白美健,李益農(nóng),涂書芳,劉群昌(1. 國家節(jié)水灌溉工程技術研究中心(北京),北京 100048; 2. 中國水利水電科學研究院水利所,北京 100048)
(1. 國家節(jié)水灌溉工程技術研究中心(北京),北京 100048;2. 中國水利水電科學研究院水利所,北京 100048)
摘要:灌溉關口時間是灌溉管理中的重要要素之一,合理關口時間的確定能有效改善田間灌水質量。該文在提出畦灌控制指標R和畦灌關口時間優(yōu)化方法的基礎上,將畦灌模擬模型與關口時間優(yōu)化方法相結合,對土質、畦長、坡度、田面平整精度和入流量不同的106 176個灌溉事件進行灌溉模擬及關口時間尋優(yōu)分析,提出了不同灌溉條件下畦灌關口控制模式。畦長小于70 m下R值不宜小于1,若同時坡度大于3‰且田面平整精度很好則R值不宜小于1.1;畦長大于70 m下坡度小于1‰時,R的范圍為0.8~1;坡度大于1‰時,R的范圍為0.75~0.95。研究結果對畦灌關口控制依據(jù)具有重要的指導意義,實際灌溉中R準確取值可參考表2給出的建議值。
白美健,李益農(nóng),涂書芳,劉群昌. 畦灌關口時間優(yōu)化改善灌水質量分析[J]. 農(nóng)業(yè)工程學報,2016,32(2):105-110. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.02.016http://www.tcsae.org
Bai Meijian, Li Yinong, Tu Shufang, Liu Qunchang. Analysis on cutoff time optimization of border irrigation to improve irrigated water quality[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(2): 105-110. (in Chinese with English abstract)doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.02.016http://www.tcsae.org
畦灌是目前中國應用最為廣泛的田間灌水方法,但現(xiàn)有畦灌田間管理粗放,灌溉水及肥利用率普遍偏低。優(yōu)化畦灌技術要素,提高田間灌溉管理水平具有較大節(jié)水潛力。圍繞灌水技術要素的優(yōu)化國內外開展了大量研究工作,許多學者[1-6]將田間試驗與數(shù)值模擬相結合分析了不同地形和流量條件下,畦灌系統(tǒng)優(yōu)化布局模式,得出了適合不同地域條件的最優(yōu)灌水技術要素組合。但對于條件各異的畦田適宜的灌水時間的確定也是提高田間灌水效率的重要措施。以往的研究通常采用改水成數(shù)作為灌溉關口控制依據(jù),大量研究結果表明改水成數(shù)對灌溉性能影響顯著。Hector[7]模擬研究表明改水成數(shù)對灌水效率和尾部棄水量影響明顯;Santos[8]在分析入流量和改水成數(shù)對灌水均勻度影響的基礎上,給出了研究區(qū)最適宜的入流量和改水成數(shù)組合;王維漢[9]分析了畦灌改水成數(shù)及控制誤差對灌水質量的影響,結果表明隨著改水成數(shù)的增加,灌水效率逐漸減小,灌水均勻度增加,且其影響趨勢與入流量大小關系明顯?,F(xiàn)有關于合理關口時間方面的研究多針對典型條件,且主要考慮關口距離小于畦長的情況。目前中國多數(shù)地方采用小畦灌,畦長小于100 m的畦田比例較大,部分畦田為了達到較佳的灌水質量,關口時間需要晚于水流推進到畦尾的時間,此時不宜采用改水成數(shù)作為關口依據(jù);另一方面現(xiàn)有相關規(guī)范給出了畦灌改水成數(shù)不宜低于0.75,但合理的改水成數(shù)受田面平整精度、坡度、畦長和入流量等多因素影響,針對不同灌溉條件采取何種關口控制指標,目前沒有系統(tǒng)的成果可供參考。為此,本文旨在提出更為全面的灌溉關口控制指標的基礎上,通過系統(tǒng)模擬分析給出任意灌溉條件下的灌溉關口控制依據(jù)。
灌溉模擬試驗中考慮土質、田面平整精度,同一田面平整精度下微地形空間分布差異,畦田長度、田面坡度和入畦單寬流量6個要素。土質考慮砂壤土和黏壤土2種,根據(jù)相關文獻[10-13]和研究團隊在華北、西北和東北等多地的入滲實測值,對砂壤土、黏壤土的入滲參數(shù)k,ɑ和f0進行取值,即砂壤土:k=55 mm/ha,ɑ=0.4,f0=24 mm/h;黏壤土:k=73 mm/ha,ɑ=0.33,f0=2.4 mm/h;田面平整精度Sd取5個水平:2、3、4、5和6 cm,根據(jù)白美?。?007)[14]的研究結果,不同田面平整精度下考慮微地形空間分布差異時,Sd=2、3、4、5和6 cm下需隨機生成的田面微地形分布分別為4、12、15、20和28組;畦長L取16個水平,最小值為50 m,最大值為200 m,每個水平間隔10 m;田面坡度Sp取6個水平:0、1‰、2‰、3‰、4‰和5‰;入畦單寬流量q取7個水平:2、3、4、5、6、7和8 L/s。對上述灌溉要素及水平進行排列組合得到106 176個灌溉事件。對各設計灌溉事件進行數(shù)值模擬時,灌溉關口時間采取最優(yōu)關口時間優(yōu)化方法進行確定(優(yōu)化方法見1.5(流程見圖1)),田面糙率系數(shù)根據(jù)以往田間灌溉試驗資料,綜合考慮土質、作物和田面平整條件等影響取均值0.1。同一田面平整精度下n組微地形空間分布會模擬得到相應的n組灌溉性能指標值,分析某一平整精度下的灌溉性能指標值時,取n組微地形分布對應的灌溉性能指標值的均值。
圖1 畦灌最優(yōu)關口時間計算流程Fig.1 Calculation flow diagram of optimum cutoff time for basin irrigation
本研究采用灌水效率Ea、灌水均勻度CU(Irrigation uniformity)和儲水效率Es對灌溉性能進行評價。計算公式如下
