edu.cn
被引頻次: 27
Experimental evaluation of using various renewable energy sources for heating a greenhouse
Esen,M; Yuksel,T
Abstract: The interest in alternative or renewable energy sources for greenhouse heating is currently high,owing to the large heating loads and the relatively high price of fossil fuels. Important alternative sources of energy are solar collectors,heat pumps,biomass and cogeneration systems. This study experimentally investigates greenhouse heating by biogas,solar and ground energy in Elazig,Turkey climate conditions. The greenhouse(6 m×4 m×2.10 m)heated by mentioned alternative energy sources was constructed,and then required heating load of the greenhouse was determined. For this purpose,biogas,solar and a ground source heat pump greenhouse heating system(BSGSHPGHS)with horizontal slinky ground heat exchanger was designed and set up. Experiments were conducted extensively during the winter period from November 2009 to March 2010. During the experiments,2231.831 of gas production by biogas system is provided. The experiments that are required for the growth of many plants need temperature of 23 degrees C,and conceivable success has been achieved in reaching this value by built systems. As a result,different energy sources have been successfully tested for greenhouse heating.
Keywords: artificial neural-networks; air tunnel system; pump system; solar greenhouse; agricultural greenhouses; thermal performance;exchanger; earth; technologies; storage
來(lái)源出版物: Energy and Buildings,2013,65: 340-351聯(lián)系郵箱: Esen,M; mesen@firat.edu.tr
被引頻次: 23
Thermomechanical bending response of FGM thick plates resting on Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundations
Bouderba,B; Houari,MSA; Tounsi,A
Abstract: The present work deals with the thermomechanical bending response of functionally graded plates resting on Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundations. Theoretical formulations are based on a recently developed refined trigonometric shear deformation theory(RTSDT). The theory accounts for trigonometric distribution of transverse shear stress,and satisfies the free transverse shear stress conditions on the top and bottom surfaces of the plate without using shear correction factor. Unlike the conventional trigonometric shear deformation theory,the present refined trigonometric shear deformation theory contains only four unknowns as against five in case of other shear deformation theories. The material properties of the functionally graded plates are assumed to vary continuously through the thickness,according to a simple power law distribution of the volume fraction of the constituents. The elastic foundation is modelled as two-parameter Pasternak foundation. The results of the shear deformation theories are compared together. Numerical examples cover the effects of the gradient index,plate aspect ratio,side-to-thickness ratio and elastic foundation parameters on the thermomechanical behavior of functionally graded plates. It can be concluded that the proposed theory is accurate and efficient in predicting the thermomechanical bending response of functionally graded plates.
Keywords: thermoelastic deformations; vibration analysis; beams
來(lái)源出版物: Steel and Composite Structures,2013,14(1): 85-104聯(lián)系郵箱: Tounsi,A; tou_abdel@yahoo.com
Critical Care Medicine 危重病急救醫(yī)學(xué)
被引頻次: 572
Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International Guidelines for Management of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock: 2012
Dellinger,RP; Levy,MM; Rhodes,A; et al.
Abstract: Objective: To provide an update to the "Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines for Management of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock," last published in 2008.
Design: A consensus committee of 68 international experts representing 30 international organizations was convened. Nominal groups were assembled at key international meetings(for those committee members attending the conference). A formal conflict of interest policy was developed at the onset of the process and enforced throughout. The entire guidelines process was conducted independent of any industry funding. A stand-alone meeting was held for all subgroup heads,co- and vice-chairs,and selected individuals. Teleconferences and electronic-based discussion among subgroups and among the entire committee served as an integral part of the development.
Methods: The authors were advised to follow the principles of the Grading of Recommendations Assessment,Development and Evaluation(GRADE)system to guide assessment of quality of evidence from high(A)to very low(D)and to determine the strength of recommendations as strong(1)or weak(2). The potential drawbacks of making strong recommendations in the presence of low-quality evidence were emphasized. Some recommendations were ungraded(UG). Recommendations were classified into three groups: 1)those directly targeting severe sepsis; 2)those targeting general care of the critically ill patient and considered high priority in severe sepsis; and 3)pediatric considerations.
Results: Key recommendations and suggestions,listed by category,include: early quantitative resuscitation of the septic patient during the first 6 hrs after recognition(1C); blood cultures before antibiotic therapy(1C); imaging studies performed promptly to confirm a potentialsource of infection(UG); administration of broad-spectrum antimicrobials therapy within 1 hr of recognition of septic shock(1B)and severe sepsis without septic shock(1C)as the goal of therapy; reassessment of antimicrobial therapy daily for de-escalation,when appropriate(1B); infection source control with attention to the balance of risks and benefits of the chosen method within 12 hrs of diagnosis(1C); initial fluid resuscitation with crystalloid(1B)and consideration of the addition of albumin in patients who continue to require substantial amounts of crystalloid to maintain adequate mean arterial pressure(2C)and the avoidance of hetastarch formulations(1C);initial fluid challenge in patients with sepsis-induced tissue hypoperfusion and suspicion of hypovolemia to achieve a minimum of 30 mL/kg of crystalloids(more rapid administration and greater amounts of fluid may be needed in some patients)(1C); fluid challenge technique continued as long as hemodynamic improvement,as based on either dynamic or static variables(UG); norepinephrine as the first-choice vasopressor to maintain mean arterial pressure≥65 mm Hg(1B); epinephrine when an additional agent is needed to maintain adequate blood pressure(2B); vasopressin(0.03 U/min)can be added to norepinephrine to either raise mean arterial pressure to target or to decrease norepinephrine dose but should not be used as the initial vasopressor(UG); dopamine is not recommended except in highly selected circumstances(2C); dobutamine infusion administered or added to vasopressor in the presence of a)myocardial dysfunction as suggested by elevated cardiac filling pressures and low cardiac output,or b)ongoing signs of hypoperfusion despite achieving adequate intravascular volume and adequate mean arterial pressure(1C); avoiding use of intravenous hydrocortisone in adult septic shock patients if adequate fluid resuscitation and vasopressor therapy are able to restore hemodynamic stability(2C); hemoglobin target of 7-9 g/dL in the absence of tissue hypoperfusion,ischemic coronary artery disease,or acute hemorrhage(1B); low tidal volume(1A)and limitation of inspiratory plateau pressure(1B)for acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS); application of at least a minimal amount of positive end-expiratory pressure(PEEP)in ARDS(1B); higher rather than lower level of PEEP for patients with sepsis-induced moderate or severe ARDS(2C); recruitment maneuvers in sepsis patients with severe refractory hypoxemia due to ARDS(2C); prone positioning in sepsis-induced ARDS patients with a Pao(2)/FiO2)ratio of ≤100 mm Hg in facilities that have experience with such practices(2C);head-of-bed elevation in mechanically ventilated patients unless contraindicated(1B); a conservative fluid strategy for patients with established ARDS who do not have evidence of tissue hypoperfusion(1C); protocols for weaning and sedation(1A); minimizing use of either intermittent bolus sedation or continuous infusion sedation targeting specific titration endpoints(1B); avoidance of neuromuscular blockers if possible in the septic patient without ARDS(1C); a short course of neuromuscular blocker(no longer than 48 hrs)for patients with early ARDS and a Pao(2)/Fio(2)<150 mm Hg(2C); a protocolized approach to blood glucose management commencing insulin dosing when two consecutive blood glucose levels are > 180 mg/dL,targeting an upper blood glucose <= 180 mg/dL(1A); equivalency of continuous veno-venous hemofiltration or intermittent hemodialysis(2B); prophylaxis for deep vein thrombosis(1B); use of stress ulcer prophylaxis to prevent upper gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with bleeding risk factors(1B); oral or enteral(if necessary)feedings,as tolerated,rather than either complete fasting or provision of only intravenous glucose within the first 48 hrs after a diagnosis of severe sepsis/ septic shock(2C); and addressing goals of care,including treatment plans and end-of-life planning(as appropriate)(1B),as early as feasible,but within 72 hrs of intensive care unit admission(2C).
Recommendations specific to pediatric severe sepsis include: therapy with face mask oxygen,high flow nasal cannula oxygen,or nasopharyngeal continuous PEEP in the presence of respiratory distress and hypoxemia(2C),use of physical examination therapeutic endpoints such as capillary refill(2C); for septic shock associated with hypovolemia,the use of crystalloids or albumin to deliver a bolus of 20 mL/kg of crystalloids(or albumin equivalent)over 5 to 10 mins(2C); more common use of inotropes and vasodilators for low cardiac output septic shock associated with elevated systemic vascular resistance(2C); and use of hydrocortisone only in children with suspected or proven "absolute" adrenal insufficiency(2C). Conclusions: Strong agreement existed among a large cohort of international experts regarding many level 1 recommendations for the best care of patients with severe sepsis. Although a significant number of aspects of care have relatively weak support,evidence-based recommendations regarding the acute management of sepsis and septic shock are the foundation of improved outcomes for this important group of critically ill patients.
Keywords: critically-ill patients; respiratory-distress-syndrome; intensive-care-unit; acute lung injury; randomized controlled-trial;acute-renal-failure; mechanically ventilated patients; combination antibiotic-therapy; clinical-practice guidelines; deep-vein thrombosis
來(lái)源出版物: Critical Care Medicine,2013,41(2): 580-637聯(lián)系郵箱: Dellinger,RP; Dellinger-Phil@CooperHealth.edu
被引頻次: 547
Global Strategy for the Diagnosis,Management,and Prevention of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease GOLD Executive Summary
Vestbo,J; Hurd,SS; Agusti,AG; et al.
Abstract: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD)is a global health problem,and since 2001,the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease(GOLD)has published its strategy document for the diagnosis and management of COPD. This executive summary presents the main contents of the second 5-year revision of the GOLD document that has implemented some of the vast knowledge about COPD accumulated over the last years. Today,GOLD recommends that spirometry is required for the clinical diagnosis of COPD to avoid misdiagnosis and to ensure proper evaluation of severity of airflow limitation. The document highlights that theassessment of the patient with COPD should always include assessment of(1)symptoms,(2)severity of airflow limitation,(3)history of exacerbations,and(4)comorbidities. The first three points can be used to evaluate level of symptoms and risk of future exacerbations,and this is done in a way that splits patients with COPD into four categories-A,B,C,and D. Nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic management of COPD match this assessment in an evidence-based attempt to relieve symptoms and reduce risk of exacerbations. Identification and treatment of comorbidities must have high priority,and a separate section in the document addresses management of comorbidities as well as COPD in the presence of comorbidities. The revised document also contains a new section on exacerbations of COPD. The GOLD initiative will continue to bring COPD to the attention of all relevant shareholders and will hopefully
Keywords: randomized controlled-trial; air-flow obstruction; positive-pressure ventilation; requiring mechanical ventilation; respiratorytract infections; protected specimen brush; lung-function impairment; acute copd exacerbation; heart-failure; salmeterol/fluticasone propionate
來(lái)源出版物: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine,2013,187(4): 347-365
聯(lián)系郵箱: Vestbo,J; jorgen.vestbo@manchester.ac.uk
被引頻次: 328
Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International Guidelines for Management of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock,2012
Dellinger,RP; Levy,MM; Rhodes,A; et al.
Abstract: To provide an update to the "Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines for Management of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock," last published in 2008.
A consensus committee of 68 international experts representing 30 international organizations was convened. Nominal groups were assembled at key international meetings(for those committee members attending the conference). A formal conflict of interest policy was developed at the onset of the process and enforced throughout. The entire guidelines process was conducted independent of any industry funding. A stand-alone meeting was held for all subgroup heads,co- and vice-chairs,and selected individuals. Teleconferences and electronic-based discussion among subgroups and among the entire committee served as an integral part of the development.
The authors were advised to follow the principles of the Grading of Recommendations Assessment,Development and Evaluation(GRADE)system to guide assessment of quality of evidence from high(A)to very low(D)and to determine the strength of recommendations as strong(1)or weak(2). The potential drawbacks of making strong recommendations in the presence of low-quality evidence were emphasized. Recommendations were classified into three groups:(1)those directly targeting severe sepsis;(2)those targeting general care of the critically ill patient and considered high priority in severe sepsis; and(3)pediatric considerations.
Key recommendations and suggestions,listed by category,include: early quantitative resuscitation of the septic patient during the first 6 h after recognition(1C); blood cultures before antibiotic therapy(1C); imaging studies performed promptly to confirm a potential source of infection(UG); administration of broad-spectrum antimicrobials therapy within 1 h of the recognition of septic shock(1B)and severe sepsis without septic shock(1C)as the goal of therapy; reassessment of antimicrobial therapy daily for de-escalation,when appropriate(1B); infection source control with attention to the balance of risks and benefits of the chosen method within 12 h of diagnosis(1C); initial fluid resuscitation with crystalloid(1B)and consideration of the addition of albumin in patients who continue to require substantial amounts of crystalloid to maintain adequate mean arterial pressure(2C)and the avoidance of hetastarch formulations(1B); initial fluid challenge in patients with sepsis-induced tissue hypoperfusion and suspicion of hypovolemia to achieve a minimum of 30 mL/kg of crystalloids(more rapid administration and greater amounts of fluid may be needed in some patients(1C); fluid challenge technique continued as long as hemodynamic improvement is based on either dynamic or static variables(UG); norepinephrine as the first-choice vasopressor to maintain mean arterial pressure a parts per thousand yen65 mmHg(1B); epinephrine when an additional agent is needed to maintain adequate blood pressure(2B); vasopressin(0.03 U/min)can be added to norepinephrine to either raise mean arterial pressure to target or to decrease norepinephrine dose but should not be used as the initial vasopressor(UG); dopamine is not recommended except in highly selected circumstances(2C); dobutamine infusion administered or added to vasopressor in the presence of(a)myocardial dysfunction as suggested by elevated cardiac filling pressures and low cardiac output,or(b)ongoing signs of hypoperfusion despite achieving adequate intravascular volume and adequate mean arterial pressure(1C); avoiding use of intravenous hydrocortisone in adult septic shock patients if adequate fluid resuscitation and vasopressor therapy are able to restore hemodynamic stability(2C); hemoglobin target of 7-9 g/dL in the absence of tissue hypoperfusion,ischemic coronary artery disease,or acute hemorrhage(1B); low tidal volume(1A)and limitation of inspiratory plateau pressure(1B)for acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS); application of at least a minimal amount of positive end-expiratory pressure(PEEP)in ARDS(1B); higher rather than lower level of PEEP for patients with sepsis-induced moderate or severe ARDS(2C); recruitment maneuvers in sepsis patients with severe refractory hypoxemia due to ARDS(2C); prone positioning in sepsis-induced ARDS patients with a Pao(2)/FiO2ratio of a parts per thousand currency sign100 mm Hg in facilities that have experience with such practices(2C); head-of-bed elevation in mechanically ventilated patients unless contraindicated(1B); a conservative fluid strategy for patients with established ARDS who do not have evidence of tissue hypoperfusion(1C); protocols forweaning and sedation(1A); minimizing use of either intermittent bolus sedation or continuous infusion sedation targeting specific titration endpoints(1B); avoidance of neuromuscular blockers if possible in the septic patient without ARDS(1C); a short course of neuromuscular blocker(no longer than 48 h)for patients with early ARDS and a Pao(2)/FiO2< 150 mm Hg(2C); a protocolized approach to blood glucose management commencing insulin dosing when two consecutive blood glucose levels are > 180 mg/dL,targeting an upper blood glucose a parts per thousand currency sign180 mg/dL(1A); equivalency of continuous veno-venous hemofiltration or intermittent hemodialysis(2B); prophylaxis for deep vein thrombosis(1B); use of stress ulcer prophylaxis to prevent upper gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with bleeding risk factors(1B); oral or enteral(if necessary)feedings,as tolerated,rather than either complete fasting or provision of only intravenous glucose within the first 48 h after a diagnosis of severe sepsis/septic shock(2C); and addressing goals of care,including treatment plans and end-of-life planning(as appropriate)(1B),as early as feasible,but within 72 h of intensive care unit admission(2C).
Recommendations specific to pediatric severe sepsis include: therapy with face mask oxygen,high flow nasal cannula oxygen,or nasopharyngeal continuous PEEP in the presence of respiratory distress and hypoxemia(2C),use of physical examination therapeutic endpoints such as capillary refill(2C); for septic shock associated with hypovolemia,the use of crystalloids or albumin to deliver a bolus of 20 mL/kg of crystalloids(or albumin equivalent)over 5-10 min(2C); more common use of inotropes and vasodilators for low cardiac output septic shock associated with elevated systemic vascular resistance(2C); and use of hydrocortisone only in children with suspected or proven "absolute"aEuro(TM)adrenal insufficiency(2C).
Strong agreement existed among a large cohort of international experts regarding many level 1 recommendations for the best care of patients with severe sepsis. Although a significant number of aspects of care have relatively weak support,evidence-based recommendations regarding the acute management of sepsis and septic shock are the foundation of improved outcomes for this important group of critically ill patients.
Keywords: critically-ill patients; respiratory-distress-syndrome; intensive-care-unit; acute lung injury; randomized controlled-trial;acute-renal-failure; mechanically ventilated patients; combination antibiotic-therapy; clinical-practice guidelines; deep-vein thrombosis
來(lái)源出版物: Intensive Care Medicine,2013,39(2): 165-228聯(lián)系郵箱: Dellinger,RP; Dellinger-Phil@CooperHealth.edu
被引頻次: 236
Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Pain,Agitation,and Delirium in Adult Patients in the Intensive Care Unit
Barr,J; Fraser,GL; Puntillo,K; et al.
Abstract: Objective: To revise the "Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Sustained Use of Sedatives and Analgesics in the Critically III Adult" published in Critical Care Medicine in 2002.
Methods: The American College of Critical Care Medicine assembled a 20-person,multidisciplinary,multi-institutional task force with expertise in guideline development,pain,agitation and sedation,delirium management,and associated outcomes in adult critically ill patients. The task force,divided into four subcommittees,collaborated over 6 yr in person,via teleconferences,and via electronic communication. Subcommittees were responsible for developing relevant clinical questions,using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment,Development and Evaluation method(http://www.gradeworkinggroup.org)to review,evaluate,and summarize the literature,and to develop clinical statements(descriptive)and recommendations(actionable). With the help of a professional librarian and Refworks(R)database software,they developed a Web-based electronic database of over 19000 references extracted from eight clinical search engines,related to pain and analgesia,agitation and sedation,delirium,and related clinical outcomes in adult ICU patients. The group also used psychometric analyses to evaluate and compare pain,agitation/sedation,and delirium assessment tools. All task force members were allowed to review the literature supporting each statement and recommendation and provided feedback to the subcommittees. Group consensus was achieved for all statements and recommendations using the nominal group technique and the modified Delphi method,with anonymous voting by all task force members using E-Survey(http://www.esurvey.com). All voting was completed in December 2010. Relevant studies published after this date and prior to publication of these guidelines were referenced in the text. The quality of evidence for each statement and recommendation was ranked as high(A),moderate(B),or low/very low(C). The strength of recommendations was ranked as strong(1)or weak(2),and either in favor of(+)or against(-)an intervention. A strong recommendation(either for or against)indicated that the intervention's desirable effects either clearly outweighed its undesirable effects(risks,burdens,and costs)or it did not. For all strong recommendations,the phrase "We recommend ..." is used throughout. A weak recommendation,either for or against an intervention,indicated that the tradeoff between desirable and undesirable effects was less clear. For all weak recommendations,the phrase "We suggest ..." is used throughout. In the absence of sufficient evidence,or when group consensus could not be achieved,no recommendation(0)was made. Consensus based on expert opinion was not used as a substitute for a lack of evidence. A consistent method for addressing potential conflict of interest was followed if task force members were coauthors of related research. The development of this guideline was independent of any industry funding.
Conclusion: These guidelines provide a roadmap for developing integrated,evidence-based,and patient-centered protocols for preventing and treating pain,agitation,and delirium in critically ill patients.
Keywords: critically-ill patients; mechanically ventilated patients; confusion assessment method; torsades-de-pointes; randomized controlled-trial; posttraumatic-stress-disorder; quality-of-life; respiratory-distress-syndrome; propofol infusion syndrome; long-term sedation
來(lái)源出版物: Critical Care Medicine,2013,41(1): 263-306聯(lián)系郵箱: Barr,J; barrj@stanford.edu
被引頻次: 104
Management of bleeding and coagulopathy following major trauma: an updated European guideline
Spahn,DR; Bouillon,B; Cerny,V; et al.
Abstract: Introduction: Evidence-based recommendations are needed to guide the acute management of the bleeding trauma patient. When these recommendations are implemented patient outcomes may be improved.
Methods: The multidisciplinary Task Force for Advanced Bleeding Care in Trauma was formed in 2005 with the aim of developing a guideline for the management of bleeding following severe injury. This document represents an updated version of the guideline published by the group in 2007 and updated in 2010. Recommendations were formulated using a nominal group process,the Grading of Recommendations Assessment,Development and Evaluation(GRADE)hierarchy of evidence and based on a systematic review of published literature.
Results: Key changes encompassed in this version of the guideline include new recommendations on the appropriate use of vasopressors and inotropic agents,and reflect an awareness of the growing number of patients in the population at large treated with antiplatelet agents and/or oral anticoagulants. The current guideline also includes recommendations and a discussion of thromboprophylactic strategies for all patients following traumatic injury. The most significant addition is a new section that discusses the need for every institution to develop,implement and adhere to an evidence-based clinical protocol to manage traumatically injured patients. The remaining recommendations have been re-evaluated and graded based on literature published since the last edition of the guideline. Consideration was also given to changes in clinical practice that have taken place during this time period as a result of both new evidence and changes in the general availability of relevant agents and technologies.
Conclusions: A comprehensive,multidisciplinary approach to trauma care and mechanisms with which to ensure that established protocols are consistently implemented will ensure a uniform and high standard of care across Europe and beyond.
Keywords: randomized-controlled-trial; prothrombin complex concentrate; fresh-frozen plasma; blunt abdominal-trauma; activated factor-vii; red-blood-cell; recombinant-factor-viia; respiratory-distress-syndrome; damage control resuscitation; controlled clinical-trial
來(lái)源出版物: Critical Care,2013,17(2): R76聯(lián)系郵箱: Rossaint,R; RRossaint@ukaachen.de
Crystallography 結(jié)晶學(xué)
被引頻次: 79
How good are my data and what is the resolution?
Evans,PR; Murshudov,GN
Abstract: Following integration of the observed diffraction spots,the process of 'data reduction' initially aims to determine the point-group symmetry of the data and the likely space group. This can be performed with the program POINTLESS. The scaling program then puts all the measurements on a common scale,averages measurements of symmetry-related reflections(using the symmetry determined previously)and produces many statistics that provide the first important measures of data quality. A new scaling program,AIMLESS,implements scaling models similar to those in SCALA but adds some additional analyses. From the analyses,a number of decisions can be made about the quality of the data and whether some measurements should be discarded. The effective 'resolution' of a data set is a difficult and possibly contentious question(particularly with referees of papers)and this is discussed in the light of tests comparing the data-processing statistics with trials of refinement against observed and simulated data,and automated model-building and comparison of maps calculated with different resolution limits. These trials show that adding weak high-resolution data beyond the commonly used limits may make some improvement and does no harm.
Keywords: x-ray data; data quality; r-factor; diffraction; refinement
來(lái)源出版物: Acta Crystallographica Section D-biological Crystallography,2013,69: 1204-1214
聯(lián)系郵箱: Evans,PR; pre@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk
被引頻次: 61
Synthesis of graphene-ZnO nanorod nanocomposites with improved photoactivity and anti-photocorrosion
Chen,Z; Zhang,N; Xu,YJ
Abstract: A series of graphene-ZnO(GR-ZnO)nanorod nanocomposites with different weight addition ratios of graphene(GR)have been prepared via a facile hydrothermal reaction of graphene oxide(GO)and ZnO nanorods. X-ray diffraction(XRD),UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectra(DRS),field-emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM),electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS),photoluminescence(PL)spectra,and electron spin resonance(ESR)spectra are employed to determine the properties of the samples. It is found that GR-ZnO nanorod nanocomposites with a proper addition amount of GR exhibit higher photocatalytic activity and improved anti-photocorrosion than ZnO nanorods toward liquid-phase degradation of dye under ultraviolet(UV)light irradiation. The improved photoactivity and anti-photocorrosion of GR-ZnO nanorods can be ascribed to the integrative synergistic effect of enhanced adsorption capacity,the prolonged lifetime of photogenerated electron-hole pairs and effective interfacial hybridization between GR and ZnO nanorods. This study also shows that graphene sheets act as electronic conductive channels to efficiently separate the photogenerated charge carriers from ZnO nanorods. It is hoped that our current work could promote increasing interest in designing the nanocomposites of one-dimensional(1D)semiconductor and two-dimensional(2D)graphene for different photocatalytic applications.
