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Losing the Internet You Grew Up with懷念伴隨我們長大的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)

2015-04-17 15:31byJulieBeck
瘋狂英語·新策略 2015年6期

by Julie Beck

Cass 譯

Losing the Internet You Grew Up with懷念伴隨我們長大的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)

by Julie Beck

Cass 譯


I n sixth or seventh grade, my best friend and I were obsessed with a1)fanfctioncalledThe Fellowship of the Banana Peel.It was pretty much what it sounds like—a reimagining ofThe Lord of the Ringsin which the One Ring is replaced by a banana peel.We printed it out and brought it to school in one of those pocketed paper folders, reading it to each other at lunch and between classes.An ongoing bit was that bananas made Elrond sick—“The smell2)permeateseverything,” I remember him saying sadly, repeatedly, throughout the time the Fellowship was at3)Rivendell.

It was so stupid.It made us so happy.I can’t fnd it anywhere.

The Internet is a great facilitator of4)nostalgia.It remembers the things you’ve forgotten, and with just a little prompting can usually hand you the thing your mind was5)fumblingfor—where do I know that actress from, or what’s that song that goes like “a chicka-cherry cola?”Instagram observes Throwback Thursday;6)Spotifysuggests songs that were popular when you were in high school; there’s a pair of websites whose entire reason for existence is to play a 24-hour stream of old7)Nickelodeonor8)Cartoon Networkshows from the 90s and 2000s.




But when you grow up with the Internet, inevitably some of the things you’re nostalgic for come from the Internet itself.The popular app Timehop recognizes this, showing the user photos and social media posts from the same date in past years.It’s not so much my tweets from fve years ago that I want to revisit, though.It’s watchingTeen Girl Squadcartoons on Homestarrunner.com huddled around a screen in the high school computer lab; playing Text Twist and Bubble Spinner in the suite of my college dorm, the cultural touchstones that were as much a part of being young, for me, as listening to Dashboard Confessional and watchingThe O.C.(And now you know exactly how old I am.)

1 ) fanfction 同人小說,指利用原有漫畫、動畫、小說、影視作品中的人物角色、故事情節(jié)或背景設定等進行的二次創(chuàng) 作。同人小說一般是以網(wǎng)絡小說為載體,近年來,伴隨體育人物、娛樂人物、政治人物等社會人物的高密度曝光, 同人小說當中的真人同人小說也逐漸興起

2 ) permeate ['pз?m?e?t] v.彌漫,滲透

3 ) Rivendell 瑞文戴爾,意為“很深的裂谷”,電影《指環(huán)王》中精靈領主埃爾隆德所統(tǒng)領的一個精靈分支居住的地方

4 ) nostalgia [n?s't?ld???] n.鄉(xiāng)愁,懷舊之情

5 ) fumble ['f?mbl] v.摸索,笨手笨腳地做

6 ) Spotify “聲破天”(非官方譯名),全球最大的正版流媒體音樂服務平臺之一,于2008年在瑞典首都斯德哥爾摩 正式上線

7 ) Nickelodeon 美國知名的有線電視頻道,主營兒童節(jié)目

8 ) Cartoon Network 由美國透納廣播公司(Turner Brocasting System;TBS)成立的一個專門播放動畫節(jié)目的有線電視頻道, 后來隨TBS一起并入時代華納


Those things are still just a Google away.But other relics of Internet past have slipped beyond reach, like the tale of a young hobbit and the smelly banana peel he is fated to carry into Mordor.“The Internet is forever,” they say, but that’s not always true.Websites come and go as the fortunes of companies rise and fall.

Take Quizilla, for example.It was the original bastion of “What Kind of X Are You?” online quizzes.And while people did visit the site to find out which Disney princess they were, Quizilla also became an unlikely home for fction, fan and otherwise.The platform was not really conducive to storytelling—stories were often serialized in that people would post new quizzes for each chapter, which were usually one question long, with the “answer” just a bubble that said“click here.” Then you’d click “Go,” and end up on a results page that might be more of the story, or might be nothing, to the best of my recollection.

I have to rely on my recollection because Quizilla doesn’t exist anymore.It was acquired by Viacom in 2006, and lived on TeenNick.com for a while, until the site was retired in October 2014, and old Quizilla profles and quizzes were deleted.

Some of the story quizzes were very popular—in particular, I remember one calledI’m a Girl...in an ALL BOYS BOARDING SCHOOL?!?!It was exactly the kind of9)Mary Sue-ishadventure you’d imagine; the titular girl the only available object of affection for a school stocked with heterosexual boys.But it was more silly than hot-and-heavy, like if the Amanda Bynes vehicle10)She’s The Manhad been written (without the loosely Shakespearean plot) by a teen.And in 2005, I eagerly read every installment.

Even if websites don’t disappear, they evolve.As a young11)Francophile, in early high school I frequented the chat room on a website called Polyglot, where people from different countries helped each other learn languages.It has since been rebranded “Polyglot Club” and my old account is irretrievable.

That might be for the best—whatever I would find would be embarrassing at best, horrifying at worst.This was the rationale behind deleting my old12)Xangas.That, and not wanting anyone I know to ever see what I thought was cool to post on the Internet when I was 14.







I think the same logic might explain the disappearance ofThe Fellowship of The Banana Peel.This is my (totally speculative) theory.It was on Fanfction.net, as I recall, a website that still exists.No amount of searching has turned it up, though I did learn that apparently, if enough time goes by,The Fellowship of The Banana Peelwill figure intoLord of the Ringsfanfiction more than once.Whoever wrote the story probably just grew up, got embarrassed, and took it down.

It’s understandable.I am mostly glad I deleted my old blogs, but I do miss them a little.There was an un-self-consciousness to them that hasn’t existed in my writing since, a freedom of expression that can maybe only bloom in the brief window of adolescence.It might have started withThe Fellowship of the Banana Peel—it wasn’t long after reading it that my friend and I started writing our own fanfction.We weren’t worried about who would read it, or how bad it was.It just made us happy.

9 ) Mary Sue-ish 瑪麗蘇式的,二十世紀七十年代,由于科幻題材影片的普及和科幻小說的風靡,出現(xiàn)了一群以同人化科幻小說為愛好的領軍人物。更有一些完全是為了讓自己過把癮而把自我?guī)朐?,進行一番驚天地泣鬼神經(jīng)歷的寫作。1973年,保拉·史密斯以瑪麗·蘇作為女主角惡搞了一篇《星際迷航》同人小說——《星際迷航傳奇》,將女主人公瑪麗·蘇塑造為偶像般的完美女性

10) She’s The Man 《足球尤物》,電影講述高中生薇歐拉為了繼續(xù)踢足球,趁著雙胞胎哥哥塞巴斯蒂安出國,女扮男裝冒充塞巴斯蒂安前往他的新寄宿學校,加入足球校隊的故事。電影劇情改編自莎士比亞的著名喜劇《第十二夜》

11) Francophile ['fr?nk?,fa?] adj.崇拜法國的,親法的

12) Xanga 一個提供網(wǎng)志托管服務的網(wǎng)站,服務包括攝影博客、網(wǎng)志及社交網(wǎng)絡服務,其使用者大部分是青少年和年輕人,年齡由10歲起,寫網(wǎng)志的人通常自稱為“Xangans”



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