Yongtao Jing and Zhaoli Liu
School of Mathematical Sciences,Capital Normal University,Beijing 100048,P.R.China
Elliptic Systems with a Partially Sublinear LocalTerm
Yongtao Jing and Zhaoli Liu?
School of Mathematical Sciences,Capital Normal University,Beijing 100048,P.R.China
.Let 1<p<2.Under some assumptions onV,K,existence of infinitely many solutions(u,φ)∈H1(R3)×D1,2(R3)is proved for the Schr¨odinger-Poisson system(
as well as for the Klein-Gordon-Maxwell system
whereω,e>0.This is in sharp contrastto D’Aprile and Mugnai’snon-existence results.
AMS subject classifications:35A15,35J50
Schr¨odinger-Poisson system,Klein-Gordon-Maxwell system,infinitely many solutions.
In this paper,we study existence ofinfinitely many solutions(u,φ)∈H1(R3)×D1,2(R3)to the Schr¨odinger-Poisson system
for 1<p<2.
This system has a wide background in physics.It is reduced from the Hartree-Fock equations by a mean field approximation([9,10]).It also describes the Klein-Gordon orSchr¨odinger fields interacting with an electromagnetic field([3]).The related Thomas-Fermi-von Weizs¨acker model describes the ground states of nonrelativistic atoms and molecules in the quantum mechanics([1]).
We will consider the more general system
To state our main result,we need the following assumptions:
(V)V∈C(R3,R),infV>?∞,there isR>0 such that
(F)There exist positive numbersδandcandp∈(1,2)such thatf∈C(R3×[?δ,δ],R),f(x,t)is odd int,
and there existx0∈R3andr>0 such that
Theorem 1.1.Under(V)and(F),(1.2)has infinitely many nontrivial solutions in H1(R3)×D1,2(R3).
Assumption(V)makesVlook like a well-shaped potential.Note that the nonlinear termf(x,t)in assumption(F)is defined only for|t|≤δ.Accordingly,theL∞(R3)norm ofuin(u,φ),the solution we will obtain,will have to be less thanδ.
From(V)and(F),it is without loss of any generality to assume further in Theorem 1.1 that
This can be seen by adding ?νuto both sides of the first equation in(1.2),whereνis any number such thatν<infV.The assumption that infV≥1 and ∫R3V?1<∞was used in[6]in dealing with sublinear Schr¨odinger equations.
The following corollary is a direct consequence of Theorem 1.1.
Corollary 1.1.Under(V),if K∈C(R3,R),K is bounded,and there exists x0∈R3such that K(x0)>0,then(1.1)has infinitely many nontrivial solutions in H1(R3)×D1,2(R3).
Corollary 1.1 is in sharp contrast to the non-existence result for(1.1)in[2]which asserts that(1.1)has no nontrivial solution ifV≡1≡K.
A system similar to(1.1)is the following system of coupled Klein-Gordon-Maxwell equations
where 1<p<2 andω,e>0.The caseV≡m2andK≡1 is studied in[2],where one can find the physical meaning of the positive constantsm,e,ωand the physical background of(1.4).
Our second main result is for the more general system
Theorem 1.2.Under(V)and(F),(1.5)has infinitely many nontrivial solutions in H1(R3)×D1,2(R3).
As remarked above for Theorem 1.1,by adding(?ν+ω2)uto both sides of the first equation in(1.5)whereνis any number such thatν<infV,we can assume in addition in Theorem 1.2 that
The following corollary is a direct consequence of Theorem 1.2.
Corollary 1.2.Under(V),if K∈C(R3,R),K is bounded,and there exists x0∈R3such that K(x0)>0,then(1.4)has infinitely many nontrivial solutions in H1(R3)×D1,2(R3).
It is proved in[2]that ifV≡m2,K≡1,andm,e,ω>0 then(1.4)has no nontrivial solution.So Corollary 1.2 provides a sharp contrast.
The assumption∫R3V?1<∞,which is a crucial assumption in Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 according to D’Aprile and Mugnai’s non-existence results,will only provide compactness in our arguments.This assumption can be replaced with a similar assumption onKwhen considering(1.1)and(1.4),as illustrated in the following two theorems.
Theorem 1.4.Assume that V,K∈C(R3,R),infV>ω2,K∈Lss?p(R3)for some2≤s≤6,and there exists x0∈R3such that K(x0)>0,then(1.4)has infinitely many nontrivial solutions in H1(R3)×D1,2(R3).
Some preparations will be given in Section 2.Theorem 1.1 will be proved in Section 3 and Theorem 1.2 will be proved in Section 4.We will prove Theorems 1.3 and 1.4 in Sections 5 and 6 respectively.In this paper,CandCjare positive constants which may be variant even in the same line.
Consider the modified system
Any solution(u,φ)∈H1(R3)×D1,2(R3)of(2.1)satisfying ‖u‖L∞(R3)<δis clearly a solution of(1.2).Therefore it suffices to find infinitely many solutions(un,φn)of(2.1)with‖un‖L∞(R3)→0.The same remark holds for(1.5)and its modification
We will work in the Banach spaceEdefined to be
in which the norm is
From infV>0 andR3V?1<∞,it can be deduced that
Use the H¨older inequality to see that
SinceE■→L12/5(R3),it follows from the Riesz representation theorem that for anyu∈Ethere is a uniqueφ=φu∈D1,2(R3)such that the second equation in(2.1)is solved.Thisφuhas an explicit representation
We insert thisφuinto the first equation in(2.1).Then(2.1)can be rewritten as
Solutions of(2.6)will be found via critical point theory.Set
The functional associated with(2.6)is the functionalJdefined to be
To convert(2.2)to a single equation,we recall the following result from[2].