依據(jù)地面灌溉水流運動特點,農(nóng)戶在實際灌溉時最基本的要求是灌溉水流能覆蓋田面各點,及最小入滲水深Zmin>0,同時基于《地面灌溉工程技術管理規(guī)程》的要求,灌溉不能使田面各點都滿足作物需水量時,建議儲水效率(Es)不應低于80%?;谝陨显瓌t,以Zmin>0 和Es>80%為目標函數(shù),根據(jù)圖1流程,自動尋求各設計灌溉事件下最優(yōu)關口時間,獲得相應的灌溉性能指標值和灌溉關口控制指標值。
表1 典型田塊灌溉基本信息Table 1 Basic irrigation information of typical fields
圖2a~d分別給出了粘壤土質下不同田面平整精度、入畦單寬流量、和畦長下灌溉關口控制指標值R隨坡度的變化曲線。總體來看,R隨畦長增加而減小,但大于50 m后趨勢變弱,不同畦長間差異不明顯;R隨坡度先略微減小后增加,多數(shù)條件下坡度為0.002是分界點,但田面平整精度較差時,這種趨勢變弱;R隨流量增加而略微減小;除短畦坡度大的情況外田面平整精度越差R越大。這與田面平整精度越好,入畦流量和田面坡度越大,灌溉水流覆蓋田面各點所需時間越短有關,此時對于50 m的短畦而言Zmin>0后,Es通常小于80%,故會適當延長灌水時間,R值也越大;反之灌溉水流覆蓋田面各點所需時間越長。R取何值能同時滿足Zmin>0和Es>80%受坡度、入流量和田面平整精度的共同作用。
圖2 灌溉關口控制指標值隨灌溉條件的變化趨勢圖Fig.2 Change trend of cutoff control index of irrigation with irrigation conditions
多元回歸分析結果表明,田面坡度與灌溉關口控制指標R呈一元二次多項式相關關系,不同田面平整精度,畦長、入畦流量下,相關程度存在差異,相關系數(shù)最大值為0.996,最小值為0.586,平均值為0.893。圖3給出3種典型相關程度下R與Sp的相關關系曲線。田面平整精度較好(Sd=2 cm),L為50和100 m時的相關程度較高,相關系數(shù)都大于0.95,R隨Sp呈現(xiàn)出明顯的高低高趨勢;而L為150和200 m時相關程度略微低一些,R 隨Sp的變化趨勢小。田面平整精度較差(Sd=4和Sd=6 cm),L為50 m時,當坡度大于0.002后,R增加趨勢較為明顯,但其他畦長下變化趨勢不太明顯。
圖3 典型相關程度下R與坡度間的相關曲線Fig.3 Correlation between R and Sp for typical case
圖4給出了不同田面平整精度、坡度和入畦流量下,灌溉關口控制指標值R隨畦長L的變化趨勢線??傮w上R 隨L增大而減小,但畦長大于100 m后趨勢變弱,兩者呈中度線性相關;同一畦長下由于其他條件不同R值間存在明顯差異,變幅約為0.6,且R=50 m時變幅最大。
圖4 灌溉關口控制指標R隨畦長L的變化趨勢線Fig. 4 Change trend of R With L
圖5a~d給出了不同畦長下灌溉關口控制指標值R隨田面平整精度Sd的變化趨勢。L=50 m時總體上R隨Sd的增加而減小,對于50 m畦田,當田面平整精度較好時灌溉水流能快速覆蓋整個田面,此時盡管Zmin>0,但Es不能滿足要求,需適當延長灌水時間,當田面平整精度較差時,水流推進延緩,當滿足Zmin>0時,Es也基本能滿足要求。L=100 m時,Sd對R的影響最不明顯;L=150 m 和200 m時,Sd增加R略微增大,主要因為長畦下灌溉時間相對較長,通常Es會先于Zmin達到目標,故田面平整精度較差時,需適當延長灌水時間,以便保證Zmin>0。
圖5 不同畦長下灌溉關口控制指標R隨田面平整精度Sd的變化趨勢Fig.5 Change trend of R with Sdunder different basin length
圖6 不同灌溉條件下灌溉關口控制指標值R隨入畦單寬流量的變化曲線Fig.6 Change trend of R with q under different irrigation conditions
綜上以粘質土壤為例的分析結果表明,坡度和入畦流量對適宜的灌溉關口控制指標值影響顯著,畦長的影響趨勢在小于100 m情況下較為明顯,大于100后不十分明顯。田面平整精度的影響趨勢受其他條件的影響非常顯著,畦長小于100 m時具有減小趨勢、大于100 m時具有增加趨勢。砂壤土條件下趨勢性結果與粘壤土一致,只是針對具體灌溉條件R值大小存在差異。
表2 不同灌溉條件下適宜的灌溉關口控制指標值RTable 2 Proposed irrigation control indexr R for different irrigation conditions
根據(jù)2.1分析所得灌溉關口控制指標值R對各灌溉要素的響應趨勢,歸納提出不同灌溉條件下的控制模式,各類型下相應的R值根據(jù)模擬所得灌溉要素與R的對應值,以及田間灌溉經(jīng)驗概況提出。表2給出了黏壤土質24種灌溉條件下的灌溉關口控制指標值。由2.1的分析結果知,50 m畦長下不同灌溉條件對應的R值與其他畦長下差異顯著,而其他畦長下差異不明顯,故分類時考慮短畦(30~70 m)和中長畦(>70 m)2種。對于30~70 m長的畦田,隨著田面坡度、平整精度和入流量條件的不同,適宜的灌溉關口控制指標值范圍為0.9~1.15,同一類型對應的R值變幅不大,故表中給出了各類型下R的確定值;對于大于70 m的畦田,不同灌溉條件下適宜的灌溉關口控制指標值的范圍為0.75~1,由于同一類型的R值存在一定變幅,故同一類型下表中給出了R值的范圍。砂壤土質下所得各類型的R值與粘壤土質下的平均差距約為0.05,故建議實際應用中以表2的建議值為依據(jù),根據(jù)具體土質不同按±0.05的范圍進行調整。
表3 實際與推薦灌溉關口控制指標下的灌溉性能值Table 3 Irrigation performances under actual and proposed cutoff control index