Keywords: photocatalytic H-2-production activity; one-dimensional nanostructures; volatile aromatic pollutant; high-performance;gas-phase; selective oxidation; ambient conditions; room-temperature; carbon nanotube; degradation
來(lái)源出版物: Crystengcomm,2013,15(15): 3022-3030聯(lián)系郵箱: Chen,Z; yjxu@fzu.edu.cn
被引頻次: 54
Four New Cd(II)Coordination Polymers with Mixed Multidentate N-Donors and Biphenyl-Based Polycarboxylate Ligands: Syntheses,Structures,and Photo luminescent Properties
Sun,D; Han,LL; Yuan,S; et al.
Abstract: Four new cadmium(II)coordination polymers(CPs),{[Cd(Hpptpd)(H2bptta)]center dot 8H2O}n(1),{[Cd-2(Hpptpd)2(bptta)(H2O)2]center dot 4H2O}n(2),{[Cd-2(pptpz)(bpta)(H2O)]center dot H2O}n(3),and {[Cd(Hpptpz)(bpba)]center dot 2H2O}n(4)(Hpptpd = 2-(3-(4-(pyridin-4-yl)phenyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazol-5-yl)pyridine,Hpptpz = 2-(3-(4-(pyridin-4-yl)phenyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazol-5-yl)pyrazine,H(4)bptta = 3,3',5,5'-biphenyltetracarboxylic acid,H3bpta = 3,4',5-biphenyltricarboxylic acid,H2bpba = 3,4'-biphenylbicarboxylic acid),were synthesized under hydrothermal conditions. The CPs were structurally characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses and further characterized by infrared spectra(IR),elemental analyses,powder X-ray diffraction(PXRD),and thermogravimetric analyses(TGA). Complex 1 exhibits an unusual 2D + 2D -> 2D parallel interpenetrated 63-hcb network. The adjacent 2D networks are interdigitated with each other to form the resulting three-dimensional(3D)supramolecular architecture through the interbilayer pi center dot center dot center dot pi stacking between Hpptpd ligands and nonclassical C-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds. Complex 2 is a one-dimensional(1D)molecular ladder along the a direction and further extended via hydrogen bonds into the 3D supramolecular framework. Complex 3 exhibits a novel complicated 3D(3,4,4,5)-connected framework with the Schlafli symbol of(4.6(5))(4.6(7).8(2))(6(3))(6(4).8(2)). Complex 4 manifests an intriguing layered structure with 5-connected cadmium atom as a unique node and can be simplified to an Archimedean(3(3).4(4).5(3))cem topology with triangular and rectangular circuits. The topology of 4 could be alternately simplified to a 3,4-connected binodal layer with a V2O5-type network. The thermal stabilities and photoluminescence behaviors of them were also discussed.
Keywords: metal-organic frameworks; hydrogen-bonded networks; crystal-structures; spin-crossover; supramolecular isomerism;single-crystal; electrical-conductivity; carboxylate ligands; molecular tectonics; magnetic-properties
來(lái)源出版物: Crystal Growth & Design,2013,13(1): 377-385聯(lián)系郵箱: Sun,D; dsun@sdu.edu.cn
被引頻次: 42
Crystallographic Computing System JANA2006: General features
Petricek,V; Dusek,M; Palatinus,L
Abstract: JANA2006 is a freely available program for structure determination of standard,modulated and magnetic samples based on X-ray or neutron single crystal/powder diffraction or on electron diffraction. The system has been developed for 30 years from specialized tool for refinement of modulated structures to a universal program covering standard as well as advanced crystallography. The aim of this article is to describe the basic features of JANA2006 and explain its scope and philosophy. It will also serve as a basis for future publications detailing tools and methods of JANA.
Keywords: modulated molecular-crystals; symmetry; program; dimensions; electron
來(lái)源出版物: Zeitschrift Fur Kristallographie,2014,229(5): 345-352聯(lián)系郵箱: Petricek,V; petricek@fzu.cz
被引頻次: 42
Syntheses,Structures,and Properties of a Series of Multidimensional Metal-Organic Polymers Based on 3,3',5,5'-Biphenyltetracarboxylic Acid and N-Donor Ancillary Ligands
Zhang,XT; Fan,LM; Sun,Z; et al.
Abstract: Hydrothermal reactions of aromatic 3,3',5,5'-biphenyl-tetracarboxylic acid(H4bpt)and the transitional metal cations in the presence of rigid or flexible N-donor ancillary ligands afford nine novel coordination polymers,namely,[M(H2bpt)(Hpptp)]n(M = Mn(1),F(xiàn)e2Co3,and Zn4,[Mn-2(bPt)(Hpptp)2]n(5),{[Zn-3(Hbpt)-(bpt)(H2O)2][(4,4'-H2bmib)(0.5)]center dot H2O}n(6),{[Cu(bpt)(0.5)(4,4'-bimbp)]center dot H2O}n(7),{[Co(H2bpt)(2,7-dfo)center dot H2O}n(8),and {[Ni-2(bpt)(4,4'-bibp)2.5(H2O)]center dot 3(H2O)}n(9)(Hpptp = 2-(3-(4-(pyridin-4-yl)phenyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazol-5-yl)pyridine; 4,4'-bmib = 4,4'-bis(2-methylimidazol-1-yl)benzene; 4,4'-bimbp = 4,4'-bis(imidazol-1-ylmethyl)biphenyl; 2,7-dfo = 2,7-di(imidazo-1-ly)-9H-fluoren-9-one; 4,4'-bibp = 4,4'-bis(imidazol)-biphenyl). Their structures have been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses,elemental analyses,IR spectra,powder X-ray diffraction(PXRD),and thermogravimetric(TG)analyses. Complexes 1-4 are isomorphism and feature a similar 2-fold interpenetrating 2D helical double layer,which is further extended via the interlayer pi center dot center dot center dot pi interactions into a 3D supramolecular structure. Complex 5 displays a pillared-layer 3D porous network with a(6(2).8)(2)(6(2).8(2).10(2))topology. Compound 6 shows an unprecedented 3D host-framework consisting of Zn-6 clusters and exhibits a novel 3D(5,5,5,6,9)-connected topological net with the Schlafli symbol of(410.65419.616.846.6447.632. The topology of 7 is an unprecedented binodal(4,4)-connected 3D network with the Schlafli symbol of(62.8442.822. Complex 8 exhibits a 3D(6(6))structure with left- and right-handed helical chains arranged alternately. Complex 9 is a novel trinodal(4,4,5)-connected 3D framework with the Schlafli symbol of(6(4).8(2))(6(5).8)(6(8).8(2)). To the best of our knowledge,the 3D frameworks with(5,5,5,6,9)-connected net for 6,binodal(4,4)-connected for 7,and trinodal(4,4,5)-connected for 9 have never been documented to date. Moreover,the luminescent properties of 4 and 6 have been investigated.
Keywords: coordination polymers; rational synthesis; crystal-structures; spin-crossover; frameworks; complexes; network; adsorption;molecules; isomerism
來(lái)源出版物: Crystal Growth & Design,2013,13(2): 792-803聯(lián)系郵箱: Zhang,XT; xiutangzhang@yahoo.com.cn
Dentistry Oral Surgery Medicine 牙科,口腔外科醫(yī)學(xué)
被引頻次: 79
Statistical methodology in oral and dental research: Pitfalls and recommendations
Hannigan,A; Lynch,CD
Abstract: Objectives: This study describes the pitfalls for commonly used statistical techniques in dental research and gives some recommendations for avoiding them. It also explores the potential of some of the newer statistical techniques for dental research.
Methods: Each of the commonly used techniques e. g. descriptive statistics,correlation and regression,hypothesis tests(parametric and non-parametric)and survival analysis are explored with examples and recommendations for their use are provided. Common sources of error including those of study design,insufficient information,ignoring the impact of clustering and underuse of confidence intervals are outlined. The potential of statistical techniques such as multivariate survival models,generalized estimating equations and multilevel models are also explored.
Conclusions: Reviews of published dental research repeatedly identify statistical errors in the design,analysis and conclusions of the study. Educating researchers on common pitfalls and giving recommendations for avoiding them may help researchers to eliminate statistical errors. Developments in statistical methodology should be routinely monitored to ensure the most appropriate statistical methods are used in dental research.
Keywords: survival analysis; clinical-trial; health; errors; time
來(lái)源出版物: Journal of Dentistry,2013,41(5): 385-392聯(lián)系郵箱: Hannigan,A; ailish.hannigan@ul.ie
被引頻次: 46
Bruxism defined and graded: an international consensus
Lobbezoo,F(xiàn); Ahlberg,J; Glaros,AG; et al.
Abstract: To date,there is no consensus about the definition and diagnostic grading of bruxism. A written consensus discussion was held among an international group of bruxism experts as to formulate a definition of bruxism and to suggest a grading system for its operationalisation. The expert group defined bruxism as a repetitive jaw-muscle activity characterised by clenching or grinding of the teeth and/or by bracing or thrusting of the mandible. Bruxism has two distinct circadian manifestations: it can occur during sleep(indicated as sleep bruxism)or during wakefulness(indicated as awake bruxism). For the operationalisation of this definition,the expert group proposes a diagnostic grading system of possible,probable and definite sleep or awake bruxism. The proposed definition and grading system are suggested for clinical and research purposes in all relevant dental and medical domains.
Keywords: sleep bruxism
來(lái)源出版物: Journal of Oral Rehabilitation,2013,40(1): 2-4聯(lián)系郵箱: Lobbezoo,F(xiàn); f.lobbezoo@acta.nl
被引頻次: 41
Global Burden of Oral Conditions in 1990-2010: A Systematic Analysis
Marcenes,W; Kassebaum,NJ; Bernabe,E; et al.
Abstract: The Global Burden of Disease(GBD)2010 Study produced comparable estimates of the burden of 291 diseases and injuries in 1990,2005,and 2010. This article reports on the global burden of untreated caries,severe periodontitis,and severe tooth loss in 2010 andcompares those figures with new estimates for 1990. We used disability-adjusted life-years(DALYs)and years lived with disability(YLDs)metrics to quantify burden. Oral conditions affected 3.9 billion people,and untreated caries in permanent teeth was the most prevalent condition evaluated for the entire GBD 2010 Study(global prevalence of 35% for all ages combined). Oral conditions combined accounted for 15 million DALYs globally(1.9% of all YLDs; 0.6% of all DALYs),implying an average health loss of 224 years per 100,000 population. DALYs due to oral conditions increased 20.8% between 1990 and 2010,mainly due to population growth and aging. While DALYs due to severe periodontitis and untreated caries increased,those due to severe tooth loss decreased. DALYs differed by age groups and regions,but not by genders. The findings highlight the challenge in responding to the diversity of urgent oral health needs worldwide,particularly in developing communities.
Keywords: disease; disability; health; mortality; injuries; life
來(lái)源出版物: Journal of Dental Research,2013,92(7): 592-597聯(lián)系郵箱: Marcenes,W; w.marcenes@qmul.ac.uk
被引頻次: 40
Low etiologic fraction for high-risk human papillomavirus in oral cavity squamous cell carcinomas
Lingen,MW; Xiao,WH; Schmitt,A; et al.
Abstract: Background: Human papillomavirus(HPV)is a cause of oropharyngeal cancer,but a role for HPV in the etiology of oral cavity squamous cell carcinomas(OCSCC)remains uncertain.
Methods: We sought to estimate the etiologic fraction for HPV among consecutive,incident OCSCC diagnosed from 2005 to 2011 at four North American hospitals. DNA and RNA purified from paraffin-embedded tumors were considered evaluable if positive for DNA and mRNA control genes by quantitative PCR. Fifteen high-risk(HR)HPV types were detected in tumors by consensus PCR followed by type-specific HR-HPV E6/7 oncogene expression by quantitative reverse-transcriptase PCR. P16 expression was evaluated by immunohistochemistry(IHC). A study of 400 cases allowed for precision to estimate an etiologic fraction of as low as 0%(97.5% confidence interval,0-0.92%).
Results: Of 409 evaluable OCSCC,24(5.9%,95% CI 3.6-8.2)were HR-HPV E6/7 expression positive; 3.7%(95% CI 1.8-5.5)for HPV16 and 2.2%(95% CI 0.8-3.6)for other HR-HPV types. HPV-positive tumors arose from throughout the oral cavity(floor of mouth [n = 9],anterior tongue [6],alveolar process [4],hard palate [3],gingiva [1] and lip [1])and were significantly associated with male gender,small tumor stage,poor tumor differentiation,and basaloid histopathology. P16 IHC had very good-to-excellent sensitivity(79.2%,95% CI 57.9-92.9),specificity(93.0%,95% CI 90.0-95.3),and negative-predictive value(98.6%,95% CI 96.8-99.6),but poor positive-predictive value(41.3%,95% CI 27.0-56.8)for HR-HPV E6/7 expression in OCSCC.
Conclusion: The etiologic fraction for HR-HPV in OCSCC was 5.9%. p16 IHC had poor positive predictive value for detection of HPV in these cancers.
Keywords: oropharyngeal cancer; united-states; neck-cancer; head; infection; association; prevalence; countries; type-16; tissue
來(lái)源出版物: Oral Oncology,2013,49(1): 1-8聯(lián)系郵箱: Gillison,ML; maura.gillison@osumc.edu
被引頻次: 39
Risk factors for periodontal disease
Genco,RJ; Borgnakke,WS
Abstract: Risk factors play an important role in an individual's response to periodontal infection. Identification of these risk factors helps to target patients for prevention and treatment,with modification of risk factors critical to the control of periodontal disease. Shifts in our understanding of periodontal disease prevalence,and advances in scientific methodology and statistical analysis in the last few decades,have allowed identification of several major systemic risk factors for periodontal disease. The first change in our thinking was the understanding that periodontal disease is not universal,but that severe forms are found only in a portion of the adult population who show abnormal susceptibility. Analysis of risk factors and the ability to statistically adjust and stratify populations to eliminate the effects of confounding factors have allowed identification of independent risk factors. These independent but modifiable,risk factors for periodontal disease include lifestyle factors,such as smoking and alcohol consumption. They also include diseases and unhealthy conditions such as diabetes mellitus,obesity,metabolic syndrome,osteoporosis,and low dietary calcium and vitamin D. These risk factors are modifiable and their management is a major component of the contemporary care of many periodontal patients. Genetic factors also play a role in periodontal disease and allow one to target individuals for prevention and early detection. The role of genetic factors in aggressive periodontitis is clear. However,although genetic factors(i.e.,specific genes)are strongly suspected to have an association with chronic adult periodontitis,there is as yet no clear evidence for this in the general population. It is important to pursue efforts to identify genetic factors associated with chronic periodontitis because such factors have potential in identifying patients who have a high susceptibility for development of this disease. Many of the systemic risk factors for periodontal disease,such as smoking,diabetes and obesity,and osteoporosis in postmenopausal women,are relatively common and can be expected to affect most patients with periodontal disease seen in clinics and dental practices. Hence,risk factor identification and management has become a key component of care for periodontal patients.
Keywords: alveolar bone loss; dependent diabetes-mellitus; gingival crevicular fluid; necrosis-factor-alpha; body-mass index; impaired neutrophil chemotaxis; nutrition examination survey; gullah african-americans; swedish adult-population; improve glycemic control
來(lái)源出版物: Periodontology 2000,2013,62: 59-94
Dermatology 皮膚科
被引頻次: 79
Global Epidemiology of Psoriasis: A Systematic Review of Incidence and Prevalence
Parisi,R; Symmons,DPM; Griffiths,CEM; et al.
Abstract: The worldwide incidence and prevalence of psoriasis is poorly understood. To better understand this,we performed a systematic review of published population-based studies on the incidence and prevalence of psoriasis. Three electronic databases were searched from their inception dates to July 2011. A total of 385 papers were critically appraised; 53 studies reported on the prevalence and incidence of psoriasis in the general population. The prevalence in children ranged from 0%(Taiwan)to 2.1%(Italy),and in adults it varied from 0.91%(United States)to 8.5%(Norway). In children,the incidence estimate reported(United States)was 40.8/100000 person-years. In adults,it varied from 78.9/100000 person-years(United States)to 230/100000 person-years(Italy). The data indicated that the occurrence of psoriasis varied according to age and geographic region,being more frequent in countries more distant from the equator. Prevalence estimates also varied in relation to demographic characteristics in that studies confined to adults reported higher estimates of psoriasis compared with those involving all age groups. Studies on the prevalence and incidence of psoriasis have contributed to a better understanding of the burden of the disease. However,further research is required to fill existing gaps in understanding the epidemiology of psoriasis and trends in incidence over time.
Keywords: quality-of-life; skin diseases; atopic-dermatitis; risk-factors; representative sample; population survey; clinical survey; unitedkingdom; primary-care; community
來(lái)源出版物: Journal of Investigative Dermatology,2013,133(2): 377-385聯(lián)系郵箱: Ashcroft,DM; Darren.Ashcroft@manchester.ac.uk
被引頻次: 66
Efficacy and safety of secukinumab in the treatment of moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis: a randomized,double-blind,placebo-controlled phase II dose-ranging study
Papp,KA; Langley,RG; Sigurgeirsson,B; et al.
Abstract: Background: Conventional systemic therapies for plaque psoriasis have not fully met the needs of patients,and although current biologic treatments are generally well tolerated,concerns exist with respect to long-term safety. Interleukin(IL)-17A is believed to be an important effector cytokine in the pathogenesis of psoriasis and is produced by Th17 cells,a class of helper T cells that act outside the established Th1/Th2 paradigm for regulation of innate and adaptive immunity.
Objectives: To assess the efficacy and safety of different doses of secukinumab,a fully human anti-IL-17A IgG1 kappa monoclonal antibody,in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis.
Methods Patients(n = 125)were randomized 1:1:1:1:1 to receive subcutaneous doses of placebo(n = 22)or secukinumab [1×25 mg(n =29),3×25 mg(n = 26),3×75 mg(n = 21)or 3×150 mg(n = 27)] at weeks 0,4 and 8. After the 12-week treatment period,patients entered a follow-up period of 24 weeks. The primary efficacy outcome was at least 75% improvement from baseline in the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index score(PASI 75); secondary outcomes included the Investigator's Global Assessment(IGA)and PASI 90 and 50 response rates.
Results: After 12 weeks of treatment,secukinumab 3×150 mg and 3×75 mg resulted in significantly higher PASI 75 response rates vs. placebo(82% and 57% vs. 9%; P <0.001 and P = 0.002,respectively). Higher PASI 75 response rates compared with placebo were maintained throughout the follow-up period with these dosages [week 36,26%(n = 7)and 19%(n = 4)vs. 4%(n = 1),respectively],with a gradual decline of PASI 75 response over time after the dosing period. IGA response rates were significantly higher in the 3×150 mg group vs. placebo at week 12(48% vs. 9%; P =0 005)and were consistently higher for the 3×150 mg and 3×75 mg groups vs. placebo at all time points from week 4 onward. The PASI 90 response rate was significantly higher in the 3×150 mg group vs. placebo(52% vs. 5%)at week 12 and remained higher during the follow-up period. Secukinumab was well tolerated. Two cases of neutropenia(≤grade 2)were reported in the 3×150 mg cohort.
Conclusions: Treatment with subcutaneous secukinumab 3×75 mg and 3×150 mg met the primary outcome of PASI 75 response achievement after 12 weeks,demonstrating efficacy in moderate-to-severe psoriasis.
Keywords: cells; inflammation; antibody; distinct; therapy; lineage
來(lái)源出版物: British Journal of Dermatology,2013,168(2): 412-421聯(lián)系郵箱: Papp,KA; kapapp@probitymedical.com
被引頻次: 49
Secukinumab induction and maintenance therapy in moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis:a randomized,double-blind,placebo-controlled,phase II regimen-finding study
Rich,P; Sigurgeirsson,B; Thaci,D; et al.
Abstract: Background: Interleukin(IL)-17A has major proinflammatory activity in psoriatic lesional skin.
Objectives To assess the efficacy and safety of secukinumab,a fully human IgG1 kappa monoclonal anti-IL-17A antibody,in moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis in a phase II regimen-finding study.
Methods: A total of 404 patients were randomized to subcutaneous placebo(n = 67)or one of three secukinumab 150 mg induction regimens: single(week 0; n = 66),early(weeks 0,1,2,4; n =133)and monthly(weeks 0,4,8; n =138 patients). The primary outcome was≥75% improvement from baseline Psoriasis Area and Severity Index score(PASI 75)at week 12. PASI 75 responders from active treatment arms at week 12 were rerandomized to either a fixed-interval(secukinumab 150 mg at weeks 12 and 24; n = 65)or a treatment-at-start-of-relapse maintenance regimen(secukinumab 150 mg at visits at which a start of relapse was observed; n = 67).
Results: At week 12,early and monthly induction regimens resulted in higher PASI 75 response rates vs. placebo(54.5% and 42.0% vs. 1.5%; P <0.001 for both). Among PASI 75 responders at week 12 entering the maintenance period,PASI 75 and PASI 90 achievement at least once from week 20 to week 28 was superior with the fixed-interval regimen [85%(n = 55)and 58%(n = 38),respectively] vs. the start-of-relapse regimen [67%(n = 45),P = 0 020,and 21%(n = 14),respectively]. Fifteen weeks after last study drug administration,<10% of patients in the fixed-interval and start-of-relapse groups experienced a start of relapse. No immunogenicity was observed,and no injection-site reactions were reported. Reported cases of neutropenia were mild-to-moderate(≤ grade 2); none was associated with clinically significant adverse events or resulted in study discontinuation. Due to the brief duration of the safety assessment,no firm conclusions can be drawn regarding long-term safety.
Conclusions: Secukinumab shows efficacy for induction and maintenance treatment of moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis.
Keywords: monoclonal-antibody; cells; interleukin-17; trial; gamma; keratinocytes; pathogenesis; inflammation; mechanisms; distinct
來(lái)源出版物: British Journal of Dermatology,2013,168(2): 402-411聯(lián)系郵箱: Rich,P; rich@ohsu.org
被引頻次: 40
Efinaconazole 10% solution in the treatment of toenail onychomycosis: Two phase III multicenter,randomized,double-blind studies
Elewski,BE; Rich,P; Pollak,R; et al.
Abstract: Background: Onychomycosis is a common nail infection,often resulting in nail plate damage and deformity. Topical lacquer treatments have negligible efficacy. Oral treatments,although more efficacious,are limited by drug interactions and potential hepatotoxicity.
Objective: We investigated the safety and efficacy of efinaconazole 10% solution(efinaconazole),the first triazole antifungal developed for distal lateral subungual onychomycosis.
Methods: Two identical,multicenter,randomized,double-blind,vehicle-controlled studies were conducted in patients with toenail distal lateral subungual onychomycosis(20%-50% clinical involvement [study 1: N = 870,study 2: N =785]). Patients were randomized(3: 1)to efinaconazole or vehicle,once daily for 48 weeks,with 4-week posttreatment follow-up. Debridement was not performed. The primary end point was complete cure rate(0% clinical involvement of target toenail,and both negative potassium hydroxide examination and fungal culture)at week 52.
