Modularized Fabrication of Steam Cracking Furnace
The radiant section of the first steam cracking furnace manufactured by means of overall modularized design for the 1.0 Mt/a ethylene unit at the second phase project of CNOOC’s Huizhou Petrochemical Complex has been successfully installed, which has symbolized the Chinese capability to realize the fabrication of large steam cracker by means of the overall modularized manufacture technique.
The modularized design and fabrication of large steam cracking furnace is a common development trend among international petrochemical manufacturers, however, China has not seen a good example yet, which would become a bottleneck preventing the domestic petrochemical manufacturers from barging into the international market. The technology related with the modularized breakdown and coordinated fabrication of steam cracking components, and transportation and installation of components on the plant site is a brand new idea introduced to the domestic equipment manufacturers. In comparison with the traditional method for fabrication of equipment components, the new method can allow for preparation of modules outside the plant in an environment with better conditions and installing the components transported to the plant site which is regarded as the onsite assembling of “building blocks”, characteristic of finest control, high efficiency, good quality and short construction duration along with the avoidance of overlapping of different construction works on the plant site to obviously increase the construction safety on the site.