The functional associated with(2.9)is
Theorem B.Under the same assumptions as in Theorem A,Φhas a sequence of nonzero critical points converging to0.
To prove Theorem 1.1,we will apply Theorem B to prove thatJhas a sequence of critical points converging to 0 inEand then we will prove that this sequence also converges to 0 inL∞(R3).
We first verify the assumptions of Theorems A.Clearly,Jis aC1functional,Jis even and bounded below,andJ(0)=0.
Lemma3.1.J satisfies the(PS)condition.That is,any sequence{un}such that J(un)is bounded and J′(un)→0has a converging subsequence.
Proof.SinceJ(un)is bounded,it is clear that{un}is bounded.Therefore,we may extract a subsequence,still denoted by{un},such that
we may assume that
For anyv∈E,taking limit asn→∞in
we use(3.1a)-(3.3)to see that
Then it is easy to see that‖un?u‖→0.
Lemma 3.2.For any k∈N,there exist a k-dimensional subspace Ekof E and ρk>0such that
LetEk=span{v1,v2,···,vk}.Choose positive numbersξandτsuch that
for anyu∈Ek.From assumption(F),we findμ>0 such that
Letu∈Ekand ‖u‖=1.For 0<ρ<μ/τ,we have
To obtain(3.5)it suffices to chooseρ=ρksmall enough.
Proof of Theorem 1.1.According to Lemmas 3.1 and 3.2,all the assumptions in Theorem A are satisfied.By Theorem B,Jhas a sequence of critical points{un}converging to 0 inE.It suffices to prove that‖un‖L∞(R3)→0.
Sinceunsolves equation(2.6),we have
which together with the Sobolev inequality yields
To prove Theorem 1.2,we will apply Theorem B to prove that?Jhas a sequence of critical points converging to 0 inEand then we will prove that this sequence also converges to 0 inL∞(R3).
Choosea≥6/5 such that 1<a(p?1)<6.Then
From the equations
we have
From Lemma 2.2,forv∈E,we see that
Lettingn→∞and using(4.1)-(4.3)to conclude
Then it is easy to see that‖un?u‖→0.
Lemma 4.2.For any k∈N,there exist a k-dimensional subspace Ekof E and ρk>0such that
Proof.Since,by Lemma 2.2,
we have
The proof is then the same as that of Lemma 3.2.
Proof of Theorem 1.2.We use Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2 and the same argument as in the proof of Theorem 1.1.
The functional associated with(1.1)is the functionalIdefined to be
In order to prove Theorem 1.3,we will apply Theorem A to prove thatIhas a sequence of negative critical values converging to 0.
We first verify the assumptions of Theorems A.Clearly,Iis aC1functional,Iis even,andI(0)=0.
Lemma 5.1.I is coercive and bounded below.
Proof.By the H¨older inequality andφu≥0,we have
The conclusion follows since 1<p<2.
Lemma 5.2.I satisfies the(PS)condition.
Proof.Let{un}be a sequence such thatI(un)is bounded andI′(un)→ 0.SinceI(un)is bounded,it follows from Lemma 5.5 that{un}is bounded.Therefore,passing to a subsequence,we assume that
ByI′(un)→0 andun→uweakly inE,we have
We writeI1as
Using[5,Theorem 9.8],we have
The H¨older inequality implies
Combining the last two inequalities we conclude that
ForI2,by the H¨older inequality,for anyR>0,we have
Givenε>0,we fixR>0 such that
Lettingn→∞ andε→0,we see that
From(5.5),(5.9),and(5.13),we conclude that‖un?u‖→0.
Lemma 5.3.For any k∈N,there exist a k-dimensional subspace Ekof E and ρk>0such that
Proof.Chooseδ,r>0 such thatK(x)>δinBr(x0).DefineEkas in the proof of Lemma 3.2.
Letu∈Ekand ‖u‖=1.Forρ>0,we have
Since 1<p<2,it suffices to chooseρ=ρksmall enough.
Proof of Theorem 1.3.Use the above three lemmas and Theorem A.
which together with the assumption infV>ω2and the Sobolev inequality yields
From the equation
we have
Write the second integral on the right side as
For anyR>0,the H¨older inequality implies
Lemma 6.3.For any k∈N,there exist a k-dimensional subspace Ekof E and ρk>0such that
Proof.Note that
The proof of Lemma 5.3 works here.
Proof of Theorem 1.4.This is a consequence of the above three lemmas and Theorem A.
The authors are supported by NSFC(11271265,11331010)and BCMIIS.
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9 April,2015;Accepted 13 May,2015
?Corresponding author.Email address:zliu@cnu.edu.cn(Z.-L.Liu),jing@cnu.edu.cn(Y.-T.Jing)
Journal of Mathematical Study2015年3期