Results: Mycologic cure rates were significantly greater with efinaconazole(study 1: 55.2%,study 2: 53.4%)compared with vehicle(P<0.001). The primary end point,complete cure,was also significantly greater for efinaconazole(study 1: 17.8% vs 3.3%,study 2: 15.2% vs 5.5%,P <0.001). Treatment success(percent affected target toenail [0%-≤10%])for efinaconazole ranged from 21.3% to 44.8% in study 1 and from 17.9% to 40.2% in study 2,compared with 5.6% to 16.8% and 7.0% to 15.4%,respectively,with vehicle. Adverse events associated with efinaconazole were local site reactions(2%)and clinically similar to vehicle.
Limitations: A period of 52 weeks may be too brief to evaluate a clinical cure in onychomycosis.
Conclusions: Once daily topical efinaconazole appears to be a viable alternative to oral treatment options for onychomycosis.
Keywords: quality-of-life; combination therapy; treatment options; nail lacquer; terbinafine; drugs; permeability; infections; amorolfine;efficacy
來(lái)源出版物: Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology,2013,68(4): 600-608聯(lián)系郵箱: Elewski,BE; beelewski@aol.com
被引頻次: 38
BRAF Mutation,NRAS Mutation,and the Absence of an Immune-Related Expressed Gene Profile Predict Poor Outcome in Patients with Stage III Melanoma
Mann,GJ; Pupo,GM; Campain,AE; et al.
Abstract: Prediction of outcome for melanoma patients with surgically resected macroscopic nodal metastases is very imprecise. Weperformed a comprehensive clinico-pathologic assessment of fresh-frozen macroscopic nodal metastases and the preceding primary melanoma,somatic mutation profiling,and gene expression profiling to identify determinants of outcome in 79 melanoma patients. In addition to disease stage <II at initial presentation,the following clinical and pathologic factors were independent predictors of improved outcome(odds ratios for survival >4 years,90% confidence interval): the presence of a nodular component in the primary melanoma(6.8,0.6-76.0),and small cell size(11.1,0.8-100.0)or low pigmentation(3.0,0.8-100.0)in the nodal metastases. Absence of BRAF mutation(20.0,1.0-1000.0)or NRAS mutation(16.7,0.6-1000.0)were both favorable prognostic factors. A 46-gene expression signature with strong overrepresentation of immune response genes was predictive of better survival(10.9,0.4-325.6); in the full cohort,median survival was>100 months in those with the signature,but 10 months in those without. This relationship was validated in two previously published independent stage III melanoma data sets. We conclude that the presence of BRAF mutation,NRAS mutation,and the absence of an immune-related expressed gene profile predict poor outcome in melanoma patients with macroscopic stage III disease.
Keywords: cutaneous melanoma; metastatic melanoma; oncogene mutation; survival; biomarkers; prognosis
來(lái)源出版物: Journal of Investigative Dermatology,2013,133(2): 509-517
聯(lián)系郵箱: Thompson,JF; john.thompson@melanoma.org.au
Developmental Biology 發(fā)育生物學(xué)
被引頻次: 108
The Hippo pathway: regulators and regulations
Yu,F(xiàn)X; Guan,KL
Abstract: Control of cell number is crucial in animal development and tissue homeostasis,and its dysregulation may result in tumor formation or organ degeneration. The Hippo pathway in both Drosophila and mammals regulates cell number by modulating cell proliferation,cell death,and cell differentiation. Recently,numerous upstream components involved in the Hippo pathway have been identified,such as cell polarity,mechanotransduction,and G-protein-coupled receptor(GPCR)signaling. Actin cytoskeleton or cellular tension appears to be the master mediator that integrates and transmits upstream signals to the core Hippo signaling cascade. Here,we review regulatory mechanisms of the Hippo pathway and discuss potential implications involved in different physiological and pathological conditions.
Keywords: tumor-suppressor pathway; yes-associated protein; organ size control; stem-cell proliferation; cultured osteoblastic cells;domain-containing protein; controls tissue-growth; breast-cancer cells; scf-beta-trcp; signaling-pathway
來(lái)源出版物: Genes & Development,2013,27(4): 355-371聯(lián)系郵箱: Guan,KL; kuguan@ucsd.edu
被引頻次: 87
Adaptive thermogenesis in adipocytes: Is beige the new brown?
Wu,J; Cohen,P; Spiegelman,BM
Abstract: One of the most promising areas in the therapeutics for metabolic diseases centers around activation of the pathways of energy expenditure. Brown adipose tissue is a particularly appealing target for increasing energy expenditure,given its amazing capacity to transform chemical energy into heat. In addition to classical brown adipose tissue,the last few years have seen great advances in our understanding of inducible thermogenic adipose tissue,also referred to as beige fat. A deeper understanding of the molecular processes involved in the development and function of these cell types may lead to new therapeutics for obesity,diabetes,and other metabolic diseases.
Keywords: white adipose-tissue; diet-induced obesity; activated receptor-gamma; mitochondrial uncoupling-protein; growth-factor-beta;energy-expenditure; skeletal-muscle; insulin-resistance; ppar-gamma; gene-expression
來(lái)源出版物: Genes & Development,2013,27(3): 234-250聯(lián)系郵箱: Spiegelman,BM; bruce_spiegelman@dfci.harvard.edu
被引頻次: 83
The Tissue-Specific IncRNA Fendrr Is an Essential Regulator of Heart and Body Wall Development in the Mouse
Grote,P; Wittler,L; Hendrix,D; et al.
Abstract: The histone-modifying complexes PRC2 and TrxG/MLL play pivotal roles in determining the activation state of genes controlling pluripotency,lineage commitment,and cell differentiation. Long noncoding RNAs(IncRNAs)can bind to either complex,and some have been shown to act as modulators of PRC2 or TrxG/MLL activity. Here we show that the lateral mesoderm-specific IncRNA Fendrr is essential for proper heart and body wall development in the mouse. Embryos lacking Fendrr displayed upregulation of several transcription factors controlling lateral plate or cardiac mesoderm differentiation,accompanied by a drastic reduction in PRC2 occupancy along with decreased H3K27 trimethylation and/or an increase in H3K4 trimethylation at their promoters. Fendrr binds to both the PRC2 and TrxG/MLL complexes,suggesting that it acts as modulator of chromatin signatures that define gene activity. Thus,we identified an IncRNA that plays an essential role in the regulatory networks controlling the fate of lateral mesoderm derivatives.
Keywords: long noncoding rna; gene-expression; polycomb; chromatin; proteins; differentiation; mesoderm; morphogenesis; dissection;complexes
來(lái)源出版物: Developmental Cell,2013,24(2): 206-214聯(lián)系郵箱: Herrmann,BG; herrmann@molgen.mpg.de
被引頻次: 69
Combined Deficiency of Tet1 and Tet2 Causes Epigenetic Abnormalities but Is Compatible with Postnatal Development
Dawlaty,MM; Breiling,A; Le,T; et al.
Abstract: Tet enzymes(Tet1/2/3)convert 5-methylcytosine(5mC)to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine(5hmC)in various embryonic and adult tissues. Mice mutant for either Tet1 or Tet2 are viable,raising the question of whether these enzymes have overlapping roles in development. Here we have generated Tet1 and Tet2 double-knockout(DKO)embryonic stem cells(ESCs)and mice. DKO ESCs remained pluripotent but were depleted of 5hmC and caused developmental defects in chimeric embryos. While a fraction of double-mutant embryos exhibited midgestation abnormalities with perinatal lethality,viable and overtly normal Tet1/Tet2-deficient mice were also obtained. DKO mice had reduced 5hmC and increased 5mC levels and abnormal methylation at various imprinted loci. Nevertheless,animals of both sexes were fertile,with females having smaller ovaries and reduced fertility. Our data show that loss of both enzymes is compatible with development but promotes hypermethylation and compromises imprinting. The data also suggest a significant contribution of Tet3 to hydroxylation of 5mC during development.
Keywords: embryonic stem-cells; active dna demethylation; mammalian dna; self-renewal; 5-hydroxymethylcytosine; mouse; genes;5-methylcytosine; proteins; genome
來(lái)源出版物: Developmental Cell,2013,24(3): 310-323聯(lián)系郵箱: Lyko,F(xiàn); f.lyko@dkfz-heidelberg.de
被引頻次: 61
Piwi induces piRNA-guided transcriptional silencing and establishment of a repressive chromatin state
Le Thomas,A; Rogers,AK; Webster,A; et al.
Abstract: In the metazoan germline,piwi proteins and associated piwi-interacting RNAs(piRNAs)provide a defense system against the expression of transposable elements. In the cytoplasm,piRNA sequences guide piwi complexes to destroy complementary transposon transcripts by endonucleolytic cleavage. However,some piwi family members are nuclear,raising the possibility of alternative pathways for piRNA-mediated regulation of gene expression. We found that Drosophila Piwi is recruited to chromatin,colocalizing with RNA polymerase II(Pol II)on polytene chromosomes. Knockdown of Piwi in the germline increases expression of transposable elements that are targeted by piRNAs,whereas protein-coding genes remain largely unaffected. Derepression of transposons upon Piwi depletion correlates with increased occupancy of Pol II on their promoters. Expression of piRNAs that target a reporter construct results in a decrease in Pol II occupancy and an increase in repressive H3K9me3 marks and heterochromatin protein 1(HP1)on the reporter locus. Our results indicate that Piwi identifies targets complementary to the associated piRNA and induces transcriptional repression by establishing a repressive chromatin state when correct targets are found.
Keywords: drosophila somatic-cells; large gene lists; dna methylation; argonaute proteins; in-vivo; heterochromatin formation; lysine-9 methylation; epigenetic memory; messenger-rnas; c. elegans
來(lái)源出版物: Genes & Development,2013,27(4): 390-399聯(lián)系郵箱: Aravin,AA; aravin@caltech.edu
Ecology 生態(tài)學(xué)
被引頻次: 181
A general and simple method for obtaining R2 from generalized linear mixed-effects models
Nakagawa,S; Schielzeth,H
Abstract: The use of both linear and generalized linear mixed-effects models(LMMs and GLMMs)has become popular not only in social and medical sciences,but also in biological sciences,especially in the field of ecology and evolution. Information criteria,such as Akaike Information Criterion(AIC),are usually presented as model comparison tools for mixed-effects models. The presentation of variance explained'(R2)as a relevant summarizing statistic of mixed-effects models,however,is rare,even though R2 is routinely reported for linear models(LMs)and also generalized linear models(GLMs). R2 has the extremely useful property of providing an absolute value for the goodness-of-fit of a model,which cannot be given by the information criteria. As a summary statistic that describes the amount of variance explained,R2 can also be a quantity of biological interest. One reason for the under-appreciation of R2 for mixed-effects models lies in the fact that R2 can be defined in a number of ways. Furthermore,most definitions of R2 for mixed-effects have theoretical problems(e.g. decreased or negative R2 values in larger models)and/or their use is hindered by practical difficulties(e.g. implementation). Here,we make a case for the importance of reporting R2 for mixed-effects models. We first provide the common definitions of R2 for LMs and GLMs and discuss the key problems associated with calculating R2 for mixed-effects models. We then recommend a general and simple method for calculating two types of R2(marginal and conditional R2)for both LMMs and GLMMs,which are less susceptible to commonproblems. This method is illustrated by examples and can be widely employed by researchers in any fields of research,regardless of software packages used for fitting mixed-effects models. The proposed method has the potential to facilitate the presentation of R2 for a wide range of circumstances.
Keywords: goodness-of-fit; brief conceptual tutorial; regression-models; practical guide; social epidemiology; multilevel analysis;bayesian measures; coefficients; R-2; biologists
來(lái)源出版物: Methods in Ecology and Evolution,2013,4(2): 133-142聯(lián)系郵箱: Nakagawa,S; shinichi.nakagawa@otago.ac.nz
被引頻次: 168
Hybridization and speciation
Abbott,R; Albach,D; Ansell,S; et al.
Abstract: Hybridization has many and varied impacts on the process of speciation. Hybridization may slow or reverse differentiation by allowing gene flow and recombination. It may accelerate speciation via adaptive introgression or cause near-instantaneous speciation by allopolyploidization. It may have multiple effects at different stages and in different spatial contexts within a single speciation event. We offer a perspective on the context and evolutionary significance of hybridization during speciation,highlighting issues of current interest and debate. In secondary contact zones,it is uncertain if barriers to gene flow will be strengthened or broken down due to recombination and gene flow. Theory and empirical evidence suggest the latter is more likely,except within and around strongly selected genomic regions. Hybridization may contribute to speciation through the formation of new hybrid taxa,whereas introgression of a few loci may promote adaptive divergence and so facilitate speciation. Gene regulatory networks,epigenetic effects and the evolution of selfish genetic material in the genome suggest that the DobzhanskyMuller model of hybrid incompatibilities requires a broader interpretation. Finally,although the incidence of reinforcement remains uncertain,this and other interactions in areas of sympatry may have knock-on effects on speciation both within and outside regions of hybridization.
Keywords: homoploid hybrid speciation; reproductive character displacement; adaptive population divergence; senecio-squalidus asteraceae;adjacent plant-populations; gene-expression divergence; natural-selection; local adaptation; sexual selection; genome duplication
來(lái)源出版物: Journal of Evolutionary Biology,2013,26(2): 229-246聯(lián)系郵箱: Butlin,RK; r.k.butlin@sheffield.ac.uk
被引頻次: 128
Impacts of biological invasions: what's what and the way forward
Simberloff,D; Martin,JL; Genovesi,P; et al.
Abstract: Study of the impacts of biological invasions,a pervasive component of global change,has generated remarkable understanding of the mechanisms and consequences of the spread of introduced populations. The growing field of invasion science,poised at a crossroads where ecology,social sciences,resource management,and public perception meet,is increasingly exposed to critical scrutiny from several perspectives. Although the rate of biological invasions,elucidation of their consequences,and knowledge about mitigation are growing rapidly,the very need for invasion science is disputed. Here,we highlight recent progress in understanding invasion impacts and management,and discuss the challenges that the discipline faces in its science and interactions with society.
Keywords: exotic plant invasions; fresh-water fish; introduced predators; ecosystem responses; ecological impacts; biodiversity; forests;communities; islands; rats
來(lái)源出版物: Trends in Ecology & Evolution,2013,28(1): 58-66聯(lián)系郵箱: Simberloff,D; dsimberloff@utk.edu
被引頻次: 127
Collinearity: a review of methods to deal with it and a simulation study evaluating their performance
Dormann,CF; Elith,J; Bacher,S; et al.
Abstract: Collinearity refers to the non independence of predictor variables,usually in a regression-type analysis. It is a common feature of any descriptive ecological data set and can be a problem for parameter estimation because it inflates the variance of regression parameters and hence potentially leads to the wrong identification of relevant predictors in a statistical model. Collinearity is a severe problem when a model is trained on data from one region or time,and predicted to another with a different or unknown structure of collinearity. To demonstrate the reach of the problem of collinearity in ecology,we show how relationships among predictors differ between biomes,change over spatial scales and through time. Across disciplines,different approaches to addressing collinearity problems have been developed,ranging from clustering of predictors,threshold-based pre-selection,through latent variable methods,to shrinkage and regularisation. Using simulated data with five predictor-response relationships of increasing complexity and eight levels of collinearity we compared ways to address collinearity with standard multiple regression and machine-learning approaches. We assessed the performance of each approach by testing its impact on prediction to new data. In the extreme,we tested whether the methods were able to identify the true underlying relationship in a training dataset with strong collinearity by evaluating its performance on a test dataset without any collinearity. We found that methods specifically designed for collinearity,such as latent variable methods and tree based models,did not outperform thetraditional GLM and threshold-based pre-selection. Our results highlight the value of GLM in combination with penalised methods(particularly ridge)and threshold-based pre-selection when omitted variables are considered in the final interpretation. However,all approaches tested yielded degraded predictions under change in collinearity structure and the folk lore'-thresholds of correlation coefficients between predictor variables of |r| >0.7 was an appropriate indicator for when collinearity begins to severely distort model estimation and subsequent prediction. The use of ecological understanding of the system in pre-analysis variable selection and the choice of the least sensitive statistical approaches reduce the problems of collinearity,but cannot ultimately solve them.
Keywords: latent root regression; principal component regression; sliced inverse regression; partial least-squares; dimension reduction;multiple-regression; climate-change; logistic-regression; ridge-regression; ecological data
來(lái)源出版物: Ecography,2013,36(1): 27-46聯(lián)系郵箱: Dormann,CF; carsten.dormann@biom.uni-freiburg.de
被引頻次: 101
Impacts of ocean acidification on marine organisms: quantifying sensitivities and interaction with warming
Kroeker,KJ; Kordas,RL; Crim,R; et al.
Abstract: Ocean acidification represents a threat to marine species worldwide,and forecasting the ecological impacts of acidification is a high priority for science,management,and policy. As research on the topic expands at an exponential rate,a comprehensive understanding of the variability in organisms' responses and corresponding levels of certainty is necessary to forecast the ecological effects. Here,we perform the most comprehensive meta-analysis to date by synthesizing the results of 228 studies examining biological responses to ocean acidification. The results reveal decreased survival,calcification,growth,development and abundance in response to acidification when the broad range of marine organisms is pooled together. However,the magnitude of these responses varies among taxonomic groups,suggesting there is some predictable trait-based variation in sensitivity,despite the investigation of approximately 100 new species in recent research. The results also reveal an enhanced sensitivity of mollusk larvae,but suggest that an enhanced sensitivity of early life history stages is not universal across all taxonomic groups. In addition,the variability in species' responses is enhanced when they are exposed to acidification in multi-species assemblages,suggesting that it is important to consider indirect effects and exercise caution when forecasting abundance patterns from single-species laboratory experiments. Furthermore,the results suggest that other factors,such as nutritional status or source population,could cause substantial variation in organisms' responses. Last,the results highlight a trend towards enhanced sensitivity to acidification when taxa are concurrently exposed to elevated seawater temperature.
Keywords: climate-change; coral; metaanalysis; carbon; temperature; responses; exposure; fish; ph; calcification
來(lái)源出版物: Global Change Biology,2013,19(6): 1884-1896聯(lián)系郵箱: Kroeker,KJ; kjkroeker@ucdavis.edu
Electrochemistry 電化學(xué)
被引頻次: 131
Liquid electrolyte lithium/sulfur battery: Fundamental chemistry,problems,and solutions
Abstract: Lithium/sulfur(Li/S)battery has a 3-5 fold higher theoretical energy density than state-of-art lithium-ion batteries,and research has been ongoing for more than three decades. However,the commercialization of Li/S battery still cannot be realized due to many problematic issues,including short cycle life,low cycling efficiency,poor safety and a high self-discharge rate. All these issues are related to the dissolution of lithium polysulfide(PS),the series of sulfur reduction intermediates,in liquid electrolyte and to resulting parasitic reactions with the lithium anode and electrolyte components. On the other hand,the dissolution of PS is essential for the performance of a Li/S cell. Without dissolution of PS,the Li/S cell cannot operate progressively due to the non-conductive nature of elemental sulfur and its reduction products. In this review article,we start with the fundamental chemistry of elemental sulfur in order to discuss the problems and solutions of liquid electrolyte Li/S battery.
Keywords: composite cathode materials; glycol)dimethyl ether; high-capacity density; li-s battery; sulfur batteries; electrochemical properties; carbon nanotubes; enhanced cyclability; graphene oxide; ion batteries
來(lái)源出版物: Journal of Power Sources,2013,231: 153-162聯(lián)系郵箱: Zhang,SS; shengshui.zhang.civ@mail.mil
被引頻次: 104
A review on the key issues for lithium-ion battery management in electric vehicles
Lu,LG; Han,XB; Li,JQ; et al.
Abstract: Compared with other commonly used batteries,lithium-ion batteries are featured by high energy density,high power density,long service life and environmental friendliness and thus have found wide application in the area of consumer electronics. However,lithium-ion batteries for vehicles have high capacity and large serial-parallel numbers,which,coupled with such problems as safety,durability,uniformity and cost,imposes limitations on the wide application of lithium-ion batteries in the vehicle. The narrow area in which lithium-ion batteries operate with safety and reliability necessitates the effective control and management of battery management system.This present paper,through the analysis of literature and in combination with our practical experience,gives a brief introduction to the composition of the battery management system(BMS)and its key issues such as battery cell voltage measurement,battery states estimation,battery uniformity and equalization,battery fault diagnosis and so on,in the hope of providing some inspirations to the design and research of the battery management system.
Keywords: state-of-charge; subspace parameter-estimation; open-circuit-voltage; capacity-loss prediction; self-discharge behavior;rapid-transit vehicle; nickel metal hydride; lead-acid-batteries; life-prediction; cycle-life
來(lái)源出版物: Journal of Power Sources,2013,226(): 272-288聯(lián)系郵箱: Ouyang,MG; ouymg@tsinghua.edu.cn
被引頻次: 82
A comprehensive review on PEM water electrolysis
Carmo,M; Fritz,DL; Merge,J; et al.
Abstract: Hydrogen is often considered the best means by which to store energy coming from renewable and intermittent power sources. With the growing capacity of localized renewable energy sources surpassing the gigawatt range,a storage system of equal magnitude is required. PEM electrolysis provides a sustainable solution for the production of hydrogen,and is well suited to couple with energy sources such as wind and solar. However,due to low demand in electrolytic hydrogen in the last century,little research has been done on PEM electrolysis with many challenges still unexplored. The ever increasing desire for green energy has rekindled the interest on PEM electrolysis,thus the compilation and recovery of past research and developments is important and necessary. In this review,PEM water electrolysis is comprehensively highlighted and discussed. The challenges new and old related to electrocatalysts,solid electrolyte,current collectors,separator plates and modeling efforts will also be addressed. The main message is to clearly set the state-of-the-art for the PEM electrolysis technology,be insightful of the research that is already done and the challenges that still exist. This information will provide several future research directions and a road map in order to aid scientists in establishing PEM electrolysis as a commercially viable hydrogen production solution.
Keywords: solid polymer-electrolyte; oxygen evolution reaction; membrane fuel-cells; high-temperature electrolysis; gas-diffusion layer;ruthenium oxide catalyst; bulk metallic-glass; hydrogen evolution; electrochemical-behavior; ad-atoms
來(lái)源出版物: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2013,38(12): 4901-4934聯(lián)系郵箱: Carmo,M; marcelocarmo1@gmail.com
被引頻次: 79
Biomimetic sensor for certain catecholamines employing copper(II)complex and silver nanoparticle modified glassy carbon paste electrode
Sanghavi,BJ; Mobin,SM; Mathur,P; et al.
Abstract: A dimeric Cu(II)complex [Cu(mu2-heP)(heP-H)]2center dot 2ClO4(1)containing bidentate(hep-H=2-(2-hydroxyethyl)pyridine)ligand was synthesized and characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. Each Cu-ion in 1 is in a distorted square pyramidal geometry. Further 1 along with silver nanoparticles(SNPs)have been used as modifier in the construction of a biomimetic sensor(1-SNP-GCPE)for determining certain catecholamines viz.,dopamine(DA),levodopa(L-Dopa),epinephrine(EP)and norepinephrine(NE)using cyclic voltammetry,chronocoulometry,electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and adsorptive stripping square wave voltammetry(AdSSWV). Finally,the catalytic properties of the sensor were characterized by chronoamperometry. Employing AdSSWV,the calibration curves showed linear response ranging between 10-6and 10-9M for all the four analytes with detection limits(S/N=3)of 8.52×10-10M,2.41×10-9M,3.96×10-1M and 3.54×10-1M for DA,L-Dopa,EP and NE respectively. The lifetime of the biomimetic sensor was 3 months at room temperature. The prepared modified electrode shows several advantages such as simple preparation method,high sensitivity,high stability,ease of preparation and regeneration of the electrode surface by simple polishing along with excellent reproducibility. The method has been applied for the selective and precise analysis of DA,L-Dopa,EP and NE in pharmaceutical formulations,urine and blood serum samples.
Keywords: potentiometric stripping analysis; hydrophilic interaction chromatography; chemically-modified electrodes; ascorbic-acid;uric-acid; voltammetric determination; electrochemical sensor; folic-acid; capillary-electrophoresis; chloride complex
來(lái)源出版物: Biosensors & Bioelectronics,2013,39(1): 124-132聯(lián)系郵箱: Srivastava,AK; aksrivastava@chem.mu.ac.in
被引頻次: 69
High temperature(HT)polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells(PEMFC)- A review
Chandan,A; Hattenberger,M; El-Kharouf,A; et al.
