1—5 "CCDCB 6—10 "BCABB
1—5 "CDCBC 6—10 "CAACD
1—5 "ADCDD 6—10 "DCCDA
1—5 "AACBD 6—10 "BBDDC
1—5 " " "CCCCD 6—10 " "CABAB
11—15 "DCDDB 16—20 "BBCDC
1—5 " " "DCCAC 6—10 " "ABADC
11—15 "DCDBA 16—20 "BAADB
1—5 " " "DBABD 6—10 " "ABCBA 11—15 "BADDA
16—20 "CDADB 21—25 "ACDAA 26—30 "BABBA
31—35 "CCBAD 36—40 "DCBBA 41—45 "ADDBD
46—50 "AADDC 51—55 "AADDA 56—60 "ACBBC
61—65 "BDCBB
1—5 " " "BBAAB 6—10 " "ADCCB 11—15 "ADDBC
1—5 "DACCC 6—10 "BACCB
1—5 "BCBCB 6—10 "BCDBA
1—5 "DBACA 6—10 "CAADB
1—5 "ABBAC 6—10 "ACDCD
1—5 " " "BACDB 6—10 " "BACDC
11—15 "ABCDA 16—20 "CBDBC
1—5 " " "ACDBD 6—10 " "ACDCD
11—15 "BBADC 16—20 "DCABD
1—5 " " "BACDB 6—10 " "BACCA
11—15 "CBCDA 16—20 "CBABD
1—5 " " "BDCAA 6—10 " "CCDBA
11—15 "CBBA D 16—20 "CADDB
1—5 " " "DABCB 6—10 " "DBCAC
11—15 "ADCAD 16—20 "BBDCA
1—5 " " "CBDAB 6—10 " "ADBCA
11—15 "BCCDA 16—20 "BBDDA
1—5 " " "CDDCA 6—10 " "BDDCD
11—15 "ABABB 16—20 "ABCAC
1—5 " " "BACDB 6—10 " "BACDC
11—15 "ABCDA 16—20 "CBDBC
1. 1—4 "DCDA 2. 1—4 "CDAB 3. 1—4 "ABCB
4. 1—4 "ADAD 5. 1—4 "DBAD 6. 1—4 "BABD
7. 1—4 "BDBA 8. 1—4 "CDAA 9. 1—4 "BBCB
10. 1—4 "DBCD 11. 1—4 "AABA 12. 1—4 "DCDA
13. 1—4 "DBAD 14. 1—4 "CBCC 15. 1—4 "BCAD
16. 1—4 "DABA 17. 1—4 "BBAD 18. 1—4 "ACAC
19. 1—4 "CBCB 20. 1—4 "BADB
1: 1—5 "EGFDB 2: 1—5 "BDAFE 3: 1—5 "ACBFE
4: 1—5 "DECGF 5. 1—5 "ACDGF 6. 1—5 "ACFGD
7. 1—5 "FGEDC 8. 1—5 "ADGFC
1. To practice random kindness and acts of beauty.
2. Because she thought it was meaningful.
3. Anne Herbert.
4. Because they can spread kindness through.
5. To call on people to practice random kindness.
1. It usually means “a stupid person”.
2. To help people learn to do things they can’t.
3. DOS for Dummies.
4. Just necessary information for readers to do what they want.
5. Technology and personal finance books./The books explaining technology and personal finance.
1. Because he wanted to pay his way through school.
2. A large glass of milk.
3. A famous doctor.
4. The woman who once gave Howard Kelly milk.
5. The woman needn’t pay anything.
1. He set his mind on building up his body.
2. At Ridgway’s School of Adventure in Scotland.
3. Difficult/Hard/Dangerous/Exhausting.
4. After he became a skillful skier.
5. He will head south to the South Pole and back.
1. The origin of a special day for mothers.
2. Ancient Rome.
3. Choose a special day for thanking mothers.
4. President Woodrow Wilson.
5. Because people were too interested in making it a business.
/Because it lost its original purpose. /Because it was taken over
by businers.
1. Because he felt that his potatoes were too thick.
2. In the Moon Lake Restaurant in New York.
3. French-fried potatoes.
4. He felt pleased/happy/satisfied with them.
5. The invention of the mechanical potato peeler.
/That the mechanical peeler was invented.
1. The Canadian junior pairs championship.
2. Disappointed/Sad.
3. She found a job at a restaurant.
4. She got him a free cup with a smile.
5. It is important to do his/her best at anything.
1. College graduates.
2. Because they wanted a girl.
3. In the middle of one night.
4. It was one of his best decisions.
5. By returning coke bottles for money.
Dear Li Hua,
Your problem is∧common one among middle school students.
Maybe the following advices can help you. First in all, believe in yourself.
advice " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " of
Your greatest problem is that you lack self-confidence. The first thing you must do it is to smile at your classmates. One smile speaks loud about
your wish to make friends than any word. Your smile will show that you are friendly to him. Next, trying talking with a student who is as
them " " " " " " "try
shy as you or who share the same interest with you. Unless anyone is in
shares " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "If
trouble, you should be ready to help him or her. Once you have confidence, you can make as many friends as possibly.