1)合理的畦灌關口時間可有效改善灌水質量,不同畦長、坡度、田面平整精度和入流條件下畦灌關口控制指標值R存在差異。其中,坡度和入畦流量對R值影響最顯著;R隨入流量增大而減?。黄栝L小于70 m時R隨坡度增大而增大,其他畦長下R隨坡度增大而減小;畦長的影響在小于100 m下明顯,大于100后不十分明顯;田面平整精度的影響受其他條件影響顯著,畦長小于70 時Sd越大R越小、大于70 m時具有增加趨勢。
2)針對不同灌溉條件下的典型田塊,采用本研究提出的R值控制灌溉關口可明顯改善灌水質量,表2給出的控制模式可較好的指導田間灌溉。實際應用中對畦長小于70 m的田塊,R值建議不小于1,若坡度大于3‰,田面平整精度又很好的情況R值建議不小于1.1;對大于70 m的畦田,坡度小于1‰時,R的范圍為0.8~1.0;坡度大于1‰時,R的范圍為0.75~0.95,準確取值可針對具體條件參照表2給出的建議值,也可以根據(jù)R對各要素的響應趨勢,在相應范圍內進行適當取值。
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Analysis on cutoff time optimization of border irrigation to improve irrigated water quality
Bai Meijian, Li Yinong, Tu Shufang, Liu Qunchang
(1. Nɑtionɑl Center of Efficient Irrigɑtion Engineering ɑnd Technology Reseɑrch, Beijing; 100048, Chinɑ; 2. Irrigɑtion ɑnd drɑinɑge depɑrtment,Chinɑ Institute of Wɑter Resources ɑnd Hydropower Reseɑrch, Beijing 100048, Chinɑ)
Abstract:Irrigation cutoff time is one of the important factors of irrigation management, and the determination of optimum cutoff time can effectively improve the irrigation performances. But for different irrigation conditions, the cutoff time of irrigation is very different, and it is difficult to directly determine the cutoff time of any given irrigation event. So, the cutoff control index of basin irrigation is used to study the cutoff control modes of basin irrigation. When the irrigation water is closed before the water advance to the end of basin, cutoff control index is equal to the ratio between the water advance distance when the irrigation water is closed and the basin length. On the contrary, R is equal to the ratio between the cutoff time and the time that water advance to the end. The optimization method of optimum cutoff time for basin irrigation was presented, and the minimum infiltration depth larger than zero and storage efficiency larger than 80% were set as the objective function to optimize cutoff time. One-dimensional hydrodynamic model of basin irrigation based on the hybrid numerical method was used to simulate the basin irrigation process. Combining the irrigation model with optimization method of cutoff time, the irrigation processes of 106176 irrigation events with different soil type, basin length, basin slope, land leveling precision and inflow rate were simulated, and for the same land leveling precision, the spatial variability of surface elevation was considered. For land leveling precision of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 cm, 4, 12, 15, 20 and 28 groups micro-topography data were respectively generated. The corresponding optimum cutoff time for each irrigation event was obtained, the influence of the irrigation factors on the optimum cutoff time was discussed, and