Abstract: One possible solution of combating issues posed by climate change is the use of the High Temperature(HT)Polymer Electrolyte Membrane(PEM)Fuel Cell(FC)in some applications. The typical HT-PEMFC operating temperatures are in the range of 100-200 degrees C which allows for co-generation of heat and power,high tolerance to fuel impurities and simpler system design. This paper reviews the current literature concerning the HT-PEMFC,ranging from cell materials to stack and stack testing. Only acid doped PBI membranes meet the US DOE(Department of Energy)targets for high temperature membranes operating under no humidification on both anode and cathodesides(barring the durability). This eliminates the stringent requirement for humidity however,they have many potential drawbacks including increased degradation,leaching of acid and incompatibility with current state-of-the-art fuel cell materials. In this type of fuel cell,the choice of membrane material determines the other fuel cell component material composition,for example when using an acid doped system,the flow field plate material must be carefully selected to take into account the advanced degradation. Novel research is required in all aspects of the fuel cell components in order to ensure that they meet stringent durability requirements for mobile applications.
Keywords: proton-exchange membranes; elevated-temperature; composite membranes; performance degradation; low-humidity;nanocomposite membranes; conducting membranes; oxygen reduction; cathode catalyst; H3PO4-doped pbi
來(lái)源出版物: Journal of Power Sources,2013,231: 264-278聯(lián)系郵箱: Bujalski,W; w.bujalski@bham.ac.uk
Emergency Medicine 急救醫(yī)學(xué)
被引頻次: 30
Effect of Emergency Department Crowding on Outcomes of Admitted Patients
Sun,BC; Hsia,RY; Weiss,RE; et al.
Abstract: Study objective: Emergency department(ED)crowding is a prevalent health delivery problem and may adversely affect the outcomes of patients requiring admission. We assess the association of ED crowding with subsequent outcomes in a general population of hospitalized patients.
Methods: We performed a retrospective cohort analysis of patients admitted in 2007 through the EDs of nonfederal,acute care hospitals in California. The primary outcome was inpatient mortality. Secondary outcomes included hospital length of stay and costs. ED crowding was established by the proxy measure of ambulance diversion hours on the day of admission. To control for hospital-level confounders of ambulance diversion,we defined periods of high ED crowding as those days within the top quartile of diversion hours for a specific facility. Hierarchic regression models controlled for demographics,time variables,patient comorbidities,primary diagnosis,and hospital fixed effects. We used bootstrap sampling to estimate excess outcomes attributable to ED crowding.
Results: We studied 995,379 ED visits resulting in admission to 187 hospitals. Patients who were admitted on days with high ED crowding experienced 5% greater odds of inpatient death(95% confidence interval [CI] 2% to 8%),0.8% longer hospital length of stay(95% CI 0.5% to 1%),and 1% increased costs per admission(95% CI 0.7% to 2%). Excess outcomes attributable to periods of high ED crowding included 300 inpatient deaths(95% CI 200 to 500 inpatient deaths),6200 hospital days(95% CI 2800 to 8900 hospital days),and $17 million(95% CI $11 to $23 million)in costs.
Conclusion: Periods of high ED crowding were associated with increased inpatient mortality and modest increases in length of stay and costs for admitted patients.
Keywords: ambulance diversion; mortality; association; length; care
來(lái)源出版物: Annals of Emergency Medicine,2013,61(6): 605-611聯(lián)系郵箱: Sun,BC; sunb@ohsu.edu
被引頻次: 29
Synthetic cannabinoid intoxication: a case series and review
Harris,CR; Brown,A
Abstract: Background: Synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists are becoming increasingly popular with adolescents as an abused substance. Chronic use of these drugs can lead to addiction syndrome and withdrawal symptoms similar to cannabis abuse. Due to their potential health risk,several countries have banned these substances. Objectives: To report the clinical presentation and legislation status of synthetic cannabinoids in "Spice'' products and alert the health care community about the identification and risk assessment problems of these compounds. Case Reports: We retrospectively reviewed cases presenting to our Emergency Department(ED)during a 3-month period with chief complaints of Spice drug use before arrival. Six cases presented to our ED after using Spice drugs. Two patients were admitted after reporting seizures. All but one presented with tachycardia. Two patients had hallucinations. The average length of ED observation was 2.8 h. No patient with seizures had recurrent episodes. Conclusion: Spice drugs can cause potentially serious health care conditions that necessitate ED evaluation. Most cases can be discharged from the ED after a period of observation. Legal issues surrounding these drugs are yet to be finalized in the United States.
Keywords: cb2 receptor; pharmacology; ligands; hippocampus; jwh-018
來(lái)源出版物: Journal of Emergency Medicine,2013,44(2): 360-366聯(lián)系郵箱: Harris,CR;
被引頻次: 28
Predictors of poor neurological outcome in adult comatose survivors of cardiac arrest: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Part 2: Patients treated with therapeutic hypothermia
Sandroni,C; Cavallaro,F(xiàn); Callaway,CW; et al.
Abstract: Aims and methods: To systematically review the accuracy of early(<7 days)predictors of poor outcome,defined as death orvegetative state(Cerebral Performance Categories [CPC] 4-5)or death,vegetative state or severe disability(CPC 3-5),in comatose adult survivors from cardiac arrest(CA)treated using therapeutic hypothermia(TH). Electronic databases were searched for eligible studies. Sensitivity,specificity,and false positive rates(FPR)for each predictor were calculated. Quality of evidence(QOE)was evaluated according to the GRADE guidelines.
Results: 37 studies(2403 patients)were included. A bilaterally absent N20 SSEP wave during TH(4 studies; QOE: Moderate)or after rewarming(5 studies; QOE: Low),a nonreactive EEG background(3 studies; QOE: Low)after rewarming,a combination of absent pupillary light and corneal reflexes plus a motor response no better than extension(M≤2)(1 study; QOE: Very low)after rewarming predicted CPC 3-5 with 0% FPR and narrow(<10%)95% confidence intervals. No consistent threshold for 0% FPR could be identified for blood levels of biomarkers. In 6/8 studies on SSEP,in 1/3 studies on EEG reactivity and in the single study on clinical examination the investigated predictor was used for decisions to withdraw treatment,causing the risk of a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Conclusions: in the first 7 days after CA,a bilaterally absent N20 SSEP wave anytime,a nonreactive EEG after rewarming or a combination of absent ocular reflexes and M < 2 after rewarming predicted CPC 3-5 with 0% FPR and narrow 95% CIs,but with a high risk of bias.
Keywords: neuron-specific enolase; somatosensory-evoked potentials; postanoxic status epilepticus; anoxic-ischemic coma;cardiopulmonary-resuscitation; mild hypothermia; prognostic value; prospective cohort; bispectral index; prisma statement
來(lái)源出版物: Resuscitation,2013,84(10): 1324-1338聯(lián)系郵箱: Sandroni,C; sandroni@rm.unicatt.it
被引頻次: 25
Neurological prognostication after cardiac arrest-Recommendations from the Swedish Resuscitation Council
Cronberg,T; Brizzi,M; Liedholm,LJ; et al.
Abstract: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is started in 5000 victims of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Sweden each year and the survival rate is approximately 10%. The subsequent development of a global ischaemic brain injury is the major determinant of the neurological prognosis for those patients who reach the hospital alive. Induced hypothermia is a recommended treatment after cardiac arrest and has been implemented in most Swedish hospitals.
Recent studies indicate that induced hypothermia may affect neurological prognostication and previous international recommendations are therefore no longer valid when hypothermia is applied. An expert group from the Swedish Resuscitation Council has reviewed the literature and made recommendations taking into account the effects of induced hypothermia and concomitant sedation.
A delayed neurological evaluation at 72 h after rewarming is recommended for hypothermia treated patients. This evaluation should be based on several independent methods and the possibility of lingering pharmacological effects should be considered.
Keywords: neuron-specific enolase; mild therapeutic hypothermia; advanced life-support; bilateral absent n20; comatose survivors;cardiopulmonary-resuscitation; generalized myoclonus; computed-tomography; prospective cohort; status epilepticus
來(lái)源出版物: Resuscitation,2013,84(7): 867-872聯(lián)系郵箱: Cronberg,T; Tobias.Cronberg@skane.se
被引頻次: 24
The influence of induced hypothermia and delayed prognostication on the mode of death after cardiac arrest
Dragancea,I; Rundgren,M; Englund,E; et al.
Abstract: Background: Brain injury is considered the main cause of death in patients who are hospitalized after cardiac arrest(CA). Induced hypothermia is recommended as neuroprotective treatment after(CA)but may affect prognostic parameters. We evaluated the effect of delayed neurological prognostication on the mode of death in hypothermia-treated CA-survivors.
Study design: Retrospective study at a Swedish university hospital,analyzing all in-hospital and out-of-hospital CA-patients treated with hypothermia during a 5-year period. Cause of death was categorized as brain injury,cardiac disorder or other. Multimodal neurological prognostication and decision on level of care was performed in comatose patients 72 h after rewarming. Neurological function was evaluated by Cerebral Performance Categories scale(CPC).
Results: Among 162 patients,76 survived to hospital discharge,65 of whom had a good neurological outcome(CPC 1-2),and 11 were severely disabled(CPC 3). No patient was in vegetative state. The cause of death was classified as brain injury in 61 patients,cardiac disorder in 14 and other in 11. Four patients were declared brain dead and became organ donors. They were significantly younger(median 40 years)and with long time to ROSC. Active intensive care was withdrawn in 50 patients based on a statement of poor neurological prognosis at least 72 h after rewarming. These patients died,mainly from respiratory complications,at a median 7 days after CA.
Conclusion: Following induced hypothermia and delayed neurological prognostication,brain injury remains the main cause of death after CA. Most patients with a poor prognosis statement died within 2 weeks.
Keywords: advanced life-support; therapeutic hypothermia; cardiopulmonary-resuscitation; comatose survivors; care; predictors; sweden;guidelines; admission; quality
來(lái)源出版物: Resuscitation,2013,84(3): 337-342聯(lián)系郵箱: Dragancea,I; irina.dragancea@skane.se
Endocrinology Metabolism 內(nèi)分泌與代謝
被引頻次: 137
On the free radical scavenging activities of melatonin's metabolites,AFMK and AMK
Galano,A; Tan,DX; Reiter,RJ
Abstract: The reactions of N1-acetyl-N2-formyl-5-methoxykynuramine(AFMK)and N1-acetyl-5-methoxykynuramine(AMK)with center dot OH,center dot OOH,and center dot OOCCl3 radicals have been studied using the density functional theory. Three mechanisms of reaction have been considered: radical adduct formation(RAF),hydrogen transfer(HT),and single electron transfer(SET). Their relative importance for the free radical scavenging activity of AFMK and AMK has been assessed. It was found that AFMK and AMK react with center dot OH at diffusion-limited rates,regardless of the polarity of the environment,which supports their excellent center dot OH radical scavenging activity. Both compounds were found to be also very efficient for scavenging center dot OOCCl3,but rather ineffective for scavenging center dot OOH. Regarding their relative activity,it was found that AFMK systematically is a poorer scavenger than AMK and melatonin. In aqueous solution,AMK was found to react faster than melatonin with all the studied free radicals,while in nonpolar environments,the relative efficiency of AMK and melatonin as free radical scavengers depends on the radical with which they are reacting. Under such conditions,melatonin is predicted to be a better center dot OOH and center dot OOCCl3 scavenger than AMK,while AMK is predicted to be slightly better than melatonin for scavenging center dot OH. Accordingly it seems that melatonin and its metabolite AMK constitute an efficient team of scavengers able of deactivating a wide variety of reactive oxygen species,under different conditions. Thus,the presented results support the continuous protection exerted by melatonin,through the free radical scavenging cascade.
Keywords: reactive oxygen; in-vitro; antioxidative protection; density functionals; electron-transfer; brain metabolite; biogenic-amines;n-1-acetyl-5-methoxykynuramine; oxidation; mice
來(lái)源出版物: Journal of Pineal Research,2013,54(3): 245-257聯(lián)系郵箱: Galano,A; agal@xanum.uam.mx
被引頻次: 130
Dietary(Poly)phenolics in Human Health: Structures,Bioavailability,and Evidence of Protective Effects Against Chronic Diseases
Del Rio,D; Rodriguez-Mateos,A; Spencer,JPE; et al.
Abstract: Human intervention trials have provided evidence for protective effects of various(poly)phenol-rich foods against chronic disease,including cardiovascular disease,neurodegeneration,and cancer. While there are considerable data suggesting benefits of(poly)phenol intake,conclusions regarding their preventive potential remain unresolved due to several limitations in existing studies. Bioactivity investigations using cell lines have made an extensive use of both(poly)phenolic aglycones and sugar conjugates,these being the typical forms that exist in planta,at concentrations in the low-mu M-to-mM range. However,after ingestion,dietary(poly)phenolics appear in the circulatory system not as the parent compounds,but as phase II metabolites,and their presence in plasma after dietary intake rarely exceeds nM concentrations. Substantial quantities of both the parent compounds and their metabolites pass to the colon where they are degraded by the action of the local microbiota,giving rise principally to small phenolic acid and aromatic catabolites that are absorbed into the circulatory system. This comprehensive review describes the different groups of compounds that have been reported to be involved in human nutrition,their fate in the body as they pass through the gastrointestinal tract and are absorbed into the circulatory system,the evidence of their impact on human chronic diseases,and the possible mechanisms of action through which(poly)phenol metabolites and catabolites may exert these protective actions. It is concluded that better performed in vivo intervention and in vitro mechanistic studies are needed to fully understand how these molecules interact with human physiological and pathological processes.
Keywords: coronary-artery-disease; improves endothelial function; concord grape juice; flavanol-rich cocoa; low-density-lipoprotein;oxidative dna-damage; randomized controlled-trial; green tea flavan-3-ols; performance liquid-chromatography; cardiovascular risk-factors
來(lái)源出版物: Antioxidants & Redox Signaling,2013,18(14): 1818-1892聯(lián)系郵箱: Crozier,A; alan.crozier@glasgow.ac.uk
被引頻次: 115
Marked Expansion of Exocrine and Endocrine Pancreas With Incretin Therapy in Humans With Increased Exocrine Pancreas Dysplasia and the Potential for Glucagon-Producing Neuroendocrine Tumors
Butler,AE; Campbell-Thompson,M; Gurlo,T; et al.
Abstract: Controversy exists regarding the potential regenerative influences of incretin therapy on pancreatic beta-cells versus possible adverse pancreatic proliferative effects. Examination of pancreata from age-matched organ donors with type 2 diabetes mellitus(DM)treated by incretin therapy(n = 8)or other therapy(n = 12)and nondiabetic control subjects(n = 14)reveals an similar to 40% increased pancreatic mass in DM treated with incretin therapy,with both increased exocrine cell proliferation(P < 0.0001)and dysplasia(increased pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia,p < 0.01). Pancreata,in DM treated with incretin therapy were notable for alpha-cell hyperplasia andglucagon-expressing microadenomas(3 of 8)and a neuroendocrine tumor. beta-Cell mass was reduced by similar to 60% in those with DM,yet a sixfold increase was observed in incretin-treated subjects,although DM persisted. Endocrine cells costaining for insulin and glucagon were increased in DM compared with non-DM control subjects(P <0.05)and markedly further increased by incretin therapy(P < 0.05). In conclusion,incretin therapy in humans resulted in a marked expansion of the exocrine and endocrine pancreatic compartments,the former being accompanied by increased proliferation and dysplasia and the latter by alpha-cell hyperplasia with the potential for evolution into neuroendocrine tumors.
Keywords: beta-cell function; type-2 diabetes-mellitus; glucose-tolerance; european subjects; alpha; proliferation; sitagliptin; metformin;receptor; rats
來(lái)源出版物: Diabetes,2013,62(7): 2595-2604聯(lián)系郵箱: Butler,AE; aebutler@mednet.ucla.edu
被引頻次: 102
European guidance for the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women
Kanis,JA; McCloskey,EV; Johansson,H; et al.
Abstract: Guidance is provided in a European setting on the assessment and treatment of postmenopausal women at risk of fractures due to osteoporosis.
The International Osteoporosis Foundation and European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis published guidance for the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis in 2008. This manuscript updates these in a European setting.
Systematic literature reviews.
The following areas are reviewed: the role of bone mineral density measurement for the diagnosis of osteoporosis and assessment of fracture risk,general and pharmacological management of osteoporosis,monitoring of treatment,assessment of fracture risk,case finding strategies,investigation of patients and health economics of treatment.
A platform is provided on which specific guidelines can be developed for national use.
Keywords: bone-mineral density; vertebral fracture risk; randomized controlled-trial; estrogen plus progestin; x-ray absorptiometry;glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis; position development conference; increased cardiovascular risks; prior bisphosphonate therapy;hormone replacement therapy
來(lái)源出版物: Osteoporosis International,2013,24(1): 23-57聯(lián)系郵箱: Kanis,JA; w.j.pontefract@sheffield.ac.uk
被引頻次: 93
Efficacy and safety of canagliflozin monotherapy in subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus inadequately controlled with diet and exercise
Stenlof,K; Cefalu,WT; Kim,KA; et al.
Abstract: Aims Canagliflozin is a sodium glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitor in development for type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM). The efficacy and safety of canagliflozin were evaluated in subjects with T2DM inadequately controlled with diet and exercise. Methods In this 26-week,randomized,double-blind,placebo-controlled,phase 3 trial,subjects(n =584)received canagliflozin 100 or 300mg or placebo once daily. Primary endpoint was the change from baseline in haemoglobin A1c(HbA1c)at week 26. Secondary endpoints included the proportion of subjects achieving HbA1c<7.0%; change from baseline in fasting plasma glucose(FPG),2-h postprandial glucose(PPG)and systolic blood pressure(BP); and percent change in body weight,high-density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-C)and triglycerides. Adverse events(AEs)were recorded throughout the study. Results At week 26,HbA1c was significantly reduced from baseline with canagliflozin 100 and 300mg compared with placebo(0.77,1.03 and 0.14%,respectively; p<0.001 for both). Both canagliflozin doses significantly decreased FPG,2-h PPG,body weight and systolic BP(p<0.001 for all),and increased HDL-C compared with placebo(p<0.01 for both). Overall incidences of AEs were modestly higher with canagliflozin versus placebo; rates of serious AEs and AE-related discontinuations were low and similar across groups. Incidences of genital mycotic infections,urinary tract infections and osmotic diuresis-related AEs were higher with canagliflozin; these led to few discontinuations. The incidence of hypoglycaemia was low across groups. Conclusion Canagliflozin treatment improved glycaemic control,reduced body weight and was generally well tolerated in subjects with T2DM inadequately controlled with diet and exercise.
Keywords: cotransporter 2 inhibitor; glycemic control; management; metformin; sulfonylureas; prevention
來(lái)源出版物: Diabetes Obesity & Metabolism,2013,15(4): 372-382聯(lián)系郵箱: Stenlof,K; kaj.stenlof@gu.se
Energy Fuels 能源與燃料
被引頻次: 308
Solar cell efficiency tables(version 41)
Green,MA; Emery,K; Hishikawa,Y; et al.
Abstract: Consolidated tables showing an extensive listing of the highest independently confirmed efficiencies for solar cells and modules are presented. Guidelines for inclusion of results into these tables are outlined,and new entries since June 2012 are reviewed.
Keywords: multicrystalline; concentrator; stability
來(lái)源出版物: Progress in Photovoltaics,2013,21(1): 1-11聯(lián)系郵箱: Green,MA; m.green@unsw.edu.au
被引頻次: 230
Low-temperature processed meso-superstructured to thin-film perovskite solar cells
Ball,JM; Lee,MM; Hey,A; et al.
Abstract: We have reduced the processing temperature of the bulk absorber layer in CH3NH3PbI3-xClxperovskite solar cells from 500 to <150 degrees C and achieved power conversion efficiencies up to 12.3%. Remarkably,we find that devices with planar thin-film architecture,where the ambipolar perovskite transports both holes and electrons,convert the absorbed photons into collected charge with close to 100% efficiency.
Keywords: organometal halide perovskites; high-efficiency; photovoltaic cells; low-cost; TiO2; performance
來(lái)源出版物: Energy & Environmental Science,2013,6(6): 1739-1743聯(lián)系郵箱: Ball,JM; h.snaith1@physics.ox.ac.uk
被引頻次: 222
Thin film solar cell with 8.4% power conversion efficiency using an earth-abundant Cu2ZnSnS4 absorber
Shin,B; Gunawan,O; Zhu,Y; et al.
Abstract: Using vacuum process,we fabricated Cu2ZnSnS4solar cells with 8.4% efficiency,a number independently certified by an external,accredited laboratory. This is the highest efficiency reported for pure sulfide Cu2ZnSnS4prepared by any method. Consistent with literature,the optimal composition is Cu-poor and Zn-rich despite the precipitation of secondary phases(e.g.,ZnS). Despite a very thin absorber thickness(similar to 600 nm),a reasonably good short-circuit current was obtained. Time-resolved photoluminescence measurements suggest a minority carrier-diffusion length on the order of several hundreds of nanometers and relatively good collection of photo-carriers across the entire absorber thickness.
Keywords: photovoltaics
來(lái)源出版物: Progress in Photovoltaics,2013,21(1): 72-76聯(lián)系郵箱: Guha,S; guha@us.ibm.com
被引頻次: 199
Solar cell efficiency tables(version 42)
Green,MA; Emery,K; Hishikawa,Y; et al.
Abstract: Consolidated tables showing an extensive listing of the highest independently confirmed efficiencies for solar cells and modules are presented. Guidelines for inclusion of results into these tables are outlined,and new entries since January 2013 are reviewed.
Keywords: multicrystalline; concentrator; stability; module
來(lái)源出版物: Progress in Photovoltaics,2013,21(5): 827-837聯(lián)系郵箱: Green,MA; m.green@unsw.edu.au
被引頻次: 165
3D carbon based nanostructures for advanced supercapacitors
Jiang,H; Lee,PS; Li,CZ
Abstract: Supercapacitors have attracted intense attention due to their great potential to meet the demand of both high energy density and power density in many advanced technologies. Various carbon-based nanocomposites are currently pursued as supercapacitor electrodes because of the synergistic effect between carbon(high power density)and pseudo-capacitive nanomaterials(high energy density). This feature article aims to review most recent progress on 3D(3D)carbon based nanostructures for advanced supercapacitor applications in view of their structural intertwinement which not only create the desired hierarchical porous channels,but also possess higher electrical conductivity and better structural mechanical stability. The carbon nanostructures comprise of CNTs-based networks,graphene-based architectures,hierarchical porous carbon-based nanostructures and other even more complex carbon-based 3D configurations. Their advantages and disadvantages are compared and summarized based on the results published in the literature. In addition,we also discuss and view the ongoing trends in materials development for advanced supercapacitors.
Keywords: capacitive energy-storage; double-layer capacitors; ordered mesoporous carbons; electrochemical capacitors; nanotube electrodes; nanowire composites; nanoporous carbon; graphene; performance; oxide
來(lái)源出版物: Energy & Environmental Science,2013,6(1): 41-53聯(lián)系郵箱: Jiang,H; czli@ecust.edu.cn
Engineering Aerospace 航空航天工程
被引頻次: 23
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization: A Survey of Architectures
Martins,JRRA; Lambe,AB
Abstract: Multidisciplinary design optimization is a field of research that studies the application of numerical optimization techniques tothe design of engineering systems involving multiple disciplines or components. Since the inception of multidisciplinary design optimization,various methods(architectures)have been developed and applied to solve multidisciplinary design-optimization problems. This paper provides a survey of all the architectures that have been presented in the literature so far. All architectures are explained in detail using a unified description that includes optimization problem statements,diagrams,and detailed algorithms. The diagrams show both data and process flow through the multidisciplinary system and computational elements,which facilitate the understanding of the various architectures,and how they relate to each other. A classification of the multidisciplinary design-optimization architectures based on their problem formulations and decomposition strategies is also provided,and the benefits and drawbacks of the architectures are discussed from both theoretical and experimental perspectives. For each architecture,several applications to the solution of engineering-design problems are cited. The result is a comprehensive but straightforward introduction to multidisciplinary design optimization for nonspecialists and a reference detailing all current multidisciplinary design-optimization architectures for specialists.