Last Friday our school invited a foreign teacher in our city∧
give a class to the students of Senior Grade Two. We found his class interested. I learned a lot of from him. The teachers had a free talk to us
interesting " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " teacher
with easy English. He spoke slow so that we could understand him
in " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " nbsp; " " " " slowly
well. Sometimes he repeated what we don’t understand. My classmates
were all active. To his joy, I understood everything which the teacher
my " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "改為that或刪除which
said, and I was able to ask questions in English. This class encouraged
me very much. I’m sure that if we keep on practise, it will be easy for
us to learn spoken English well.
Corn, which was a useful plant can be cooked in different way,
is " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ways
is found all over the world today. In the West it is often boiled and
eaten by salt and butter. In many places which is made into powder. The
with " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " it
powder is then mixed with water and the other things, and make into
different kinds of food. Corn was∧the only food that was taken to
Europe. Tomato was the first that has been taken to Europe. This plant is
so useful as corn, and it can be grown in places where it is very cold to
as " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " too
grow rice.
Today is Sunday. I’ve been in Canada for two months. This is the first time that I’ve been away∧my family for such a long time. With the
help of Katia, a roommate of me, I’ve soon got used to live without my
mine " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " living
parents around. Katia, like "many other Russian girls, are nice and lively.
We became friends shortly after we meet each other. Although her
English is a little hardly to understand, we enjoy chatting and we
usually talk a lot about our own family. We’re both surprised that Chinese
culture or Russian culture are so different. Now we are planning a small
party for the next Sunday. There, Katia will introduce me to some of her
friends, one of who has been "to China several times. I just can’t wait.
Uncle Marion was one of my mother’s younger brother. He is died
brothers " " " " dead
now. When I was a teenager, he taught us how to hunt in the New Jersey
woods used the hours before dawn. We usually left home at three o’clock
in the morning, stayed in∧local restaurant for breakfast, and then travel
a " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "traveled
on to one of his hunting destinations. Just after dawn, he would find the
right spot in the woods. He would show me how not to make a sound and a movement. Though I never hunted an animal successfully, but I
learned to be brave and patiently through the experience.
In recent years many flowers shops have been appeared in our small
town. It is common for people to buy flowers when they go to a gathering, visiting a sick friend, or attend a wedding or birthday party. I still remember
clear one day last year when Tom, a disabled student, presented some
flowers to his mother to express his gratitude for her. He owing his entire
to " " " " " " " owed
life to his mother’s kind and care. With her he would not have had the
kindness " " " " " "Without
confidence or the courage to fight his disability. As a result∧the great
effort he has made, he was finally admitted to a key university.
Dear Sir,
Last year I bought the refrigerator in your store on Hong Qi Street.
We all like the shape of the refrigerator. Recently I have found anything
is wrong with it. It begins to make a noise when it∧turned on. At first it
is low but gradual it becomes louder and louder. To make matter worse, it
gradually " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "matters
even stopped working sometimes. We all feel disappointing. I am writing
stops " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " disappointed
to you to ask for help. Would you please send a person to repair∧? I
will be at home this weekend. Please call me until you come here. My
telephone number is 66065531. Thanks you very much.
Li Ming
One day I pushed my cousin Li Dong in∧wheelchair on an especial
a " " " " " " " " " " " " especially
narrow sidewalk. We struggled along with one wheel on the sidewalk or
the other on the road. Suddenly, a man∧rode his motorcycle passed us
rapidly, missing Li Dong by several inch. Immediately, he turned round,
stopped his motorcycle and came over. We were worried she would blame
us for have stood in his way. To our surprise, he said nothing at all and
helped out push the wheelchair until we reached a slightly wider sidewalk.
Then he left after we could say thanks to him. We were leaving ashamed
before " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "left
of what we thought.
Skiing is my favorite sport, even though I had only skied for four
days in my whole life! Last year my father promised that because my
brother Victor did well in his exams, he would bring us to South Korea
for a special holiday. When Victor got straight A’s, Dad said, “I promised a special holiday. I think I should keep my words.” Victor’s dream was to
see really snow. So we flew to Seoul at Christmas vacation, and then
real " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "for
took a bus to Muju Resort. Climbed up the mountain, we saw some snow
on the trees. We began to play∧snow! No one in "my family had ever
touched snow before. We were all like the little children. We picked it up,
made snowballs, and threw it at each other.
The first time I decide to leave home was when I was upon graduation
in high school. I was having trouble get along with my parents. I had
about fifty dollar in my pockets, and I thought about leaving home. It
took me only two weeks away from home while I started to feel homesick.
Living on my own is a total different experience for three main reasons:
being more responsible, more decisive and more creative. Because of
I’m on my own, I get to deal with my duties without being told∧. I
have to be more careful because my parents are not there to give me their
advice. In the other hand, I can make my own future plan. I have made
rules for me to follow.
One possible version:
Dear Li Hua,
I really feel sorry that you get some symptoms of anxiety before exams. Most of us feel nervous whenever we are taking an important exam. Some will feel dizzy, some will suffer from lack of sleep, and some will lose their appetite. In fact, all these symptoms have terrible effects on our exams.