the irrigation cutoff control modes were proposed. The irrigation data of typical fields were used to validate the rationality of the proposed cutoff control modes by comparing the irrigation performances under different cutoff time. Results showed that the optimum cutoff time of irrigation event was up to different irrigation factors. Cutoff control index changed with the basin length, basin slope, inflow rate and land leveling precision. Among these irrigation factors, the influence of slope and inflow rate on cutoff control index was the most obvious. Cutoff control index decreased with the increase of inflow rate. For the basins with the length of lower than 70 m, cutoff control index increased with the increase of slope, and for the basins with other lengths, cutoff control index conversely decreased with the increase of slope. Generally, cutoff control index decreased with the increase of basin length, but the influence of basin length on cutoff control index was obvious for the basins with >100 m length, when basin length was not more than 100 m, the influence weakened. The influence of land leveling precision was related with other irrigation factors,cutoff control index decreased with the increase of land leveling precision for <70 m basin, and increased with the increase of land leveling precision for other basins. By comparing the irrigation performances of typical basins under actual irrigation cutoff time and proposed cutoff control index, the rationality of proposed cutoff control index of basin irrigation was validated. For different basin length, slope, land leveling precision and inflow rate, the values of irrigation cutoff control index were presented. For the basins with the length of less than 70 m, the range of cutoff control index was 0.9-1.15. For most conditions cutoff control index should not be less than 1, but when basin slope was middle and leveling precision was not good, cutoff control index was about 0.9; and if slope was greater than 3‰ and land leveling precision was good, cutoff control index should not be less than 1.1. For the basins with the length of greater than 70 m and basin slope was less than 1‰, the range of cutoff control index was 0.8-1; but when basin slope was greater than 1‰, the range of cutoff control index was 0.75-0.95. The research results can supply reference for the cutoff control of basin irrigations, and the cutoff control index can be chosen according to the practical irrigation events.
Keywords:irrigation; control; models; border irrigation control; cutoff control index; irrigation simulation; optimum cutoff time; irrigation performance