Keywords: integrated-system synthesis; aircraft conceptual design; augmented lagrangian coordination; response-surface approximations;aerodynamic-structural design; distributed optimal-design; model-based decomposition; collaborative optimization; sensitivity-analysis;vehicle design
來(lái)源出版物: Aiaa Journal,2013,51(9): 2049-2075聯(lián)系郵箱: Martins,JRRA;
被引頻次: 23
A refined trigonometric shear deformation theory for thermoelastic bending of functionally graded sandwich plates
Tounsi,A; Houari,MSA; Benyoucef,S; et al.
Abstract: A refined trigonometric shear deformation theory(RTSDT)taking into account transverse shear deformation effects is presented for the thermoelastic bending analysis of functionally graded sandwich plates. Unlike any other theory,the number of unknown functions involved is only four,as against five in case of other shear deformation theories. The theory presented is variationally consistent,does not require shear correction factor,the displacement components are expressed by trigonometric series representation through the plate thickness to develop a two-dimensional theory and gives rise to transverse shear stress variation such that the transverse shear stresses vary parabolically across the thickness satisfying shear stress free surface conditions. The sandwich with homogeneous facesheet and FGM core is considered. Material properties of the present FGM core are assumed to vary according to a power law distribution in terms of the volume fractions of the constituents. The influences played by the transverse shear deformation,thermal load,plate aspect ratio,and volume fraction distribution are studied. Numerical results for deflections and stresses of functionally graded metal-ceramic plates are investigated. It can be concluded that the proposed theory is accurate and simple in solving the thermoelastic bending behavior of functionally graded plates.
Keywords: electro-elastic plates; composite plates; mechanical-behavior; order theory; element; layer; stresses; loadings; core
來(lái)源出版物: Aerospace Science and Technology,2013,24(1): 209-220聯(lián)系郵箱: Tounsi,A; tou_abdel@yahoo.com
被引頻次: 20
Knowledge-Aided(Potentially Cognitive)Transmit Signal and Receive Filter Design in Signal-Dependent Clutter
Aubry,A; De Maio,A; Farina,A; et al.
Abstract: We consider the problem of knowledge-aided(possibly cognitive)transmit signal and receive filter design for point-like targets in signal-dependent clutter. We suppose that the radar system has access to a(potentially dynamic)database containing a geographical information system(GIS),which characterizes the terrain to be illuminated,and some a priori electromagnetic reflectivity and spectral clutter models,which allow the raw prediction of the actual scattering environment. Hence,we devise an optimization procedure for the transmit signal and the receive filter which sequentially improves the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio(SINR). Each iteration of the algorithm,whose convergence is analytically proved,requires the solution of both a convex and a hidden convex optimization problem. The resulting computational complexity is linear with the number of iterations and polynomial with the receive filter length. At the analysis stage we assess the performance of the proposed technique in the presence of either a homogeneous ground clutter scenario or a heterogeneous mixed land and sea clutter environment.
Keywords: wave-form design; polyphase barker sequences; radar detection; optimization; performance; constraint; codes
來(lái)源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,2013,49(1): 93-117聯(lián)系郵箱: Aubry,A; ademaio@unina.it
被引頻次: 18
Bonded repair of composite aircraft structures: A review of scientific challenges and opportunities
Katnam,KB; Da Silva,LFM; Young,TM
Abstract: Advanced composite materials have gained popularity in high-performance structural designs such as aerospace applications thatrequire lightweight components with superior mechanical properties in order to perform in demanding service conditions as well as provide energy efficiency. However,one of the major challenges that the aerospace industry faces with advanced composites - because of their inherent complex damage behaviour - is structural repair. Composite materials are primarily damaged by mechanical loads and/or environmental conditions. If material damage is not extensive,structural repair is the only feasible solution as replacing the entire component is not cost-effective in many cases. Bonded composite repairs(e.g. scarf patches)are generally preferred as they provide enhanced stress transfer mechanisms,joint efficiencies and aerodynamic performance. With an increased usage of advanced composites in primary and secondary aerospace structural components,it is thus essential to have robust,reliable and repeatable structural bonded repair procedures to restore damaged composite components. But structural bonded repairs,especially with primary structures,pose several scientific challenges with the current existing repair technologies. In this regard,the area of structural bonded repair of composites is broadly reviewed - starting from damage assessment to automation - to identify current scientific challenges and future opportunities.
Keywords: fiber-reinforced plastics; mechanically fastened joints; scanning laser vibrometry; impact damage detection; adhesive joints;scarf repairs; void formation; surface-treatment; lamb waves; nondestructive inspection
來(lái)源出版物: Progress in Aerospace Sciences,2013,61: 26-42聯(lián)系郵箱: Katnam,KB; kali-babu.katnam@ul.ie
被引頻次: 14
Nonlinear-Disturbance-Observer-Based Robust Flight Control for Airbreathing Hypersonic Vehicles
Yang,J; Li,SH; Sun,CY; et al.
Abstract: The work presented here is concerned with the robust flight control problem for the longitudinal dynamics of a generic airbreathing hypersonic vehicles(AHVs)under mismatched disturbances via a nonlinear-disturbance-observer-based control(NDOBC)method. Compared with other robust flight control method for AHV,the proposed method obtains not only promising robustness and disturbance rejection performance but also the property of nominal performance recovery. The merits of the proposed method are validated by simulation studies.
Keywords: output-feedback control; tracking control; control design; space-vehicle; sliding modes; systems; rejection; aircraft; missiles
來(lái)源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,2013,49(2): 1263-1275聯(lián)系郵箱: Yang,J; lsh@seu.edu.cn
Engineering Biomedical 生物醫(yī)學(xué)工程
被引頻次: 150
Review of bioactive glass: From Hench to hybrids
Abstract: Bioactive glasses are reported to be able to stimulate more bone regeneration than other bioactive ceramics but they lag behind other bioactive ceramics in terms of commercial success. Bioactive glass has not yet reached its potential but research activity is growing. This paper reviews the current state of the art,starting with current products and moving onto recent developments. Larry Hench's 4555 Bioglass(R)was the first artificial material that was found to form a chemical bond with bone,launching the field of bioactive ceramics. In vivo studies have shown that bioactive glasses bond with bone more rapidly than other bioceramics,and in vitro studies indicate that their osteogenic properties are due to their dissolution products stimulating osteoprogenitor cells at the genetic level. However,calcium phosphates such as tricalcium phosphate and synthetic hydroxyapatite are more widely used in the clinic. Some of the reasons are commercial,but others are due to the scientific limitations of the original Bioglass 45S5. An example is that it is difficult to produce porous bioactive glass templates(scaffolds)for bone regeneration from Bioglass 45S5 because it crystallizes during sintering. Recently,this has been overcome by understanding how the glass composition can be tailored to prevent crystallization. The sintering problems can also be avoided by synthesizing sol-gel glass,where the silica network is assembled at room temperature. Process developments in foaming,solid freeform fabrication and nanofibre spinning have now allowed the production of porous bioactive glass scaffolds from both melt- and sol-gel-derived glasses. An ideal scaffold for bone regeneration would share load with bone. Bioceramics cannot do this when the bone defect is subjected to cyclic loads,as they are brittle. To overcome this,bioactive glass polymer hybrids are being synthesized that have the potential to be tough,with congruent degradation of the bioactive inorganic and the polymer components. Key to this is creating nanoscale interpenetrating networks,the organic and inorganic components of which have covalent coupling between them,which involves careful control of the chemistry of the sol-gel process. Bioactive nanoparticles can also now be synthesized and their fate tracked as they are internalized in cells. This paper reviews the main developments in the field of bioactive glass and its variants,covering the importance of control of hierarchical structure,synthesis,processing and cellular response in the quest for new regenerative synthetic bone grafts. The paper takes the reader from Hench's Bioglass 45S5 to new hybrid materials that have tailorable mechanical properties and degradation rates.
Keywords: cells in-vitro; bone-graft substitutes; sol-gel method; intrabony periodontal defects; camphene-based suspensions; angiogenic growth-factors; tibial plateau fractures; mesenchymal stem-cells; melt-derived 45s5; x-ray-diffraction
來(lái)源出版物: Acta Biomaterialia,2013,9(1): 4457-4486聯(lián)系郵箱: Jones,JR; julian.r.jones@imperial.ac.uk
被引頻次: 103
Dual and multi-stimuli responsive polymeric nanoparticles for programmed site-specific drug delivery
Cheng,R; Meng,F(xiàn)H; Deng,C; et al.
Abstract: In the past decades,polymeric nanoparticles have emerged as a most promising and viable technology platform for targeted and controlled drug delivery. As vehicles,ideal nanoparticles are obliged to possess high drug loading levels,deliver drug to the specific pathological site and/or target cells without drug leakage on the way,while rapidly unload drug at the site of action. To this end,various "intelligent" polymeric nanoparticles that release drugs in response to an internal or external stimulus such as pH,redox,temperature,magnetic and light have been actively pursued. These stimuli-responsive nanoparticles have demonstrated,though to varying degrees,improved in vitro and/or in vivo drug release profiles. In an effort to further improve drug release performances,novel dual and multi-stimuli responsive polymeric nanoparticles that respond to a combination of two or more signals such as pH/temperature,pH/redox,pH/magnetic field,temperature/reduction,double pH,pH and diols,temperature/magnetic field,temperature/enzyme,temperature/pH/ redox,temperature/pH/magnetic,pH/redox/magnetic,temperature/redox/guest molecules,and temperature/pH/guest molecules have recently been developed. Notably,these combined responses take place either simultaneously at the pathological site or in a sequential manner from nanopartide preparation,nanopartide transporting pathways,to cellular compartments. These dual and multi-stimuli responsive polymeric nanoparticles have shown unprecedented control over drug delivery and release leading to superior in vitro and/or in vivo anti-cancer efficacy. With programmed site-specific drug delivery feature,dual and multi-stimuli responsive nanoparticulate drug formulations have tremendous potential for targeted cancer therapy. In this review paper,we highlight the recent exciting developments in dual and multi-stimuli responsive polymeric nanoparticles for precision drug delivery applications,with a particular focus on their design,drug release performance,and therapeutic benefits.
Keywords: cross-linked micelles; block-copolymer micelles; core-shell nanoparticles; iron-oxide nanoparticles; magnetic nanoparticles;intracellular drug; biodegradable micelles; controlled-release; triggered release; disulfide linkage
來(lái)源出版物: Biomaterials,2013,34(14): 3647-3657聯(lián)系郵箱: Zhong,ZY; zyzhong@suda.edu.cn
被引頻次: 73
X-ray phase-contrast imaging: from pre-clinical applications towards clinics
Bravin,A; Coan,P; Suortti,P
Abstract: Phase-contrast x-ray imaging(PCI)is an innovative method that is sensitive to the refraction of the x-rays in matter. PCI is particularly adapted to visualize weakly absorbing details like those often encountered in biology and medicine. In past years,PCI has become one of the most used imaging methods in laboratory and preclinical studies: its unique characteristics allow high contrast 3D visualization of thick and complex samples even at high spatial resolution. Applications have covered a wide range of pathologies and organs,and are more and more often performed in vivo. Several techniques are now available to exploit and visualize the phase-contrast:propagation-and analyzer-based,crystal and grating interferometry and non-interferometric methods like the coded aperture. In this review,covering the last five years,we will give an overview of the main theoretical and experimental developments and of the important steps performed towards the clinical implementation of PCI.
Keywords: small-angle scattering; cancer in-vitro; computed-tomography; synchrotron-radiation; grating interferometer; high-resolution;refraction contrast; articular-cartilage; high-energy; medical applications
來(lái)源出版物: Physics in Medicine and Biology,2013,58(1): R1-R35聯(lián)系郵箱: Bravin,A; bravin@esrf.fr
被引頻次: 72
Optical properties of biological tissues: a review
Abstract: A review of reported tissue optical properties summarizes the wavelength-dependent behavior of scattering and absorption. Formulae are presented for generating the optical properties of a generic tissue with variable amounts of absorbing chromophores(blood,water,melanin,fat,yellow pigments)and a variable balance between small-scale scatterers and large-scale scatterers in the ultrastructures of cells and tissues.
Keywords: time-resolved spectroscopy; monte-carlo simulations; light-scattering; blood-flow; diffuse-reflectance; laser irradiation;frequency-domain; female breast; turbid media; absorption
來(lái)源出版物: Physics in Medicine and Biology,2013,58(11): R37-R61聯(lián)系郵箱: Jacques,SL; jacquess@ohsu.edu
被引頻次: 58
A review of the biomaterials technologies for infection-resistant surfaces
Campoccia,D; Montanaro,L; Arciola,CR
Abstract: Anti-infective biomaterials need to be tailored according to the specific clinical application. All their properties have to be tunedto achieve the best anti-infective performance together with safe biocompatibility and appropriate tissue interactions. Innovative technologies are developing new biomaterials and surfaces endowed with anti-infective properties,relying either on antifouling,or bactericidal,or antibiofilm activities. This review aims at thoroughly surveying the numerous classes of antibacterial biomaterials and the underlying strategies behind them. Bacteria repelling and antiadhesive surfaces,materials with intrinsic antibacterial properties,antibacterial coatings,nanostructured materials,and molecules interfering with bacterial biofilm are considered. Among the new strategies,the use of phages or of antisense peptide nucleic acids are discussed,as well as the possibility to modulate the local immune response by active cytokines. Overall,there is a wealth of technical solutions to contrast the establishment of an implant infection. Many of them exhibit a great potential in preclinical models. The lack of well-structured prospective multicenter clinical trials hinders the achievement of conclusive data on the efficacy and comparative performance of anti-infective biomaterials.
Keywords: central venous catheters; staphylococcus-epidermidis biofilm; quorum-sensing inhibitors; titanium-dioxide nanoparticles;blood-stream infection; ferrite composite nanoparticles; fouling zwitterionic polymers; implant-associated infections; device-associated infections; vivo antimicrobial activity
來(lái)源出版物: Biomaterials,2013,34(34): 8533-8554聯(lián)系郵箱: Arciola,CR; carlarenata.arciola@ior.it
Engineering Chemical 化學(xué)工程
被引頻次: 230
Low-temperature processed meso-superstructured to thin-film perovskite solar cells
Ball,JM; Lee,MM; Hey,A; et al.
Abstract: We have reduced the processing temperature of the bulk absorber layer in CH3NH3PbI3-xClxperovskite solar cells from 500 to<150 degrees C and achieved power conversion efficiencies up to 12.3%. Remarkably,we find that devices with planar thin-film architecture,where the ambipolar perovskite transports both holes and electrons,convert the absorbed photons into collected charge with close to 100% efficiency.
Keywords: organometal halide perovskites; high-efficiency; photovoltaic cells; low-cost; TiO2; performance
來(lái)源出版物: Energy & Environmental Science,2013,6(6): 1739-1743聯(lián)系郵箱: Ball,JM; h.snaith1@physics.ox.ac.uk
被引頻次: 165
3D carbon based nanostructures for advanced supercapacitors
Jiang,H; Lee,PS; Li,CZ
Abstract: Supercapacitors have attracted intense attention due to their great potential to meet the demand of both high energy density and power density in many advanced technologies. Various carbon-based nanocomposites are currently pursued as supercapacitor electrodes because of the synergistic effect between carbon(high power density)and pseudo-capacitive nanomaterials(high energy density). This feature article aims to review most recent progress on 3D(3D)carbon based nanostructures for advanced supercapacitor applications in view of their structural intertwinement which not only create the desired hierarchical porous channels,but also possess higher electrical conductivity and better structural mechanical stability. The carbon nanostructures comprise of CNTs-based networks,graphene-based architectures,hierarchical porous carbon-based nanostructures and other even more complex carbon-based 3D configurations. Their advantages and disadvantages are compared and summarized based on the results published in the literature. In addition,we also discuss and view the ongoing trends in materials development for advanced supercapacitors.
Keywords: capacitive energy-storage; double-layer capacitors; ordered mesoporous carbons; electrochemical capacitors; nanotube electrodes; nanowire composites; nanoporous carbon; graphene; performance; oxide
來(lái)源出版物: Energy & Environmental Science,2013,6(1): 41-53聯(lián)系郵箱: Jiang,H; czli@ecust.edu.cn
被引頻次: 155
Room-temperature stationary sodium-ion batteries for large-scale electric energy storage
Pan,HL; Hu,YS; Chen,LQ
Abstract: Room-temperature stationary sodium-ion batteries have attracted great attention particularly in large-scale electric energy storage applications for renewable energy and smart grid because of the huge abundant sodium resources and low cost. In this article,a variety of electrode materials including cathodes and anodes as well as electrolytes for room-temperature stationary sodium-ion batteries are briefly reviewed. We compare the difference in storage behavior between Na and Li in their analogous electrodes and summarize the sodium storage mechanisms in the available electrode materials. This review also includes some new results from our group and our thoughts on developing new materials. Some perspectives and directions on designing better materials for practical applications are pointed out based on knowledge from the literature and our experience. Through this extensive literature review,the search for suitable electrode and electrolyte materials for stationary sodium-ion batteries is still challenging. However,after intensive research efforts,we believe that low-cost,long-life and room-temperature sodium-ion batteries would be promising for applications in large-scale energystorage system in the near future.
Keywords: rechargeable lithium batteries; long cycle life; oxide intergrowth electrodes; performance anode material; superior rate capability; rate cathode material; x-ray-diffraction; high-capacity; electrochemical properties; low-cost
來(lái)源出版物: Energy & Environmental Science,2013,6(8): 2338-2360聯(lián)系郵箱: Pan,HL; yshu@aphy.iphy.ac.cn
被引頻次: 121
Highly efficient dye-sensitized solar cells: progress and future challenges
Zhang,SF; Yang,XD; Numata,YH; et al.
Abstract: High energy conversion efficiency is one of the most important keys to the commercialization of dye-sensitized solar cells(DSCs)in the huge electricity generation market. According to our experience in the persistent efforts that helped to achieve high efficiency DSCs,we selectively review the major progress of improving the energy conversion efficiency of DSCs which may be useful for future applications. We start the discussion from modelling the device by macroscopic equivalent circuit and then highlight some approaches to improve the device performance,such as the molecular engineering of novel dye sensitizers and light trapping effect,tuning the potential of redox shuttles and surface passivation of photoelectrodes,and optimizing the resistance. Finally,we illustrate a roadmap of possible future directions of DSCs with the challenges of how to further improve the efficiency to accelerate the progress in the commercialization of DSCs.
Keywords: nanocrystalline TiO2films; high-conversion-efficiency; open-circuit voltage; charge-transfer sensitizers; near-ir sensitization;free organic-dyes; co-sensitization; nanostructured TiO2; molecular design; redox shuttle
來(lái)源出版物: Energy & Environmental Science,2013,6(5): 1443-1464聯(lián)系郵箱: Zhang,SF; HAN.liyuan@nims.go.jp
被引頻次: 112
Photoelectrochemical cells for solar hydrogen production: current state of promising photoelectrodes,methods to improve their properties,and outlook
Li,ZS; Luo,WJ; Zhang,ML; et al.
Abstract: Harnessing solar energy for the production of clean hydrogen fuels by a photoelectrochemical(PEC)cell represents a very attractive but challenging alternative. This review focuses on recent developments of some promising photoelectrode materials,such as BiVO4,a-Fe2O3,TaON,and Ta3N5for solar hydrogen production. Some strategies have been developed to improve PEC performances of the photoelectrode materials,including:(i)doping for enhancing visible light absorption in the wide bandgap semiconductor or promoting charge transport in the narrow bandgap semiconductor,respectively;(ii)surface treatment for removing segregation phase or surface states;(iii)electrocatalysts for decreasing the overpotentials;(iv)morphology control for enhancing the light absorption and shortening transfer distance of minority carriers;(v)other methods,such as sensitization,passivating layer,and band structure engineering using heterojunction structures,and so on. Photochemical durability of the photoelectrodes is also discussed,since any potential PEC technology must balance efficiency against cost and photochemical durability. Photochemical durability may be amended by optimizing the photoelectrode,electrocatalyst,and electrolyte at the same time. In addition,solar seawater splitting is briefly introduced because it has received attention recently. Finally,trends in research in PEC cells for solar hydrogen production are detailed.
Keywords: visible-light irradiation; scanning electrochemical microscopy; oxygen-evolving catalyst; atomic layer deposition; TiO2nanowire arrays; photocatalytic water oxidation; ultrasonic spray-pyrolysis; oxynitride taon photoanode; metal-oxide photoanodes; ta3n5 nanotube arrays
來(lái)源出版物: Energy & Environmental Science,2013,6(2): 347-370聯(lián)系郵箱: Li,ZS; zsli@nju.edu.cn
Engineering Civil 土木工程
被引頻次: 63
Adsorptive removal of hazardous materials using metal-organic frameworks(MOFs): A review
Khan,NA; Hasan,Z; Jhung,SH
Abstract: Efficient removal of hazardous materials from the environment has become an important issue from a biological and environmental standpoint. Adsorptive removal of toxic components from fuel,wastewater or air is one of the most attractive approaches for cleaning technologies. Recently,porous metal-organic framework(MOF)materials have been very promising in the adsorption/separation of various liquids and gases due to their unique characteristics. This review summarizes the recent literatures on the adsorptive removal of various hazardous compounds mainly from fuel,water,and air by virgin or modified MOF materials. Possible interactions between the adsorbates and active adsorption sites of the MOFs will be also discussed to understand the adsorption mechanism. Most of the observed results can be explained with the following mechanisms:(1)adsorption onto a coordinatively unsaturated site,(2)adsorption via acid-base interaction,(3)adsorption via pi-complex formation,(4)adsorption via hydrogen bonding,(5)adsorption via electrostatic interaction,and(6)adsorption based on the breathing properties of some MOFs and so on.
Keywords: carbon-dioxide capture; science-and-technology; activated carbon; heavy-metal; coordination polymers; aqueous-solutions;CO2adsorption; gas-adsorption; high-capacity; ion-exchange
來(lái)源出版物: Journal of Hazardous Materials,2013,244: 444-456聯(lián)系郵箱: Jhung,SH; sung@knu.ac.kr
被引頻次: 38
FRP-confined concrete in circular sections: Review and assessment of stress-strain models
Ozbakkaloglu,T; Lim,JC; Vincent,T
Abstract: An important application of FRP composites is as a confining material for concrete,in both the seismic retrofit of existing reinforced concrete columns and in the construction of concrete-filled FRP tubes as earthquake-resistant columns in new construction. Reliable design of these structural members necessitates clear understanding and accurate modeling of the stress-strain behavior of FRP-confined concrete. To that end,a great number of studies have been conducted in the past two decades,which has led to the development of a large number of models to predict the stress-strain behavior of FRP-confined concrete under axial compression. This paper presents a comprehensive review of 88 models developed to predict the axial stress-strain behavior of FRP-confined concrete in circular sections. Each of the reviewed models and their theoretical bases are summarized and the models are classified into two broad categories,namely design-oriented and analysis-oriented models. This review summarizes the current published literature until the end of 2011,and presents a unified framework for future reference. To provide a comprehensive assessment of the performances of the reviewed models,a large and reliable test database containing the test results of 730 FRP-confined concrete cylinders tested under monotonic axial compression is first established. The perfotmance of each existing stress-strain model is then assessed using this database,and the results of this assessment are presented through selected statistical indicators. In the final part of the paper,a critical discussion is presented on the important factors that influenced the overall performances of the models. A close examination of results of the model assessment has led to a number of important conclusions on the strengths and weaknesses of the existing stress-strain models,which are clearly summarized. Based on these observations,a number of recommendations regarding future research directions are also outlined.
Keywords: fiber-reinforced polymer; high-strength concrete; axial-compression experiments; composite jackets; constitutive relationship;uniaxial compression; failure criterion; design equations; carbon composite; short columns
來(lái)源出版物: Engineering Structures,2013,49: 1068-1088聯(lián)系郵箱: Ozbakkaloglu,T; togay.ozbakkaloglu@adelaide.edu.au
被引頻次: 37
Ag3PO4/graphene-oxide composite with remarkably enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity toward dyes in water
Chen,GD; Sun,M; Wei,Q; et al.