First of all, in my opinion, exams are only a means of checking how we are getting along with our studies, so there is no need to worry too much about the results. You should just study hard every day and make careful plans for every exam.
Besides, enough sleep can help make us energetic so we should not stay up too late. We can try a hot bath or a cup of hot milk before going to bed.
In a word, it is important for us to have a right attitude towards exams.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
One possible version:
Dear Jane,
I’m sorry to hear that you are not very well these days. In your letter you asked me how to stay healthy. Here is my advice.
Firstly, you should keep a balanced diet. You should avoid eating food high in fat and too much sweet food. You’d better eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Secondly, taking exercise every day helps build a strong body. Why not take more exercise in your spare time? As we all know, regular exercise plays an important part in keeping us healthy. Finally, make sure you have enough sleep and you mustn’t stay up too late at night.
By eating properly and exercising regularly, you can keep your body at a proper weight and stay healthy. I truly hope my advice is helpful and you’ll get well soon.
Best wishes.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
One possible version:
Life in the future: for better or worse?
Many students are optimistic about life in the future. Some think that the world will be a better place than it is now and our lives will be greatly improved. With the development of economy and high technology, people will live a more convinient life and have a higher standard of living. Furthermore, People will live longer.
However, others are worried about the future. They think the world will become more crowded and polluted. Therefore,we will have even more environmental problems and live in a world with less energy available.
But in my opinion,I think we will find ways to solve our problems and everyone will live more happily.
One possible version:
Newspapers have been popular for a long time, but in recent years more and more people prefer to get news from the Internet.
Newspapers and websites are similar in several ways. For example, they both aim at providing information to the public. Besides that, advertising is an important way for both of them to make money.
In spite of the above similarities, there are a few differences. Websites update their news freely. As for newspapers, nothing can be changed once published. So websites offer us the latest news faster than newspapers. Furthermore, newspapers have to be paid for while most websites are free. And it is on the websites that we can express ourselves and exchange ideas with others more easily.
In my opinion, websites play more important roles in our lives and they can make us live a convinient modern life.
One possible version:
After the mid-term examination, a parents’ meeting will be held in our school. Parents’ meetings are often held to help parents contact the school and teachers and improve the students’ studies, but different people have different ideas. Here are our views on parents’ meetings.
Some students think it is of great importance to have the meeting for parents to know more about their children at school. What is more, parents can get some good advice and useful information from teachers. On the contrary, some students hold the view that there is no need to have the meeting because they think their parents may know their poor marks and improper behavior at school.
In my opinion, to understand children better, parents should keep in touch with teachers, so parents’ meetings are quite necessary.
One possible version:
Dear students,
As we know, safety is the most important thing in our lives. So, we should try our best to make sure we are safe. First of all, we should obey the school rules. Do not swim in rivers or ponds without our teachers’ or parents’ companion. And, we should be friendly to others so fighting is strongly banned. Secondly, make sure that we should always pay attention to the traffic on our way to school or home and obey the traffic rules strickly. Furthermore, if we meet some emergency, we must call for help from the police or our teachers. In a word, following these safety rules above can make us live in peace.
One possible version:
Dear Zhang Hua,
I’m sorry to hear that you have trouble in getting along well with the new class. So I hope I can give you a hand.
I think the biggest obstacle you meet with is yourself. You maybe regard yourself as a newcomer and look down upon yourself. Besides, there may be some difficulty in language since you are not a native student. Thus you are too shy to communicate with your classmates.
In terms of these, I’d like to offer you some suggestions. First, you should try to get rid of the feelings of being frustrated and lonely. Second, you should learn to talk with others actively and take an active part in various activities.
As for me, I’ll encourage more students to play with you. Also, I’ll help you with your study and daily life. In a word, I’m ready to help you whenever you turn to me for help.
I’m firmly convinced that you will soon become part of our class and you will enjoy it.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
One possible version
Dear Sir or Madam,
I feel bad to trouble you, but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about the new mobile phone that I purchased from your store.
I bought an iPone6 from your store for about 5300 yuan early this month. It was less than a week after I used it that I found something wrong with it. I couldn’t turn on the phone. I tried many times but failed. Although I have repaired it twice, it still doesn’t work.
This problem has affected my normal life. Would you please let me know whether I could return the phone to you for a replacement or get my refund? I hope that my problem will get your kind consideration.
Sincerely yours,
One possible version:
Dear editor,
I’m sorry to occupy your precious time. I really want to tell you something about the problem of some people keeping too many pets nowadays.
I consider the problem more and more serious for the following reasons. First of all, pets make too much noise that troubles residents a lot. What’s more, it’s widely accepted that animal wastes pollute the environment which makes people quite uncomfortable. Many owners like taking their pets to public places where they may frighten children or even sometimes bite people. The most important is that pets can spread some diseases and this has attracted much attention.
Taking all these factors into consideration, I sincerely hope that I can get help from you and expect the media to do something for this.
Yours truly,
Wang Lin