童第華, 吳學仁, 劉建中 中航工業(yè)北京航空材料研究院, 北京 100095
童第華, 吳學仁*, 劉建中 中航工業(yè)北京航空材料研究院, 北京 100095
雙懸臂梁試樣; 權函數(shù); 位移加載條件; 應力強度因子; 裂紋嘴位移
國家標準GB/T 15970.6—2007[4]中給出的DCB試樣在位移加載情況下的應力強度因子表達式是根據(jù)梁的彈性柔度理論得到的,它適用于中心位于x=d點的螺栓對裂紋面進行位移加載的情況u(a/W,x/W=d/W),見圖1,其中:W為試樣的特征尺寸,本文中取為試樣寬度;a為裂紋長度。相比于位于試樣端部的裂紋嘴處的位移u(a/W,x/W=0),該加載點位移的測定不但很不方便,而且準確性差,更難以實現(xiàn)自動化測量。而裂紋嘴處的位移卻能夠通過位移規(guī)很準確地獲得。本文旨在根據(jù)裂紋嘴處的位移u(a/W,x/W=0)確定DCB試樣在裂紋面位移加載條件下的高精度應力強度因子,從而為采用這種試樣的材料損傷容限性能評價,特別是KISCC的高精度自動化測定提供理論依據(jù)。
圖1 雙懸臂梁(DCB)試樣 (a=l+d)
Fig.1 Double cantilever beam (DCB) specimen (a=l+d)
針對雙懸臂梁試樣,利用有限元程序ABAQUS建立不同a/W的有限元模型(試樣寬度W=100 mm,試樣高度h=10 mm),如圖2所示。裂紋尖端局部網(wǎng)格劃分如圖3所示,裂紋尖端采用退化的1/4節(jié)點奇異元,其他單元采用二次八節(jié)點等參元。加載形式為遠端均勻應力。
圖2 DCB試樣的有限元模型(由于對稱性,取一半)
Fig.2 Finite element model of DCB specimen (Because of symmetry, only half of DCB specimen was modelled)
圖3 裂紋尖端局部網(wǎng)格劃分
Fig.3 Finite element mesh of crack tip region
表1 不同裂紋長度情況下的無量綱應力強度因子和裂紋嘴位移(DCB試樣受遠端均勻應力作用)
Table 1 Normalized stress intensity factor and crack mouth displacement (DCB specimen subjected to remote uniform tension)
結合半無限大板邊緣裂紋的理論極限值fr=1.121 5和ur=2.908 6,通過擬合表1中DCB試樣的無量綱應力強度因子fr和無量綱裂紋嘴位移ur結果,即可得到多項式(6a)和式(6b)中的相應系數(shù)αi和γi,結果如下所示:當a/W≤0.6時,αi(i=0~6)=1.102 6, 4.454 1, 103.03, -531.32, 1 271.0, -1 584.3, 789.59;當a/W≤0.6時,γi(i=0~6)=2.900 3, -2.383 5, 624.56, -516.87, 290.29, -1 914.5, 1 611.5。
圖4 DCB試樣受遠端均勻應力作用下的無量綱應力強度因子和無量綱裂紋嘴位移擬合曲線
Fig.4 Fitting curves of normalized stress intensity factor and crack mouth displacement of DCB specimen subjected to remote uniform tension
表2 通過Wu和Carlsson權函數(shù)方法[7-8]確定的DCB試樣權函數(shù)系數(shù)值
Table 2 Weight function coefficients for DCB specimen based on Wu and Carlsson weight function method[7-8]
圖5 DCB試樣的3種格林函數(shù)(權函數(shù))的比較
Fig.5 Comparison of three Green’s functions (weight function) for DCB specimen (a/W=0.1-0.6)
圖6 利用裂紋面位移確定區(qū)段均布應力值σ和應力強度因子的流程圖
Fig.6 Flowchart of determination of segment uniform stress σ and stress intensity factor using crack surface displacements
GB/T 15970.6—2007[4]中給出了DCB試樣在螺栓加載情況下根據(jù)加載點位移u求解應力強度因子的表達式為
為了將權函數(shù)計算結果和式(10)進行對比,這里以d/W處的位移作為已知條件。對于圖1所示的DCB試樣,取W=100 mm,h=10 mm,d=10 mm,螺栓直徑為7.5 mm,a/W=0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6(與式(10)的適用范圍2≤l/h≤5對應)。結合第2節(jié)中通過Wu和Carlsson權函數(shù)法得到的DCB試樣權函數(shù)和式(9),得到了區(qū)段均布應力值與d/W=0.1處裂紋面位移的關系,如圖7所示。
將裂紋面區(qū)段均布應力值σ和權函數(shù)表達式(3)代入式(8),便能確定所對應的點位移加載條件下的應力強度因子K,結果如圖8所示。圖8 表明,基于權函數(shù)法得到的結果和GB/T 15970.6—2007[4]公式計算結果符合良好,最大差別為1.9% (當a/W=0.3,即l/h=2)。
圖7 DCB試樣在d/W=0.1處裂紋面位移加載下的無量綱區(qū)段均布應力
Fig.7 Normalized segment uniform stresses when DCB specimen subjected to crack surface displacement loading at location of d/W=0.1
圖8 DCB試樣在d/W=0.1處裂紋面位移加載下的無量綱應力強度因子
Fig.8 Normalized stress intensity factors when DCB specimen subjected to crack surface displacement loading at location of d/W=0.1
圖9 基于裂紋嘴位移確定DCB試樣在點位移加載下的無量綱應力強度因子(式(12)與權函數(shù)解的比較)
Fig.9 Determination of normalized stress intensity factor based on crack mouth displacements for DCB specimen subjected to point displacement loading (Comparison of Eq.(12) and weight function solutions)
1) 根據(jù)Wu和Carlsson權函數(shù)方法,首次給出了雙懸臂梁試樣的寬范圍高精度權函數(shù)解析表達式,相應的格林函數(shù)得到了Jing和Wu的復變函數(shù)泰勒級數(shù)展開方法結果的驗證。
2) 根據(jù)DCB試樣的權函數(shù)和裂紋面任意位置的位移,求解了在特定位置位移加載情況下的應力強度因子,并與GB/T15970.6—2007的公式作了對比,計算結果符合良好,最大差別為1.9%。