Abstract: Ag3PO4/graphene-oxide(Ag3PO4/GO)composite has been synthesized by a liquid phase deposition method,and used for the photodegradation of organic dyes in water under visible light. The as-synthesized samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction,scanning electron microscope,N-2 sorption-desorption,and UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectra. The SEM image indicated that Ag3PO4particles were mainly distributed on the surface of GO sheets uniformly. DRS analysis revealed that the samples had good visible light response. The photocatalytic activity of Ag3PO4/GO composite was evaluated by decomposing of dyes(such as methyl orange,rhodamine B)in water under visible or UV-vis light irradiation. The degradation results indicated that the photocatalytic performance of Ag3PO4/GO was greatly enhanced due to the improved adsorption performance and separation efficiency of photo-generated carriers. The Ag3PO4/GO composite with GO content of 15 wt.% exhibited superior activity under visible light irradiation. After 50 min of reaction,the degradation ratio of MO was about 86.7%,while RhB solution could be completely degraded within 30 min of reaction. Further study proved that the direct oxidation of pollutants by holes has played a major role in the degradation process. The results of this work would provide a new sight for the construction of visible light-responsive photocatalysts with high performance.
Keywords: TiO2photocatalysis; graphene oxide; waste-water; degradation; textile; semiconductor; irradiation; removal; nanocomposites;nanocrystals
來(lái)源出版物: Journal of Hazardous Materials,2013,244: 86-93聯(lián)系郵箱: Sun,M; smlcu@163.com
被引頻次: 34
Axial Compressive Behavior of Square and Rectangular High-Strength Concrete-Filled FRP Tubes
Abstract: This paper presents results of an experimental study on the behavior of square and rectangular high-strength concrete(HSC)-filled fiber-reinforced polymer(FRP)tubes(HSCFFT)under concentric compression. The effects of the tube thickness,sectional aspect ratio,and corner radius on the axial compressive behavior of concrete-filled FRP tubes(CFFT)were investigated experimentally through the tests of 24 CFFTs that were manufactured using unidirectional carbon fiber sheets and high-strength concrete with 78 MPa average compressive strength. As the first experimental investigation on the axial compressive behavior of square and rectangular HSCFFTs,the results of the study reported in this paper allow a number of significant conclusions to be drawn. First and foremost,testresults indicate that sufficiently confined square and rectangular HSCFFTs can exhibit highly ductile behavior. The results also indicate that confinement effectiveness of FRP tubes increases with an increase in corner radius and decreases with an increase in sectional aspect ratio. It is also observed and discussed that HSCFFTs having tubes of low confinement effectiveness may experience a significant strength loss at the point of transition on their stress-strain curves. Furthermore,it is found that the behavior of HSCFFTs at this region differ from that of normal-strength CFFTs and that it is more sensitive to the effectiveness of a confining tube. Examination of the test results have also lead to a number of important observations on the influence of the key confinement parameters on the development and distribution of the hoop strains on the tubes of CFFTs,which are presented and discussed in the paper.
Keywords: reinforced polymer tubes; confined concrete; seismic performance; composite jackets; columns; cylinders; model; manufacture來(lái)源出版物: Journal of Composites For Construction,2013,17(1): 151-161
聯(lián)系郵箱: Ozbakkaloglu,T; tozbakka@civeng.adelaide.edu.au
被引頻次: 31
Graphene oxide-CdS composite with high photocatalytic degradation and disinfection activities under visible light irradiation
Gao,P; Liu,JC; Sun,DD; et al.
Abstract: Graphene oxide(GO)-CdS composites were synthesized via a novel two-phase mixing method successfully. CdS nanoparticles were uniformly self-assembled on GO sheets at water/toluene interface. The photocatalytic degradation(photodegradation)and disinfection activities of GO-CdS composites were investigated thoroughly. The results show that GO-CdS composites exhibit higher efficiency in photodegradation of various water pollutants than pure CdS nanoparticles under visible light irradiation. In addition,the interactions between GO sheets and CdS nanoparticles inhibit the photo-corrosion of CdS and leaching of Cd2+. Only 3.5 wt% Cd2+of GO-CdS was leached out after photodegradation,while 38.6 wt% Cd2+of CdS was lost into aqueous solution. Furthermore,the disinfection activity of GO-CdS composites was investigated for the first time. Nearly 100% of both Gram-negative Escherichia coli(E. coli)and Gram-positive Bacillus subtilis(B. subtilis)were killed within 25 min under visible light irradiation. The excellent performances of GO-CdS composites can be attributed to that(1)effective charge transfer from CdS to GO reduces the recombination rate of photo-generated electron-hole pairs;(2)uniform deposition of CdS on GO sheets eliminates aggregation of CdS nanoparticles; and(3)the strong interactions between GO and CdS enhancing the durability of GO-CdS composites. Finally,the mechanism behind these excellent performances was verified by transient photocurrent measurement and further confirmed by ESR technique as well as employing a radical scavenging species-dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO).
Keywords: organic-dye degradation; hydrogen generation; escherichia-coli; facile synthesis; TiO2nanorods; water; nanocomposites;performance; technology; nanosheets
來(lái)源出版物: Journal of Hazardous Materials,2013,250: 412-420聯(lián)系郵箱: Sun,DD; DDSUN@ntu.edu.sg
Engineering Electrical Electronic 電氣與電子工程
被引頻次: 119
Real-Time Implementation of Fault-Tolerant Control Systems With Performance Optimization
Yin,S; Luo,H; Ding,SX
Abstract: In this paper,two online schemes for an integrated design of fault-tolerant control(FTC)systems with application to Tennessee Eastman(TE)benchmark are proposed. Based on the data-driven design of the proposed fault-tolerant architecture whose core is an observer/residual generator based realization of the Youla parameterization of all stabilization controllers,F(xiàn)TC is achieved by an adaptive residual generator for the online identification of the fault diagnosis relevant vectors,and an iterative optimization method for system performance enhancement. The performance and effectiveness of the proposed schemes are demonstrated through the TE benchmark model.
Keywords: diagnosis; drives; identification; strategies; design
來(lái)源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2014,61(5): 2402-2411聯(lián)系郵箱: Yin,S; shen.yin2011@googlemail.com
被引頻次: 97
Massive MIMO in the UL/DL of Cellular Networks: How Many Antennas Do We Need?
Hoydis,J; ten Brink,S; Debbah,M
Abstract: We consider the uplink(UL)and downlink(DL)of non-cooperative multi-cellular time-division duplexing(TDD)systems,assuming that the number N of antennas per base station(BS)and the number K of user terminals(UTs)per cell are large. Our system model accounts for channel estimation,pilot contamination,and an arbitrary path loss and antenna correlation for each link. We derive approximations of achievable rates with several linear precoders and detectors which are proven to be asymptotically tight,but accurate for realistic system dimensions,as shown by simulations. It is known from previous work assuming uncorrelated channels,that as N -> infinity while K is fixed,the system performance is limited by pilot contamination,the simplest precoders/detectors,i.e.,eigenbeamforming(BF)and matched filter(MF),are optimal,and the transmit power can be made arbitrarily small. We analyze to which extent these conclusionshold in the more realistic setting where N is not extremely large compared to K. In particular,we derive how many antennas per UT are needed to achieve eta% of the ultimate performance limit with infinitely many antennas and how many more antennas are needed with MF and BF to achieve the performance of minimum mean-square error(MMSE)detection and regularized zero-forcing(RZF),respectively.
Keywords: multiuser mimo; channel; wireless; systems
來(lái)源出版物: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,2013,31(2): 160-171
聯(lián)系郵箱: Hoydis,J; jakob.hoydis@alcatel-lucent.com
被引頻次: 93
Adaptive Sliding-Mode Control for Nonlinear Active Suspension Vehicle Systems Using T-S Fuzzy Approach
Li,HY; Yu,JY; Hilton,C; et al.
Abstract: This paper deals with the adaptive sliding-mode control problem for nonlinear active suspension systems via the Takagi-Sugeno(T-S)fuzzy approach. The varying sprung and unsprung masses,the unknown actuator nonlinearity,and the suspension performances are taken into account simultaneously,and the corresponding mathematical model is established. The T-S fuzzy system is used to describe the original nonlinear system for the control-design aim via the sector nonlinearity approach. A sufficient condition is proposed for the asymptotical stability of the designing sliding motion. An adaptive sliding-mode controller is designed to guarantee the reachability of the specified switching surface. The condition can be converted to the convex optimization problems. Simulation results for a half-vehicle active suspension model are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control schemes.
Keywords: h-infinity control; time-delay; car model; feedback; design
來(lái)源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2013,60(8): 3328-3338聯(lián)系郵箱: Li,HY; lihongyi2009@gmail.com
被引頻次: 88
Semipolar(20(2)over-bar(1)over-bar)InGaN/GaN Light-Emitting Diodes for High-Efficiency Solid-State Lighting
Feezell,DF; Speck,JS; DenBaars,SP; et al.
Abstract: This work examines the effects of polarization-related electric fields on the energy band diagrams,wavelength shift,wave function overlap,and efficiency droop for InGaN quantum wells on various crystal orientations,including polar(0001)(c-plane),semipolar(202over bar1),semipolar(202over bar(1)over bar),and non-polar(101over bar0)(m-plane). Based on simulations,we show that the semipolar(202over bar(1)over bar)orientation exhibits excellent potential for the development of high-efficiency,low-droop light-emitting diodes(LEDs). We then present recent advancements in crystal growth,optical performance,and thermal performance of semipolar(202over bar(1)over bar)LEDs. Finally,we demonstrate a low-droop,high-efficiency single-quantum-well blue semipolar(202over bar(1)over bar)LED with an external quantum efficiency of more than 50% at 100 A/cm2.
Keywords: quantum-wells; semiconductors; polarization
來(lái)源出版物: Journal of Display Technology,2013,9(4): 190-198聯(lián)系郵箱: Feezell,DF; dfeezell@unm.edu
被引頻次: 86
A Novel Control Design on Discrete-Time Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems With Time-Varying Delays
Su,XJ; Shi,P; Wu,LG; et al.
Abstract: This paper focuses on analyzing a new model transformation of discrete-time Takagi-Sugeno(T-S)fuzzy systems with time-varying delays and applying it to dynamic output feedback(DOF)controller design. A new comparison model is proposed by employing a new approximation for time-varying delay state,and then,a delay partitioning method is used to analyze the scaled small gain of this comparison model. A sufficient condition on discrete-time T-S fuzzy systems with time-varying delays,which guarantees the corresponding closed-loop system to be asymptotically stable and has an induced l(2)disturbance attenuation performance,is derived by employing the scaled smallgain theorem. Then,the solvability condition for the induced l(2)DOF control is also established,by which the DOF controller can be solved as linear matrix inequality optimization problems. Finally,examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.
Keywords: output-feedback control; h-infinity control; stability analysis; nonlinear-systems; lmi approach; fault-detection; model; stabilization來(lái)源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,2013,21(4): 655-671聯(lián)系郵箱: Su,XJ; suxiaojie1985@gmail.com
Engineering Environmental 環(huán)境工程
被引頻次: 160
Characterising performance of environmental models
Bennett,ND; Croke,BFW; Guariso,G; et al.
Abstract: In order to use environmental models effectively for management and decision-making,it is vital to establish an appropriate level of confidence in their performance. This paper reviews techniques available across various fields for characterising the performanceof environmental models with focus on numerical,graphical and qualitative methods. General classes of direct value comparison,coupling real and modelled values,preserving data patterns,indirect metrics based on parameter values,and data transformations are discussed. In practice environmental modelling requires the use and implementation of workflows that combine several methods,tailored to the model purpose and dependent upon the data and information available. A five-step procedure for performance evaluation of models is suggested,with the key elements including:(i)(re)assessment of the model's aim,scale and scope;(ii)characterisation of the data for calibration and testing;(iii)visual and other analysis to detect under- or non-modelled behaviour and to gain an overview of overall performance;(iv)selection of basic performance criteria; and(v)consideration of more advanced methods to handle problems such as systematic divergence between modelled and observed values.
Keywords: rainfall-runoff models; sensitivity-analysis; hydrological models; parameter-estimation; ecological models; standardized assessment; simulation-models; quality-assurance; dispersion model; wavelet analysis
來(lái)源出版物: Environmental Modelling & Software,2013,40: 1-20聯(lián)系郵箱: Jakeman,AJ; tony.jakeman@anu.edu.au
被引頻次: 97
Novel visible-light-driven AgX/graphite-like C3N4(X = Br,I)hybrid materials with synergistic photocatalytic activity
Xu,H; Yan,J; Xu,YG; et al.
Abstract: Novel visible-light-driven AgX/g-C3N4(X = Br,I)hybrid materials were synthesized by the facile water bath method. The AgX/g-C3N4hybrid materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD),energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer(EDS),transmission electron microscopy(TEM),X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS),UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy(DRS),photoluminescence(PL),F(xiàn)ourier transform infrared spectra(FTIR),Raman and the special surface area. The XRD,EDS,TEM,F(xiàn)TIR,Raman and XPS analyses indicated that AgX nanoparticles were evenly distributed on the surface of g-C3N4and the heterostructures were formed. The photocatalytic activity of the AgX/g-C3N4hybrid materials was evaluated using methyl orange as a target organic pollutant. The as-prepared AgX/g-C3N4hybrid materials displayed much higher photocatalytic activity than the pure g-C3N4and AgX nanoparticles. After the introduction of AgX nanoparticles,the photocurrent of the AgBr/g-C3N4and AgI/g-C3N4hybrid materials was found to increase by 21 and 8 times than that of the pure g-C3N4,respectively. The increased photocatalytic activity of the AgX/g-C3N4hybrid materials was attributed to the synergic effect between g-C3N4and AgX,which included the optical property,the better dispersion and the small size. A photocatalytic mechanism and the kinetics of AgX/g-C3N4hybrid materials were also proposed.
Keywords: graphitic carbon nitride; one-pot synthesis; methyl-orange; composite photocatalysts; electronic-structure; selective oxidation;hydrogen-production; particle-size; gas-phase; degradation
來(lái)源出版物: Applied Catalysis B-environmental,2013,129: 182-193聯(lián)系郵箱: Li,HM; lihm@ujs.edu.cn
被引頻次: 78
Urban wastewater treatment plants as hotspots for the release of antibiotics in the environment: A review
Michael,I; Rizzo,L; McArdell,CS; et al.
Abstract: Urban wastewater treatment plants(UWTPs)are among the main sources of antibiotics' release into various compartments of the environment worldwide. The aim of the present paper is to critically review the fate and removal of various antibiotics in wastewater treatment,focusing on different processes(i.e. biological processes,advanced treatment technologies and disinfection)in view of the current concerns related to the induction of toxic effects in aquatic and terrestrial organisms,and the occurrence of antibiotics that may promote the selection of antibiotic resistance genes and bacteria,as reported in the literature. Where available,estimations of the removal of antibiotics are provided along with the main treatment steps. The removal efficiency during wastewater treatment processes varies and is mainly dependent on a combination of antibiotics' physicochemical properties and the operating conditions of the treatment systems. As a result,the application of alternative techniques including membrane processes,activated carbon adsorption,advanced oxidation processes(AOPs),and combinations of them,which may lead to higher removals,may be necessary before the final disposal of the effluents or their reuse for irrigation or groundwater recharge.
Keywords: tandem mass-spectrometry; advanced oxidation processes; solid-phase extraction; sewage-treatment plant; photo-fenton process;fluoroquinolone antibacterial agents; endocrine disrupting compounds; activated-sludge treatment; personal care products; aquatic environment
來(lái)源出版物: Water Research,2013,47(3): 957-995聯(lián)系郵箱: Fatta-Kassinos,D; dfatta@ucy.ac.cy
被引頻次: 65
Facets coupling of BiOBr-g-C3N4composite photocatalyst for enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity
Ye,LQ; Liu,JY; Jiang,Z; et al.
Abstract: BiOBr-g-C3N4inorganic-organic composite photocatalysts were synthesized by a one-step chemical bath method at low temperatureand characterized by X-ray diffraction patterns(XRD),F(xiàn)ourier transform infrared(FT-IR),thermo gravimetric(TG),X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS),transmission electron microscopy(TEM),high-resolution transmission electron microscopy(HRTEM)and UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectra(DRS). The BiOBr-g-C3N4composite showed much higher visible-light-driven(VLD)photocatalytic activity than pure g-C3N4and BiOBr for rhodamine B(RhB)degradation. The photocatalytic mechanism analysis revealed that the interreaction between BiOBr and g-C3N4is a kind of facet coupling between BiOBr-{0 0 1} and g-C3N4-{0 0 2}. The active species trapping and quantification experiments indicated that the photoinduced charges transfer between these facets resulted in the efficient charge separation.
Keywords: graphite-like C3N4; acid orange 7; BiOX X; degradation; surface; carbon; Br; Cl; nanosheets; photoreactivity
來(lái)源出版物: Applied Catalysis B-environmental,2013,142: 1-7聯(lián)系郵箱: Zan,L; irlab@whu.edu.cn
被引頻次: 63
Adsorptive removal of hazardous materials using metal-organic frameworks(MOFs): A review
Khan,NA; Hasan,Z; Jhung,SH
Abstract: Efficient removal of hazardous materials from the environment has become an important issue from a biological and environmental standpoint. Adsorptive removal of toxic components from fuel,wastewater or air is one of the most attractive approaches for cleaning technologies. Recently,porous metal-organic framework(MOF)materials have been very promising in the adsorption/separation of various liquids and gases due to their unique characteristics. This review summarizes the recent literatures on the adsorptive removal of various hazardous compounds mainly from fuel,water,and air by virgin or modified MOF materials. Possible interactions between the adsorbates and active adsorption sites of the MOFs will be also discussed to understand the adsorption mechanism. Most of the observed results can be explained with the following mechanisms:(1)adsorption onto a coordinatively unsaturated site,(2)adsorption via acid-base interaction,(3)adsorption via pi-complex formation,(4)adsorption via hydrogen bonding,(5)adsorption via electrostatic interaction,and(6)adsorption based on the breathing properties of some MOFs and so on.
Keywords: carbon-dioxide capture; science-and-technology; activated carbon; heavy-metal; coordination polymers; aqueous-solutions; co2adsorption; gas-adsorption; high-capacity; ion-exchange
來(lái)源出版物: Journal of Hazardous Materials,2013,244: 444-456聯(lián)系郵箱: Jhung,SH; sung@knu.ac.kr
Engineering Geological 地質(zhì)工程
被引頻次: 25
The signature of shear-induced anisotropy in granular media
Guo,N; Zhao,JD
Abstract: This paper presents a micro-mechanical study on the characteristics of shear-induced anisotropy in granular media. Based on three-dimensional Discrete Element Method(DEM)simulations,the distinct features associated with the evolution of internal granular structure and different anisotropy sources during drained/undrained shearing of granular samples are carefully examined. The study finds that static liquefaction occurs when the geometrical anisotropy in a sample dominates the mechanical anisotropy in the overall shear strength,and the weak force network features an exceptionally high proportion of sliding contacts and develops certain degree of anisotropy. Phase transformation corresponds to a transitional,unstable state associated with a dramatic change in both coordination number and the proportion of sliding contacts in all contacts. The critical state in a granular material is always associated with a highly anisotropic fabric structure wherein both the critical void ratio and critical fabric anisotropy are uniquely related to the mean effective stress. The relations provide a more comprehensive definition for the critical state in granular media with proper reference to the critical fabric anisotropy.
Keywords: critical-state; material behavior; stress; deformation; simulations; sand; liquefaction; assemblies; failure; scales
來(lái)源出版物: Computers and Geotechnics,2013,47: 1-15聯(lián)系郵箱: Zhao,JD; jzhao@ust.hk
被引頻次: 19
Permeability evolution during progressive deformation of intact coal and implications for instability in underground coal seams
Wang,SG; Elsworth,D; Liu,JS
Abstract: We report measurements of deformation,strength and permeability evolution during triaxial compression of initially intact coals. Permeability is continuously measured by the constant pressure differential method,together with axial and volumetric strains for both water(H2O)and strongly adsorbing carbon dioxide(CO2)gas. Strength and Young's modulus increase with increasing confining stress and permeability is hysteretic in the initial reversible deformation regime. As deviatoric stress and strain increase,permeability first decreases as pre-existing cleats close,and then increases as new vertical dilatant microcracks are generated. Post-peak strength the permeability suddenly increases by 3-4 orders-of-magnitude. During loading,the inflection point where permeability begins to increase occurs earlier than the turning point of volumetric strain,which may be explained by the competing processes of axial crack opening and closure of oblique and transverse cracks. The generation of these vertical microcracks does not enhance gas migration in the horizontal direction butwill accelerate the rate of gas desorption and weaken the coal.
Based on this mechanistic observation,we propose a process-based model for bursting in underground coal seams. Horizontal and vertical stresses redistribute ahead of the mining-face immediately after the excavation and influence pore pressure,permeability,and desorption rate. Due to this redistribution,the zone closest to the mining-face may experience tensile failure. Interior to this zone a region may develop with gas overpressures induced by desorption and this may contribute to the occurrence of coal and gas outbursts. Beyond this,an overstressed zone may initiate shear failure driven by gas pressures if the desorption rate outstrips the rate of drainage. We discuss the implications of this on the instability of coal seams to CO2injection and the potential for induced fault slip.
Keywords: mining-induced stress; gas outbursts; carbon-dioxide; methane recovery; mines; pressure; CO2; sequestration; compression;adsorption
來(lái)源出版物: International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences,2013,58: 34-45
聯(lián)系郵箱: Wang,SG; shugangwang@gmail.com
被引頻次: 16
Landslides triggered by slipping-fault-generated earthquake on a plateau:an example of the 14 April 2010,Ms 7.1,Yushu,China earthquake
Xu,C; Xu,XW; Yu,GH
Abstract: On 14 April 2010 at 07:49(Beijing time),a catastrophic earthquake with Ms 7.1 struck Yushu County,Qinghai Province,China. A total of 2036 landslides were interpreted from aerial photographs and satellite images,verified by selected field checking. These landslides cover about a total area of 1.194 km2. The characteristics and failure mechanisms of these landslides are presented in this paper. The spatial distribution of the landslides is evidently strongly controlled by the locations of the main co-seismic surface fault ruptures. The landslides commonly occurred close together. Most of the landslides are small; there were only 275 individual landslide(13.5 % of the total number)surface areas larger than 1000 m2. The landslides are of various types. They are mainly shallow,disrupted landslides,but also include rock falls,deep-seated landslides,liquefaction-induced landslides,and compound landslides. Four types of factors are identified as contributing to failure along with the strong ground shaking: natural excavation of the toes of slopes,which mean erosion of the base of the slope,surface water infiltration into slopes,co-seismic fault slipping at landslide sites,and delayed occurrence of landslides due to snow melt or rainfall infiltration at sites where slopes were weakened by the co-seismic ground shaking. To analyze the spatial distribution of the landslides,the landslide area percentage(LAP)and landslide number density(LND)were compared with peak ground acceleration(PGA),distance from co-seismic main surface fault ruptures,elevation,slope gradient,slope aspect,and lithology. The results show landslide occurrence is strongly controlled by proximity to the main surface fault ruptures,with most landslides occurring within 2.5 km of such ruptures. There is no evident correlation between landslide occurrences and PGA. Both LAP and LND have strongly positive correlations with slope gradient,and additionally,sites at elevations between 3800 and 4000 m are relatively susceptible to landslide occurrence; as are slopes with northeast,east,and southeast slope aspects. Q(4)al-pl,N,and T-3 kn(1)have more concentrated landslide activity than others. This paper provides a detailed inventory map of landslides triggered by the 2010 Yushu earthquake for future seismic landslide hazard analysis and also provides a study case of characteristics,failure mechanisms,and spatial distribution of landslides triggered by slipping-fault generated earthquake on a plateau.
