Analysis on anti-subsidy policies of USA
Subsidies refers to a government or any public institutions to domestic producers or exporters of capital or financial incentives, including cash subsidies or other preferential treatment policies, make its products in the international market more than similar products not enjoy subsidies in a strong competitive position.
Export subsidy policy of our country is to maintain a long time and names variety, wide coverage. Before the entry into the WTO, subsidies are the result of system inertia and inner essence. From the point of theory on the origin, subsidies should be attributed to the influence of the strategic trade policy. Throughout the development track of subsidy policy in China, it’s not hard to see its existing system reason. It has the strategic trade policy factors, the development trend of present system factors,and strategic trade increasing regularity.
In the case of export subsidies prohibited, if the government continues to use subsidies to promote the development of some industries, then subsidy object should be from product to factors of production. Because in the international trade link subsidizing the behavior is the most vulnerable to foreign governments and companies as countervailing investigation.
Factors of production is one of the most important source of national and enterprise competitiveness, the factors of production subsidies, subsidies form is indirect, fuzziness and unproductive, both neither can cause foreign anti-subsidy complaints of governments and enterprises, and gradually improve the state and enterprise competitiveness.
Subsidy policy needs to have a key, the subsidy policy tilt to basic production factors, mainly to the foundation education tilt, second should be leaning to high and new technology research and development. Subsidies for factors of production, the purpose is to fundamentally improve the quality factor or artificial factors of enterprise development needs, and to a certain extent, improve the comparative advantage structure of our country.
4.1 Reasonable avoid anti-circumvention measures of investigation
Europe and the United States is China’s important export markets, but also exports suffered most anti-dumping litigation in China market. Primary manufactured goods in the proportion of export commodities of the biggest in China, due to the primary manufactured goods involving multiple production process, there will be various modified forms, and its added value is low. So after the antidumping sanctions have been imposed on a goods, the subsequent product are likely to be late development products, slight changes such as forms of anticircumvention investigation. This survey will follow the continuous development of manufactured goods, has the traceability. Therefore, measures must be reasonable avoid anti-circumvention investigation.
4.2 Establishing reasonable export prices
The price of a product is the origin of anti-dumping, anti-circumvention. Export products export enterprise good control of the price level is to avoid foreign antidumping case one of the important factors. Therefore, our country export price of the product level to compete with the similar in other countries export products price level to maintain close, especially close to the importer of competitive products, the price level. For a long time to take below the normal value of export competition, is likely to lead to the importer of anti-dumping, anticircumvention investigation. In the long run, China’s products to really towards the international market, must improve the technology content and added value of export products, quality win is an effective way to deal with anti-dumping, anticircumvention investigation.
4.3 Play a synergy of the industry
Industry association to organize and coordinate functions, coordinate product export prices in the industry, prevent vicious competition, lest leave something to start anti-dumping investigations. Product price is an important form of competition, but not the export product price is lower, the better, on the contrary, a campaign at a low price is the most likely to cause a antidumping litigation.