3) 提出了利用裂紋嘴位移反算應力強度因子的方法和DCB試樣在特定位置的裂紋面位移加載條件下的應力強度因子與裂紋嘴位移之間的關系??朔嗽趪覙藴蔊B/T15970.6—2007中,利用雙懸臂梁試樣測定應力腐蝕開裂門檻值KISCC時,必須通過測量螺栓中心點的裂紋面位移來求解應力強度因子的弊端,為采用這種試樣的材料損傷容限性能評價,特別是KISCC的高精度自動化測定奠定了基礎。
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童第華 男, 博士, 高級工程師。主要研究方向: 疲勞與斷裂力學。
Tel: 010-62496725
E-mail: tongdi133@163.com
吳學仁 男, 博士, 研究員, 博士生導師, 中國航空工業(yè)集團公司資深首席技術專家。主要研究方向: 斷裂力學與疲勞、 損傷容限技術、 材料的力學行為。
Tel: 010-62458003
E-mail: xueren.wu@gmail.com
Received: 2015-03-06; Revised: 2015-05-11; Accepted: 2015-05-27; Published online: 2015-06-29 13:49
URL: www.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.1929.V.20150629.1349.001.html
Foundation item: National Natural Science Foundation of China (11402249)
*Corresponding author. Tel.: 010-62458033 E-mail: xueren.wu@gmail.com
Weight function method of determining double cantilever beam specimen stress intensity factor by crack mouth displacement
TONG Dihua, WU Xueren*, LIU Jianzhong
Double cantilever beam (DCB) specimen has important applications in materials’ damage tolerance properties evaluation, especially for experimental determination of the stress corrosion cracking threshold (KISCC). Because of the particular specimen geometry, crack surface displacement loading at a specific position which is a certain distance away from the specimen edge (crack mouth) is commonly used. However, displacement measurement at the loading position is not only time-consuming but also inaccurate. For the DCB specimen, the most convenient and accurate displacement measurement location is at the crack mouth. In this paper, through finite element calculations for a reference load case and by using the classical weight function method for the edge crack geometry, analytical weight function for the DCB specimen is developed. Comparisons and verification have been conducted using the complex variable function Taylor series expansion weight function. Furthermore, from the specific loading point displacement, stress intensity factor for uniform stress loading at the corresponding crack surface location is obtained by inverse calculation. An analytical expression between the stress intensity factor and the crack mouth displacement is derived for DCB specimen subjected to the crack surface displacement loading at specific position. Thus, a solid foundation is laid for the evaluation of materials’ damage tolerance properties using the DCB specimen, especially forKISCCmeasurement automation with high accuracy.
double cantilever beam specimen; weight function; displacement loading condition; stress intensity factor; crack mouth displacement
2015-03-06;退修日期:2015-05-11;錄用日期:2015-05-27; < class="emphasis_bold">網(wǎng)絡出版時間:
時間: 2015-06-29 13:49
國家自然科學基金 (11402249)
.Tel.: 010-62458033 E-mail: xueren.wu@gmail.com
童第華, 吳學仁, 劉建中. 由裂紋嘴位移確定雙懸臂梁試樣應力強度因子的權函數(shù)解法[J]. 航空學報, 2016, 37(2): 609-616. TONG D H, WU X R, LIU J Z. Weight function method of determining double cantilever beam specimen stress intensity factor by crack mouth displacement[J]. Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica, 2016, 37(2): 609-616.
http://hkxb.buaa.edu.cn hkxb@buaa.edu.cn
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: 1000-6893(2016)02-0609-08