Keywords: 2008 wenchuan earthquake; kashmir earthquake; prefecture earthquake; statistical approach; niigata prefecture; 1994 northridge; mid-niigata; susceptibility; japan; region
來(lái)源出版物: Landslides,2013,10(4): 421-431聯(lián)系郵箱: Xu,XW; xuchong@ies.ac.cn
被引頻次: 16
The Brazilian Disc Test for Rock Mechanics Applications: Review and New Insights
Li,DY; Wong,LNY
Abstract: The development of the Brazilian disc test for determining indirect tensile strength and its applications in rock mechanics are reviewed herein. Based on the history of research on the Brazilian test by analytical,experimental,and numerical approaches,three research stages can be identified. Most of the early studies focused on the tensile stress distribution in Brazilian disc specimens,while ignoring the tensile strain distribution. The observation of different crack initiation positions in the Brazilian disc has drawn a lot of research interest from the rock mechanics community. A simple extension strain criterion was put forward by Stacey(Int J Rock Mech Min Sci Geomech Abstr 18(6):469-474,1981)to account for extension crack initiation and propagation in rocks,although this is not widely used. In the present study,a linear elastic numerical model is constructed to study crack initiation in a 50-mm-diameter Brazilian disc using FLAC(3D). The maximum tensile stress and the maximum tensile strain are both found to occur about 5 mm away from the two loading points along the compressed diameter of the disc,instead of at the center of the disc surface. Therefore,the crack initiation point of the Brazilian test for rocks may be located near the loading point when the tensile strain meets the maximum extension strain criterion,but at the surface center when the tensile stress meets the maximum tensile strength criterion.
Keywords: tensile-strength; diametral compression; boundary-conditions; fracture-toughness; elastic-modulus; stress-field; failure; size;specimen; friction
來(lái)源出版物: Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering,2013,46(2): 269-287聯(lián)系郵箱: Wong,LNY; diyuan.li@csu.edu.cn
被引頻次: 15
How to assess landslide activity and intensity with Persistent Scatterer Interferometry(PSI):the PSI-based matrix approach
Cigna,F(xiàn); Bianchini,S; Casagli,N
Abstract: We provide a step-by-step analysis and discussion of the 'PSI-based matrix approach',a methodology employing ground deformation velocities derived through Persistent Scatterer Interferometry(PSI)for the assessment of the state of activity and intensity of extremely to very slow landslides. Two matrices based on PSI data are designed respectively for landslides already mapped in preexisting inventories and for newly identified phenomena. Conversely,a unique intensity scale is proposed indiscriminately for both. Major influencing factors of the approach are brought to light by the application in the 14 km2area of Verbicaro,in Northern Calabria(Italy). These include lack of PSI data within the landslide boundaries,temporal coverage of the available estimates,and need of field checks as well as the operative procedures to set the activity and intensity thresholds. For the area of Verbicaro,we exploit 1992-2011 PSI data from ERS1/2 and RADARSAT1/2 satellites,projecting them along the maximum slope directions. An activity threshold of±5 mm/year is determined by applying the average projection factor of local slopes to the PSI data precision. The intensity threshold between extremely and very slow phenomena(16 mm/year)is reduced by similar to 20 % to account for temporal and spatial averages being applied to attribute representative velocities to each landslide. The methodology allows assessing the state of activity and the intensity for 13 of the 24 landslides premapped in the 2007 inventory and for two newly identified phenomena. Current limitations due to characteristics and spatial coverage of PSI data are critically tackled within the discussion,jointly with respective implications.
Keywords: permanent scatterers; sar interferometry; northern calabria; hazard evaluation
來(lái)源出版物: Landslides,2013,10(3): 267-283聯(lián)系郵箱: Cigna,F(xiàn); fcigna@bgs.ac.uk
Engineering Industrial工業(yè)工程
被引頻次: 86
Network-Induced Constraints in Networked Control Systems-A Survey
Zhang,LX; Gao,HJ; Kaynak,O
Abstract: Networked control systems(NCSs)have,in recent years,brought many innovative impacts to control systems. However,great challenges are also met due to the network-induced imperfections. Such network-induced imperfections are handled as various constraints,which should appropriately be considered in the analysis and design of NCSs. In this paper,the main methodologies suggested in the literature to cope with typical network-induced constraints,namely time delays,packet losses and disorder,time-varying transmission intervals,competition of multiple nodes accessing networks,and data quantization are surveyed; the constraints suggested in the literature on the first two types of constraints are updated in different categorizing ways; and those on the latter three types of constraints are extended.
Keywords: limited information feedback; input-output stability; to-state stability; h-infinity control; linear-systems; predictive control;special-issue; communication delays; nonlinear-systems; packet drop
來(lái)源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2013,9(1): 403-416聯(lián)系郵箱: Zhang,LX; lixianzhango@hit.edu.cn
被引頻次: 69
H-infinity Step Tracking Control for Networked Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems With Integral and Predictive Actions
Zhang,H; Shi,Y; Liu,MX
Abstract: This paper investigates the step tracking control problem for discrete-time nonlinear systems in a networked environment with a limited capacity. The nonlinear system is represented by a Takagi-Sugeno(T-S)fuzzy system,and a network-induced delay is incorporated in the modeling of the connection link. In order to compensate for the network link effects and eliminate the tracking error,we employ some techniques mainly used in the predictive control and the integral control. Moreover,a quadratic cost function which includes terms related to the performance of the system and the actuating capacity is used. We assume that the lumped network-induced delay lies within a known set,and that the occurrence probability for each element in the set is known a priori. Then,the delay information will be incorporated into the delay-dependent tracking controllers. The parameters for the tracking controller are derived by solving an optimization problem. A networked inverted pendulum is used to illustrate the efficacy of the proposed design method.
Keywords: jump linear-systems; communication channels; varying delays; stabilization
來(lái)源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2013,9(1): 337-345聯(lián)系郵箱: Zhang,H; huizhang285@gmail.com
被引頻次: 66
A Survey on Smart Grid Potential Applications and Communication Requirements
Gungor,VC; Sahin,D; Kocak,T; et al.
Abstract: Information and communication technologies(ICT)represent a fundamental element in the growth and performance of smart grids. A sophisticated,reliable and fast communication infrastructure is,in fact,necessary for the connection among the huge amount of distributed elements,such as generators,substations,energy storage systems and users,enabling a real time exchange of data and information necessary for the management of the system and for ensuring improvements in terms of efficiency,reliability,flexibility and investment return for all those involved in a smart grid: producers,operators and customers. This paper overviews the issues related to the smart grid architecture from the perspective of potential applications and the communications requirements needed for ensuring performance,flexible operation,reliability and economics.
Keywords: renewable-energy-sources; system automation; power-systems; networks; architecture; challenges; opportunities; management;operation; future
來(lái)源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2013,9(1): 28-42聯(lián)系郵箱: Gungor,VC; cagri.gungor@bahcesehir.edu.tr
被引頻次: 59
An Overview of Recent Progress in the Study of Distributed Multi-Agent Coordination
Cao,YC; Yu,WW; Ren,W; et al.
Abstract: This paper reviews some main results and progress in distributed multi-agent coordination,focusing on papers published in major control systems and robotics journals since 2006. Distributed coordination of multiple vehicles,including unmanned aerial vehicles,unmanned ground vehicles,and unmanned underwater vehicles,has been a very active research subject studied extensively by the systems and control community. The recent results in this area are categorized into several directions,such as consensus,formation control,optimization,and estimation. After the review,a short discussion section is included to summarize the existing research and to propose several promising research directions along with some open problems that are deemed important for further investigations.
Keywords: multivehicle cooperative control; planar collective motion; mobile sensor networks; consensus algorithms; switching-networks;vehicle formations; gossip algorithms; tracking control; time-delays; systems
來(lái)源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2013,9(1): 427-438
被引頻次: 44
State of the Art of Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control in Power Electronics
Rodriguez,J; Kazmierkowski,MP; Espinoza,JR; et al.
Abstract: This paper addresses to some of the latest contributions on the application of Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control(FCS-MPC)in Power Electronics. In FCS-MPC,the switching states are directly applied to the power converter,without the need of an additional modulation stage. The paper shows how the use of FCS-MPC provides a simple and efficient computational realization for different control objectives in Power Electronics. Some applications of this technology in drives,active filters,power conditioning,distributed generation and renewable energy are covered. Finally,attention is paid to the discussion of new trends in this technology and to the identification of open questions and future research topics.
Keywords: voltage-source inverters; h-bridge inverters; dc-dc converter; matrix converter; induction machine; digital-control; torque control; lc filter; drives; modulation
來(lái)源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2013,9(2): 1003-1016聯(lián)系郵箱: Rodriguez,J; jrp@usm.cl
Engineering Manufacturing 制造工程
被引頻次: 46
Cuckoo search algorithm for the selection of optimal machining parameters in milling operations
Abstract: In this research,a new optimization algorithm,called the cuckoo search algorithm(CS)algorithm,is introduced for solving manufacturing optimization problems. This research is the first application of the CS to the optimization of machining parameters in the literature. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the CS,a milling optimization problem was solved and the results were compared with those obtained using other well-known optimization techniques like,ant colony algorithm,immune algorithm,hybrid immune algorithm,hybrid particle swarm algorithm,genetic algorithm,feasible direction method,and handbook recommendation. The results demonstrate that the CS is a very effective and robust approach for the optimization of machining optimization problems.
Keywords: genetic algorithm; optimization problems; design optimization; immune algorithm
來(lái)源出版物: International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2013,64(1-4): 55-61
聯(lián)系郵箱: Yildiz,AR; aliriza.yildiz@btu.edu.tr
被引頻次: 35
A taxonomy of line balancing problems and their solution approaches
Battaia,O; Dolgui,A
Abstract: Line balancing belongs to a class of intensively studied combinatorial optimization problems known to be NP-hard in general. For several decades,the core problem originally introduced for manual assembly has been extended to suit robotic,machining and disassembly contexts. However,despite various industrial environments and line configurations,often quite similar or even identical mathematical models have been developed. The objective of this survey is to analyze recent research on balancing flow lines within many different industrial contexts in order to classify and compare the means for input data modelling,constraints and objective functions used. This survey covers about 300 studies on line balancing problems. Particular attention is paid to recent publications that have appeared in 2007-2012 to focus on new advances in the state-of-the-art.
Keywords: 2-sided assembly-line; ant colony optimization; simulated annealing algorithm; dependent setup times; particle swarm optimization; goal programming approach; hybrid genetic algorithm; decision-support-system; secondary feeder lines; sheltered work centers
來(lái)源出版物: International Journal of Production Economics,2013,142(2): 259-277聯(lián)系郵箱: Battaia,O; battaia@emse.fr
被引頻次: 32
Adaptive Backstepping Control for Active Suspension Systems With Hard Constraints
Sun,WC; Gao,HJ; Kaynak,O
Abstract: This paper proposes an adaptive backstepping control strategy for vehicle active suspensions with hard constraints. An adaptive backstepping controller is designed to stabilize the attitude of vehicle and meanwhile improve ride comfort in the presence of parameter uncertainties,where suspension spaces,dynamic tire loads,and actuator saturations are considered as time-domain constraints. In addition to spring nonlinearity,the piecewise linear behavior of the damper,which has different damping rates for compression and extension movements,is taken into consideration to form the basis of accurate control. Furthermore,a reference trajectory is planned to keep the vertical and pitch motions of car body to stabilize in predetermined time,which helps adjust accelerations accordingly to high or low levels for improving ride comfort. Finally,a design example is shown to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control law.
Keywords: h-infinity control; vibration control; vehicle; design; delay
來(lái)源出版物: IEEE-asme Transactions on Mechatronics,2013,18(3): 1072-1079聯(lián)系郵箱: Sun,WC; 1984sunweichao@gmail.com
被引頻次: 22
Highly aligned,ultralarge-size reduced graphene oxide/polyurethane nanocomposites:Mechanical properties and moisture permeability
Yousefi,N; Gudarzi,MM; Zheng,QB; et al.
Abstract: Polyurethane(PU)nanocomposite films containing highly-aligned graphene sheets are produced. Aqueous dispersion of ultralarge-size graphene oxide(GO)is in situ reduced in waterborne polyurethane,resulting in fine dispersion and high degree of orientation of graphene sheets,especially at high graphene contents. The PU/reduced GO nanocomposites present remarkable 21- and 9-fold increases in tensile modulus and strength,respectively,with 3 wt.% graphene content. The agreement between the experiments and theoretical predictions for tensile modulus proves that the graphene sheets are indeed dispersed individually on the molecular scale and oriented in the polymer matrix to form a layered structure. The moisture permeability of the nanocomposites presents a systematic decrease with increasing graphene content,clearly indicating the impermeable graphene sheets acting as moisture barrier. The synergy arising from the very high aspect ratio and horizontal alignment of the graphene sheets is responsible for this finding.
Keywords: polymer composites; carbon nanotubes; graphite oxide; electrical-conductivity; percolation-threshold; sheet nanocomposites;exfoliated graphene; physical-properties; elastic properties; latex technology
來(lái)源出版物: Composites Part A-applied Science and Manufacturing,2013,49: 42-50聯(lián)系郵箱: Kim,JK; mejkkim@ust.hk
被引頻次: 21
A Novel Direct Inverse Modeling Approach for Hysteresis Compensation of Piezoelectric Actuator in Feedforward Applications
Qin,YD; Tian,YL; Zhang,DW; et al.
Abstract: The Prandtl-Ishlinskii(PI)model is widely utilized in hysteresis modeling and compensation of piezoelectric actuators. For systems with rate-independent hysteresis,the inverse PI model is analytically feasible and it can be adopted as a feedforward compensator for the hysteretic nonlinearity of piezoelectric actuators. However,for the rate-dependent PI model,the applicable valid inversion methodology is not yet available. Although simply replacing all the rate-independent terms in the conventional inversion law with the rate-dependent terms can achieve acceptable results at very slow trajectories. However,a large theoretical modeling error is inevitable at fast trajectories,which is investigated through simulations. This paper proposes a new direct approach to derive the inverse PI modeldirectly from experimental data. As no inversion calculation is involved,the proposed direct approach is efficient and the theoretical modeling error can be avoided. In order to validate the accuracy of the direct approach,a number of experiments have been implemented on a piezo-driven compliant mechanism by utilizing the inverse PI model as a feedforward controller. The tracking performance of the mechanism is significantly improved by the direct approach.
Keywords: motion tracking control; micro/nano-manipulation; preisach model; mechanism; controller; systems; design; nonlinearities;microgripper; creep
來(lái)源出版物: Ieee-asme Transactions on Mechatronics,2013,18(3): 981-989聯(lián)系郵箱: Qin,YD; qinyanding@tju.edu.cn
Engineering Marine 船舶工程
被引頻次: 14
Perturbation of dispersive shallow water waves
Razborova,P; Triki,H; Biswas,A
Abstract: This paper addresses the dynamics of dispersive shallow water wave that is governed by the Rosenau-KdV equation with power law nonlinearity. The singular 1-soliton solution is derived by the ansatz method. Subsequently,the soliton perturbation theory is applied to obtain the adiabatic parameter dynamics of the water waves. Finally,the integration of the perturbed Rosenau-KdV equation is obtained by the ansatz method as well as the semi-inverse variational principle.
Keywords: power-law nonlinearity; solitary waves; rosenau-kdv; solitons; equation
來(lái)源出版物: Ocean Engineering,2013,63: 1-7聯(lián)系郵箱: Biswas,A; biswas.anjan@gmail.com
被引頻次: 9
Assessing the China Sea wind energy and wave energy resources from 1988 to 2009
Zheng,CW; Pan,J; Li,JX
Abstract: In this study,the wave field in the China Sea was simulated over the period from 1988 to 2009 using the third-generation wave model WAVEWATCH-III(WW3),with Cross-Calibrated,Multi-Platform(CCMP)wind field as the driving field. The China Sea wind energy density and wave energy density were calculated using the CCMP wind and WW3 model simulation results. The China Sea wind energy and wave energy resource were analyzed,synthetically considering the value of energy density,probability of exceedance of energy density level,exploitable wind speed and exploitable significant wave height(SWH),the stability of energy density,total storage and exploitable storage of energy resources,thus providing the guidance for the location of wind and wave power plants. Our results show that most of the China Sea contains abundant wave energy and offshore wind energy resources,with wind energy density above 150 W/m2,wave energy density above 2 kW/m,high occurrence of exploitable wind and wave energy in large scale waters,wind energy storage above 2×103kW h m-2,wave energy storage above 4×104kW h m-1. The richest area is in the northern South China Sea(wind energy density 350-600 W/m2,wave energy density 10-16 kW/m,wind energy storage 3×103-5×103kW h m-2,wave energy storage 8 x 104-16×104kW h m-1,followed by southern South China Sea and the East China Sea(wind energy density 150-450 W/m2,wave energy density 4-12 kW/m,wind energy storage 2×103-4×103kW h m-2,wave energy storage 4×104-12×104kW h m-1. The Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea resources are relatively poorer(wind energy density below 300 W/m2,wave energy density below 4 kW/m,wind energy storage below 2.5×103kW h m-2,wave energy storage below 6×104kW h m-1.
來(lái)源出版物: Ocean Engineering,2013,65: 39-48聯(lián)系郵箱: Zheng,CW; zhengzhang.xia@163.com
被引頻次: 9
Statistical modelling of extreme ocean environments for marine design: A review
Jonathan,P; Ewans,K
Abstract: We review aspects of extreme value modelling relevant to characterisation of ocean environments and the design of marine structures,summarising basic concepts,modelling with covariates and multivariate modelling(including conditional and spatial extremes). We outline Bayesian inference for extremes and reference software resources for extreme value modelling. Extreme value analysis is inherently different to other empirical modelling,in that estimating the tail(rather than the body)of a distribution from a sample of data,and extrapolation beyond the sample(rather than interpolation within)is demanded. Intuition accumulated from other areas of empirical modelling can be misleading. Careful consideration of the effects of sample size,measurement scale,threshold selection and serial dependence,associated uncertainties and implications of choices made is essential. Incorporation of covariate effects when necessary improves inference. Suitable tools(e.g. based on additive models,splines,random fields,spatial processes)have been developed,but their use is restricted in general to academia. Effective modelling of multivariate extremes will improve the specification of design conditions for systems whose response cannot be easily characterised in terms of one variable. Approaches such as the conditional extremes model are easily implemented,and provide generalisations of existing marine design approaches(e.g. for primary and associated variables). Software is available,but again generally only for academic use. Modelling spatial dependence rigourously will provide single extreme value modelsapplicable to spatial neighbourhoods including complete ocean basins,avoiding the need for procedures such as site pooling. Indeed,once the model is established,the metocean engineer may not ever need to perform further extreme value analysis for that basin in principle. Spatial extremes is an area of active research in the statistics community. A limited number of appropriate models have been deployed(e.g. for precipitation,temperature and metocean applications). Software is available,but again for specialist use. Bayesian inference provides a consistent framework for inference and is rapidly becoming the standard approach in academia. It appears inevitable that,in time,Bayesian inference will also be regarded as the standard in ocean engineering applications. Implementation of Bayesian methods requires some expertise. Software is available,but again generally only used by statistical specialists.
Keywords: significant wave height; max-stable processes; sea storm severity; value distributions; bayesian-inference; spatial extremes;time-series; wind speeds; measurement scale; order-statistics
來(lái)源出版物: Ocean Engineering,2013,62: 91-109聯(lián)系郵箱: Jonathan,P; philip.jonathan@shell.com
被引頻次: 7
A Fast SINS Initial Alignment Scheme for Underwater Vehicle Applications
Li,WL; Wu,WQ; Wang,JL; et al.
Abstract: To achieve high Strapdown Inertial Navigation System(SINS)alignment accuracy within a short period of time is still a challenging issue for underwater vehicles. In this paper,a new SINS initial alignment scheme aided by the velocity derived from Doppler Velocity Log(DVL)is proposed to solve this problem. In the stage of the coarse alignment,the velocity of DVL is employed to reduce the impact of the linear motion. With a backtracking framework,the fine alignment runs with the data recorded during the process of the coarse alignment and thus will speed up the overall alignment process. In addition,by using this new scheme,it is equivalent to length the alignment time for both coarse and fine alignments,so the accuracy of the alignments will be improved. In order to reduce the volume of the data that has to be recorded,a new model for SINS fine alignment is derived in the inertial reference frame which makes it feasible for real time applications. The experimental results are presented for both unaided static and in-motion alignment using DVL aiding. It is clearly shown that the proposed method meets the requirement of SINS alignment for underwater vehicles.
Keywords: kalman filter; system
來(lái)源出版物: Journal of Navigation,2013,66(2): 181-198聯(lián)系郵箱: Li,WL; jinling.wang@unsw.edu.au
被引頻次: 7
An investigation into the pressure on solid walls in 2D sloshing using SPH method
Chen,Z; Zong,Z; Li,HT; et al.
Abstract: In this paper,the pressure on solid boundaries in 2D sloshing problem for forced rolling motion is numerically investigated using smoothed particle hydrodynamics(SPH)method. The improved SPH model applied in this paper combines some advanced correction algorithms. The Moving Least Squares(MLS)method is used in the density reinitialization to obtain smoother and more stable pressure field in numerical simulation. An improved coupled dynamic solid boundary treatment(SBT)algorithm is implemented,and great improvement in the pressure field near solid boundaries is achieved. To analyze the pressure of specified points on solid walls,a special pressure measurement method on solid walls based on the coupled dynamic SBT method is given. In this method,both the physical pressure of the boundary particle and a correction term based on the repulsive forces are taken into account. Numerical results obtained show good agreement with the experimental ones in the analysis of both the pattern of the flow field and the pressure on the solid boundary. Further conclusions based on these results are discussed.
Keywords: smoothed particle hydrodynamics; tanks; simulation; waves
來(lái)源出版物: Ocean Engineering,2013,59: 129-141聯(lián)系郵箱: Chen,Z; chenzhen_dut@yahoo.cn
Engineering Mechanical 機(jī)械工程
被引頻次: 74
A review of the applications of nanofluids in solar energy
Mahian,O; Kianifar,A; Kalogirou,SA; et al.
Abstract: Utilizing nanofluids as an advanced kind of liquid mixture with a small concentration of nanometer-sized solid particles in suspension is a relatively new field,which is less than two decades old. The aim of this review paper is the investigation of the nanofluids' applications in solar thermal engineering systems. The shortage of fossil fuels and environmental considerations motivated the researchers to use alternative energy sources such as solar energy. Therefore,it is essential to enhance the efficiency and performance of the solar thermal systems. Nearly all of the former works conducted on the applications of nanofluids in solar energy is regarding their applications in collectors and solar water heaters. Therefore,a major part of this review paper allocated to the effects of nanofluids on the performance of solar collectors and solar water heaters from the efficiency,economic and environmental considerations viewpoints. In addition,some reported works on the applications of nanofluids in thermal energy storage,solar cells,and solar stills are reviewed. Subsequently,somesuggestions are made to use the nanofluids in different solar thermal systems such as photovoltaic/thermal systems,solar ponds,solar thermoelectric cells,and so on. Finally,the challenges of using nanofluids in solar energy devices are discussed.
Keywords: nanohorn-based nanofluids; radiation-enhanced evaporation; heat-transfer characteristics; thermal-conductivity; cooling system;metal nanoparticles; optical-properties; forced-convection; economic-analysis; particle-size
來(lái)源出版物: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2013,57(2): 582-594聯(lián)系郵箱: Pop,I; popm.ioan@yahoo.co.uk
被引頻次: 72
Cuckoo search algorithm: a metaheuristic approach to solve structural optimization problems
Gandomi,AH; Yang,XS; Alavi,AH
Abstract: In this study,a new metaheuristic optimization algorithm,called cuckoo search(CS),is introduced for solving structural optimization tasks. The new CS algorithm in combination with L,vy flights is first verified using a benchmark nonlinear constrained optimization problem. For the validation against structural engineering optimization problems,CS is subsequently applied to 13 design problems reported in the specialized literature. The performance of the CS algorithm is further compared with various algorithms representative of the state of the art in the area. The optimal solutions obtained by CS are mostly far better than the best solutions obtained by the existing methods. The unique search features used in CS and the implications for future research are finally discussed in detail.
Keywords: particle swarm optimization; engineering design optimization; global optimization; genetic algorithms; constrained optimization; programming-problems; mechanical design; harmony search; differential evolution; levy flights
來(lái)源出版物: Engineering With Computers,2013,29(1): 17-35聯(lián)系郵箱: Gandomi,AH; a.h.gandomi@gmail.com
被引頻次: 60
Entropy generation in steady MHD flow due to a rotating porous disk in a nanofluid
Rashidi,MM; Abelman,S; Mehr,NF
Abstract: We consider the analysis of the second law of thermodynamics applied to an electrically conducting incompressible nanofluid fluid flowing over a porous rotating disk in the presence of an externally applied uniform vertical magnetic field. This study has applications in rotating magneto-hydrodynamic(MHD)energy generators for new space systems and also thermal conversion mechanisms for nuclear propulsion space vehicles. Von Karman transformations are employed to transform the governing equations into a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. The entropy generation equation is derived as a function of velocity and temperature gradient. This equation is non-dimensionalized using geometrical and physical flow field-dependent parameters. The velocity profiles in radial,tangential and axial directions,temperature distribution,averaged entropy generation number and Bejan number are obtained. A very good agreement is observed between the obtained results of the current study and those of previously published studies. The effects of physical flow parameters such as magnetic interaction parameter,suction parameter,nanoparticle volume fraction and the type of nanofluid on all fluid velocity components,temperature distribution,averaged entropy generation number and Bejan number,skin friction coefficient and Nusselt number are examined and analyzed and the path for optimizing the entropy is also proposed. In addition,this simulation represents the feasibility of using magnetic rotating disk drives in novel nuclear space propulsion engines and this model has important applications in heat transfer enhancement in renewable energy systems and industrial thermal management.
Keywords: heat-transfer characteristics; stretching sheet; mass-transfer; convection; particles
來(lái)源出版物: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2013,62: 515-525
聯(lián)系郵箱: Rashidi,MM; mm.rashidi@usherbrooke.ca
被引頻次: 54
A review on empirical mode decomposition in fault diagnosis of rotating machinery
Lei,YG; Lin,J; He,ZJ; et al.
Abstract: Rotating machinery covers a broad range of mechanical equipment and plays a significant role in industrial applications. It generally operates under tough working environment and is therefore subject to faults,which could be detected and diagnosed by using signal processing techniques. Empirical mode decomposition(EMD)is one of the most powerful signal processing techniques and has been extensively studied and widely applied in fault diagnosis of rotating machinery. Numerous publications on the use of EMD for fault diagnosis have appeared in academic journals,conference proceedings and technical reports. This paper attempts to survey and summarize the recent research and development of EMD in fault diagnosis of rotating machinery,providing comprehensive references for researchers concerning with this topic and helping them identify further research topics. First,the EMD method is briefly introduced,the usefulness of the method is illustrated and the problems and the corresponding solutions are listed. Then,recent applications of EMD to fault diagnosis of rotating machinery are summarized in terms of the key components,such as rolling element bearings,gears and rotors. Finally,the outstanding open problems of EMD in fault diagnosis are discussed and potential future research directions are identified. It is expected that this review will serve as an introduction of EMD for those new to the concepts,as well as a summary of the current frontiers of itsapplications to fault diagnosis for experienced researchers.
Keywords: hilbert-huang transform; vibration signal analysis; composite wingbox structures; wigner-ville distribution; emd method;damage detection; roller-bearings; feature-extraction; wavelet transform; dynamic-response
來(lái)源出版物: Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,2013,35(1-2): 108-126聯(lián)系郵箱: Lei,YG; yaguolei@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
被引頻次: 46
Plasma-assisted ignition and combustion
Starikovskiy,A; Aleksandrov,N
Abstract: The use of a thermal equilibrium plasma for combustion control dates back more than a hundred years to the advent of internal combustion(IC)engines and spark ignition systems. The same principles are still applied today to achieve high efficiency in various applications. Recently,the potential use of nonequilibrium plasma for ignition and combustion control has garnered increasing interest due to the possibility of plasma-assisted approaches for ignition and flame stabilization. During the past decade,significant progress has been made toward understanding the mechanisms of plasma-chemistry interactions,energy redistribution and the nonequilibrium initiation of combustion. In addition,a wide variety of fuels have been examined using various types of discharge plasmas. Plasma application has been shown to provide additional combustion control,which is necessary for ultra-lean flames,highspeed flows,cold low-pressure conditions of high-altitude gas turbine engine(GTE)relight,detonation initiation in pulsed detonation engines(PDE)and distributed ignition control in homogeneous charge-compression ignition(HCCI)engines,among others. The present paper describes the current understanding of the nonequilibrium excitation of combustible mixtures by electrical discharges and plasma-assisted ignition and combustion.
Keywords: to-detonation transition; current pulsed discharge; nanosecond-discharge; electric-field; dissociative recombination;saturated-hydrocarbons; nonequilibrium plasma; collisional relaxation; oxygen mixtures; molecular-ions
來(lái)源出版物: Progress in Energy and Combustion Science,2013,39(1): 61-110聯(lián)系郵箱: Starikovskiy,A; astariko@princeton.edu
Engineering Multidisciplinary綜合工程
被引頻次: 74
Hierarchical multi-innovation stochastic gradient algorithm for Hammerstein nonlinear system modeling
Abstract: This paper decomposes a Hammerstein nonlinear system into two subsystems,one containing the parameters of the linear dynamical block and the other containing the parameters of the nonlinear static block,and presents a hierarchical multi-innovation stochastic gradient identification algorithm for Hammerstein systems based on the hierarchical identification principle. The proposed algorithm is simple in principle and easy to implement on-line. A simulation example is provided to test the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
Keywords: squares identification methods; errors-in-variables; dual-rate systems; parameter-estimation; armax systems; accuracy
來(lái)源出版物: Applied Mathematical Modelling,2013,37(4): 1694-1704聯(lián)系郵箱: Ding,F(xiàn); fding@jiangnan.edu.cn
被引頻次: 57
Two-stage least squares based iterative estimation algorithm for CARARMA system modeling
Abstract: For stochastic systems described by the controlled autoregressive autoregressive moving average(CARARMA)models,a new-type two-stage least squares based iterative algorithm is proposed for identifying the system model parameters and the noise model parameters. The basic idea is based on the interactive estimation theory and to estimate the parameter vectors of the system model and the noise model,respectively. The simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm is effective.
Keywords: parameter-estimation algorithm; rate stochastic-systems; moving average systems; state-space models; dual-rate systems;identification methods; performance analysis; forgetting factor; auxiliary model; miso systems
來(lái)源出版物: Applied Mathematical Modelling,2013,37(7): 4798-4808聯(lián)系郵箱: Ding,F(xiàn); fding@jiangnan.edu.cn
被引頻次: 55
The effects of MHD and temperature dependent viscosity on the flow of non-Newtonian nanofluid in a pipe: Analytical solutions
Abstract: This article examines the magnetohydrodynamic(MHD)flow of non-Newtonian nanofluid in a pipe. The temperature of the pipe is assumed to be higher than the temperature of the fluid. In particular two temperature dependent viscosity models,have been considered. The nonlinear partial differential equations along with the boundary conditions are first cast into a dimensionless form and then the equations are solved by homotopy analysis method(HAM). Explicit analytical expressions for the velocity field,the temperature distribution and nano concentration have been derived analytically. The effects of various physical parameters on velocity,temperature andnano concentration are discussed by using graphical approach.
Keywords: homotopy analysis method; 3rd grade fluid; differential-equations
來(lái)源出版物: Applied Mathematical Modelling,2013,37(3): 1451-1467聯(lián)系郵箱: Ellahi,R; rellahi@engr.ucr.edu
被引頻次: 49
Static,free vibration and buckling analysis of isotropic and sandwich functionally graded plates using a quasi-3D higher-order shear deformation theory and a meshless technique
Neves,AMA; Ferreira,AJM; Carrera,E; et al.
Abstract: In this paper the authors derive a higher-order shear deformation theory for modeling functionally graded plates accounting for extensibility in the thickness direction.
The explicit governing equations and boundary conditions are obtained using the principle of virtual displacements under Carrera's Unified Formulation. The static and eigenproblems are solved by collocation with radial basis functions.
The efficiency of the present approach is assessed with numerical results including deflection,stresses,free vibration,and buckling of functionally graded isotropic plates and functionally graded sandwich plates.
Keywords: radial basis functions; laminated composite plates; petrov-galerkin method; 3-dimensional elasticity solution;partial-differential-equations; computational fluid-dynamics; data approximation scheme; thick rectangular-plates; finite-element-analysis;closed-form solutions
來(lái)源出版物: Composites Part B-engineering,2013,44(1): 657-674聯(lián)系郵箱: Ferreira,AJM; ferreira@fe.up.pt
被引頻次: 47
Combined state and least squares parameter estimation algorithms for dynamic systems
Abstract: The control theory and automation technology cast the glory of our era. Highly integrated computer chip and automation products are changing our lives. Mathematical models and parameter estimation are basic for automatic control. This paper discusses the parameter estimation algorithm of establishing the mathematical models for dynamic systems and presents an estimated states based recursive least squares algorithm,and the states of the system are computed through the Kalman filter using the estimated parameters. A numerical example is provided to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
Keywords: moving average systems; box-jenkins systems; identification methods; performance analysis; iterative estimation; model
來(lái)源出版物: Applied Mathematical Modelling,2014,38(1): 403-412聯(lián)系郵箱: Ding,F(xiàn); fding@jiangnan.edu.cn
Engineering Ocean 海洋工程
被引頻次: 15
Modification and Tests of Particle Probe Tips to Mitigate Effects of Ice Shattering
Korolev,A; Emery,E; Creelman,K
Abstract: Ice particle shattering may significantly contaminate measurements taken by airborne particle probes in ice clouds. Environment Canada and the NASA Glenn Research Center(GRC)undertook efforts to modify and test probe tips in order to mitigate the effect of shattering on measurements. This work presents an overview of the results obtained during the design work on the particle probe arm tips. Even though this work was focused on the modifications of three of the probes-Particle Measuring Systems Inc.(PMS)Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probe and optical array probe,and Droplet Measurement Technologies(DMT)Cloud Imaging Probe-the outcomes of this work bear a general character and are applicable to other similar instruments. The results of the airflow analysis around the probe's housing and the simulations of particle bouncing from the probe tips are discussed here. The originally designed and modified tips were tested in a high-speed wind tunnel in ice and liquid sprays. The ice particle bouncing processes as well as patterns of water shedding over the surface of the probes arms were studied with the help of a high-speed video camera. It was found that at aircraft speed,after bouncing from a solid surface,ice particles may travel several centimeters across the airflow and bounce forward up to 1 cm. For the first time it has been directly documented with high-speed video recording that the sample volumes of particle probes with the originally designed tips are contaminated by shattered and bounced particles. A set of recommendations on the existing modification and the design of future particle probe housings is presented.
Keywords: optical array probes; crystals; breakup; fssp; size
來(lái)源出版物: Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,2013,30(4): 690-708聯(lián)系郵箱: Korolev,A; alexei.korolev@ec.gc.ca
被引頻次: 14
Depth-induced wave breaking in a non-hydrostatic,near-shore wave model
Smit,P; Zijlema,M; Stelling,G
Abstract: The energy dissipation in the surf-zone due to wave breaking is inherently accounted for in shock-capturing non-hydrostaticwave models,but this requires high vertical resolutions. To allow coarse vertical resolutions a hydrostatic front approximation is suggested. It assumes a hydrostatic pressure distribution at the front of a breaking wave which ensures that the wave front develops a vertical face. Based on the analogy between a hydraulic jump and a turbulent bore,energy dissipation is accounted for by ensuring conservation of mass and momentum. Results are compared with observations of random,uni-directional waves in wave flumes,and to observations of short-crested waves in a wave basin. These demonstrate that the resulting model can resolve the relevant near-shore wave processes in a short-crested wave-field,including wave breaking and wave-driven horizontal circulations.
Keywords: boussinesq-type equations; free-surface flows; shallow-water; propagation; nearshore; zone; form
來(lái)源出版物: Coastal Engineering,2013,76: 1-16聯(lián)系郵箱: Smit,P; p.b.smit@tudelft.nl
被引頻次: 14
Perturbation of dispersive shallow water waves
Razborova,P; Triki,H; Biswas,A
Abstract: This paper addresses the dynamics of dispersive shallow water wave that is governed by the Rosenau-KdV equation with power law nonlinearity. The singular 1-soliton solution is derived by the ansatz method. Subsequently,the soliton perturbation theory is applied to obtain the adiabatic parameter dynamics of the water waves. Finally,the integration of the perturbed Rosenau-KdV equation is obtained by the ansatz method as well as the semi-inverse variational principle.
Keywords: power-law nonlinearity; solitary waves; rosenau-kdv; solitons; equation
來(lái)源出版物: Ocean Engineering,2013,63: 1-7聯(lián)系郵箱: Biswas,A; biswas.anjan@gmail.com
被引頻次: 14
Simulating coastal engineering processes with OpenFOAM(R)
Higuera,P; Lara,JL; Losada,IJ
Abstract: In the present work,the OpenFOAM(R)newly developed wave generation and active absorption boundary condition presented in the companion paper(Higuera et al.,submitted for publication)is validated. In order to do so the simulation of some of the most interesting physical processes in coastal engineering is carried out and comparisons with relevant experimental benchmark cases presented. Water waves are found to be generated realistically and agreement between laboratory and numerical data is very high regarding wave breaking,run up and undertow currents.
Keywords: 3-dimensional interaction; wave generation; circular island; long waves; breaking; runup; models
來(lái)源出版物: Coastal Engineering,2013,71: 119-134聯(lián)系郵箱: Losada,IJ; losadai@unican.es
被引頻次: 13
In Situ CO2and O2Measurements on a Profiling Float
Fiedler,B; Fietzek,P; Vieira,N; et al.
Abstract: In recent years,profiling floats,which form the basis of the successful international Argo observatory,are also being considered as platforms for marine biogeochemical research. This study showcases the utility of floats as a novel tool for combined gas measurements of CO2partial pressure(pCO2)and O2. These float prototypes were equipped with a small-sized and submersible pCO2sensor and an optode O2sensor for high-resolution measurements in the surface ocean layer. Four consecutive deployments were carried out during November 2010 and June 2011 near the Cape Verde Ocean Observatory(CVOO)in the eastern tropical North Atlantic. The profiling float performed upcasts every 31 h while measuring pCO2,O2,salinity,temperature,and hydrostatic pressure in the upper 200 m of the water column. To maintain accuracy,regular pCO2sensor zeroings at depth and surface,as well as optode measurements in air,were performed for each profile. Through the application of data processing procedures(e.g.,time-lag correction),accuracies of floatborne pCO2measurements were greatly improved(10-15 mu atm for the water column and 5 mu atm for surface measurements). O2measurements yielded an accuracy of 2 mu mol kg-1. First results of this pilot study show the possibility of using profiling floats as a platform for detailed and unattended observations of the marine carbon and oxygen cycle dynamics.
Keywords: atmospheric CO2; north-atlantic; oxygen sensors; carbonic-acid; global ocean; seawater; calibration; systems; pCO2; pervaporation
來(lái)源出版物: Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,2013,30(1): 112-126聯(lián)系郵箱: Fiedler,B; bfiedler@geomar.de
Engineering Petroleum 石油工程
被引頻次: 9
A review of mineral carbonation technology in sequestration of CO2
Abstract: Mineral carbonation technology(MCT)is a process whereby CO2is chemically reacted with calcium-and/or magnesiumcontaining minerals to form stable carbonate materials which do not incur any long-term liability or monitoring commitments. Mineralcarbonation is a potentially attractive sequestration technology for the permanent and safe storage of CO2. Vast amounts of magnesium silicate minerals exist worldwide that may be carbonated,with magnesium carbonate as stable and environmentally harmless product. In this review,a number of processes under development,such as the Abo Akademi University(AA)Process routes,the CO2Energy Reactor(c),and the chemical and biological catalytic enhancement as new carbon capture and sequestration(CCS)technology are discussed. The key factors of the mineral CO2sequestration process are identified,their influence on the carbonation process and environmental impact of the reaction products with regard to their possible beneficial utilization are critically evaluated. Chemistry and comparative analysis of residues and ores carbonation processes,as well as cost and gap analyses of this technology are discussed.
Keywords: incinerator bottom ash; olivine dissolution kinetics; fly-ash; wollastonite carbonation; accelerated carbonation; dioxide sequestration; calcite precipitation; aqueous carbonation; industrial-wastes; steelmaking slags
來(lái)源出版物: Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2013,109: 364-392聯(lián)系郵箱: Olajire,AA; olajireaa@yahoo.com
被引頻次: 8
An Improved Method for the Determination of Petroleum Hydrocarbons From Soil Using a Simple Ultrasonic Extraction and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometry
Couto,MN; Borges,JR; Guedes,P; et al.
Abstract: An environmentally friendly,cheap,and quick method for total petroleum hydrocarbons determination in solid matrixes(soil and sediments)is described. The method involves a simple extraction process(ultrasonic bath)and requires reduced amounts of solvent and solid sample. The analysis is carried out by Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometry. Detection limits were 63 or 24 mg kg-1depending on the cell path length(10 or 40 mm,respectively). The method is suitable for application in weathered contaminated soils,which usually presents low availability of contaminants and seems to be a good choice,for instance,for monitoring evolution of soil or sediment recovering during a decontamination process.
Keywords: natural attenuation; oil; validation; grease; water
來(lái)源出版物: Petroleum Science and Technology,2014,32(4): 426-432聯(lián)系郵箱: Couto,MN; maria.couto@fc.up.pt
被引頻次: 8
Modeling of fault reactivation and induced seismicity during hydraulic fracturing of shale-gas reservoirs
Rutqvist,J; Rinaldi,AP; Cappa,F(xiàn); et al.
Abstract: We have conducted numerical simulation studies to assess the potential for injection-induced fault reactivation and notable seismic events associated with shale-gas hydraulic fracturing operations. The modeling is generally tuned toward conditions usually encountered in the Marcellus shale play in the Northeastern US at an approximate depth of 1500 m(similar to 4500 ft). Our modeling simulations indicate that when faults are present,micro-seismic events are possible,the magnitude of which is somewhat larger than the one associated with micro-seismic events originating from regular hydraulic fracturing because of the larger surface area that is available for rupture. The results of our simulations indicated fault rupture lengths of about 10-20 m,which,in rare cases,can extend to over 100 m,depending on the fault permeability,the in situ stress field,and the fault strength properties. In addition to a single event rupture length of 10-20 m,repeated events and aseismic slip amounted to a total rupture length of 50 m,along with a shear offset displacement of less than 0.01 m. This indicates that the possibility of hydraulically induced fractures at great depth(thousands of meters)causing activation of faults and creation of a new flow path that can reach shallow groundwater resources(or even the surface)is remote. The expected low permeability of faults in producible shale is clearly a limiting factor for the possible rupture length and seismic magnitude. In fact,for a fault that is initially nearly-impermeable,the only possibility of a larger fault slip event would be opening by hydraulic fracturing; this would allow pressure to penetrate the matrix along the fault and to reduce the frictional strength over a sufficiently large fault surface patch. However,our simulation results show that if the fault is initially impermeable,hydraulic fracturing along the fault results in numerous small micro-seismic events along with the propagation,effectively preventing larger events from occurring. Nevertheless,care should be taken with continuous monitoring of induced seismicity during the entire injection process to detect any runaway fracturing along faults.
Keywords: pore pressure excess; fluid-flow; appalachian stress; CO2injection; permeability; leakage; rock; sequestration; earthquakes;maintenance
來(lái)源出版物: Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2013,107: 31-44聯(lián)系郵箱: Rutqvist,J; Jrutqvist@lb.gov
被引頻次: 7
Synthesis and evaluation of biosurfactant produced by Candida lipolytica using animal fat and corn steep liquor
Santos,DKF; Rufino,RD; Luna,JM; et al.
Abstract: In the present study,low-cost media based on animal fat and corn steep liquor combined with glucose,yeast extract,urea and other inorganic nitrogen sources were evaluated for the production of biosurfactants by the yeast Candida lipolytica UCP0988 in batchshake flasks. At the end of the 6-day fermentation period,the medium containing only animal fat(5%)and corn steep liquor(2.5%)yielded the maximal reduction in surface tension(from 50 to 28 mN/m). The properties of the biosurfactant separated by different organic solvent extractions were investigated and the critical micelle concentration was determined. Preliminary chemical characterisation revealed the anionic nature of the biosurfactant. Compositional analysis of the biosurfactant was carried out using thin layer chromatography. The biosurfactant produced by the isolate was characterised as a glycolipid. Emulsification activity and surface tension stability of the biosurfactant produced using different hydrocarbons and vegetable oils and the effect of pH,temperature and the addition of salt were also studied. The cell-free broth(crude biosurfactant)was effective at recovering up to 70% of the residual oil from oil-saturated sand samples and also effective at oil displacement(54%). The crude biosurfactant from C lipolytica and aqueous solutions of the isolated biosurfactant at 0.04%,0.08% and 0.16% were effective in recovering up to 100% of the motor oil from the walls of the beakers. These properties indicate the potential of a cheaply produced glycolipid for application in the oil industry.
Keywords: solid-state fermentation; tensio-active agent; bacillus-subtilis; thermophilic conditions; pseudomonas-aeruginosa; sphaerica ucp0995; crude-oil; bombicola; strain; surfactant
來(lái)源出版物: Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2013,105: 43-50聯(lián)系郵箱: Sarubbo,LA; leonie@unicap.br
被引頻次: 7
CO2Injection in Vertical and Horizontal Cores: Measurements and Numerical Simulation
Moortgat,J; Firoozabadi,A; Li,ZD et al.
Abstract: In certain high-pressure and low-temperature reservoirs,the density of CO2may be substantially higher than the oil density. Upon mixing of CO2and oil,a gas phase with a high content of methane(C-1)may also appear. When the C-1 content is high,this gas phase may have a lower density than the oil. In relation to this phenomenon,we have conducted three comprehensive experiments studying CO2injection from the top and bottom of a vertical core and injection in a horizontal core. The injection rate is 1 PV/day. This low rate allows the study of diffusion. The core diameter used in this work is 3.8 cm and the length is 27.3 cm. The tests are conducted at a pressure of 441 bar and a temperature of 60 degrees C. At 2.6 hydrocarbon pore volume injection(PVT),the coreflood results give a recovery of 98% for bottom injection,84% for top injection,and 92% for horizontal injection. We have also conducted an extensive set of measurements to determine swelling,viscosity,and density for the calibration of an equation of state. We simulate the experiments using a state-of-the-art higher-order finite-element three-phase compositional model. The simulations suggest that the endpoint relative permeability of the CO2-rich phase may be lower than the oil phase. The results also show that Fickian diffusion should be taken into account,but that the diffusion coefficients are reduced,because the CO2/oil mixtures are in the near-critical region for much of the injection. Even for a horizontal core there is a considerable gravity effect. One main conclusion is that there may be vast differences between CO2injection in a 1D slim tube and in a core where there may be a 2D flow. A related conclusion is that analysis of CO2coreflooding may provide important parameters for field-scale problems.
Keywords: discontinuous galerkin; fractured media; mixed methods; diffusion
來(lái)源出版物: Spe Journal,2013,18(2): 331-344聯(lián)系郵箱: ; jmoortgat@rerinst.org
Stochastic Synchronization of Markovian Jump Neural Networks With Time-Varying Delay Using Sampled Data
Wu,ZG; Shi,P; Su,HY; et al.
In this paper,the problem of sampled-data synchronization for Markovian jump neural networks with time-varying delay and variable samplings is considered. In the framework of the input delay approach and the linear matrix inequality technique,two delay-dependent criteria are derived to ensure the stochastic stability of the error systems,and thus,the master systems stochastically synchronize with the slave systems. The desired mode-independent controller is designed,which depends upon the maximum sampling interval. The effectiveness and potential of the obtained results is verified by two simulation examples.
exponential stability analysis; distributed delays; discrete; parameters; systems; stabilization